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React integration


Integration with React is easily done with our @tinymce/tinymce-react package. This how-to shows you how to setup a project using react, tinymce and Create React App.

1. Installing create-react-app

We will use the Create React App to quickly and easily get our project up and running.

Simply run the following.

$ npm install -g create-react-app

2. Create a new project

Use create-react-app to create a new project named tinymce-react-demo.

$ create-react-app tinymce-react-demo

When all of the installs have finished, cd into the directory.

$ cd tinymce-react-demo

3. Setup react-tinymce

Install the npm package and save it to your package.json with --save.

$ npm install --save @tinymce/tinymce-react

3.1 Loading TinyMCE

Auto-loading from TinyMCE Cloud

@tinymce/tinymce-react requires tinymce to be globally available to work, but to make it as easy as possible it will automatically load TinyMCE Cloud if it can’t find TinyMCE available when the component is mounting. To get rid of the This domain is not registered... warning, sign up for the cloud and enter the api key like this:

<Editor apiKey='YOUR_API_KEY' init={{ /* your other settings */ }} />

You can also define what cloud channel you want to use out these three:

  • stable Default. The most stable and well-tested version that has passed the Tiny quality assurance process.
  • testing This channel will deploy the current candidate for release to the stable channel.
  • dev The cutting edge version of TinyMCE updated daily for the daring users.

So using the dev channel would look like this:

<Editor apiKey='YOUR_API_KEY' cloudChannel='dev' init={{ /* your other settings */ }} />

For more info on the different channels see the documentation.

Loading TinyMCE by yourself

To opt out of using TinyMCE cloud, you have to make TinyMCE globally available yourself. This can be done either by hosting the tinymce.min.js file by yourself and adding a script tag to your HTML or, if you are using a module loader, installing TinyMCE with npm. For info on how to get TinyMCE working with module loaders check out this page in the documentation.

<script src="https://cloud.tinymce.com/5/tinymce.min.js"></script>

4. Replace the App.js file

Open up the provided App.js file located in the src directory and replace its content with the code below.

import React from 'react';
import { Editor } from '@tinymce/tinymce-react';

class App extends React.Component {
  handleEditorChange = (e) => {
    console.log('Content was updated:', e.target.getContent());

  render() {
    return (
        initialValue="<p>This is the initial content of the editor</p>"
          plugins: 'link image code',
          toolbar: 'undo redo | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright | code'

export default App;

5. Start the development server

Start up the development server provided with create-react-app.

$ npm start

6. Keep on hacking

This was just a simple guide on how to get started. For more complex configuration information, see the React documentation.