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Dialog components


This chapter describes the Dialog component summary is a reference list of all TinyMCE UI components that can be used to display simple information.


An alertbanner is a color-coded banner to alert the user of a problem. A URL may be provided to direct users to a reference site that may resolve the informed issue.

  type: 'alertbanner',
  level: 'info', // 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'success'
  text: 'An informative message to the user',
  icon: string


A bar is a layout component that creates a single row of items in the dialog body.

  type: 'bar',
  items: [ ]


A button is a component to be used inside the dialog body. These buttons differ from toolbar buttons and dialog footer buttons.

  type: 'button',
  text: 'Alpha',
  primary: true,
  name: 'alpha-button'


A checkbox is a component used to toggle states to on or off.

  type: 'checkbox',
  name: 'checkbox-1',
  label: 'Checkbox Label'


A collection is a layout component that creates a panel containing a collection of symbols in the dialog body.

  type: 'collection',
  name: 'collection-1',
  label: 'Collection Label'

Note: To populate the collection with data, specify an array of items in the dialogs initialData property. Each item should contain a text, value, and icon property.


A colorinput is a specialized input field which takes RGB colors and will render the sample color typed.

  type: 'colorinput',
  name: 'colorA',
  label: 'Color Label'


A colorpicker is an intuitive color picker tool similar to image editors.

  type: 'colorpicker',
  name: 'color',
  label: 'Color A'


A dropzone is a component that catches drag and drops items or lets the user browse that can send a list of files for processing and receive the result.

  type: 'dropzone',
  name: 'dropzone',
  label: 'Dropzone'


A grid is a layout component that creates columns in the dialog body.

  type: 'grid',
  columns: 2,
  items: [ ]


An htmlpanel is similar to panel. It only takes a string of HTML.

  type: 'htmlpanel',
  html: '<div>html</div>'


An iframe is a component used to define the values of an iframe.

  name: 'IframeName',
  type: 'iframe',
  label: 'Description of iframe',
  sandboxed: true


An input is a single line text field, and also renders a label element.

  type: 'input',
  name: 'inputA',
  label: 'Input Label',
  placeholder: 'example'


A label is a component that wraps other components and renders a label element.

  type: 'label',
  label: 'Caption',
  items: [ ]


A panel is a basic container, that holds other components, we can compose many components inside a panel. In HTML terms consider a panel a <div> wrapper. A dialog body configuration must begin with either a panel or a tabpanel.

  type: 'panel',
  items: [ ... ]


A selectbox allows users to select a choice from a list of many options.

  type: 'selectbox',
  name: 'SelectA',
  label: 'Select Label',
  items: [
    { value: 'one', text: 'One' },
    { value: 'two', text: 'Two' }


A sizeinput is a specialized input field that can lock ratios, see image dialog.

  type: 'sizeinput',
  name: 'size',
  label: 'Dimensions'


A table is a layout component that renders a simple table.

  type: 'table',
  header: [ 'Heading 1', 'Heading 2', 'Heading 3' ],
  cells: [
    [ 'Cell 1', 'Cell 2', 'Cell 3' ],
    [ 'Cell 4', 'Cell 5', 'Cell 6' ]


A tabpanel is similar to a panel, where it can hold other components. Tabpanel is a layout component that will separate sections using tabs. Each tab is a panel that can contain different components. A dialog body configuration must begin with either a panel or a tabpanel.

  type: 'tabpanel',
  tabs: [
      title: 'First Tab',
      items: [ .... ]


A textarea is a multiline text field.

  type: 'textarea',
  name: 'text-a',
  label: 'Text: ',
  placeholder: 'example'


A urlinput is a specialized input text field for image dialog. This will include a typeahead for previous image URLs entered.

// URL input for image dialog
// This will include a typeahead for previous image urls entered
  name: 'src',
  type: 'urlinput',
  filetype: 'image',
  label: 'Source'
// URL input for link dialog
// The main difference from the image mode is that it will include typeahead
// Information for all anchor targets and headings in the document as well
// As the history of 5 previously entered URLs.
  name: 'url',
  type: 'urlinput',
  filetype: 'file',
  label: 'Url'
// Note that "filetype" also accepts "media"