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DesktopCapturerSource 对象

  • id String - 一个 window 或 screen 的标识符,在调用 [navigator. webkitGetUserMedia] 时可作为 chromeMediaSourceId 约束,。 标识符的格式是:window:XX或者 screen:XXXX 是一个随机生成的数字
  • name字符串--screen源将被命名为 Entire ScreenScreen<index>, 而window源的名称将与window标题匹配。
  • thumbnailNativeImage - 缩略图图像。 注意: 无法保证缩略图的大小与传递给 desktopCapturer. getSourcesoptions 中指定的 thumbnailSize 相同。 实际尺寸取决于 screen 或 window 的比例。
  • display_id String - 一个由 Screen API 返回的与 Display 的 id 对应匹配的唯一标识符。 在某些平台上,这相当于上面 id 字段中的 XX 部分,其他平台则有所不同。 它在不可用时将会是一个空字符串。
  • appIcon NativeImage - 可能是带有 window 的应用的图标, 或者 srouce 有一个 type screen 时null。 图标尺寸无法事先知道,它取决于提供的应用。

DesktopCapturerSource Object

  • id String - The identifier of a window or screen that can be used as a
    chromeMediaSourceId constraint when calling
    [navigator.webkitGetUserMedia]. The format of the identifier will be
    window:XX or screen:XX, where XX is a random generated number.
  • name String - A screen source will be named either Entire Screen or
    Screen <index>, while the name of a window source will match the window
  • thumbnail NativeImage - A thumbnail image. Note:
    There is no guarantee that the size of the thumbnail is the same as the
    thumbnailSize specified in the options passed to
    desktopCapturer.getSources. The actual size depends on the scale of the
    screen or window.
  • display_id String - A unique identifier that will correspond to the id of
    the matching Display returned by the Screen API.
    On some platforms, this is equivalent to the XX portion of the id field
    above and on others it will differ. It will be an empty string if not
  • appIcon NativeImage - An icon image of the
    application that owns the window or null if the source has a type screen.
    The size of the icon is not known in advance and depends on what the
    the application provides.