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Image Tools plugin


Image Tools (imagetools) plugin adds a contextual editing toolbar to the images in the editor. If toolbar is not appearing on image click, it might be that you need to enable imagetools_cors_hosts or imagetools_proxy (see below).

Warning: This feature requires at least Internet Explorer 10, since it makes use of HTML5 File API.

Cloud Installation

The Image Tools plugin is provided with all subscriptions to TinyMCE Cloud, including an automatically configured image proxy. Simply add image to the toolbar list and image imagetools to the plugins list.

  selector: "textarea",  // change this value according to your HTML
  toolbar: "image",
  plugins: "image imagetools"

Self-hosted Installation

To enable the TinyMCE Image Tools plugin:

  1. Add ‘image’ to the ‘toolbar’ list and ‘image imagetools’ to the ‘plugins’ list
  2. Enable imagetools_cors_hosts and imagetools_proxy options as needed
  selector: "textarea",  // change this value according to your HTML
  toolbar: "image",
  plugins: "image imagetools",
  imagetools_cors_hosts: ['mydomain.com', 'otherdomain.com'],
  imagetools_proxy: 'proxy.php'



Image Tools cannot work with images from another domains due to security measures imposed by browsers on so called cross-origin HTTP requests. To overcome these constraints, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) must be explicitly enabled on the specified domain(s) (for more information check HTTP access control).

An array of supported domains for the images (with CORS enabled on them) can be supplied to TinyMCE via imagetools_cors_hosts option.

Note: Each string in the array must be in the format of mydomain.com. Do not include protocols (http://, https://) or any trailing slashes in your domains.

Note: imagetools_cors_hosts is not required when enabling this plugin via TinyMCE Cloud.

Type: String[]

  selector: "textarea",  // change this value according to your HTML
  toolbar: "image",
  plugins: "image imagetools",
  imagetools_cors_hosts: ['mydomain.com', 'otherdomain.com']


This option can be used together with the imagetools_cors_hosts option to allow credentials to be sent to the CORS host. This is not enabled by default since the server needs to have proper CORS headers to support this.

Type: String[]

  selector: "textarea",  // change this value according to your HTML
  toolbar: "image",
  plugins: "image imagetools",
  imagetools_cors_hosts: ['mydomain.com', 'otherdomain.com'],
  imagetools_credentials_hosts: ['mydomain.com', 'otherdomain.com']


Another way of getting images across domains is using local server-side proxy. Proxy is basically a script, that will retrieve remote image and pipe it back to TinyMCE, as if it was local. Example of such proxy (written in PHP) can be found below.

TinyMCE Enterprise subscription also includes proxy service written in Java. Check Install Server-side Components guide for details.

Note: imagetools_proxy is not required when enabling this plugin via TinyMCE Cloud

Type: String

  selector: "textarea",  // change this value according to your HTML
  toolbar: "image",
  plugins: "image imagetools",
  imagetools_proxy: 'proxy.php'

Example of a proxy.php script

// We recommend to extend this script with authentication logic
// so it can be used only by an authorized user
$validMimeTypes = array("image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/png");

if (!isset($_GET["url"]) || !trim($_GET["url"])) {
    header("HTTP/1.0 500 Url parameter missing or empty.");

$scheme = parse_url($_GET["url"], PHP_URL_SCHEME);
if ($scheme === false || in_array($scheme, array("http", "https")) === false) {
    header("HTTP/1.0 500 Invalid protocol.");

$content = file_get_contents($_GET["url"]);
$info = getimagesizefromstring($content);

if ($info === false || in_array($info["mime"], $validMimeTypes) === false) {
    header("HTTP/1.0 500 Url doesn't seem to be a valid image.");

header('Content-Type:' . $info["mime"]);
echo $content;


The exact selection of buttons that will appear on the contextual toolbar can be controlled via imagetools_toolbar option.

Possible Values:

  • rotateleft
  • rotateright
  • flipv
  • fliph
  • editimage
  • imageoptions

Type: String

Default Value: "rotateleft rotateright | flipv fliph | editimage imageoptions"

  selector: "textarea",  // change this value according to your HTML
  toolbar: "image",
  plugins: "image imagetools",
  imagetools_toolbar: "rotateleft rotateright | flipv fliph | editimage imageoptions"