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Context forms


A context form consists of an input field, and a series of related buttons. Context forms can be shown wherever a context toolbar can be shown. Also, when a context form is registered containing a launch configuration, a special context toolbar button with name form:${name} is registered which will launch that particular context form. Context forms are a generalisation of the Insert Link form that existed in the original inlite theme from TinyMCE 4.

Registering a context form

A context form is registered by calling the addContextForm API in the registry. The specification of a context form is separated into two parts:


The button strings for launching a context form is form:${name} where name is the registered name of the context form (e.g. form:link).

Note: These buttons will only be present if the launch setting of the context form is specified.

The Launch specification. This relates to what the button that launches this form will look like.

launchThis is the specification for the launching button that can appear in a context toolbar only. It will be either type: contextformbutton or contextformtogglebutton, and will be identical to those definitions below except it will not have an onAction.

Launching context forms from a context toolbar

If a registered context form has a launch setting, then it can be launched from a context toolbar. The name of item will be form:${name} (e.g. ‘form:link’). When the user presses this button, the toolbar will change into the specified context form. If you the user presses Esc in a context form that was launched through a context toolbar, they will be returned to the original context toolbar.

Launching a context form programmatically

There is an editor event called contexttoolbar-show that can be fired to show a context form at the current selection. The event takes a parameter toolbarKey which specifies the name of the registered context form or context toolbar to show.

Context form priority

There are two settings that determine determine the priority: predicate and scope. The priority system mirrors the old inlite theme from TinyMCE 4. The predicate is a function that takes in the current context position and returns a boolean. The scope is either node or editor. The whole priority process works as follows:

  1. The current cursor position is stored to use as the first current context position.
  2. For this current context position, each predicate with scope: node in the registered ContextForm is called. Currently, the order they are checked-in cannot be specified. The first predicate that passes will win and that ContextForm will be shown.
  3. If no predicates (scope: node) match the current context position, then all of the scope: editor predicates are tried. The first one that matches the editor context wins.
  4. If no scope: editor predicates match, then the new context position is calculated by going up the tree one level to the parent node. All scope: node predicates are then checked again. As soon as one matches, it wins and that ContextForm is shown. If nothing matches, it goes up the tree and tries again.

Note: Only scope: node predicates are checked at this stage. The scope: editor predicate is only checked once and that check only happens in (2).

Caution: Since the order in which the ContextForms and ContextToolbars are checked is not specified, try not to have their predicates overlap.

Positioning context forms

There are two options for positioning: selection or line.

  • A selection position will place the context form above or below the current selection, centred if possible.
  • A line position will place the context form to the right (or left in Right-to-Left languages) of the current selection.
  • A node position will place the context form relative to the bounds of a node (e.g. a table or image). It applies to a selected node that does not match the selection due to CSS properties (like float).


This relates to the form itself. The form specifications are:

launchThis is the specification for the launching button that can appear in a context toolbar only. It will be either type: contextformbutton or contextformtogglebutton, and will be identical to those definitions below except it will not have an onAction.
labelThis is the label that will appear in the form.
initValueThis is the initial value the input will have in the form.
predicateThis controls when the context toolbar will appear.
positionThis controls where the context toolbar will appear with regards to the current cursor.
scopeThis controls whether the predicate is a node-based predicate, or an editor-based predicate. See context toolbar proirity for more details.
commandsThis is a list of the items to show in the context form. They can be either contextformbutton or contextformtogglebutton.

Context form buttons

Unlike normal context toolbar buttons, Context form buttons are not registered beforehand. Instead, you need to define each button completely in the commands section.


The definition of a context form button is very similar to the definition of a normal toolbar button. The main difference is that the action is slightly different (as it will relate to the form), and the type is contextformbutton instead of button. The following is the full list of options:

type: ‘contextformtogglebutton’;
primaryboolean;OptionalThis will activate the button on in the input form.
onAction(formApi, togglebuttonApi) => void;RequiredThis decides what happens when the user clicks the button.
disabledboolean;Optionaldefault: false - Represents button state. Is toggled by the button’s API
tooltipstring;OptionalText for button tooltip.
textstring;OptionalText to display if no icon is found.
iconstring;OptionalIt displays the icon corresponding to the icon name that has been defined in the icon pack.
onSetup(togglebuttonApi) => (togglebuttonApi) => void;Optionaldefault: () => () => {} - Function that’s invoked when the button is rendered.

Where the buttonApi is the same as a regular toolbar button and FormApi has (getValue: () => string, hide: () => void)

Context form toggle button

The context form toggle button is very similar to the a normal toolbar toggle button. The main difference is that the action is slightly different (as it will relate to the form), and the type is contextformtogglebutton, instead of togglebutton. The following is the full list of options:

type: ‘contextformtoggleutton’;
primaryboolean;OptionalThis will activate the button on in the input form.
onAction(formApi, togglebuttonApi) => void;RequiredThis decides what happens when the user clicks the button.
disabledboolean;Optionaldefault: false - Represents button state. Is toggled by the button’s API
tooltipstring;OptionalText for button tooltip.
textstring;OptionalText to display if no icon is found.
iconstring;OptionalIt displays the icon corresponding to the icon name that has been defined in the icon pack.
onSetup(togglebuttonApi) => (togglebuttonApi) => void;Optionaldefault: () => () => {} - Function that’s invoked when the button is rendered.

Where the toggleButtonApi is the same as a regular toolbar toggle button.


Both contextformbutton and contextformtogglebutton are passed formApi in their onAction callback. The formApi has two functions:

hideThis will hide the form. By default, no button hides the form. It is the responsibility of the developer to hide the form in the onAction handler of buttons that require that the context form close after the action.
getValueThis will retrieve the value current typed in the input field.

Example configuration

This example shows how the link plugin adds the standard link context form. The context form will show whenever any content is selected.

TinyMCE HTML JS Edit on CodePen

<textarea id="context-form">
  <p>Clicking on the example link below will show the newly configured context form.</p>

  <a href="https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/">TinyMCE Documentation</a>

  <p>Clicking on text should not invoke the context form.</p>
  selector: 'textarea#context-form',
  height: 300,
  setup: function (editor) {
    var isAnchorElement = function (node) {
      return node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' && node.href;

    var getAnchorElement = function () {
      var node = editor.selection.getNode();
      return isAnchorElement(node) ? node : null;

    editor.ui.registry.addContextForm('link-form', {
      launch: {
        type: 'contextformtogglebutton',
        icon: 'link'
      label: 'Link',
      predicate: isAnchorElement,
      initValue: function () {
        var elm = getAnchorElement();
        return !!elm ? elm.href : '';
      commands: [
          type: 'contextformtogglebutton',
          icon: 'link',
          tooltip: 'Link',
          primary: true,
          onSetup: function (buttonApi) {
            var nodeChangeHandler = function () {
              buttonApi.setActive(!editor.readonly && !!getAnchorElement());
            editor.on('nodechange', nodeChangeHandler);
            return function () {
              editor.off('nodechange', nodeChangeHandler);
          onAction: function (formApi) {
            var value = formApi.getValue();
            console.log('Save link clicked with value: ' + value);
          type: 'contextformtogglebutton',
          icon: 'unlink',
          tooltip: 'Remove link',
          active: false,
          onAction: function (formApi) {
            console.log('Remove link clicked');