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Cloud deployment of plugins Only


A hybrid deployment of Tiny Cloud allows the loading of premium plugins in a self-hosted environment. Download and install the TinyMCE Community edition to get started.

Sign up for a free API key provides entitlements to premium Image Tools plugin. A cloud image proxy server must already be configured. Premium plugins can be purchased at any time once the API key has been set up.

Step 1: Insert the custom script tag into the webpage

Add the following script in the webpage once the script tag to load TinyMCE has been specified:

<script src="https://cloud.tinymce.com/5/plugins.min.js?apiKey=your_API_key"></script>

Step 2: Specify purchased TinyMCE plugins and toolbar buttons

Extend the TinyMCE configuration to include any additional purchased plugins and associated toolbar and menu items. Refer to the following enablement guides for more information:

  • Mentions
  • Tiny Drive
  • Comments 2.0
  • Page Embed
  • Permanent Pen
  • Format Painter
  • PowerPaste
  • Spell Checker Pro

Note: spellchecker_rpc_url is not required when enabling this plugin via TinyMCE Cloud.

  • Image Tools (with configured image proxy)

Note: Configuration of the imagetools_cors_hosts and imagetools_proxy properties occurrs automatically.

  • Moxie Manager
  • Accessibility Checker
  • Advanced Code Editor
  • Enhanced Media Embed
  • Link Checker

Note: It may take up to 30 minutes for the purchased plugin to be available to TinyMCE. Clear the browser’s cache.

The following is a complete example:

The example below has the following:

  • The account API key has the value TEST_API_KEY.
  • The account has the Spell Checker Pro plugin enabled.
      <script src="https://your_server/tinymce.min.js"></script>
      <script src="https://cloud.tinymce.com/5/plugins.min.js?apiKey=your_API_key"></script>
      <textarea><p>test textarea</p></textarea>
            selector: 'textarea',
            height: 500,
            plugins: [
               'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak',

Step 3: Forward proxy configuration

Ensure that the following URLs are accessible via this proxy if the network has a forward proxy that controls access to the internet.

  • All URLs where the editor is deployed.
  • All URLs where the plugins are deployed.
  • https://imageproxy.tinymce.com
  • https://hyperlinking.tinymce.com
  • https://spelling.tinymce.com

Ensure the tiny-api-key and tinymce-api-key headers are retained while requesting the list of above URLs.