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Configure server-side components


Creating a configuration file

Note: Use a plain text editor (such as gedit, vim, emacs or notepad) when creating or editing the application.conf file. Do not use word processors like Microsoft Word or Evernote as these can insert extra characters which make the file unreadable to the server-side components.

The TinyMCE server-side components require a configuration file to function correctly. By convention, this file is named application.conf.

This configuration file will require you to enter at least the following information:

  • allowed-origins - the domains allowed to communicate with the server-side editor features. This is required by all server-side components.

Some server-side components require additional configuration which can be found in their individual documentation:

  • Enhanced Media Embed
  • Link Checker

allowed-origins (required)

TinyMCE editor instances make use of the server-side components by performing a cross-origin HTTP request. These requests are subject to a form of HTTP access control called Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). CORS is built into web browsers and is not a feature of TinyMCE’s server side components. A detailed explanation of CORS can be found on the Mozilla Developer Network.

The allowed-origins element configures a list of all values that can be expected by the server-side components in a HTTP Origin header from your TinyMCE instances (see the Mozilla Developer Network for more information on the HTTP Origin header). In short, you’ll need to supply a list of all the URLs that your TinyMCE instances will be served from without the path information.

This is best illustrated with some examples:

If users load TinyMCE from the following URLs:

  • http://server.example.com/editor.php
  • http://server.example.com/subpage/editor.php

Add http://server.example.com to the allowed-origins list.

If users load TinyMCE from the following URLs:

  • https://server.example.com/editor.php
  • http://server.example.com/subpage/editor.php

Add http://server.example.com and https://server.example.com to the allowed-origins list.

If users load TinyMCE from the following URLs:

  • https://server.example.com/editor.php
  • https://server.example.com/

Add https://server.example.com to the allowed-origins list.

If users load TinyMCE from the following URLs:

  • http://oneserver.example.com/editor.php
  • http://twoserver.example.com/subpage/editor.php

Add http://oneserver.example.com and http://twoserver.example.com to theallowed-origins list.

Note: If some of your URLs include a port then add an entry with and without the port. The value of the Origin header may be different across browsers. Add both to be safe.

If users load TinyMCE from the following URLs:

  • http://server.example.com:8080/editor.php

Add http://server.example.com:8080 and http://server.example.com to the allowed-origins list.

If users load TinyMCE from the following URLs:

  • https://server.example.com:9000/editor.php

Add https://server.example.com:9000 and https://server.example.com to the allowed-origins list.

elementallowed-originsStores CORS setup information
attributeoriginsAn array of strings containing all possible values of the HTTP Origin header the server-side components can expect.


ephox {
	allowed-origins {
		origins = [ "http://myserver", "http://myserver.example.com", "http://myserver:8080", "http://myotherserver", "http://myotherserver:9090", "https://mysecureserver" ]

Wildcard support

The * wildcard character matches any value. Wildcards are supported in the following parts of entries in the allowed-origin list:

  1. The scheme (e.g. *://mydomain.com). Omitting the scheme entirely is equivalent (e.g. mydomain.com).
  2. The port (e.g. http://mydomain.com:*).
  3. As a prefix of the domain (e.g. http://*.mydomain.com).
  4. Any combination of scheme, port, and domain prefix (e.g. *://*.mydomain.com:*).
  5. As the only character (e.g. *). This will allow any Origin to access the server-side components.
  6. As the only character after the scheme (e.g. https://*). This will allow any Origin serving TinyMCE from a HTTPS page to access the server-side components.

Note: Options 5 and 6 allow a broad set of origins access to the server-side components and are NOT recommended for production deployments.

ephox {
	allowed-origins {
		origins = [ "http://myserver:*", "*://myotherserver.example.com", "*://*.mydomain.example.com:*"]

Troubleshooting Origins

If you missed an Origin or specified an Origin incorrectly, TinyMCE features that rely on the server-side components will not work from that Origin. If you observe that requests to the server-side components are failing or features are unavailable and you’re not sure why, refer to the troubleshooting information about Using browser tooling to investigate services issues.

proxy (optional)

This element configures use of an HTTP proxy for outgoing HTTP/HTTPS requests made by the server-side components.

Default proxy settings are picked up from JVM system properties, usually provided on the command line, as defined in Networking Properties for Java. The system properties http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort, http.nonProxyHosts, https.proxyHost, https.proxyPort are recognized as well as http.proxyUser and http.proxyPassword to support authenticating proxies.

This optional proxy element provides an alternative to providing proxy settings as JVM system properties, or to override system properties.

elementproxyStores HTTP outgoing proxy settings for the server-side components.
attributehttp.proxyHostA string defining the host name of the proxy for plain HTTP (not HTTPS) connections. (Mandatory)
attributehttp.proxyPortAn integer defining the port number of the proxy for plain HTTP (not HTTPS) connections. (Mandatory)
attributehttp.nonProxyHostsA list of strings separated by vertical lines (“|”) listing hosts and domains to be excluded from proxying, for both plain HTTP and HTTPS connections. The strings can contain asterisks (“*”) as wildcards. (Optional, defaults to “localhost|127.*|[::1]” if not set.)
attributehttps.proxyHostA string defining the host name of the proxy for HTTPS connections. (Optional)
attributehttps.proxyPortAn integer defining the port number of the proxy for HTTPS connections. (Optional)
attributehttp.proxyUserUsername for authenticating to both the HTTP and HTTPS proxy. (Optional)
attributehttp.proxyPasswordPassword for authenticating to both the HTTP and HTTPS proxy. (Optional)

In the following example, both HTTP and HTTPS connections (except to localhost and the example.com domain) are proxied through someproxy.example.com on port 8080 and someproxy.example.com does not require authentication.

ephox {
    proxy {
        http.proxyHost = "someproxy.example.com"
        http.proxyPort = "8080"
        https.proxyHost = "someproxy.example.com"
        https.proxyPort = "8080"
        http.nonProxyHosts = "localhost|*.example.com"

http (optional)

Some server-side components make outbound HTTP and HTTPS connections. These include Link Checker, Enhanced Media Embed and Image Tools Proxy. In an evaluation or pre-production environment, you might want to test these features against resources with untrusted SSL certificates such as in-house servers with self-signed SSL certificates. In these circumstances, it is possible to bypass all SSL security.

This is not recommended for production environments.

elementhttpConfigures HTTP client behaviour.
attributetrust-all-certA boolean indicating whether to bypass SSL security and indiscriminately trusts all SSL certificates. Default: false
attributerequest-timeout-secondsAn integer defining the number of seconds to allow HTTP requests to take. Default: 10


ephox {
    http {
        trust-all-cert = true

The request timeout on outbound HTTP and HTTPS connections can be set. Setting this to a larger value will allow larger files through, but they may take a long time. An example might be if you expect to fetch very large files with the image proxy service.


ephox {
    http {
        request-timeout-seconds = 15

image-proxy (optional)

The image proxy service has some optional configuration to set a maximum size for images proxied. Images beyond this size it will not be proxied. Please note that the http.request-timeout-seconds above also applies to requests made by the image proxy service.

elementimage-proxyConfigures image proxy behaviour.
attributesize-limitAn integer defining the maximum allowed image size in bytes. Default: 10000000


ephox {
    image-proxy {
        image-size = 10000000 // 10MB in bytes


It may be useful to make the TinyMCE server-side components write to their own log file. This can assist in troubleshooting and make it easier to provide logs as part of a support ticket.

To write the logs to a specific file, you’ll need to perform the following steps:

Step 1. Create a logging configuration XML file

The TinyMCE server-side components use the Logback logging format.

Save the snippet below as logback.xml after replacing {$LOG_LOCATION} with the full path to the destination log file (e.g. /var/log/tinymce_server_components.log).


  <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
	  <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>

  <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
	  <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>

  <!-- The name "com.ephox" refers to all TinyMCE server-side components. -->
  <logger name="com.ephox" level="INFO"/>

  <root level="INFO">
	<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
	<!-- If you want logging to go to the container as well uncomment
	the following line -->
	<!-- <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" /> -->


Step 2. Pass the configuration file to the Java application server

Assuming you’ve saved your logback.xml file in /etc/opt/tinymce, follow step 4 and step 5 on the Install Server-side Components page to set the following JVM system property on your Java application server:
