Cupertino (iOS-style) widgets
Beautiful and high-fidelity widgets for current iOS design language.
See more widgets in the widget catalog.
An iOS-style modal bottom action sheet to choose an option among many.
DocumentationAn iOS-style activity indicator. Displays a circular 'spinner'.
DocumentationAn iOS-style alert dialog.
DocumentationAn iOS-style button.
DocumentationAn iOS-style date or date and time picker.
DocumentationAn iOS-style dialog.
DocumentationA button typically used in a CupertinoAlertDialog.
DocumentationAn iOS-style transition used for summoning fullscreen dialogs.
DocumentationBasic iOS style page layout structure. Positions a navigation bar and content on a background.
DocumentationProvides an iOS-style page transition animation.
DocumentationAn iOS-style picker control. Used to select an item in a short list.
DocumentationRounded rectangle surface that looks like an iOS popup surface, such as an alert dialog or action sheet.
DocumentationAn iOS-style scrollbar that indicates which portion of a scrollable widget is currently visible.
DocumentationAn iOS-style segmented control. Used to select mutually exclusive options in a horizontal list.
DocumentationUsed to select from a range of values.
DocumentationAn iOS-style switch. Used to toggle the on/off state of a single setting.
DocumentationAn iOS-style top navigation bar. Typically used with CupertinoPageScaffold.
DocumentationAn iOS-style bottom tab bar. Typically used with CupertinoTabScaffold.
DocumentationTabbed iOS app structure. Positions a tab bar on top of tabs of content.
DocumentationRoot content of a tab that supports parallel navigation between tabs. Typically used with CupertinoTabScaffold.
DocumentationAn iOS-style text field.
DocumentationAn iOS-style countdown timer picker.
DocumentationSee more widgets in the widget catalog.