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这篇文档解释了一些经常在 Electron 开发中使用的专业术语。


This page defines some terminology that is commonly used in Electron development.


ASAR 表示 Atom Shell Archive Format。 一个 asar 档案就是一个简单的 tar 文件 - 比如将那些有关联的文件放至一个单独的文件格式中。 Electron 能够任意读取其中的文件并且不需要解压整个文件。

ASAR 格式主要是为了提高 Windows 上的性能而创建的... TODO


ASAR stands for Atom Shell Archive Format. An asar archive is a simple tar-like format that concatenates files into a single file. Electron can read arbitrary files from it without unpacking the whole file.

The ASAR format was created primarily to improve performance on Windows... TODO


C 运行时库 (CRT) 是包含了 ISO C99 标准库的 c + + 标准库的一部分。 实现了 CRT 的 Visual c++ 库支持本机代码开发, 以及混合的本机和托管代码, 以及用于. NET 开发的纯托管代码。


The C Run-time Library (CRT) is the part of the C++ Standard Library that incorporates the ISO C99 standard library. The Visual C++ libraries that implement the CRT support native code development, and both mixed native and managed code, and pure managed code for .NET development.


是指在 macOS 上使用的苹果系统的磁盘镜像打包格式。 DMG 文件通常被用来分发应用的 "installers"(安装包)。 electron-builder 支持使用 dmg 来作为编译目标。


An Apple Disk Image is a packaging format used by macOS. DMG files are commonly used for distributing application "installers". electron-builder supports dmg as a build target.


输入法编辑器. 是一个允许用户输入在键盘上找不到的字符和符号的程序。 例如,使用户可以用拉丁语键盘输入中文,日文,韩文和印度文字。


Input Method Editor. A program that allows users to enter characters and symbols not found on their keyboard. For example, this allows users of Latin keyboards to input Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indic characters.


接口描述语言。用一种格式撰写函数签名和数据类型,被用于生成 Java, C++, JavaScript, 等程序接口。


Interface description language. Write function signatures and data types in a format that can be used to generate interfaces in Java, C++, JavaScript, etc.


IPC 代表 Inter-Process Communication进程间通信。Electron 使用 IPC 来在main主进程和renderer渲染进程之间传递 JSON 信息。


IPC stands for Inter-Process Communication. Electron uses IPC to send serialized JSON messages between the main and renderer processes.


包含 Chromium Content module 及其所有依赖项 (例如, Blink、 V8 等) 的共享链接库。 也称为 “libcc”。

  • github.com/electron/libchromiumcontent


A shared library that includes the Chromium Content module and all its dependencies (e.g., Blink, V8, etc.). Also referred to as "libcc".

  • github.com/electron/libchromiumcontent

main process

主进程,通常是名为main.js 的文件,是每个 Electron 应用的入口文件。它控制着整个 App 的生命周期,从打开到关闭。 它也管理着系统原生元素比如菜单,菜单栏,Dock 栏,托盘等。 主进程负责创建 APP 的每个渲染进程。而且整个 Node API 都集成在里面。

每个 app 的主进程文件都定义在 package.json 中的 main 属性当中。这也是为什么 electron. 能够知道应该使用哪个文件来启动。

在Chromium中, 这个进程被称为 "浏览器进程"。它在Electron被重新命名, 以避免与渲染器进程混淆。

参见: process, renderer process

main process

The main process, commonly a file named main.js, is the entry point to every Electron app. It controls the life of the app, from open to close. It also manages native elements such as the Menu, Menu Bar, Dock, Tray, etc. The main process is responsible for creating each new renderer process in the app. The full Node API is built in.

Every app's main process file is specified in the main property in package.json. This is how electron . knows what file to execute at startup.

In Chromium, this process is referred to as the "browser process". It is renamed in Electron to avoid confusion with renderer processes.

See also: process, renderer process


是指苹果系统上的 Mac App Store 的缩略词。有关于如何提交你的 app 至 MAS ,详见 Mac App Store Submission Guide。


Acronym for Apple's Mac App Store. For details on submitting your app to the MAS, see the Mac App Store Submission Guide.


一种用于进程内部或进程间通信的 IPC 系统, 这很重要, 因为 Chrome会依据内存压力等来决定是否将其工作分拆给不同的进程。



An IPC system for communicating intra- or inter-process, and that's important because Chrome is keen on being able to split its work into separate processes or not, depending on memory pressures etc.

See https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/mojo/README.md

native modules

原生模块 (在 Node.js 里也叫 addons),是一些使用 C or C++ 编写的能够在 Node.js 中加载或者在 Electron 中使用 require() 方法来加载的模块,它使用起来就如同 Node.js 的模块。 它主要用于桥接在 JavaScript 上运行 Node.js 和 C/C++ 的库。

Electron 支持了原生的 Node 模块,但是 Electron 非常可能安装一个不一样的 V8 引擎通过 Node 二进制编码,所以在打包原生模块的时候你需要在 指定具体的 Electron 本地头文件。

参见: Using Native Node Modules.

native modules

Native modules (also called addons in Node.js) are modules written in C or C++ that can be loaded into Node.js or Electron using the require() function, and used as if they were an ordinary Node.js module. They are used primarily to provide an interface between JavaScript running in Node.js and C/C++ libraries.

Native Node modules are supported by Electron, but since Electron is very likely to use a different V8 version from the Node binary installed in your system, you have to manually specify the location of Electron’s headers when building native modules.

See also Using Native Node Modules.


Nullsoft Scriptable Install System 是一个微软 Windows 平台上的脚本驱动的安装制作工具。 它发布在免费软件许可证书下,是一个被广泛使用的替代商业专利产品类似于 InstallShield。 electron-builder 支持使用 NSIS 作为编译目标。


Nullsoft Scriptable Install System is a script-driven Installer authoring tool for Microsoft Windows. It is released under a combination of free software licenses, and is a widely-used alternative to commercial proprietary products like InstallShield. electron-builder supports NSIS as a build target.


OSR(离屏渲染) 可以让你渲染页面而不用立刻显示到屏幕上。 这个技术可被用于在后台加载超大页面然后再显示(这样做速度会更快)。


OSR (Off-screen rendering) can be used for loading heavy page in background and then displaying it after (it will be much faster). It allows you to render page without showing it on screen.


一个进程是计算机程序执行中的一个实例。 Electron 应用同时使用了 main(主进程) 和一个或者多个 rendere(渲染进程) 来运行多个程序。

在 Node.js 和 Electron 里面,每个运行的进程包含一个 process对象。 这个对象作为一个全局的提供当前进程的相关信息和操作方法。 作为一个全局变量,它在应用内能够不用 require() 来随时取到。

参见: main process, renderer process


A process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed. Electron apps that make use of the main and one or many renderer process are actually running several programs simultaneously.

In Node.js and Electron, each running process has a process object. This object is a global that provides information about, and control over, the current process. As a global, it is always available to applications without using require().

See also: main process, renderer process

renderer process


在通常的浏览器内,网页通常运行在一个沙盒的环境挡住并且不能够使用原生的资源。 然而 Electron 的用户在 Node.js 的 API 支持下可以在页面中和操作系统进行一些低级别的交互。

参见: process, main process

renderer process

The renderer process is a browser window in your app. Unlike the main process, there can be multiple of these and each is run in a separate process. They can also be hidden.

In normal browsers, web pages usually run in a sandboxed environment and are not allowed access to native resources. Electron users, however, have the power to use Node.js APIs in web pages allowing lower level operating system interactions.

See also: process, main process


Squirrel 是一个开源的框架来让 Electron 的应用能够自动的更新到发布的新的版本。 详见 autoUpdater API 了解如何开始使用 Squirrel。


Squirrel is an open-source framework that enables Electron apps to update automatically as new versions are released. See the autoUpdater API for info about getting started with Squirrel.


"userland" 或者 "userspace" 术语起源于 Unix 社区,当程序运行在操作系统内核之外。 最近这个术语被推广在 Node 和 npm 社区用于区分 "Node core" 与发布的包的功能,对于在 npm 上注册的广大 "user(用户)" 们。

就像 Node ,Electron 致力于使用一些少量的设置和 API 来提供所有的必须的支持给开发中的跨平台应用。 这个设计理念让 Electron 能够保持灵活而不被过多的规定有关于如何应该被使用。 Userland 让用户能够创造和分享一些工具来提额外的功能在这个能够使用的 "core(核心)"之上。


This term originated in the Unix community, where "userland" or "userspace" referred to programs that run outside of the operating system kernel. More recently, the term has been popularized in the Node and npm community to distinguish between the features available in "Node core" versus packages published to the npm registry by the much larger "user" community.

Like Node, Electron is focused on having a small set of APIs that provide all the necessary primitives for developing multi-platform desktop applications. This design philosophy allows Electron to remain a flexible tool without being overly prescriptive about how it should be used. Userland enables users to create and share tools that provide additional functionality on top of what is available in "core".


V8 是谷歌公司的开源的 JavaScript 引擎。它使用 C++ 编写并使用在谷歌公司开源的的浏览器 Chrome 上。V8 能够单独运行或者集成在任何一个 C++ 应用内。

Electron将 V8 作为Chromium的一个部分进行构建,然后在构建Node时也指向那个 V8

V8 的版本号总是和谷歌 Chrome的版本号对应。Chrome 59包括 V8 5.9,Chrome 58包括 V8 5.8,等等。

  • developers.google.com/v8
  • nodejs.org/api/v8.html
  • docs/development/v8-development.md


V8 is Google's open source JavaScript engine. It is written in C++ and is used in Google Chrome. V8 can run standalone, or can be embedded into any C++ application.

Electron builds V8 as part of Chromium and then points Node to that V8 when building it.

V8's version numbers always correspond to those of Google Chrome. Chrome 59 includes V8 5.9, Chrome 58 includes V8 5.8, etc.

  • developers.google.com/v8
  • nodejs.org/api/v8.html
  • docs/development/v8-development.md


webview标签用于集成 'guest(访客)' 内容(比如外部的网页)在你的 Electron 应用内。它们类似于 iframe,但是不同的是每个 webview 运行在独立的进程中。 作为页面它拥有不一样的权限并且所有的嵌入的内容和你应用之间的交互都将是异步的。 这将保证你的应用对于嵌入的内容的安全性。


webview tags are used to embed 'guest' content (such as external web pages) in your Electron app. They are similar to iframes, but differ in that each webview runs in a separate process. It doesn't have the same permissions as your web page and all interactions between your app and embedded content will be asynchronous. This keeps your app safe from the embedded content.