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任务栏的进度条 (Windows, macOS, Unity)


在 Windows 中的任务栏按钮可以被用于显示一个进度条。 这可以让一个窗口提供进度信息给用户,而不必切自行切换到这个窗口。

在 macOS,进度条将显示为 dock 图标的一部分。

Unity DE 也具有同样的特性,在运行器上显示进度条。



三个系统中都是用相同的API - setProgressBar() 方法是 BrowserWindows 的方法。 是用 01 之间的数字来表示你的进度。 你正在运行一个长时间的任务, 当前进度为63%, 您可以使用 setProgressBar(0.63) 来调用它。

一般来说,将参数设置为 0 以下的值(例如 -1)将会去掉进度条,而设置为 1 以上(例如 2)将会切换这个进度条为不确定的进度。

参见 API documentation for more options and modes。

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow()

Progress Bar in Taskbar (Windows, macOS, Unity)

On Windows a taskbar button can be used to display a progress bar. This enables a window to provide progress information to the user without the user having to switch to the window itself.

On macOS the progress bar will be displayed as a part of the dock icon.

The Unity DE also has a similar feature that allows you to specify the progress bar in the launcher.

Progress bar in taskbar button:

Taskbar Progress Bar

All three cases are covered by the same API - the setProgressBar() method available on instances of BrowserWindows. Call it with a number between 0 and 1 to indicate your progress. If you have a long-running task that's currently at 63% towards completion, you'd call it with setProgressBar(0.63).

Generally speaking, setting the parameter to a value below zero (like -1) will remove the progress bar while setting it to a value higher than one (like 2) will switch the progress bar to intermediate mode.

See the API documentation for more options and modes.

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow()