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// 在主进程中.
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
// 或者从渲染进程中使用 `remote`.
// const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron').remote
let win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
win.on('closed', () => {
  win = null
// 加载远程URL
// 或加载本地HTML文件

Create and control browser windows.

Process: Main

// In the main process.
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
// Or use `remote` from the renderer process.
// const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron').remote
let win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
win.on('closed', () => {
  win = null
// Load a remote URL
// Or load a local HTML file


如果想创建一个无边框或者任意形状的视图,可以使用Frameless Window 的API

Frameless window

To create a window without chrome, or a transparent window in arbitrary shape, you can use the Frameless Window API.



Showing window gracefully

When loading a page in the window directly, users may see the page load incrementally, which is not a good experience for a native app. To make the window display without visual flash, there are two solutions for different situations.


在加载页面时,渲染进程第一次完成绘制时,会发出 ready-to-show 事件 。 在此事件后显示窗口将没有视觉闪烁:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow({ show: false })
win.once('ready-to-show', () => {

这个事件通常在 did-finish-load 事件之后发出,但是页面有许多远程资源时,它可能会在 did-finish-load之前发出事件。

Using ready-to-show event

While loading the page, the ready-to-show event will be emitted when the renderer process has rendered the page for the first time if the window has not been shown yet. Showing the window after this event will have no visual flash:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow({ show: false })
win.once('ready-to-show', () => {

This event is usually emitted after the did-finish-load event, but for pages with many remote resources, it may be emitted before the did-finish-load event.

设置 backgroundColor

对于一个复杂的应用,ready-to-show 可能发出的太晚,会让应用感觉缓慢。 在这种情况下,建议立刻显示窗口,并使用接近应用程序背景的 backgroundColor

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow({ backgroundColor: '#2e2c29' })

请注意,即使是使用 ready-to-show 事件的应用程序,仍建议使用设置 backgroundColor 使应用程序感觉更原生。

Setting backgroundColor

For a complex app, the ready-to-show event could be emitted too late, making the app feel slow. In this case, it is recommended to show the window immediately, and use a backgroundColor close to your app's background:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow({ backgroundColor: '#2e2c29' })

Note that even for apps that use ready-to-show event, it is still recommended to set backgroundColor to make app feel more native.


通过使用 parent 选项,你可以创建子窗口:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let top = new BrowserWindow()
let child = new BrowserWindow({ parent: top })

child 窗口将总是显示在 top 窗口的顶部.

Parent and child windows

By using parent option, you can create child windows:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let top = new BrowserWindow()
let child = new BrowserWindow({ parent: top })

The child window will always show on top of the top window.


模态窗口是禁用父窗口的子窗口,创建模态窗口必须设置 parentmodal 选项:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let child = new BrowserWindow({ parent: top, modal: true, show: false })
child.once('ready-to-show', () => {

Modal windows

A modal window is a child window that disables parent window, to create a modal window, you have to set both parent and modal options:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let child = new BrowserWindow({ parent: top, modal: true, show: false })
child.once('ready-to-show', () => {


页面可见性 API 的工作方式如下:

  • 在所有平台上, 可见性状态与窗口是否隐藏/最小化与否相关。
  • 此外, 在 macOS 上, 可见性状态还跟踪窗口的遮挡状态相关。 如果窗口被另一个窗口完全遮挡了,可见性状态为hidden. 在其他平台上,可见性状态只有在使用 win.hide()使窗口最小化或者隐藏时才为 hidden
  • 如果创建BrowserWindow 时带有 show: false的参数, 最初的可见性状态将为visible 尽管窗口实际上是隐藏的。
  • 如果backgroundThrottling被禁用,可见性状态将保持为visible 即使窗户被最小化、遮挡或隐藏。

推荐您在可见性状态为 hidden 时暂停消耗资源的操作以便减少电力消耗。

Page visibility

The Page Visibility API works as follows:

  • On all platforms, the visibility state tracks whether the window is hidden/minimized or not.
  • Additionally, on macOS, the visibility state also tracks the window occlusion state. If the window is occluded (i.e. fully covered) by another window, the visibility state will be hidden. On other platforms, the visibility state will be hidden only when the window is minimized or explicitly hidden with win.hide().
  • If a BrowserWindow is created with show: false, the initial visibility state will be visible despite the window actually being hidden.
  • If backgroundThrottling is disabled, the visibility state will remain visible even if the window is minimized, occluded, or hidden.

It is recommended that you pause expensive operations when the visibility state is hidden in order to minimize power consumption.


  • 在 macOS 上,modal 窗口将显示为附加到父窗口的工作表。
  • 在 macOS 上,子窗口将保持与父窗口的相对位置。而在 Windows 和 Linux 中,当父窗口移动时子窗口不会移动。
  • 在Linux上,模态窗口的类型将更改为 dialog.
  • 在Linux上,许多桌面环境不支持隐藏模态窗口。

Platform notices

  • On macOS modal windows will be displayed as sheets attached to the parent window.
  • On macOS the child windows will keep the relative position to parent window when parent window moves, while on Windows and Linux child windows will not move.
  • On Linux the type of modal windows will be changed to dialog.
  • On Linux many desktop environments do not support hiding a modal window.

Class: BrowserWindow



BrowserWindow 是一个EventEmitter.

通过 options 可以创建一个具有原生属性的 BrowserWindow

Class: BrowserWindow

Create and control browser windows.

Process: Main

BrowserWindow is an EventEmitter.

It creates a new BrowserWindow with native properties as set by the options.

new BrowserWindow([options])

  • 选项 Object (可选)

    • width Integer (可选) - 窗口的宽度,单位为像素。默认为800.
    • height Integer(可选) - 窗口的高度,单位为像素。默认为600.
    • x Integer (可选) (如果 y 存在时必填) - 窗口相对于屏幕左侧的偏移位置. 默认居中.
    • y Integer (可选) (如果 x 存在时必填) - 窗口相对于屏幕顶部的偏移位置. 默认居中.
    • useContentSize Boolean (可选) - widthheight 将设置为 web 页面的尺寸(译注: 不包含边框), 这意味着窗口的实际尺寸将包括窗口边框的大小,稍微会大一点。 默认值为 false.
    • center Boolean (可选) - 窗口在屏幕居中.
    • minWidth Integer (可选) - 窗口的最小宽度, 默认值为 0.
    • minHeight Integer (可选) - 窗口的最小高度. 默认值为 0.
    • maxWidth Integer (可选) - 窗口的最大宽度, 默认无限制.
    • maxHeight Integer (可选) - 窗口的最大高度, 默认无限制.
    • resizable Boolean (可选) - 窗口是否可以改变尺寸. 默认值为true.
    • movable Boolean (可选) - 窗口是否可以移动. 在 Linux 中无效. 默认值为 true.
    • minimizable Boolean (可选) - 窗口是否可以最小化. 在 Linux 中无效. 默认值为 true.
    • maximizable Boolean (可选) - 窗口是否可以最大化动. 在 Linux 中无效. 默认值为 true.
    • closable Boolean (可选) - 窗口是否可以关闭. 在 Linux 中无效. 默认值为 true.
    • focusable Boolean (可选) - 窗口是否可以聚焦. 默认值为 true。 在 Windows 中设置 focusable: false 也意味着设置了skipTaskbar: true. 在 Linux 中设置 focusable: false 时窗口停止与 wm 交互, 并且窗口将始终置顶。
    • alwaysOnTop Boolean (可选) -窗口是否永远在别的窗口的上面. 默认值为false.
    • fullscreen Boolean (可选) - 窗口是否全屏. 当明确设置为 false 时,在 macOS 上全屏的按钮将被隐藏或禁用. 默认值为 false.
    • fullscreenable Boolean (可选) - 窗口是否可以进入全屏状态. 在 macOS上, 最大化/缩放按钮是否可用 默认值为 true
    • simpleFullscreen Boolean (可选) - 在 macOS 上使用 pre-Lion 全屏. 默认为false.
    • skipTaskbar Boolean (可选) - 是否在任务栏中显示窗口. 默认值为false.
    • kiosk Boolean (可选) - kiosk 模式. 默认值为 false.
    • titleString(可选) - 默认窗口标题 默认为"Electron"。 如果由loadURL()加载的HTML文件中含有标签<title>,此属性将被忽略。
    • icon (NativeImage | String) (可选) - 窗口的图标. 在 Windows 上推荐使用 ICO 图标来获得最佳的视觉效果, 默认使用可执行文件的图标.
    • show Boolean (可选) - 窗口创建的时候是否显示. 默认值为true.
    • frame Boolean (可选) - 设置为 false 时可以创建一个Frameless Window. 默认值为 true.
    • parent BrowserWindow (可选) - 指定父窗口. 默认值为 null.
    • modal Boolean (可选) -是否为模态窗. 仅供子窗口使用. 默认值为false.
    • acceptFirstMouse Boolean (可选) - 是否允许单击页面来激活窗口. 默认值为 false.
    • disableAutoHideCursor Boolean (可选) - 是否在输入时隐藏鼠标. 默认值为false.
    • autoHideMenuBar Boolean (可选) - 自动隐藏菜单栏, 除非按了Alt键. 默认值为false.
    • enableLargerThanScreen Boolean (可选) - 是否允许改变窗口的大小时, 大于屏幕的尺寸. 默认值为false.
    • backgroundColor String(可选) - 窗口的背景颜色为十六进制值,例如#66CD00, #FFF, #80FFFFFF (设置transparenttrue方可支持alpha属性,格式为#AARRGGBB)。 默认值为 #FFF(白色)。
    • hasShadow Boolean (可选) - 窗口是否有阴影. 仅在 macOS 上支持. 默认值为 true.
    • opacity Number (可选)-设置窗口初始的不透明度, 介于 0.0 (完全透明) 和 1.0 (完全不透明) 之间。仅支持 Windows 和 macOS 。
    • darkTheme Boolean (可选) - 强制窗口使用 dark 主题, 只在一些拥有 GTK+3 桌面环境上有效. 默认值为 false.
    • transparent Boolean (可选) - 使窗口 透明. 默认值为 false.
    • type String (可选) - 窗口的类型, 默认为普通窗口. 下面可以查看更多.
    • titleBarStyle String (可选) - 窗口标题栏的样式. 默认值为 default. 可能的值有:

      • default - 标准灰色不透明的Mac标题栏
      • hidden - 隐藏标题栏, 内容充满整个窗口, 但它依然在左上角, 仍然受标准窗口控制.
      • hiddenInset - 隐藏标题栏, 显示小的控制按钮在窗口边缘
      • customButtonsOnHover Boolean (可选) - 在macOS的无框窗口上绘制自定义的关闭与最小化按钮. 除非鼠标悬停到窗口的左上角, 否则这些按钮不会显示出来. 这些自定义的按钮能防止, 与发生于标准的窗口工具栏按钮处的鼠标事件相关的问题. 注意: 此选项目前是实验性的。
    • fullscreenWindowTitle Boolean (可选) - 在 macOS 全屏模式时,为所有带 titleBarStyle 选项的标题栏显示标题。默认值为 false
    • thickFrame Boolean(可选)-对 Windows 上的无框窗口使用WS_THICKFRAME 样式,会增加标准窗口框架。 设置为 false 时将移除窗口的阴影和动画. 默认值为 true
    • vibrancy String (可选) - 窗口是否使用 vibrancy 动态效果, 仅 macOS 中有效. 可以为 appearance-based, light, dark, titlebar, selection, menu, popover, sidebar, medium-lightultra-dark. 请注意,结合一个 vibrancy 值使用 frame: false ,需要确保titleBarStyle为一个非默认值。
    • zoomToPageWidth Boolean (可选) - 单击工具栏上的绿色信号灯按钮或单击 窗口>缩放 菜单项时的行为, 仅macOS中有效. 如果为 true, 窗口将放大到网页的本身宽度, false 将使其缩放到屏幕的宽度。 这也会影响直接调用 maximize() 时的行为。 默认值为 false.
    • tabbingIdentifier String (可选) - 选项组卡的名称,在macOS 10.12+上可使窗口在原生选项卡中打开. 具有相同标识符的窗口将被组合在一起。 这还会在窗口的标签栏中添加一个原生的新选项卡按钮, 并允许 app 和窗口接收 new-window-for-tab 事件。
    • webPreferences Object (可选) - 网页功能的设置

      • devTools Boolean (可选) - 是否开启 DevTools. 如果设置为 false, 则无法使用 BrowserWindow.webContents.openDevTools () 打开 DevTools。 默认值为 true
      • nodeIntegration Boolean (可选) - 是否集成Node,默认为false
      • nodeIntegrationInWorker Boolean (可选) - 是否在Web工作器中启用了Node集成. 默认值为 false. 更多内容参见 多线程.
      • nodeIntegrationInSubFrames Boolean (optional) - Experimental option for enabling Node.js support in sub-frames such as iframes and child windows. All your preloads will load for every iframe, you can use process.isMainFrame to determine if you are in the main frame or not.
      • preload String (可选) -在页面运行其他脚本之前预先加载指定的脚本 无论页面是否集成Node, 此脚本都可以访问所有Node API 脚本路径为文件的绝对路径。 当 node integration 关闭时, 预加载的脚本将从全局范围重新引入node的全局引用标志 参考示例.
      • sandbox Boolean (可选)-如果设置该参数, 沙箱的渲染器将与窗口关联, 使它与Chromium OS-level 的沙箱兼容, 并禁用 Node. js 引擎。 它与 nodeIntegration 的选项不同,且预加载脚本的 API 也有限制. 更多详情. 注意:改选项目前是为实验性质,可能会在 Electron 未来的版本中移除。
      • enableRemoteModule Boolean(可选)- 是否启用 Remote 模块。 默认值为 true
      • session Session (可选) - 设置页面的 session 而不是直接忽略 Session 对象, 也可用 partition 选项来代替,它接受一个 partition 字符串. 同时设置了sessionpartition时, session 的优先级更高. 默认使用默认的 session.
      • partition String (optional) - 通过 session 的 partition 字符串来设置界面session. 如果 partitionpersist:开头, 该页面将使用持续的 session,并在所有页面生效,且使用同一个partition. 如果没有 persist: 前缀, 页面将使用 in-memory session. 通过分配相同的 partition, 多个页可以共享同一会话。 默认使用默认的 session.
      • affinity String (可选) - 当指定,具有相同affinity 的 web页面将在相同的渲染进程运行。 需要注意的是,由于渲染过程中会有代码重用,如 webPreferencespreload, sandboxnodeIntegration等选项会在不同页面之间共用,即使你已经在不同页面中为同一选项设置过不同的值,它们仍会被共用。 因此,建议为affinity相同的页面,使用相同的 webPreferences 这一选项当前是实验性的
      • zoomFactor Number (可选) - 页面的默认缩放系数, 3.0 表示 300%. 默认值为 1.0.
      • javascript Boolean (可选) - 是否启用 JavaScript 支持. 默认值为 true.
      • webSecurity Boolean (可选) - 当设置为 false, 它将禁用同源策略 (通常用来测试网站), 如果此选项不是由开发者设置的,还会把 allowRunningInsecureContent设置为 true. 默认值为 true
      • allowRunningInsecureContent Boolean (可选) -允许一个 https 页面运行 http url 里的资源,包括 JavaScript, CSS 或 plugins. 默认值为 false.
      • images Boolean (可选) - 启动图像支持. 默认值为 true.
      • textAreasAreResizable Boolean (可选) - 让 TextArea 元素可以调整大小. 默认值为 true.
      • webgl Boolean (可选) - 启用 WebGL 支持. 默认值为 true.
      • plugins Boolean (可选) - 是否支持插件. 默认值为 false.
      • experimentalFeatures Boolean (optional) - 启用 Chromium 的实验功能. 默认值为 false.
      • scrollBounce Boolean (可选) - 在 macOS 启用弹力动画 (橡皮筋) 效果. 默认值为 false.
      • enableBlinkFeaturesString(可选) - 以逗号分隔的需要启用的特性列表,譬如CSSVariables,KeyboardEventKey 在 RuntimeEnabledFeatures.json5文件中查看被支持的所有特性.
      • disableBlinkFeatures String (可选) - 以 ,分隔的禁用特性列表, 如 CSSVariables,KeyboardEventKey. 在RuntimeEnabledFeatures.json5 文件中查看被支持的所有特性.
      • defaultFontFamily Object (可选) - 设置 font-family 的默认字体.

        • standard String (可选) - 默认值为 Times New Roman.
        • serif String (可选) - 默认值为 Times New Roman.
        • sansSerif String (可选) - 默认值为 Arial.
        • monospace String (可选) - 默认值为 Courier New.
        • cursive String (可选) - 默认值为 Script.
        • fantasy String (可选) - 默认值为 Impact.
      • defaultFontSize Integer (可选) - 默认值为 16.
      • defaultMonospaceFontSize Integer (可选) - 默认值为 13.
      • minimumFontSize Integer (可选) - 默认值为 0.
      • defaultEncoding String (可选) - 默认值为 ISO-8859-1.
      • backgroundThrottlingBoolean (可选)-是否在页面成为背景时限制动画和计时器。 这也会影响到 Page Visibility API. 默认值为 true
      • offscreen Boolean (optional) - 是否绘制和渲染可视区域外的窗口. 默认值为 false. 更多详情, 请参见 offscreen rendering tutorial 。
      • contextIsolation Boolean (可选) - 是否在独立 JavaScript 环境中运行 Electron API和指定的preload 脚本. 默认值为 false. preload脚本的运行环境仍然可以访问documentwindow全局变量,但它将使用自己内置的函数 (如Array, Object, JSON等),并且将被加载的页面与对全局环境所做的任何更改隔离开来. Electron API 仅在 preload 脚本中有效,而不是加载的页面。 在加载可能不受信任的远程内容时, 应使用此选项, 以确保加载的内容不能篡改 preload 脚本和使用的 Electron APIs。 此选项使用 Chrome Content Scripts 使用的相同技术。 通过在控制台选项卡顶部的组合框中选择 "Electron Isolated Context" 条目, 可以在开发工具中访问此上下文。
      • nativeWindowOpen Boolean (可选) - 是否使用原生的window.open(). 默认值为 false. Child windows will always have node integration disabled unless nodeIntegrationInSubFrames is true. 注意: 此选项目前是实验性的。
      • webviewTag Boolean (可选) - 是否启用 <webview> tag标签. 默认值为 false. 注意: < webview> 配置的 preload 脚本在执行时将启用节点集成, 因此应确保远程或不受信任的内容无法创建恶意的 preload 脚本 。 可以使用 webContents 上的 will-attach-webview 事件对 preload 脚本进行剥离, 并验证或更改 <webview> 的初始设置。
      • additionalArguments String[] (可选) - 一系列将会被附加至此app的渲染进程的process.argv的字符串. 对于将少量数据向下传至渲染进程的预加载脚本而言是十分实用的.
      • safeDialogs Boolean (可选) - 是否启用浏览器样式的持续对话框保护。 缺省为false
      • safeDialogsMessage String (可选) - 当持续对话框保护被触发时显示的消息。 如果没有定义,那么将使用缺省的消息。注意:当前缺省消息是英文,并没有本地化。
      • navigateOnDragDrop Boolean (可选) - 将文件或链接拖放到页面上时是否触发页面跳转. 默认为false.
      • autoplayPolicy String (optional) - Autoplay policy to apply to content in the window, can be no-user-gesture-required, user-gesture-required, document-user-activation-required. Defaults to no-user-gesture-required.
      • disableHtmlFullscreenWindowResize Boolean (optional) - Whether to prevent the window from resizing when entering HTML Fullscreen. Default is false.

当使用 minWidth/maxWidth/minHeight/maxHeight 设置最小或最大窗口大小时, 它只限制用户。 它不会阻止您将不符合大小限制的值传递给 setBounds/setSizeBrowserWindow 的构造函数。

type 选项的可能值和行为与平台相关。可能的值为:

  • 在 Linux 上, 可能的类型有 desktopdocktoolbarsplashnotification
  • 在 macOS, 可能的类型是 desktop, textured.

    • textured 类型增加金属色泽的外观 (NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask).
    • desktop 类型将窗口置于桌面背景级别 (kCGDesktopWindowLevel - 1). 注意,桌面窗口不会接收焦点、键盘或鼠标事件,但您可以使用< 0> globalShortcut < /0 >接收快捷键的消息
  • 在 Windows 上, 可能的类型为 toolbar.

new BrowserWindow([options])

  • options Object (optional)

    • width Integer (optional) - Window's width in pixels. Default is 800.
    • height Integer (optional) - Window's height in pixels. Default is 600.
    • x Integer (optional) (required if y is used) - Window's left offset from screen. Default is to center the window.
    • y Integer (optional) (required if x is used) - Window's top offset from screen. Default is to center the window.
    • useContentSize Boolean (optional) - The width and height would be used as web page's size, which means the actual window's size will include window frame's size and be slightly larger. Default is false.
    • center Boolean (optional) - Show window in the center of the screen.
    • minWidth Integer (optional) - Window's minimum width. Default is 0.
    • minHeight Integer (optional) - Window's minimum height. Default is 0.
    • maxWidth Integer (optional) - Window's maximum width. Default is no limit.
    • maxHeight Integer (optional) - Window's maximum height. Default is no limit.
    • resizable Boolean (optional) - Whether window is resizable. Default is true.
    • movable Boolean (optional) - Whether window is movable. This is not implemented on Linux. Default is true.
    • minimizable Boolean (optional) - Whether window is minimizable. This is not implemented on Linux. Default is true.
    • maximizable Boolean (optional) - Whether window is maximizable. This is not implemented on Linux. Default is true.
    • closable Boolean (optional) - Whether window is closable. This is not implemented on Linux. Default is true.
    • focusable Boolean (optional) - Whether the window can be focused. Default is true. On Windows setting focusable: false also implies setting skipTaskbar: true. On Linux setting focusable: false makes the window stop interacting with wm, so the window will always stay on top in all workspaces.
    • alwaysOnTop Boolean (optional) - Whether the window should always stay on top of other windows. Default is false.
    • fullscreen Boolean (optional) - Whether the window should show in fullscreen. When explicitly set to false the fullscreen button will be hidden or disabled on macOS. Default is false.
    • fullscreenable Boolean (optional) - Whether the window can be put into fullscreen mode. On macOS, also whether the maximize/zoom button should toggle full screen mode or maximize window. Default is true.
    • simpleFullscreen Boolean (optional) - Use pre-Lion fullscreen on macOS. Default is false.
    • skipTaskbar Boolean (optional) - Whether to show the window in taskbar. Default is false.
    • kiosk Boolean (optional) - The kiosk mode. Default is false.
    • title String (optional) - Default window title. Default is "Electron". If the HTML tag <title> is defined in the HTML file loaded by loadURL(), this property will be ignored.
    • icon (NativeImage | String) (optional) - The window icon. On Windows it is recommended to use ICO icons to get best visual effects, you can also leave it undefined so the executable's icon will be used.
    • show Boolean (optional) - Whether window should be shown when created. Default is true.
    • frame Boolean (optional) - Specify false to create a Frameless Window. Default is true.
    • parent BrowserWindow (optional) - Specify parent window. Default is null.
    • modal Boolean (optional) - Whether this is a modal window. This only works when the window is a child window. Default is false.
    • acceptFirstMouse Boolean (optional) - Whether the web view accepts a single mouse-down event that simultaneously activates the window. Default is false.
    • disableAutoHideCursor Boolean (optional) - Whether to hide cursor when typing. Default is false.
    • autoHideMenuBar Boolean (optional) - Auto hide the menu bar unless the Alt key is pressed. Default is false.
    • enableLargerThanScreen Boolean (optional) - Enable the window to be resized larger than screen. Default is false.
    • backgroundColor String (optional) - Window's background color as a hexadecimal value, like #66CD00 or #FFF or #80FFFFFF (alpha in #AARRGGBB format is supported if transparent is set to true). Default is #FFF (white).
    • hasShadow Boolean (optional) - Whether window should have a shadow. This is only implemented on macOS. Default is true.
    • opacity Number (optional) - Set the initial opacity of the window, between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). This is only implemented on Windows and macOS.
    • darkTheme Boolean (optional) - Forces using dark theme for the window, only works on some GTK+3 desktop environments. Default is false.
    • transparent Boolean (optional) - Makes the window transparent. Default is false.
    • type String (optional) - The type of window, default is normal window. See more about this below.
    • titleBarStyle String (optional) - The style of window title bar. Default is default. Possible values are:

      • default - Results in the standard gray opaque Mac title bar.
      • hidden - Results in a hidden title bar and a full size content window, yet the title bar still has the standard window controls ("traffic lights") in the top left.
      • hiddenInset - Results in a hidden title bar with an alternative look where the traffic light buttons are slightly more inset from the window edge.
      • customButtonsOnHover Boolean (optional) - Draw custom close, and minimize buttons on macOS frameless windows. These buttons will not display unless hovered over in the top left of the window. These custom buttons prevent issues with mouse events that occur with the standard window toolbar buttons. Note: This option is currently experimental.
    • fullscreenWindowTitle Boolean (optional) - Shows the title in the title bar in full screen mode on macOS for all titleBarStyle options. Default is false.
    • thickFrame Boolean (optional) - Use WS_THICKFRAME style for frameless windows on Windows, which adds standard window frame. Setting it to false will remove window shadow and window animations. Default is true.
    • vibrancy String (optional) - Add a type of vibrancy effect to the window, only on macOS. Can be appearance-based, light, dark, titlebar, selection, menu, popover, sidebar, medium-light or ultra-dark. Please note that using frame: false in combination with a vibrancy value requires that you use a non-default titleBarStyle as well.
    • zoomToPageWidth Boolean (optional) - Controls the behavior on macOS when option-clicking the green stoplight button on the toolbar or by clicking the Window > Zoom menu item. If true, the window will grow to the preferred width of the web page when zoomed, false will cause it to zoom to the width of the screen. This will also affect the behavior when calling maximize() directly. Default is false.
    • tabbingIdentifier String (optional) - Tab group name, allows opening the window as a native tab on macOS 10.12+. Windows with the same tabbing identifier will be grouped together. This also adds a native new tab button to your window's tab bar and allows your app and window to receive the new-window-for-tab event.
    • webPreferences Object (optional) - Settings of web page's features.

      • devTools Boolean (optional) - Whether to enable DevTools. If it is set to false, can not use BrowserWindow.webContents.openDevTools() to open DevTools. Default is true.
      • nodeIntegration Boolean (optional) - Whether node integration is enabled. Default is false.
      • nodeIntegrationInWorker Boolean (optional) - Whether node integration is enabled in web workers. Default is false. More about this can be found in Multithreading.
      • nodeIntegrationInSubFrames Boolean (optional) - Experimental option for enabling Node.js support in sub-frames such as iframes and child windows. All your preloads will load for every iframe, you can use process.isMainFrame to determine if you are in the main frame or not.
      • preload String (optional) - Specifies a script that will be loaded before other scripts run in the page. This script will always have access to node APIs no matter whether node integration is turned on or off. The value should be the absolute file path to the script. When node integration is turned off, the preload script can reintroduce Node global symbols back to the global scope. See example here.
      • sandbox Boolean (optional) - If set, this will sandbox the renderer associated with the window, making it compatible with the Chromium OS-level sandbox and disabling the Node.js engine. This is not the same as the nodeIntegration option and the APIs available to the preload script are more limited. Read more about the option here. Note: This option is currently experimental and may change or be removed in future Electron releases.
      • enableRemoteModule Boolean (optional) - Whether to enable the remote module. Default is true.
      • session Session (optional) - Sets the session used by the page. Instead of passing the Session object directly, you can also choose to use the partition option instead, which accepts a partition string. When both session and partition are provided, session will be preferred. Default is the default session.
      • partition String (optional) - Sets the session used by the page according to the session's partition string. If partition starts with persist:, the page will use a persistent session available to all pages in the app with the same partition. If there is no persist: prefix, the page will use an in-memory session. By assigning the same partition, multiple pages can share the same session. Default is the default session.
      • affinity String (optional) - When specified, web pages with the same affinity will run in the same renderer process. Note that due to reusing the renderer process, certain webPreferences options will also be shared between the web pages even when you specified different values for them, including but not limited to preload, sandbox and nodeIntegration. So it is suggested to use exact same webPreferences for web pages with the same affinity. This property is experimental
      • zoomFactor Number (optional) - The default zoom factor of the page, 3.0 represents 300%. Default is 1.0.
      • javascript Boolean (optional) - Enables JavaScript support. Default is true.
      • webSecurity Boolean (optional) - When false, it will disable the same-origin policy (usually using testing websites by people), and set allowRunningInsecureContent to true if this options has not been set by user. Default is true.
      • allowRunningInsecureContent Boolean (optional) - Allow an https page to run JavaScript, CSS or plugins from http URLs. Default is false.
      • images Boolean (optional) - Enables image support. Default is true.
      • textAreasAreResizable Boolean (optional) - Make TextArea elements resizable. Default is true.
      • webgl Boolean (optional) - Enables WebGL support. Default is true.
      • plugins Boolean (optional) - Whether plugins should be enabled. Default is false.
      • experimentalFeatures Boolean (optional) - Enables Chromium's experimental features. Default is false.
      • scrollBounce Boolean (optional) - Enables scroll bounce (rubber banding) effect on macOS. Default is false.
      • enableBlinkFeatures String (optional) - A list of feature strings separated by ,, like CSSVariables,KeyboardEventKey to enable. The full list of supported feature strings can be found in the RuntimeEnabledFeatures.json5 file.
      • disableBlinkFeatures String (optional) - A list of feature strings separated by ,, like CSSVariables,KeyboardEventKey to disable. The full list of supported feature strings can be found in the RuntimeEnabledFeatures.json5 file.
      • defaultFontFamily Object (optional) - Sets the default font for the font-family.

        • standard String (optional) - Defaults to Times New Roman.
        • serif String (optional) - Defaults to Times New Roman.
        • sansSerif String (optional) - Defaults to Arial.
        • monospace String (optional) - Defaults to Courier New.
        • cursive String (optional) - Defaults to Script.
        • fantasy String (optional) - Defaults to Impact.
      • defaultFontSize Integer (optional) - Defaults to 16.
      • defaultMonospaceFontSize Integer (optional) - Defaults to 13.
      • minimumFontSize Integer (optional) - Defaults to 0.
      • defaultEncoding String (optional) - Defaults to ISO-8859-1.
      • backgroundThrottling Boolean (optional) - Whether to throttle animations and timers when the page becomes background. This also affects the Page Visibility API. Defaults to true.
      • offscreen Boolean (optional) - Whether to enable offscreen rendering for the browser window. Defaults to false. See the offscreen rendering tutorial for more details.
      • contextIsolation Boolean (optional) - Whether to run Electron APIs and the specified preload script in a separate JavaScript context. Defaults to false. The context that the preload script runs in will still have full access to the document and window globals but it will use its own set of JavaScript builtins (Array, Object, JSON, etc.) and will be isolated from any changes made to the global environment by the loaded page. The Electron API will only be available in the preload script and not the loaded page. This option should be used when loading potentially untrusted remote content to ensure the loaded content cannot tamper with the preload script and any Electron APIs being used. This option uses the same technique used by Chrome Content Scripts. You can access this context in the dev tools by selecting the 'Electron Isolated Context' entry in the combo box at the top of the Console tab.
      • nativeWindowOpen Boolean (optional) - Whether to use native window.open(). Defaults to false. Child windows will always have node integration disabled unless nodeIntegrationInSubFrames is true. Note: This option is currently experimental.
      • webviewTag Boolean (optional) - Whether to enable the <webview> tag. Defaults to false. Note: The preload script configured for the <webview> will have node integration enabled when it is executed so you should ensure remote/untrusted content is not able to create a <webview> tag with a possibly malicious preload script. You can use the will-attach-webview event on webContents to strip away the preload script and to validate or alter the <webview>'s initial settings.
      • additionalArguments String - A list of strings that will be appended to process.argv in the renderer process of this app. Useful for passing small bits of data down to renderer process preload scripts.
      • safeDialogs Boolean (optional) - Whether to enable browser style consecutive dialog protection. Default is false.
      • safeDialogsMessage String (optional) - The message to display when consecutive dialog protection is triggered. If not defined the default message would be used, note that currently the default message is in English and not localized.
      • navigateOnDragDrop Boolean (optional) - Whether dragging and dropping a file or link onto the page causes a navigation. Default is false.
      • autoplayPolicy String (optional) - Autoplay policy to apply to content in the window, can be no-user-gesture-required, user-gesture-required, document-user-activation-required. Defaults to no-user-gesture-required.
      • disableHtmlFullscreenWindowResize Boolean (optional) - Whether to prevent the window from resizing when entering HTML Fullscreen. Default is false.

When setting minimum or maximum window size with minWidth/maxWidth/ minHeight/maxHeight, it only constrains the users. It won't prevent you from passing a size that does not follow size constraints to setBounds/setSize or to the constructor of BrowserWindow.

The possible values and behaviors of the type option are platform dependent. Possible values are:

  • On Linux, possible types are desktop, dock, toolbar, splash, notification.
  • On macOS, possible types are desktop, textured.

    • The textured type adds metal gradient appearance (NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask).
    • The desktop type places the window at the desktop background window level (kCGDesktopWindowLevel - 1). Note that desktop window will not receive focus, keyboard or mouse events, but you can use globalShortcut to receive input sparingly.
  • On Windows, possible type is toolbar.


使用 new BrowserWindow 创建的对象具有以下属性:

注意: 某些事件仅在特定的操作系统上可用, 这些方法会被标记出来。

Instance Events

Objects created with new BrowserWindow emit the following events:

Note: Some events are only available on specific operating systems and are labeled as such.

事件: 'page-title-updated'


  • event Event
  • title String
  • explicitSet Boolean

文档更改标题时触发,调用event.preventDefault()将阻止更改标题 explicitSet is false when title is synthesized from file url.

Event: 'page-title-updated'


  • event Event
  • title String
  • explicitSet Boolean

Emitted when the document changed its title, calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the native window's title from changing. explicitSet is false when title is synthesized from file url.

事件: 'close'


  • event Event

在窗口要关闭的时候触发。 它在DOM 的beforeunloadunload 事件之前触发. 调用event.preventDefault()将阻止这个操作。

通常你想通过 beforeunload处理器来决定是否关闭窗口,但是它也会在窗口重载的时候触发. 在 Electron 里,返回除 undefined之外的任何值都将取消关闭. 例如:

window.onbeforeunload = (e) => {
  console.log('I do not want to be closed')
  // 与通常的浏览器不同,会提示给用户一个消息框,
  //建议使用对话框 API 让用户确认关闭应用程序.
  e.returnValue = false // 相当于 `return false` ,但是不推荐使用

*注意: window.onbeforeunload = handlerwindow.addEventListener('beforeunload', handler) 的行为有细微的区别。 推荐总是显式地设置 event.returnValue, 而不是仅仅返回一个值, 因为前者在Electron中作用得更为一致.*

Event: 'close'


  • event Event

Emitted when the window is going to be closed. It's emitted before the beforeunload and unload event of the DOM. Calling event.preventDefault() will cancel the close.

Usually you would want to use the beforeunload handler to decide whether the window should be closed, which will also be called when the window is reloaded. In Electron, returning any value other than undefined would cancel the close. For example:

window.onbeforeunload = (e) => {
  console.log('I do not want to be closed')
  // Unlike usual browsers that a message box will be prompted to users, returning
  // a non-void value will silently cancel the close.
  // It is recommended to use the dialog API to let the user confirm closing the
  // application.
  e.returnValue = false // equivalent to `return false` but not recommended

Note: There is a subtle difference between the behaviors of window.onbeforeunload = handler and window.addEventListener('beforeunload', handler). It is recommended to always set the event.returnValue explicitly, instead of only returning a value, as the former works more consistently within Electron.

事件: 'closed'

窗口已经关闭时触发。当你接收到这个事件的时候, 你应当删除对已经关闭的窗口的引用对象和避免再次使用它.

Event: 'closed'

Emitted when the window is closed. After you have received this event you should remove the reference to the window and avoid using it any more.

事件: 'session-end' Windows


Event: 'session-end' Windows

Emitted when window session is going to end due to force shutdown or machine restart or session log off.

事件: 'unresponsive'


Event: 'unresponsive'

Emitted when the web page becomes unresponsive.

事件: 'responsive'


Event: 'responsive'

Emitted when the unresponsive web page becomes responsive again.

事件: 'blur'


Event: 'blur'

Emitted when the window loses focus.

事件: 'focus'


Event: 'focus'

Emitted when the window gains focus.

事件: 'show'


Event: 'show'

Emitted when the window is shown.

事件: 'hide'


Event: 'hide'

Emitted when the window is hidden.

事件: 'ready-to-show'

当页面已经渲染完成(但是还没有显示) 并且窗口可以被显示时触发

Event: 'ready-to-show'

Emitted when the web page has been rendered (while not being shown) and window can be displayed without a visual flash.

事件: 'maximize'


Event: 'maximize'

Emitted when window is maximized.

事件: 'unmaximize'


Event: 'unmaximize'

Emitted when the window exits from a maximized state.

事件: 'minimize'


Event: 'minimize'

Emitted when the window is minimized.

事件: 'restore'


Event: 'restore'

Emitted when the window is restored from a minimized state.

事件: 'will-resize' macOS Windows


  • event Event
  • newBounds Rectangle - 将要调整到的窗口尺寸。



Event: 'will-resize' macOS Windows


  • event Event
  • newBounds Rectangle - Size the window is being resized to.

Emitted before the window is resized. Calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the window from being resized.

Note that this is only emitted when the window is being resized manually. Resizing the window with setBounds/setSize will not emit this event.

事件: 'resize'


Event: 'resize'

Emitted after the window has been resized.

事件: 'will-move' Windows


  • event Event
  • newBounds Rectangle - 将要移动的新的窗口位置。



Event: 'will-move' Windows


  • event Event
  • newBounds Rectangle - Location the window is being moved to.

Emitted before the window is moved. Calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the window from being moved.

Note that this is only emitted when the window is being resized manually. Resizing the window with setBounds/setSize will not emit this event.

事件: 'move'


注意: 在 macOS 上,此事件是moved的别名.

Event: 'move'

Emitted when the window is being moved to a new position.

Note: On macOS this event is an alias of moved.

事件: 'moved' macOS


Event: 'moved' macOS

Emitted once when the window is moved to a new position.

事件: 'enter-full-screen'


Event: 'enter-full-screen'

Emitted when the window enters a full-screen state.

事件: 'leave-full-screen'


Event: 'leave-full-screen'

Emitted when the window leaves a full-screen state.

事件: 'enter-html-full-screen'

窗口进入由HTML API 触发的全屏状态时触发

Event: 'enter-html-full-screen'

Emitted when the window enters a full-screen state triggered by HTML API.

事件: 'leave-html-full-screen'

窗口离开由HTML API触发的全屏状态时触发

Event: 'leave-html-full-screen'

Emitted when the window leaves a full-screen state triggered by HTML API.

Event: 'always-on-top-changed'


  • event Event
  • isAlwaysOnTop Boolean


Event: 'always-on-top-changed'


  • event Event
  • isAlwaysOnTop Boolean

Emitted when the window is set or unset to show always on top of other windows.

事件: 'app-command' Windows**Linux


  • event Event
  • command String

请求一个应用程序命令时触发. 典型的是键盘上的媒体键或浏览器命令, 以及在Windows上的一些鼠标中内置的“后退”按钮。

命令是小写的,下划线替换为连字符,以及APPCOMMAND_ 前缀将被删除。 例如 APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_BACKWARD将被browser-backward触发.

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow()
win.on('app-command', (e, cmd) => {
  // 当用户点击鼠标返回按钮时,导航窗口会后退
  if (cmd === 'browser-backward' && win.webContents.canGoBack()) {

The following app commands are explictly supported on Linux:

  • browser-backward
  • browser-forward

Event: 'app-command' Windows Linux


  • event Event
  • command String

Emitted when an App Command is invoked. These are typically related to keyboard media keys or browser commands, as well as the "Back" button built into some mice on Windows.

Commands are lowercased, underscores are replaced with hyphens, and the APPCOMMAND_ prefix is stripped off. e.g. APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_BACKWARD is emitted as browser-backward.

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow()
win.on('app-command', (e, cmd) => {
  // Navigate the window back when the user hits their mouse back button
  if (cmd === 'browser-backward' && win.webContents.canGoBack()) {

The following app commands are explictly supported on Linux:

  • browser-backward
  • browser-forward

事件: 'scroll-touch-begin' macOS


Event: 'scroll-touch-begin' macOS

Emitted when scroll wheel event phase has begun.

事件: 'scroll-touch-end' macOS


Event: 'scroll-touch-end' macOS

Emitted when scroll wheel event phase has ended.

事件: 'scroll-touch-edge' macOS


Event: 'scroll-touch-edge' macOS

Emitted when scroll wheel event phase filed upon reaching the edge of element.

事件: 'swipe' macOS


  • event Event
  • direction String

三指拖移时触发,可选的方向为 up, right, down, left.

Event: 'swipe' macOS


  • event Event
  • direction String

Emitted on 3-finger swipe. Possible directions are up, right, down, left.

事件: 'sheet-begin' macOS

窗口打开sheet(工作表) 时触发

Event: 'sheet-begin' macOS

Emitted when the window opens a sheet.

事件: 'sheet-end' macOS

窗口关闭sheet(工作表) 时触发

Event: 'sheet-end' macOS

Emitted when the window has closed a sheet.

事件: 'new-window-for-tab' macOS


Event: 'new-window-for-tab' macOS

Emitted when the native new tab button is clicked.


BrowserWindow 类有以下方法:

Static Methods

The BrowserWindow class has the following static methods:


返回 BrowserWindow[] - 所有打开的窗口的数组


Returns BrowserWindow[] - An array of all opened browser windows.


返回 BrowserWindow | null - 此应用程序中当前获得焦点的窗口,如果无就返回 null.


Returns BrowserWindow | null - The window that is focused in this application, otherwise returns null.


  • webContents WebContents

返回 BrowserWindow - 拥有给定 webContents 的窗口.


  • webContents WebContents

Returns BrowserWindow - The window that owns the given webContents.


  • browserView BrowserView

返回 BrowserWindow | null-拥有给定 browserView 的窗口。如果给定视图未附加到任何窗口, 则返回 null


  • browserView BrowserView

Returns BrowserWindow | null - The window that owns the given browserView. If the given view is not attached to any window, returns null.


  • id Integer

返回 BrowserWindow -拥有给定 id 的窗口.


  • id Integer

Returns BrowserWindow - The window with the given id.


  • path String

添加位于 path的扩展,并且返回扩展名

该方法如果扩展的 manifest 缺失或不完整,该方法不会返回。

注意: 该 API 不能在 app 模块的 ready 事件之前调用.


  • path String

Adds Chrome extension located at path, and returns extension's name.

The method will also not return if the extension's manifest is missing or incomplete.

Note: This API cannot be called before the ready event of the app module is emitted.


  • name String

根据名字删除一个 Chrome 的扩展。

注意: 该 API 不能在 app 模块的 ready 事件之前调用.


  • name String

Remove a Chrome extension by name.

Note: This API cannot be called before the ready event of the app module is emitted.


返回 Object - 键是扩展名, 每个值都是一个包含 nameversion 属性的对象.

注意: 该 API 不能在 app 模块的 ready 事件之前调用.


Returns Object - The keys are the extension names and each value is an Object containing name and version properties.

Note: This API cannot be called before the ready event of the app module is emitted.


  • path String

添加位于 path的 DevTools 扩展,并且返回扩展名

扩展将被记住, 所以你只需要调用这个API一次, 这个API不是用于编程使用. 如果尝试添加已经加载的扩展, 此方法将不会返回, 而是会向控制台记录警告.

该方法如果扩展的 manifest 缺失或不完整,该方法不会返回。

注意: 该 API 不能在 app 模块的 ready 事件之前调用.


  • path String

Adds DevTools extension located at path, and returns extension's name.

The extension will be remembered so you only need to call this API once, this API is not for programming use. If you try to add an extension that has already been loaded, this method will not return and instead log a warning to the console.

The method will also not return if the extension's manifest is missing or incomplete.

Note: This API cannot be called before the ready event of the app module is emitted.


  • name String

根据名字删除一个 DevTools 的扩展。

注意: 该 API 不能在 app 模块的 ready 事件之前调用.


  • name String

Remove a DevTools extension by name.

Note: This API cannot be called before the ready event of the app module is emitted.


返回 Object - 键是扩展名, 每个值都是一个包含 nameversion 属性的对象.

要检查是否安装了 DevTools 扩展,您可以运行以下内容:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let installed = BrowserWindow.getDevToolsExtensions().hasOwnProperty('devtron')

注意: 该 API 不能在 app 模块的 ready 事件之前调用.


Returns Object - The keys are the extension names and each value is an Object containing name and version properties.

To check if a DevTools extension is installed you can run the following:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let installed = BrowserWindow.getDevToolsExtensions().hasOwnProperty('devtron')

Note: This API cannot be called before the ready event of the app module is emitted.


使用 new BrowserWindow 创建的对象具有以下属性:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
// 在这个例子中,`win` 是我们的实例
let win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })

Instance Properties

Objects created with new BrowserWindow have the following properties:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
// In this example `win` is our instance
let win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })


窗口拥有的 WebContents 对象. 所有与网页相关的事件和操作都将通过它完成.

有关它的方法和事件, 请参见 webContents documentation


A WebContents object this window owns. All web page related events and operations will be done via it.

See the webContents documentation for its methods and events.


Integer 窗口的唯一ID


A Integer representing the unique ID of the window.


使用 new BrowserWindow创建的对象具有以下实例方法:

注意: 某些方法仅在特定的操作系统上可用, 这些方法会被标记出来。

Instance Methods

Objects created with new BrowserWindow have the following instance methods:

Note: Some methods are only available on specific operating systems and are labeled as such.


强制关闭窗口, 除了closed之外,closeunloadbeforeunload 都不会被触发


Force closing the window, the unload and beforeunload event won't be emitted for the web page, and close event will also not be emitted for this window, but it guarantees the closed event will be emitted.


尝试关闭窗口。这与用户手动点击窗口的关闭按钮效果相同。但页面也可以取消关闭。请看 close event


Try to close the window. This has the same effect as a user manually clicking the close button of the window. The web page may cancel the close though. See the close event.




Focuses on the window.




Removes focus from the window.


返回 Boolean - 判断窗口是否聚焦


Returns Boolean - Whether the window is focused.


返回 Boolean -判断窗口是否被销毁


Returns Boolean - Whether the window is destroyed.




Shows and gives focus to the window.




Shows the window but doesn't focus on it.




Hides the window.


返回 Boolean - 判断窗口是否可见


Returns Boolean - Whether the window is visible to the user.


返回 Boolean - 判断是否为模态窗口


Returns Boolean - Whether current window is a modal window.


最大化窗口。如果窗口尚未显示, 这也将会显示 (但不会聚焦)。


Maximizes the window. This will also show (but not focus) the window if it isn't being displayed already.




Unmaximizes the window.


返回 Boolean - 判断窗口是否最大化


Returns Boolean - Whether the window is maximized.


窗口最小化。在某些平台上, 最小化的窗口将显示在Dock中.


Minimizes the window. On some platforms the minimized window will be shown in the Dock.




Restores the window from minimized state to its previous state.


返回 Boolean -判断窗口是否最小化


Returns Boolean - Whether the window is minimized.


  • flag Boolean



  • flag Boolean

Sets whether the window should be in fullscreen mode.


返回 Boolean - 窗口当前是否已全屏


Returns Boolean - Whether the window is in fullscreen mode.

win.setSimpleFullScreen(flag) macOS

  • flag Boolean


简单全屏模式模拟 Mac OS X prior to Lion (10.7) 版本中发现的原生全屏行为。

win.setSimpleFullScreen(flag) macOS

  • flag Boolean

Enters or leaves simple fullscreen mode.

Simple fullscreen mode emulates the native fullscreen behavior found in versions of Mac OS X prior to Lion (10.7).

win.isSimpleFullScreen() macOS

返回 Boolean - 窗口是否为简单全屏模式(pre-Lion)。

win.isSimpleFullScreen() macOS

Returns Boolean - Whether the window is in simple (pre-Lion) fullscreen mode.


返回 Boolean - 窗口是否处于正常状态(未最大化,未最小化,不在全屏模式下)。


Returns Boolean - Whether the window is in normal state (not maximized, not minimized, not in fullscreen mode).

win.setAspectRatio(aspectRatio[, extraSize]) macOS

  • aspectRatio Float- 为内容视图保持的宽高比.
  • extraSize Size - 维持高宽比值时不包含的额外大小

这将使窗口保持长宽比。 额外的大小允许开发人员有空间 (以像素为单位), 不包括在纵横比计算中。 此 API 已经考虑了窗口大小和内容大小之间的差异。

想象一个使用高清视频播放器和相关控件的普通窗口。 假假如左边缘有15px, 右边缘有25px, 在播放器下面有50px. 为了保持16:9 的长宽比 (标准的HD长宽比为1920x1080), 我们可以调用这个api传入参数16/9 和[ 40,50 ]. 第二个参数不管网页中的额外的宽度和高度在什么位置, 只要它们存在就行. 在全部内部窗口中,加上任何额外的宽度和高度 。

使用 0 调用此函数,将会移除先前设置的宽高比。

win.setAspectRatio(aspectRatio[, extraSize]) macOS

  • aspectRatio Float - The aspect ratio to maintain for some portion of the content view.
  • extraSize Size - The extra size not to be included while maintaining the aspect ratio.

This will make a window maintain an aspect ratio. The extra size allows a developer to have space, specified in pixels, not included within the aspect ratio calculations. This API already takes into account the difference between a window's size and its content size.

Consider a normal window with an HD video player and associated controls. Perhaps there are 15 pixels of controls on the left edge, 25 pixels of controls on the right edge and 50 pixels of controls below the player. In order to maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio (standard aspect ratio for HD @1920x1080) within the player itself we would call this function with arguments of 16/9 and [ 40, 50 ]. The second argument doesn't care where the extra width and height are within the content view--only that they exist. Sum any extra width and height areas you have within the overall content view.

Calling this function with a value of 0 will remove any previously set aspect ratios.


  • backgroundColor String - 十六进制的窗口背景色,如 #66CD00#FFF#80FFFFFF。 (如果transparenttrue的话,也支持alpha 通道。) 默认值为 #FFF(白色)。

设置窗体的背景颜色。详见 Setting backgroundColor


  • backgroundColor String - Window's background color as a hexadecimal value, like #66CD00 or #FFF or #80FFFFFF (alpha is supported if transparent is true). Default is #FFF (white).

Sets the background color of the window. See Setting backgroundColor.

win.previewFile(path[, displayName]) macOS

  • path String -要用 QuickLook 预览的文件的绝对路径。 这一点很重要,因为Quick Look 使用了路径上的文件名和文件扩展名 来决定要打开的文件的内容类型。
  • displayName String (可选) - 在Quick Look 模态视图中显示的文件的名称。 这完全是视觉的,不会影响文件的内容类型。 默认值为 path.

使用 Quick Look来预览路径中的文件.

win.previewFile(path[, displayName]) macOS

  • path String - The absolute path to the file to preview with QuickLook. This is important as Quick Look uses the file name and file extension on the path to determine the content type of the file to open.
  • displayName String (optional) - The name of the file to display on the Quick Look modal view. This is purely visual and does not affect the content type of the file. Defaults to path.

Uses Quick Look to preview a file at a given path.

win.closeFilePreview() macOS

关闭当前打开的 Quick Look 面板.

win.closeFilePreview() macOS

Closes the currently open Quick Look panel.

win.setBounds(bounds[, animate])

  • bounds Rectangle
  • animate Boolean (可选) macOS

重新调整窗口大小并将其移动到提供的 bounds。当一些属性值没有被提供时,将不被更改。

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow()
// set all bounds properties
win.setBounds({ x: 440, y: 225, width: 800, height: 600 })
// set a single bounds property
win.setBounds({ width: 100 })
// { x: 440, y: 225, width: 100, height: 600 }

win.setBounds(bounds[, animate])

  • bounds Rectangle
  • animate Boolean (optional) macOS

Resizes and moves the window to the supplied bounds. Any properties that are not supplied will default to their current values.

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow()
// set all bounds properties
win.setBounds({ x: 440, y: 225, width: 800, height: 600 })
// set a single bounds property
win.setBounds({ width: 100 })
// { x: 440, y: 225, width: 100, height: 600 }


Returns Rectangle - The bounds of the window as Object.


Returns Rectangle - The bounds of the window as Object.

win.setContentBounds(bounds[, animate])

  • bounds Rectangle
  • animate Boolean (可选) macOS

调整窗口的工作区 (如网页) 的大小并将其移动到所提供的边界。

win.setContentBounds(bounds[, animate])

  • bounds Rectangle
  • animate Boolean (optional) macOS

Resizes and moves the window's client area (e.g. the web page) to the supplied bounds.


Returns Rectangle - The bounds of the window's client area as Object.


Returns Rectangle - The bounds of the window's client area as Object.


返回 Rectangle - 包含正常状态下的窗口大小。

注意:无论当前的窗口状态为:最大化、最小化或者全屏,这个方法都将得到窗口在正常显示状态下的位置信息以及大小信息。 在正常状态下,getBounds 与 getNormalBounds 得到的边界信息 Rectangle 是一致的。


Returns Rectangle - Contains the window bounds of the normal state

Note: whatever the current state of the window : maximized, minimized or in fullscreen, this function always returns the position and size of the window in normal state. In normal state, getBounds and getNormalBounds returns the same Rectangle.


  • enable Boolean



  • enable Boolean

Disable or enable the window.

win.setSize(width, height[, animate])

  • width Integer
  • height Integer
  • animate Boolean (可选) macOS

将窗口的大小调整为widthheight. 如果widthheight低于设定的最小值, 那么对应的大小将被截断至设定的最小值.

win.setSize(width, height[, animate])

  • width Integer
  • height Integer
  • animate Boolean (optional) macOS

Resizes the window to width and height. If width or height are below any set minimum size constraints the window will snap to its minimum size.


返回 Integer []-包含窗口的宽度和高度。


Returns Integer[] - Contains the window's width and height.

win.setContentSize(width, height[, animate])

  • width Integer
  • height Integer
  • animate Boolean (可选) macOS

将窗口的工作区 (如网页) 的大小调整为 widthheight

win.setContentSize(width, height[, animate])

  • width Integer
  • height Integer
  • animate Boolean (optional) macOS

Resizes the window's client area (e.g. the web page) to width and height.


返回 Integer []-包含窗口的宽度和高度。


Returns Integer[] - Contains the window's client area's width and height.

win.setMinimumSize(width, height)

  • width Integer
  • height Integer

设置窗口最小化的 widthheight.

win.setMinimumSize(width, height)

  • width Integer
  • height Integer

Sets the minimum size of window to width and height.


返回 Integer []-包含窗口最小化的宽度和高度。


Returns Integer[] - Contains the window's minimum width and height.

win.setMaximumSize(width, height)

  • width Integer
  • height Integer

设置窗口最大化的 widthheight.

win.setMaximumSize(width, height)

  • width Integer
  • height Integer

Sets the maximum size of window to width and height.


返回 Integer []-包含窗口最大化的宽度和高度。


Returns Integer[] - Contains the window's maximum width and height.


  • resizable Boolean



  • resizable Boolean

Sets whether the window can be manually resized by user.


返回 Boolean - 设置窗口是否可以被用户改变大小.


Returns Boolean - Whether the window can be manually resized by user.

win.setMovable(movable) macOS Windows

  • movable Boolean

设置窗口是否可由用户移动。在 Linux 上无效。

win.setMovable(movable) macOS Windows

  • movable Boolean

Sets whether the window can be moved by user. On Linux does nothing.

win.isMovable() macOS Windows

返回 Boolean - 窗口是否可以被用户拖动

在 Linux 上总是返回 true

win.isMovable() macOS Windows

Returns Boolean - Whether the window can be moved by user.

On Linux always returns true.

win.setMinimizable(minimizable) macOS Windows

  • minimizable Boolean

设置窗口是否可以最小化. 在 Linux 上无效.

win.setMinimizable(minimizable) macOS Windows

  • minimizable Boolean

Sets whether the window can be manually minimized by user. On Linux does nothing.

win.isMinimizable() macOS Windows

返回 Boolean -窗口是否可以最小化

在 Linux 上总是返回 true

win.isMinimizable() macOS Windows

Returns Boolean - Whether the window can be manually minimized by user

On Linux always returns true.

win.setMaximizable(maximizable) macOS Windows

  • maximizable Boolean

设置窗口是否可以最大化. 在 Linux 上无效.

win.setMaximizable(maximizable) macOS Windows

  • maximizable Boolean

Sets whether the window can be manually maximized by user. On Linux does nothing.

win.isMaximizable() macOS Windows

返回 Boolean - 窗口是否可以最大化.

在 Linux 上总是返回 true

win.isMaximizable() macOS Windows

Returns Boolean - Whether the window can be manually maximized by user.

On Linux always returns true.


  • fullscreenable Boolean



  • fullscreenable Boolean

Sets whether the maximize/zoom window button toggles fullscreen mode or maximizes the window.


返回 Boolean - 是否为全屏状态或窗口最大化


Returns Boolean - Whether the maximize/zoom window button toggles fullscreen mode or maximizes the window.

win.setClosable(closable) macOS Windows

  • closable Boolean

设置窗口是否可以人为关闭。在 Linux 上无效.

win.setClosable(closable) macOS Windows

  • closable Boolean

Sets whether the window can be manually closed by user. On Linux does nothing.

win.isClosable() macOS Windows

返回 Boolean - 窗口是否被用户关闭了.

在 Linux 上总是返回 true

win.isClosable() macOS Windows

Returns Boolean - Whether the window can be manually closed by user.

On Linux always returns true.

win.setAlwaysOnTop(flag[, level][, relativeLevel])

  • flag Boolean
  • level String (可选) macOS - 可以为下面的值 normal, floating, torn-off-menu, modal-panel, main-menu, status, pop-up-menu, screen-saver, 和 dock (参考值). 默认值为 floating. 更多信息,请查阅 macOS docs
  • relativeLevel Integer (可选) macOS - 设置此窗口相对于给定 级别的层数。. 默认值为0. 请注意, Apple 不鼓励在 屏幕保护程序 之上设置高于1的级别。

设置窗口是否应始终显示在其他窗口的顶部。设置之后, 仍然是一个普通窗口, 而不是一个无法聚焦的工具箱窗口。

win.setAlwaysOnTop(flag[, level][, relativeLevel])

  • flag Boolean
  • level String (optional) macOS - Values include normal, floating, torn-off-menu, modal-panel, main-menu, status, pop-up-menu, screen-saver, and dock (Deprecated). The default is floating. See the macOS docs for more details.
  • relativeLevel Integer (optional) macOS - The number of layers higher to set this window relative to the given level. The default is 0. Note that Apple discourages setting levels higher than 1 above screen-saver.

Sets whether the window should show always on top of other windows. After setting this, the window is still a normal window, not a toolbox window which can not be focused on.


返回 Boolean - 当前窗口是否始终在其它窗口之前.


Returns Boolean - Whether the window is always on top of other windows.


无论焦点如何, 将窗口移至顶端(z轴上的顺序).


Moves window to top(z-order) regardless of focus




Moves window to the center of the screen.

win.setPosition(x, y[, animate])

  • x Integer
  • y Integer
  • animate Boolean (可选) macOS

将窗口移动到 xy

win.setPosition(x, y[, animate])

  • x Integer
  • y Integer
  • animate Boolean (optional) macOS

Moves window to x and y.


返回 Integer[] - 返回一个包含当前窗口位置的数组.


Returns Integer[] - Contains the window's current position.


  • title String

将原生窗口的标题更改为 title


  • title String

Changes the title of native window to title.


返回 String-原生窗口的标题。

Note: The title of the web page can be different from the title of the native window.


Returns String - The title of the native window.

Note: The title of the web page can be different from the title of the native window.

win.setSheetOffset(offsetY[, offsetX]) macOS

  • offsetY Float
  • offsetX Float (可选)

更改macOS上的工作表的附件点。默认情况下, 工作表时在窗口框架下附加的,但是您可能想要将它们显示在 HTML-rendered 的工具栏。例如:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow()
let toolbarRect = document.getElementById('toolbar').getBoundingClientRect()

win.setSheetOffset(offsetY[, offsetX]) macOS

  • offsetY Float
  • offsetX Float (optional)

Changes the attachment point for sheets on macOS. By default, sheets are attached just below the window frame, but you may want to display them beneath a HTML-rendered toolbar. For example:

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow()
let toolbarRect = document.getElementById('toolbar').getBoundingClientRect()


  • flag Boolean

启动或停止闪烁窗口, 以吸引用户的注意。


  • flag Boolean

Starts or stops flashing the window to attract user's attention.


  • skip Boolean



  • skip Boolean

Makes the window not show in the taskbar.


  • flag Boolean

进入或离开 kiosk 模式。


  • flag Boolean

Enters or leaves the kiosk mode.


返回 Boolean - 判断窗口是否处于kiosk模式.


Returns Boolean - Whether the window is in kiosk mode.


返回 Buffer - 窗口的平台特定句柄

Windows上句柄类型为 HWND,macOS 上为 NSView*,Linux 上为Window (unsigned long)


Returns Buffer - The platform-specific handle of the window.

The native type of the handle is HWND on Windows, NSView* on macOS, and Window (unsigned long) on Linux.

win.hookWindowMessage(message, callback) Windows

  • message Integer
  • callback Function

挂钩窗口的消息。在 WndProc 中接收消息时调用callback

win.hookWindowMessage(message, callback) Windows

  • message Integer
  • callback Function

Hooks a windows message. The callback is called when the message is received in the WndProc.

win.isWindowMessageHooked(message) Windows

  • message Integer

返回 Boolean - truefalse ,具体取决于是否钩挂了消息.

win.isWindowMessageHooked(message) Windows

  • message Integer

Returns Boolean - true or false depending on whether the message is hooked.

win.unhookWindowMessage(message) Windows

  • message Integer


win.unhookWindowMessage(message) Windows

  • message Integer

Unhook the window message.

win.unhookAllWindowMessages() Windows


win.unhookAllWindowMessages() Windows

Unhooks all of the window messages.

win.setRepresentedFilename(filename) macOS

  • filename String


win.setRepresentedFilename(filename) macOS

  • filename String

Sets the pathname of the file the window represents, and the icon of the file will show in window's title bar.

win.getRepresentedFilename() macOS

返回 String - 获取窗口当前文件路径.

win.getRepresentedFilename() macOS

Returns String - The pathname of the file the window represents.

win.setDocumentEdited(edited) macOS

  • edited Boolean

明确指出窗口文档是否可以编辑, 如果设置为true则将标题栏的图标变成灰色.

win.setDocumentEdited(edited) macOS

  • edited Boolean

Specifies whether the window’s document has been edited, and the icon in title bar will become gray when set to true.

win.isDocumentEdited() macOS

返回 Boolean - 判断当前窗口文档是否可编辑.

win.isDocumentEdited() macOS

Returns Boolean - Whether the window's document has been edited.





win.capturePage([rect, ]callback)

  • rect Rectangle (可选) - 捕获的区域
  • callback Function

    • image NativeImage

Captures a snapshot of the page within rect. Upon completion callback will be called with callback(image). The image is an instance of NativeImage that stores data of the snapshot. Omitting rect will capture the whole visible page.


win.capturePage([rect, ]callback)

  • rect Rectangle (optional) - The bounds to capture
  • callback Function

    • image NativeImage

Captures a snapshot of the page within rect. Upon completion callback will be called with callback(image). The image is an instance of NativeImage that stores data of the snapshot. Omitting rect will capture the whole visible page.

Deprecated Soon


  • rect Rectangle (可选) - 捕获的区域

Returns Promise<NativeImage> - Resolves with a NativeImage

Captures a snapshot of the page within rect. Omitting rect will capture the whole visible page.


  • rect Rectangle (optional) - The bounds to capture

Returns Promise<NativeImage> - Resolves with a NativeImage

Captures a snapshot of the page within rect. Omitting rect will capture the whole visible page.

win.loadURL(url[, options])

  • url String
  • options Object (可选)

    • httpReferrer (String | Referrer) (可选) - 一个 HTTP Referrer url。
    • userAgent String (可选) - 发起请求的 userAgent.
    • extraHeaders String (可选) - 用 "n" 分割的额外标题
    • postData (UploadRawData[] | UploadFile[] | UploadBlob[]) (可选)
    • baseURLForDataURL String (可选) - 要加载的数据文件的根 url(带有路径分隔符). 只有当指定的 url是一个数据 url 并需要加载其他文件时,才需要这样做。

Returns Promise<void> - the promise will resolve when the page has finished loading (see did-finish-load), and rejects if the page fails to load (see did-fail-load).

Same as webContents.loadURL(url[, options]).

url 可以是远程地址 (例如 http://),也可以是 file:// 协议的本地HTML文件的路径.

为了确保文件网址格式正确, 建议使用Node的 url.format 方法:

let url = require('url').format({
  protocol: 'file',
  slashes: true,
  pathname: require('path').join(__dirname, 'index.html')

您可以通过执行以下操作, 使用带有网址编码数据的 POST请求​​加载网址:

win.loadURL('http://localhost:8000/post', {
  postData: [{
    type: 'rawData',
    bytes: Buffer.from('hello=world')
  extraHeaders: 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

win.loadURL(url[, options])

  • url String
  • options Object (optional)

    • httpReferrer (String | Referrer) (optional) - An HTTP Referrer url.
    • userAgent String (optional) - A user agent originating the request.
    • extraHeaders String (optional) - Extra headers separated by "n"
    • postData (UploadRawData[] | UploadFile[] | UploadBlob[]) (optional)
    • baseURLForDataURL String (optional) - Base url (with trailing path separator) for files to be loaded by the data url. This is needed only if the specified url is a data url and needs to load other files.

Returns Promise<void> - the promise will resolve when the page has finished loading (see did-finish-load), and rejects if the page fails to load (see did-fail-load).

Same as webContents.loadURL(url[, options]).

The url can be a remote address (e.g. http://) or a path to a local HTML file using the file:// protocol.

To ensure that file URLs are properly formatted, it is recommended to use Node's url.format method:

let url = require('url').format({
  protocol: 'file',
  slashes: true,
  pathname: require('path').join(__dirname, 'index.html')

You can load a URL using a POST request with URL-encoded data by doing the following:

win.loadURL('http://localhost:8000/post', {
  postData: [{
    type: 'rawData',
    bytes: Buffer.from('hello=world')
  extraHeaders: 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

win.loadFile(filePath[, options])

  • filePath String
  • options Object (可选)

    • query Object (可选) - 传递给 url.format().
    • search String (可选) - 传递给 url.format().
    • hash String (可选) - 传递给 url.format().

Returns Promise<void> - the promise will resolve when the page has finished loading (see did-finish-load), and rejects if the page fails to load (see did-fail-load).


win.loadFile(filePath[, options])

  • filePath String
  • options Object (optional)

    • query Object (optional) - Passed to url.format().
    • search String (optional) - Passed to url.format().
    • hash String (optional) - Passed to url.format().

Returns Promise<void> - the promise will resolve when the page has finished loading (see did-finish-load), and rejects if the page fails to load (see did-fail-load).

Same as webContents.loadFile, filePath should be a path to an HTML file relative to the root of your application. See the webContents docs for more information.


webContents.reload 相同.


Same as webContents.reload.

win.setMenu(menu) Linux Windows

  • menu Menu | null

Sets the menu as the window's menu bar.

win.setMenu(menu) Linux Windows

  • menu Menu | null

Sets the menu as the window's menu bar.

win.removeMenu() Linux Windows

Remove the window's menu bar.

win.removeMenu() Linux Windows

Remove the window's menu bar.

win.setProgressBar(progress[, options])

  • progress Double
  • options Object (可选)

    • mode String Windows - 进度条的模式. 可以为 none, normal, indeterminate, error, 或 paused.

设置进度栏中的进度值。有效范围是 [0, 1.0]。

当进度小于0时不显示进度; 当进度大于0时显示结果不确定.

在 Linux 平台上,只支持 Unity 桌面模式, 你需要在 package.json 中为 desktopName 指定 *.desktop 的文件名. 默认值为 app.getName().desktop.

在 Windows 上, 可以传递模式。 可以接受的值为none, normal, indeterminate, errorpaused. 如果没有设置模式 (但值在有效范围内) 的情况下调用 setProgressBar, 默认值为normal

win.setProgressBar(progress[, options])

  • progress Double
  • options Object (optional)

    • mode String Windows - Mode for the progress bar. Can be none, normal, indeterminate, error or paused.

Sets progress value in progress bar. Valid range is [0, 1.0].

Remove progress bar when progress < 0; Change to indeterminate mode when progress > 1.

On Linux platform, only supports Unity desktop environment, you need to specify the *.desktop file name to desktopName field in package.json. By default, it will assume app.getName().desktop.

On Windows, a mode can be passed. Accepted values are none, normal, indeterminate, error, and paused. If you call setProgressBar without a mode set (but with a value within the valid range), normal will be assumed.

win.setOverlayIcon(overlay, description) Windows

  • overlay NativeImage | null - 右下角任务栏的显示图标。 如果此参数是 null,覆盖层层会被清除。
  • description String -提供给屏幕阅读器的描述文字

在当前任务栏图标上设置一个 16 x 16 像素的图标, 通常用于传达某种应用程序状态或被动地通知用户。

win.setOverlayIcon(overlay, description) Windows

  • overlay NativeImage | null - the icon to display on the bottom right corner of the taskbar icon. If this parameter is null, the overlay is cleared
  • description String - a description that will be provided to Accessibility screen readers

Sets a 16 x 16 pixel overlay onto the current taskbar icon, usually used to convey some sort of application status or to passively notify the user.

win.setHasShadow(hasShadow) macOS

  • hasShadow Boolean

设置窗口是否应该有阴影. 在 Windows 和 Linux 系统无效


  • hasShadow Boolean

Sets whether the window should have a shadow.

win.hasShadow() macOS

返回 Boolean - 判断窗口是否有阴影.

在 Windows 和 Linux 上总是返回 true.


Returns Boolean - Whether the window has a shadow.

win.setOpacity(opacity) Windows macOS

  • opacity Number - 介于0.0 ( 完全透明 ) 和1.0 ( 完全不透明 ) 之间


win.setOpacity(opacity) Windows macOS

  • opacity Number - between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque)

Sets the opacity of the window. On Linux does nothing.

win.getOpacity() Windows macOS

返回 Number - 介于0.0 ( 完全透明) 和1.0 ( 完全不透明) 之间

win.getOpacity() Windows macOS

Returns Number - between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque)

win.setShape(rects) Windows Linux 实验性

  • rects Rectangle[] - 设置窗口的形状. 传入空列表会使窗口恢复至矩形.

对窗口形状的设置决定了窗口内系统允许绘制与用户交互的区域. 在给定的区域外, 没有像素会被绘制, 且没有鼠标事件会被登记. 在该区域外的鼠标事件将不会被该窗口接收, 而是落至该窗口后方的任意窗口.

win.setShape(rects) Windows Linux Experimental

  • rects Rectangle[] - Sets a shape on the window. Passing an empty list reverts the window to being rectangular.

Setting a window shape determines the area within the window where the system permits drawing and user interaction. Outside of the given region, no pixels will be drawn and no mouse events will be registered. Mouse events outside of the region will not be received by that window, but will fall through to whatever is behind the window.

win.setThumbarButtons(buttons) Windows

  • buttons ThumbarButton[]

返回 Boolean - 按钮是否成功添加

将指定的一组按钮添加到菜单栏的缩图工具栏上。 返回一个 Boolean 对象表示是否成功地添加了缩略图.

由于空间有限, 缩图工具栏中的按钮数量不要超过7个。 一旦设置了缩略图工具栏,则无法删除。 但你可以通过调用 API 传递一个空数组来清除按钮.

buttons 是一个 Button 对象的数组:

  • Button Object

    • icon NativeImage - 在缩图工具栏上显示的图标.
    • click Function
    • tooltip String (可选) - 按钮的提示文本.
    • flags String - 控制按钮特定的状态和行为. 默认为 ['enabled'].

flags 属性是一个数组,包含以下String类型的值:

  • enabled - 该按钮处于活动状态并可供用户使用.
  • disabled - 该按钮被禁用。 它存在,但有一个显示状态表明它不会响应用户操作。
  • dismissonclick - 当按钮被点击时,缩略图窗口立即关闭。
  • nobackground - 不可以画按钮边框,只能使用图片背景。
  • hidden - 该按钮对用户不可见。
  • noninteractive - 该按钮已启用,但处于未激活状态; 没有绘制按钮按下状态。 这个值用于通知功能的按钮实例。

win.setThumbarButtons(buttons) Windows

  • buttons ThumbarButton[]

Returns Boolean - Whether the buttons were added successfully

Add a thumbnail toolbar with a specified set of buttons to the thumbnail image of a window in a taskbar button layout. Returns a Boolean object indicates whether the thumbnail has been added successfully.

The number of buttons in thumbnail toolbar should be no greater than 7 due to the limited room. Once you setup the thumbnail toolbar, the toolbar cannot be removed due to the platform's limitation. But you can call the API with an empty array to clean the buttons.

The buttons is an array of Button objects:

  • Button Object

    • icon NativeImage - The icon showing in thumbnail toolbar.
    • click Function
    • tooltip String (optional) - The text of the button's tooltip.
    • flags String - Control specific states and behaviors of the button. By default, it is ['enabled'].

The flags is an array that can include following Strings:

  • enabled - The button is active and available to the user.
  • disabled - The button is disabled. It is present, but has a visual state indicating it will not respond to user action.
  • dismissonclick - When the button is clicked, the thumbnail window closes immediately.
  • nobackground - Do not draw a button border, use only the image.
  • hidden - The button is not shown to the user.
  • noninteractive - The button is enabled but not interactive; no pressed button state is drawn. This value is intended for instances where the button is used in a notification.

win.setThumbnailClip(region) Windows

  • region Rectangle 窗口的区域

将窗口的区域设置为在任务栏中悬停在窗口上方时显示的缩略图图像。 通过指定空区域:{ x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 },可以重置整个窗口的缩略图。

win.setThumbnailClip(region) Windows

  • region Rectangle - Region of the window

Sets the region of the window to show as the thumbnail image displayed when hovering over the window in the taskbar. You can reset the thumbnail to be the entire window by specifying an empty region: { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }.

win.setThumbnailToolTip(toolTip) Windows

  • toolTip String


win.setThumbnailToolTip(toolTip) Windows

  • toolTip String

Sets the toolTip that is displayed when hovering over the window thumbnail in the taskbar.

win.setAppDetails(options) Windows

  • options Object

    • appId String (可选) - 窗口的 App User Model ID. 该项必须设置, 否则其他选项将没有效果.
    • appIconPath String (可选) -窗口的 Relaunch Icon.
    • appIconIndex Integer (可选) - appIconPath 中的图标索引. 当appIconPath 没设置时则忽略. 默认值为0.
    • relaunchCommand String (可选) - 窗口的 重新启动命令.
    • relaunchDisplayName String (可选) - 窗口的重新启动显示名称.


注意: relaunchCommandrelaunchDisplayName 必须一起设置. 如果这些属性中的一个没有设置, 那么两者都不会被使用.

win.setAppDetails(options) Windows

  • options Object

    • appId String (optional) - Window's App User Model ID. It has to be set, otherwise the other options will have no effect.
    • appIconPath String (optional) - Window's Relaunch Icon.
    • appIconIndex Integer (optional) - Index of the icon in appIconPath. Ignored when appIconPath is not set. Default is 0.
    • relaunchCommand String (optional) - Window's Relaunch Command.
    • relaunchDisplayName String (optional) - Window's Relaunch Display Name.

Sets the properties for the window's taskbar button.

Note: relaunchCommand and relaunchDisplayName must always be set together. If one of those properties is not set, then neither will be used.

win.showDefinitionForSelection() macOS

webContents.showDefinitionForSelection() 相同.

win.showDefinitionForSelection() macOS

Same as webContents.showDefinitionForSelection().

win.setIcon(icon) Windows Linux

  • icon NativeImage


win.setIcon(icon) Windows Linux

  • icon NativeImage

Changes window icon.

win.setWindowButtonVisibility(visible) macOS

  • visible Boolean



win.setWindowButtonVisibility(visible) macOS

  • visible Boolean

Sets whether the window traffic light buttons should be visible.

This cannot be called when titleBarStyle is set to customButtonsOnHover.


  • hide Boolean

设置窗口的菜单栏是否自动隐藏。设置后只有当用户按下 Alt 键时才显示菜单栏.

如果菜单栏已经可见, 调用 setAutoHideMenuBar(true)时不会立刻隐藏.


  • hide Boolean

Sets whether the window menu bar should hide itself automatically. Once set the menu bar will only show when users press the single Alt key.

If the menu bar is already visible, calling setAutoHideMenuBar(true) won't hide it immediately.


返回 Boolean - 判断窗口的菜单栏是否自动隐藏.


Returns Boolean - Whether menu bar automatically hides itself.

win.setMenuBarVisibility(visible) Windows Linux

  • visible Boolean

设置窗口的菜单栏是否可见. 如果设为可见, 菜单栏自动隐藏时, 用户仍然可以按下 Alt 键来显示.

win.setMenuBarVisibility(visible) Windows Linux

  • visible Boolean

Sets whether the menu bar should be visible. If the menu bar is auto-hide, users can still bring up the menu bar by pressing the single Alt key.


返回 Boolean - 判断窗口的菜单栏是否可见.


Returns Boolean - Whether the menu bar is visible.

win.setVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(visible[, options])

  • visible Boolean
  • options Object (可选)

    • visibleOnFullScreen Boolean (可选) macOS - 设置是否窗口可以在全屏窗口之上显示。


注意: 该 API 在 Windows 上无效.

win.setVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(visible[, options])

  • visible Boolean
  • options Object (optional)

    • visibleOnFullScreen Boolean (optional) macOS - Sets whether the window should be visible above fullscreen windows

Sets whether the window should be visible on all workspaces.

Note: This API does nothing on Windows.


返回 Boolean - 判断窗口是否在所有工作空间上可见.

注意: 该 API 在 Windows 上始终返回 false.


Returns Boolean - Whether the window is visible on all workspaces.

Note: This API always returns false on Windows.

win.setIgnoreMouseEvents(ignore[, options])

  • ignore Boolean
  • options Object (可选)

    • forward Boolean (可选) macOS Windows - 如果为 true, 传递鼠标移动消息给 Chromium,鼠标相关事件将可用,如 mouseleave。 仅当ignore </ 0>为 true 时才被使用。 如果 <code>ignore 为 false, 转发始终是禁用的,不管这个值是什么。


在此窗口中发生的所有鼠标事件将被传递到此窗口下面的窗口, 但如果此窗口具有焦点, 它仍然会接收键盘事件

win.setIgnoreMouseEvents(ignore[, options])

  • ignore Boolean
  • options Object (optional)

    • forward Boolean (optional) macOS Windows - If true, forwards mouse move messages to Chromium, enabling mouse related events such as mouseleave. Only used when ignore is true. If ignore is false, forwarding is always disabled regardless of this value.

Makes the window ignore all mouse events.

All mouse events happened in this window will be passed to the window below this window, but if this window has focus, it will still receive keyboard events.

win.setContentProtection(enable) macOS Windows

  • enable Boolean


在macOS中, 它设置 NSWindow的 sharingType为 NSWindowSharingNone. 在Windows中, 它设置 WDA_MONITOR调用 SetWindowDisplayAffinity.

win.setContentProtection(enable) macOS Windows

  • enable Boolean

Prevents the window contents from being captured by other apps.

On macOS it sets the NSWindow's sharingType to NSWindowSharingNone. On Windows it calls SetWindowDisplayAffinity with WDA_MONITOR.

win.setFocusable(focusable) Windows

  • focusable Boolean


win.setFocusable(focusable) Windows

  • focusable Boolean

Changes whether the window can be focused.


  • parent BrowserWindow

设置 parent 为当前窗口的父窗口. 为null时表示将当前窗口转为顶级窗口


  • parent BrowserWindow

Sets parent as current window's parent window, passing null will turn current window into a top-level window.


返回 BrowserWindow - 父窗口.


Returns BrowserWindow - The parent window.


返回 BrowserWindow[] - 首页的子窗口.


Returns BrowserWindow[] - All child windows.

win.setAutoHideCursor(autoHide) macOS

  • autoHide Boolean


win.setAutoHideCursor(autoHide) macOS

  • autoHide Boolean

Controls whether to hide cursor when typing.

win.selectPreviousTab() macOS


win.selectPreviousTab() macOS

Selects the previous tab when native tabs are enabled and there are other tabs in the window.

win.selectNextTab() macOS


win.selectNextTab() macOS

Selects the next tab when native tabs are enabled and there are other tabs in the window.

win.mergeAllWindows() macOS


win.mergeAllWindows() macOS

Merges all windows into one window with multiple tabs when native tabs are enabled and there is more than one open window.

win.moveTabToNewWindow() macOS


win.moveTabToNewWindow() macOS

Moves the current tab into a new window if native tabs are enabled and there is more than one tab in the current window.

win.toggleTabBar() macOS


win.toggleTabBar() macOS

Toggles the visibility of the tab bar if native tabs are enabled and there is only one tab in the current window.

win.addTabbedWindow(browserWindow) macOS

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow


win.addTabbedWindow(browserWindow) macOS

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow

Adds a window as a tab on this window, after the tab for the window instance.

win.setVibrancy(type) macOS

  • type String - 可以为 appearance-based, light, dark, titlebar, selection, menu, popover, sidebar, medium-lightultra-dark. 更多详细信息,请查阅 macOS documentation

在浏览器窗口中添加一个动态效果. 设置为null或空字符串将移除窗口的动态效果。

win.setVibrancy(type) macOS

  • type String - Can be appearance-based, light, dark, titlebar, selection, menu, popover, sidebar, medium-light or ultra-dark. See the macOS documentation for more details.

Adds a vibrancy effect to the browser window. Passing null or an empty string will remove the vibrancy effect on the window.

win.setTouchBar(touchBar) macOS 实验

  • touchBar TouchBar

设置窗口的触摸条布局 设置为 nullundefined将清除触摸条. 此方法只有在macOS 10.12.1+且设备支持触摸条TouchBar时可用.

注意: TouchBar API目前为实验性质,以后的Electron版本可能会更改或删除。

win.setTouchBar(touchBar) macOS Experimental

  • touchBar TouchBar

Sets the touchBar layout for the current window. Specifying null or undefined clears the touch bar. This method only has an effect if the machine has a touch bar and is running on macOS 10.12.1+.

Note: The TouchBar API is currently experimental and may change or be removed in future Electron releases.

win.setBrowserView(browserView) 实验

  • browserView BrowserView. Attach browserView to win. If there is some other browserViews was attached they will be removed from this window.

win.setBrowserView(browserView) Experimental

  • browserView BrowserView. Attach browserView to win. If there is some other browserViews was attached they will be removed from this window.

win.getBrowserView() 实验功能

Returns BrowserView | null - an BrowserView what is attached. Returns null if none is attached. Throw error if multiple BrowserViews is attached.

win.getBrowserView() Experimental

Returns BrowserView | null - an BrowserView what is attached. Returns null if none is attached. Throw error if multiple BrowserViews is attached.

win.addBrowserView(browserView) 实验

  • browserView BrowserView

Replacement API for setBrowserView supporting work with multi browser views.

win.addBrowserView(browserView) Experimental

  • browserView BrowserView

Replacement API for setBrowserView supporting work with multi browser views.

win.removeBrowserView(browserView) 实验

  • browserView BrowserView

win.removeBrowserView(browserView) Experimental

  • browserView BrowserView

win.getBrowserViews() 实验功能

Returns array of BrowserView what was an attached with addBrowserView or setBrowserView.

注意: BrowserView 的 API目前为实验性质,可能会更改或删除。

win.getBrowserViews() Experimental

Returns array of BrowserView what was an attached with addBrowserView or setBrowserView.

Note: The BrowserView API is currently experimental and may change or be removed in future Electron releases.



win.excludedFromShownWindowsMenu macOS

A Boolean property that determines whether the window is excluded from the application’s Windows menu. false by default.

const win = new BrowserWindow({ height: 600, width: 600 })
const template = [
    role: 'windowmenu'
win.excludedFromShownWindowsMenu = true
const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template)

win.excludedFromShownWindowsMenu macOS

A Boolean property that determines whether the window is excluded from the application’s Windows menu. false by default.

const win = new BrowserWindow({ height: 600, width: 600 })
const template = [
    role: 'windowmenu'
win.excludedFromShownWindowsMenu = true
const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template)