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tinymce.PluginManager.add('example', function(editor, url) {
    // Add a button that opens a window
    editor.addButton('example', {
        text: 'My button',
        icon: false,
        onclick: function() {
            // Open window
                title: 'Example plugin',
                body: [
                    {type: 'textbox', name: 'title', label: 'Title'}
                onsubmit: function(e) {
                    // Insert content when the window form is submitted
                    editor.insertContent('Title: ' + e.data.title);

    // Adds a menu item to the tools menu
    editor.addMenuItem('example', {
        text: 'Example plugin',
        context: 'tools',
        onclick: function() {
            // Open window with a specific url
                title: 'TinyMCE site',
                url: 'http://www.tinymce.com',
                width: 800,
                height: 600,
                buttons: [{
                    text: 'Close',
                    onclick: 'close'


namesummarydefined by
add()Adds a instance of the add-on by it's short name.tinymce.Plugin
addComponents()Add a set of components that will make up the add-on. Using the url of the add-on name as the base url. This should be used in development mode. A new compressor/javascript munger process will ensure that the components are put together into the plugin.js file and compressed correctly.tinymce.Plugin
get()Returns the specified add on by the short name.tinymce.Plugin
load()Loads an add-on from a specific url.tinymce.Plugin
requireLangPack()Loads a language pack for the specified add-on.tinymce.Plugin



add(id:String, addOn:tinymce.Theme):tinymce.Theme, tinymce.Plugin

Adds a instance of the add-on by it's short name.

// Create a simple plugin
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.TestPlugin', {
  TestPlugin: function(ed, url) {
  ed.on('click', function(e) {
     ed.windowManager.alert('Hello World!');

// Register plugin using the add method
tinymce.PluginManager.add('test', tinymce.plugins.TestPlugin);

// Initialize TinyMCE
 plugins: '-test' // Init the plugin but don't try to load it
  • id (String) - Short name/id for the add-on.
  • addOn (tinymce.Theme) - Theme or plugin to add.
Return value
  • tinymce.Theme - The same theme or plugin instance that got passed in.
  • tinymce.Plugin - The same theme or plugin instance that got passed in.


addComponents(pluginName:String, scripts:Array)

Add a set of components that will make up the add-on. Using the url of the add-on name as the base url. This should be used in development mode. A new compressor/javascript munger process will ensure that the components are put together into the plugin.js file and compressed correctly.

  • pluginName (String) - name of the plugin to load scripts from (will be used to get the base url for the plugins).
  • scripts (Array) - Array containing the names of the scripts to load.


get(name:String):tinymce.Theme, tinymce.Plugin

Returns the specified add on by the short name.

  • name (String) - Add-on to look for.
Return value
  • tinymce.Theme - Theme or plugin add-on instance or undefined.
  • tinymce.Plugin - Theme or plugin add-on instance or undefined.


load(name:String, addOnUrl:String, success:function, scope:Object, failure:function)

Loads an add-on from a specific url.

// Loads a plugin from an external URL
tinymce.PluginManager.load('myplugin', '/some/dir/someplugin/plugin.js');

// Initialize TinyMCE
 plugins: '-myplugin' // Don't try to load it again
  • name (String) - Short name of the add-on that gets loaded.
  • addOnUrl (String) - URL to the add-on that will get loaded.
  • success (function) - Optional success callback to execute when an add-on is loaded.
  • scope (Object) - Optional scope to execute the callback in.
  • failure (function) - Optional failure callback to execute when an add-on failed to load.


requireLangPack(name:String, languages:String)

Loads a language pack for the specified add-on.

  • name (String) - Short name of the add-on.
  • languages (String) - Optional comma or space separated list of languages to check if it matches the name.

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Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.