Editor control identifiers
Use the toolbar or the menu configuration options.
Toolbar controls
Control | Core/Plugin | Description |
newdocument | core | Creates a new document. |
bold | core | Applies the bold format to the current selection. |
italic | core | Applies the italic format to the current selection. |
underline | core | Applies the underline format to the current selection. |
strikethrough | core | Applies strike though format to the current selection. |
alignleft | core | Left aligns the current block or image. |
aligncenter | core | Left aligns the current block or image. |
alignright | core | Right aligns the current block or image. |
alignjustify | core | Full aligns the current block or image. |
alignnone | core | Removes the alignment of the current block or image. |
styleselect | core | Dropdown list with styles to apply to selection. |
formatselect | core | Dropdown list with block formats to apply to selection. |
fontselect | core | Dropdown list with font families to apply to selection. |
fontsizeselect | core | Dropdown list with font sizes to apply to selection. |
cut | core | Cuts the current selection into clipboard. |
copy | core | Copies the current selection into clipboard. |
paste | core | Pastes the current clipboard into the editor. |
outdent | core | Outdents the current list item or block element. |
indent | core | Indents the current list item or block element. |
blockquote | core | Applies block quote format to the current block level element. |
undo | core | To undo the last operation. |
redo | core | To redo the last undone operation. |
removeformat | core | Removes the formatting from the current selection. |
subscript | core | Applies subscript format to the current selection. |
superscript | core | Applies superscript format to the current selection. |
visualaid | core | Toggles the visual aids for invisible elements. |
insert | core | Groups various insert actions into one button. |
hr | hr | Inserts a horizontal rule into the editor. |
bullist | lists | Formats the current selection as a bullet list. |
numlist | lists | Formats the current selection as a numbered list. |
link | link | Creates/Edits links within the editor. |
unlink | link | Removes links from the current selection. |
openlink | link | Opens the selected link in a new tab. |
image | image | Creates/Edits images within the editor. |
charmap | charmap | Inserts custom characters into the editor. |
pastetext | paste | Toggles plain text pasting mode on/off. |
Prints the current editor contents. | ||
preview | preview | Previews the current editor contents. |
anchor | anchor | Creates/Edits anchor elements. |
pagebreak | pagebreak | Inserts a pagebreak into the editor. |
spellchecker | spellchecker | Spellchecks the current editor contents. |
searchreplace | searchreplace | Searches and/or Replaces contents within the editor. |
visualblocks | visualblocks | Toggles the visibility of block elements. |
visualchars | visualchars | Toggles the visibility of non breaking character elements. |
code | code | Opens the code dialog |
help | help | Opens the help dialog |
fullscreen | fullscreen | Toggles fullscreen mode |
insertdatetime | insertdatetime | Inserts the current date/time |
media | media | Creates/Edits embedded media elements. |
nonbreaking | nonbreaking | Inserts a nonbreaking space into the editor. |
save | save | Saves the current editor contents to a form or ajax call. |
cancel | save | Cancels/Resets the editor contents to it’s initial state. |
table | table | Creates/Edits table elements. |
tabledelete | table | Deletes table. |
tablecellprops | table | Opens the Cell properties dialog. |
tablemergecells | table | Merges the selected cells. |
tablesplitcells | table | Splits the current merged cell. |
tableinsertrowbefore | table | Inserts a new row before the current one. |
tableinsertrowafter | table | Inserts a new row after the current one. |
tabledeleterow | table | Deletes the current row row. |
tablerowprops | table | Opens the Row properties dialog. |
tablecutrow | table | Cuts the selected rows. |
tablecopyrow | table | Copies the selected rows. |
tablepasterowbefore | table | Pastes rows before the current one. |
tablepasterowafter | table | Pastes rows after the current one. |
tableinsertcolbefore | table | Inserts a column before the current one. |
tableinsertcolafter | table | Inserts column after the current one. |
tabledeletecol | table | Deletes the selected column. |
rotateleft | imagetools | Rotates the current image counterclockwise. |
rotateright | imagetools | Rotates the current image clockwise. |
flipv | imagetools | Flips the current image vertically. |
fliph | imagetools | Flips the current image horizontally. |
editimage | imagetools | Edits the current image in the image dialog. |
imageoptions | imagetools | Opens the image options dialog. |
fullpage | fullpage | Documents properties for the full page. |
ltr | directionality | Sets the directionality of contents to ltr. |
rtl | directionality | Sets the directionality of contents to rtl. |
emoticons | emoticons | Opens the emoticons dialog. |
template | template | Inserts templates into the editor. |
forecolor | textcolor | Applies foreground/text color to selection. |
backcolor | textcolor | Applies background color to selection. |
restoredraft | restoredraft | Restores to the latest auto saved draft. |
insertfile | moxiemanager | Opens the MoxieManager dialog. |
a11ycheck | a11ychecker | Opens the accessibility checker dialog. |
toc | toc | Inserts a Table of Contents into the editor. |
quickimage | quickbars | Inserts an image from the local machine. |
quicktable | quickbars | Inserts a table 2x2. |
quicklink | quickbars | Inserts a link in a quicker way. |
Menu controls
Control | Core/Plugin | Description |
newdocument | core | Creates a new document. |
undo | core | To undo the last operation. |
redo | core | To redo the last undoed operation. |
visualaid | core | Toggles visual aids on/off. |
cut | core | Cuts the current selection into clipboard. |
copy | core | Copies the current selection into clipboard. |
paste | core | Pastes the current clipboard contents into editor. |
selectall | core | Selects all the editor contents. |
bold | core | Applies bold format to current selection. |
italic | core | Applies italic format to current selection. |
underline | core | Applies underline format to current selection. |
strikethrough | core | Applies strikethrough format to current selection. |
subscript | core | Applies subscript format to current selection. |
superscript | core | Applies superscript format to current selection. |
removeformat | core | Removes all formats form the current selection. |
codeformat | core | Applies inline code format to current selection. |
blockformats | core | Applies block formats to current selection. |
align | core | Changes alignment to the current block or selection. |
formats | core | Menu of all available formats. |
link | link | Opens the link dialog. |
openlink | link | Opens the selected link in a new tab. |
image | image | Opens the image dialog. |
charmap | charmap | Opens the charmap dialog. |
pastetext | paste | Toggles paste as plain text on/off. |
Prints the current document. | ||
preview | preview | Previews the current document. |
hr | hr | Inserts a horizontal rule into the editor. |
anchor | anchor | Inserts an anchor into the editor. |
pagebreak | pagebreak | Inserts a pagebreak into the editor. |
spellchecker | spellchecker | Toggles the spellchecker on/off. |
searchreplace | searchreplace | Opens the search/replace dialog. |
visualblocks | visualblocks | Toggles block visibility on/off. |
visualchars | visualchars | Toggles visibility of nonbreaking spaces on/off. |
code | code | Opens the code dialog. |
fullscreen | fullscreen | Toggles fullscreen on/off. |
insertdatetime | insertdatetime | Inserts the current date/time into the editor. |
media | media | Opens the media dialog. |
nonbreaking | nonbreaking | Inserts a nonbreaking space into the editor. |
inserttable | table | Inserts table grid menu. |
tableprops | table | Opens the table properties dialog. |
deletetable | table | Deletes the current table. |
cell | table | Cell menu item with related controls. |
row | table | Row menu item with related controls. |
column | table | Column menu item with related controls. |
restoredraft | autosave | Restores to the latest auto saved draft. |
fullpage | fullpage | Documents properties for the full page. |
toc | toc | Inserts a Table of Contents into the editor. |
help | help | Opens the help dialog |