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Editor control identifiers


Use the toolbar or the menu configuration options.

Toolbar controls

newdocumentcoreCreates a new document.
boldcoreApplies the bold format to the current selection.
italiccoreApplies the italic format to the current selection.
underlinecoreApplies the underline format to the current selection.
strikethroughcoreApplies strike though format to the current selection.
alignleftcoreLeft aligns the current block or image.
aligncentercoreLeft aligns the current block or image.
alignrightcoreRight aligns the current block or image.
alignjustifycoreFull aligns the current block or image.
alignnonecoreRemoves the alignment of the current block or image.
styleselectcoreDropdown list with styles to apply to selection.
formatselectcoreDropdown list with block formats to apply to selection.
fontselectcoreDropdown list with font families to apply to selection.
fontsizeselectcoreDropdown list with font sizes to apply to selection.
cutcoreCuts the current selection into clipboard.
copycoreCopies the current selection into clipboard.
pastecorePastes the current clipboard into the editor.
outdentcoreOutdents the current list item or block element.
indentcoreIndents the current list item or block element.
blockquotecoreApplies block quote format to the current block level element.
undocoreTo undo the last operation.
redocoreTo redo the last undone operation.
removeformatcoreRemoves the formatting from the current selection.
subscriptcoreApplies subscript format to the current selection.
superscriptcoreApplies superscript format to the current selection.
visualaidcoreToggles the visual aids for invisible elements.
insertcoreGroups various insert actions into one button.
hrhrInserts a horizontal rule into the editor.
bullistlistsFormats the current selection as a bullet list.
numlistlistsFormats the current selection as a numbered list.
linklinkCreates/Edits links within the editor.
unlinklinkRemoves links from the current selection.
openlinklinkOpens the selected link in a new tab.
imageimageCreates/Edits images within the editor.
charmapcharmapInserts custom characters into the editor.
pastetextpasteToggles plain text pasting mode on/off.
printprintPrints the current editor contents.
previewpreviewPreviews the current editor contents.
anchoranchorCreates/Edits anchor elements.
pagebreakpagebreakInserts a pagebreak into the editor.
spellcheckerspellcheckerSpellchecks the current editor contents.
searchreplacesearchreplaceSearches and/or Replaces contents within the editor.
visualblocksvisualblocksToggles the visibility of block elements.
visualcharsvisualcharsToggles the visibility of non breaking character elements.
codecodeOpens the code dialog
helphelpOpens the help dialog
fullscreenfullscreenToggles fullscreen mode
insertdatetimeinsertdatetimeInserts the current date/time
mediamediaCreates/Edits embedded media elements.
nonbreakingnonbreakingInserts a nonbreaking space into the editor.
savesaveSaves the current editor contents to a form or ajax call.
cancelsaveCancels/Resets the editor contents to it’s initial state.
tabletableCreates/Edits table elements.
tabledeletetableDeletes table.
tablecellpropstableOpens the Cell properties dialog.
tablemergecellstableMerges the selected cells.
tablesplitcellstableSplits the current merged cell.
tableinsertrowbeforetableInserts a new row before the current one.
tableinsertrowaftertableInserts a new row after the current one.
tabledeleterowtableDeletes the current row row.
tablerowpropstableOpens the Row properties dialog.
tablecutrowtableCuts the selected rows.
tablecopyrowtableCopies the selected rows.
tablepasterowbeforetablePastes rows before the current one.
tablepasterowaftertablePastes rows after the current one.
tableinsertcolbeforetableInserts a column before the current one.
tableinsertcolaftertableInserts column after the current one.
tabledeletecoltableDeletes the selected column.
rotateleftimagetoolsRotates the current image counterclockwise.
rotaterightimagetoolsRotates the current image clockwise.
flipvimagetoolsFlips the current image vertically.
fliphimagetoolsFlips the current image horizontally.
editimageimagetoolsEdits the current image in the image dialog.
imageoptionsimagetoolsOpens the image options dialog.
fullpagefullpageDocuments properties for the full page.
ltrdirectionalitySets the directionality of contents to ltr.
rtldirectionalitySets the directionality of contents to rtl.
emoticonsemoticonsOpens the emoticons dialog.
templatetemplateInserts templates into the editor.
forecolortextcolorApplies foreground/text color to selection.
backcolortextcolorApplies background color to selection.
restoredraftrestoredraftRestores to the latest auto saved draft.
insertfilemoxiemanagerOpens the MoxieManager dialog.
a11ychecka11ycheckerOpens the accessibility checker dialog.
toctocInserts a Table of Contents into the editor.
quickimagequickbarsInserts an image from the local machine.
quicktablequickbarsInserts a table 2x2.
quicklinkquickbarsInserts a link in a quicker way.

Menu controls

newdocumentcoreCreates a new document.
undocoreTo undo the last operation.
redocoreTo redo the last undoed operation.
visualaidcoreToggles visual aids on/off.
cutcoreCuts the current selection into clipboard.
copycoreCopies the current selection into clipboard.
pastecorePastes the current clipboard contents into editor.
selectallcoreSelects all the editor contents.
boldcoreApplies bold format to current selection.
italiccoreApplies italic format to current selection.
underlinecoreApplies underline format to current selection.
strikethroughcoreApplies strikethrough format to current selection.
subscriptcoreApplies subscript format to current selection.
superscriptcoreApplies superscript format to current selection.
removeformatcoreRemoves all formats form the current selection.
codeformatcoreApplies inline code format to current selection.
blockformatscoreApplies block formats to current selection.
aligncoreChanges alignment to the current block or selection.
formatscoreMenu of all available formats.
linklinkOpens the link dialog.
openlinklinkOpens the selected link in a new tab.
imageimageOpens the image dialog.
charmapcharmapOpens the charmap dialog.
pastetextpasteToggles paste as plain text on/off.
printprintPrints the current document.
previewpreviewPreviews the current document.
hrhrInserts a horizontal rule into the editor.
anchoranchorInserts an anchor into the editor.
pagebreakpagebreakInserts a pagebreak into the editor.
spellcheckerspellcheckerToggles the spellchecker on/off.
searchreplacesearchreplaceOpens the search/replace dialog.
visualblocksvisualblocksToggles block visibility on/off.
visualcharsvisualcharsToggles visibility of nonbreaking spaces on/off.
codecodeOpens the code dialog.
fullscreenfullscreenToggles fullscreen on/off.
insertdatetimeinsertdatetimeInserts the current date/time into the editor.
mediamediaOpens the media dialog.
nonbreakingnonbreakingInserts a nonbreaking space into the editor.
inserttabletableInserts table grid menu.
tablepropstableOpens the table properties dialog.
deletetabletableDeletes the current table.
celltableCell menu item with related controls.
rowtableRow menu item with related controls.
columntableColumn menu item with related controls.
restoredraftautosaveRestores to the latest auto saved draft.
fullpagefullpageDocuments properties for the full page.
toctocInserts a Table of Contents into the editor.
helphelpOpens the help dialog