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const { dialog } = require('electron')
console.log(dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ['openFile', 'openDirectory', 'multiSelections'] }))

这个对话框是从Electron的主线程上打开的。如果要使用渲染器进程中的对话框对象, 可以使用remote来获得:

const { dialog } = require('electron').remote


Display native system dialogs for opening and saving files, alerting, etc.

Process: Main

An example of showing a dialog to select multiple files and directories:

const { dialog } = require('electron')
console.log(dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ['openFile', 'openDirectory', 'multiSelections'] }))

The Dialog is opened from Electron's main thread. If you want to use the dialog object from a renderer process, remember to access it using the remote:

const { dialog } = require('electron').remote


dialog 模块具有以下方法:


The dialog module has the following methods:

dialog.showOpenDialogSync([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (可选)
  • 选项 Object

    • title String (可选)
    • defaultPath String (可选)
    • buttonLabel String (可选) - 「确认」按钮的自定义标签, 当为空时, 将使用默认标签。
    • filters FileFilter[] (可选)
    • properties String -包含对话框应用的功能。支持以下值:

      • openFile - 允许选择文件
      • openDirectory - 允许选择文件夹
      • multiSelections-允许多选。
      • showHiddenFiles-显示对话框中的隐藏文件。
      • createDirectory macOS -允许你通过对话框的形式创建新的目录。
      • promptToCreate Windows-如果输入的文件路径在对话框中不存在, 则提示创建。 这并不是真的在路径上创建一个文件,而是允许返回一些不存在的地址交由应用程序去创建。
      • noResolveAliases macOS -禁用自动别名 (symlink) 路径解析。 选定的别名现在将返回别名路径而不是其目标路径。
      • treatPackageAsDirectory macOS -将包 (如 .app 文件夹) 视为目录而不是文件。
    • message String (可选) macOS -显示在输入框上方的消息。
    • securityScopedBookmarks Boolean (可选) masOS mas - 在打包提交到Mac App Store时创建 security scoped bookmarks

browserWindow 参数允许该对话框将自身附加到父窗口, 作为父窗口的模态框。

filters 指定一个文件类型数组,用于规定用户可见或可选的特定类型范围。例如:

  filters: [
    { name: 'Images', extensions: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'] },
    { name: 'Movies', extensions: ['mkv', 'avi', 'mp4'] },
    { name: 'Custom File Type', extensions: ['as'] },
    { name: 'All Files', extensions: ['*'] }

extensions 数组应为没有通配符或点的扩展名 (例如, "png" 是正确的, 而 ".png"*. png " 就是错误的)。 若要显示所有文件, 请使用 "*" 通配符 (不支持其他通配符)。

注意: 在 Windows 和 Linux 上, 打开对话框不能同时是文件选择器和目录选择器, 因此如果在这些平台上将 properties 设置为["openFile"、"openDirectory"], 则将显示为目录选择器。

dialog.showOpenDialogSync(mainWindow, {
  properties: ['openFile', 'openDirectory']

dialog.showOpenDialogSync([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (optional)
  • options Object

    • title String (optional)
    • defaultPath String (optional)
    • buttonLabel String (optional) - Custom label for the confirmation button, when left empty the default label will be used.
    • filters FileFilter[] (optional)
    • properties String - Contains which features the dialog should use. The following values are supported:

      • openFile - Allow files to be selected.
      • openDirectory - Allow directories to be selected.
      • multiSelections - Allow multiple paths to be selected.
      • showHiddenFiles - Show hidden files in dialog.
      • createDirectory macOS - Allow creating new directories from dialog.
      • promptToCreate Windows - Prompt for creation if the file path entered in the dialog does not exist. This does not actually create the file at the path but allows non-existent paths to be returned that should be created by the application.
      • noResolveAliases macOS - Disable the automatic alias (symlink) path resolution. Selected aliases will now return the alias path instead of their target path.
      • treatPackageAsDirectory macOS - Treat packages, such as .app folders, as a directory instead of a file.
    • message String (optional) macOS - Message to display above input boxes.
    • securityScopedBookmarks Boolean (optional) masOS mas - Create security scoped bookmarks when packaged for the Mac App Store.

Returns String[] | undefined, the file paths chosen by the user; if the dialog is cancelled it returns undefined.

The browserWindow argument allows the dialog to attach itself to a parent window, making it modal.

The filters specifies an array of file types that can be displayed or selected when you want to limit the user to a specific type. For example:

  filters: [
    { name: 'Images', extensions: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'] },
    { name: 'Movies', extensions: ['mkv', 'avi', 'mp4'] },
    { name: 'Custom File Type', extensions: ['as'] },
    { name: 'All Files', extensions: ['*'] }

The extensions array should contain extensions without wildcards or dots (e.g. 'png' is good but '.png' and '*.png' are bad). To show all files, use the '*' wildcard (no other wildcard is supported).

Note: On Windows and Linux an open dialog can not be both a file selector and a directory selector, so if you set properties to ['openFile', 'openDirectory'] on these platforms, a directory selector will be shown.

dialog.showOpenDialogSync(mainWindow, {
  properties: ['openFile', 'openDirectory']

dialog.showOpenDialog([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (可选)
  • 选项 Object

    • title String (可选)
    • defaultPath String (可选)
    • buttonLabel String (可选) - 「确认」按钮的自定义标签, 当为空时, 将使用默认标签。
    • filters FileFilter[] (可选)
    • properties String -包含对话框应用的功能。支持以下值:

      • openFile - 允许选择文件
      • openDirectory - 允许选择文件夹
      • multiSelections-允许多选。
      • showHiddenFiles-显示对话框中的隐藏文件。
      • createDirectory macOS -允许你通过对话框的形式创建新的目录。
      • promptToCreate Windows-如果输入的文件路径在对话框中不存在, 则提示创建。 这并不是真的在路径上创建一个文件,而是允许返回一些不存在的地址交由应用程序去创建。
      • noResolveAliases macOS -禁用自动别名 (symlink) 路径解析。 选定的别名现在将返回别名路径而不是其目标路径。
      • treatPackageAsDirectory macOS -将包 (如 .app 文件夹) 视为目录而不是文件。
    • message String (可选) macOS -显示在输入框上方的消息。
    • securityScopedBookmarks Boolean (可选) masOS mas - 在打包提交到Mac App Store时创建 security scoped bookmarks
  • callback Function (可选)

Returns Promise<Object> - Resolve wih an object containing the following:

  • canceled - Boolean - whether or not the dialog was canceled.
  • filePaths String - An array of file paths chosen by the user. If the dialog is cancelled this will be an empty array.
  • bookmarks String macOS mas - An array matching the filePaths array of base64 encoded strings which contains security scoped bookmark data. securityScopedBookmarks 必须启用才能捕获数据。

browserWindow 参数允许该对话框将自身附加到父窗口, 作为父窗口的模态框。

filters 指定一个文件类型数组,用于规定用户可见或可选的特定类型范围。例如:

  filters: [
    { name: 'Images', extensions: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'] },
    { name: 'Movies', extensions: ['mkv', 'avi', 'mp4'] },
    { name: 'Custom File Type', extensions: ['as'] },
    { name: 'All Files', extensions: ['*'] }

extensions 数组应为没有通配符或点的扩展名 (例如, "png" 是正确的, 而 ".png"*. png " 就是错误的)。 若要显示所有文件, 请使用 "*" 通配符 (不支持其他通配符)。

注意: 在 Windows 和 Linux 上, 打开对话框不能同时是文件选择器和目录选择器, 因此如果在这些平台上将 properties 设置为["openFile"、"openDirectory"], 则将显示为目录选择器。

dialog.showOpenDialog(mainWindow, {
  properties: ['openFile', 'openDirectory']
}).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {

dialog.showOpenDialog([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (optional)
  • options Object

    • title String (optional)
    • defaultPath String (optional)
    • buttonLabel String (optional) - Custom label for the confirmation button, when left empty the default label will be used.
    • filters FileFilter[] (optional)
    • properties String - Contains which features the dialog should use. The following values are supported:

      • openFile - Allow files to be selected.
      • openDirectory - Allow directories to be selected.
      • multiSelections - Allow multiple paths to be selected.
      • showHiddenFiles - Show hidden files in dialog.
      • createDirectory macOS - Allow creating new directories from dialog.
      • promptToCreate Windows - Prompt for creation if the file path entered in the dialog does not exist. This does not actually create the file at the path but allows non-existent paths to be returned that should be created by the application.
      • noResolveAliases macOS - Disable the automatic alias (symlink) path resolution. Selected aliases will now return the alias path instead of their target path.
      • treatPackageAsDirectory macOS - Treat packages, such as .app folders, as a directory instead of a file.
    • message String (optional) macOS - Message to display above input boxes.
    • securityScopedBookmarks Boolean (optional) masOS mas - Create security scoped bookmarks when packaged for the Mac App Store.
  • callback Function (optional)

Returns Promise<Object> - Resolve wih an object containing the following:

  • canceled Boolean - whether or not the dialog was canceled.
  • filePaths String - An array of file paths chosen by the user. If the dialog is cancelled this will be an empty array.
  • bookmarks String macOS mas - An array matching the filePaths array of base64 encoded strings which contains security scoped bookmark data. securityScopedBookmarks must be enabled for this to be populated.

The browserWindow argument allows the dialog to attach itself to a parent window, making it modal.

The filters specifies an array of file types that can be displayed or selected when you want to limit the user to a specific type. For example:

  filters: [
    { name: 'Images', extensions: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'] },
    { name: 'Movies', extensions: ['mkv', 'avi', 'mp4'] },
    { name: 'Custom File Type', extensions: ['as'] },
    { name: 'All Files', extensions: ['*'] }

The extensions array should contain extensions without wildcards or dots (e.g. 'png' is good but '.png' and '*.png' are bad). To show all files, use the '*' wildcard (no other wildcard is supported).

Note: On Windows and Linux an open dialog can not be both a file selector and a directory selector, so if you set properties to ['openFile', 'openDirectory'] on these platforms, a directory selector will be shown.

dialog.showOpenDialog(mainWindow, {
  properties: ['openFile', 'openDirectory']
}).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {

dialog.showSaveDialogSync([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (可选)
  • options Object

    • title String (可选)
    • defaultPath String (可选) - 默认情况下使用的绝对目录路径、绝对文件路径或文件名。
    • buttonLabel String (可选) - 「确认」按钮的自定义标签, 当为空时, 将使用默认标签。
    • filters FileFilter[] (可选)
    • message String (可选) macOS -显示在对话框上的消息。
    • nameFieldLabel String (可选) macOS - 文件名输入框对应的自定义标签名。
    • showsTagField Boolean (可选) macOS -显示标记输入框, 默认为 true
    • securityScopedBookmarks Boolean (optional) macOS mas - Create a security scoped bookmark when packaged for the Mac App Store. 当该选项被启用且文件尚不存在时,那么在选定的路径下将创建一个空文件。

Returns String | undefined, the path of the file chosen by the user; if the dialog is cancelled it returns undefined.

browserWindow 参数允许该对话框将自身附加到父窗口, 作为父窗口的模态框。

filters 可以指定可显示文件的数组类型,详见 dialog.showOpenDialog 事例

dialog.showSaveDialogSync([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (optional)
  • options Object

    • title String (optional)
    • defaultPath String (optional) - Absolute directory path, absolute file path, or file name to use by default.
    • buttonLabel String (optional) - Custom label for the confirmation button, when left empty the default label will be used.
    • filters FileFilter[] (optional)
    • message String (optional) macOS - Message to display above text fields.
    • nameFieldLabel String (optional) macOS - Custom label for the text displayed in front of the filename text field.
    • showsTagField Boolean (optional) macOS - Show the tags input box, defaults to true.
    • securityScopedBookmarks Boolean (optional) macOS mas - Create a security scoped bookmark when packaged for the Mac App Store. If this option is enabled and the file doesn't already exist a blank file will be created at the chosen path.

Returns String | undefined, the path of the file chosen by the user; if the dialog is cancelled it returns undefined.

The browserWindow argument allows the dialog to attach itself to a parent window, making it modal.

The filters specifies an array of file types that can be displayed, see dialog.showOpenDialog for an example.

dialog.showSaveDialog([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (可选)
  • 选项 Object

    • title String (可选)
    • defaultPath String (可选) - 默认情况下使用的绝对目录路径、绝对文件路径或文件名。
    • buttonLabel String (可选) - 「确认」按钮的自定义标签, 当为空时, 将使用默认标签。
    • filters FileFilter[] (可选)
    • message String (可选) macOS -显示在对话框上的消息。
    • nameFieldLabel String (可选) macOS - 文件名输入框对应的自定义标签名。
    • showsTagField Boolean (可选) macOS -显示标记输入框, 默认为 true
    • securityScopedBookmarks Boolean (optional) macOS mas - Create a security scoped bookmark when packaged for the Mac App Store. 当该选项被启用且文件尚不存在时,那么在选定的路径下将创建一个空文件。

Returns Promise<Object> - Resolve with an object containing the following:

* `canceled` Boolean - whether or not the dialog was canceled.
* `filePath` String (optional) If the dialog is canceled this will be `undefined`.
* `bookmark` String (optional) _macOS_ _mas_ - Base64 encoded string which contains the security scoped bookmark data for the saved file. `securityScopedBookmarks` must be enabled for this to be present.

browserWindow 参数允许该对话框将自身附加到父窗口, 作为父窗口的模态框。

filters 可以指定可显示文件的数组类型,详见 dialog.showOpenDialog 事例

Note: On macOS, using the asynchronous version is recommended to avoid issues when expanding and collapsing the dialog.

dialog.showSaveDialog([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (optional)
  • options Object

    • title String (optional)
    • defaultPath String (optional) - Absolute directory path, absolute file path, or file name to use by default.
    • buttonLabel String (optional) - Custom label for the confirmation button, when left empty the default label will be used.
    • filters FileFilter[] (optional)
    • message String (optional) macOS - Message to display above text fields.
    • nameFieldLabel String (optional) macOS - Custom label for the text displayed in front of the filename text field.
    • showsTagField Boolean (optional) macOS - Show the tags input box, defaults to true.
    • securityScopedBookmarks Boolean (optional) macOS mas - Create a security scoped bookmark when packaged for the Mac App Store. If this option is enabled and the file doesn't already exist a blank file will be created at the chosen path.

Returns Promise<Object> - Resolve with an object containing the following:

  • canceled Boolean - whether or not the dialog was canceled.
  • filePath String (optional) If the dialog is canceled this will be undefined.
  • bookmark String (optional) macOS mas - Base64 encoded string which contains the security scoped bookmark data for the saved file. securityScopedBookmarks must be enabled for this to be present.

The browserWindow argument allows the dialog to attach itself to a parent window, making it modal.

The filters specifies an array of file types that can be displayed, see dialog.showOpenDialog for an example.

Note: On macOS, using the asynchronous version is recommended to avoid issues when expanding and collapsing the dialog.

dialog.showMessageBoxSync([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (可选)
  • options Object

    • type String (可选) - 可以为 "none", "info", "error", "question" 或者 "warning". 在 Windows 上, "question""info"显示相同的图标, 除非你使用了 "icon" 选项设置图标。 在 macOS 上, "warning""error" 显示相同的警告图标
    • buttons String - 按钮的文本数组。在 Windows 上, 空数组在按钮上会显示 "OK".
    • defaultId Integer (可选) - 在 message box 对话框打开的时候,设置默认选中的按钮,值为在 buttons 数组中的索引.
    • title String (可选) - message box 的标题,一些平台不显示.
    • message String - message box 的内容.
    • detail String (可选) - 额外信息.
    • checkboxLabel String (可选) - 如果提供了If provided, 消息框将包含带有给定标签的复选框。 只有使用 callback 时,才能检查复选框的状态。
    • checkboxChecked Boolean (可选) - checkbox 的初始值,默认值为 false.
    • icon NativeImage (可选)
    • cancelId Integer (可选) - 用于取消对话框的按钮的索引,例如 Esc 键. By default this is assigned to the first button with "cancel" or "no" as the label. 默认情况下,它被分配给第一个按钮,文字为 “cancel” 或 “no”。 如果不存在这样的标记按钮,并且该选项没有设置,那么 0 将用作返回值或回调响应。
    • noLink Boolean (可选) - 在Windows上,应用将尝试找出哪个 buttons 是常用按钮(例如 "Cancel" 或 "Yes"),然后在对话框中以链接命令的方式展现其它的按钮。 这可以使对话框以现代Windows应用程序的风格显示。 如果你不喜欢这个行为, 你可以设置 noLinktrue.
    • normalizeAccessKeys Boolean (可选) -规范跨平台的键盘访问键。 默认值为 false. 用 & 连接和转换键盘访问键, 以便它们在每个平台上正常工作.& 字符会在macOS上被删除,在 Linux 上会被转换为 _,在 Windows 上保持不变。 例如 Vie&w 的按钮标签在 Linux 上会被转换为 Vie_w,在 macOS 转换为 View 并且可以被选择。而Windows和Linux上表示 Alt-W

Returns Integer - the index of the clicked button.


browserWindow 参数允许该对话框将自身附加到父窗口, 作为父窗口的模态框。

dialog.showMessageBoxSync([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (optional)
  • options Object

    • type String (optional) - Can be "none", "info", "error", "question" or "warning". On Windows, "question" displays the same icon as "info", unless you set an icon using the "icon" option. On macOS, both "warning" and "error" display the same warning icon.
    • buttons String - Array of texts for buttons. On Windows, an empty array will result in one button labeled "OK".
    • defaultId Integer (optional) - Index of the button in the buttons array which will be selected by default when the message box opens.
    • title String (optional) - Title of the message box, some platforms will not show it.
    • message String - Content of the message box.
    • detail String (optional) - Extra information of the message.
    • checkboxLabel String (optional) - If provided, the message box will include a checkbox with the given label. The checkbox state can be inspected only when using callback.
    • checkboxChecked Boolean (optional) - Initial checked state of the checkbox. false by default.
    • icon (NativeImage | String) (optional)
    • cancelId Integer (optional) - The index of the button to be used to cancel the dialog, via the Esc key. By default this is assigned to the first button with "cancel" or "no" as the label. If no such labeled buttons exist and this option is not set, 0 will be used as the return value or callback response.
    • noLink Boolean (optional) - On Windows Electron will try to figure out which one of the buttons are common buttons (like "Cancel" or "Yes"), and show the others as command links in the dialog. This can make the dialog appear in the style of modern Windows apps. If you don't like this behavior, you can set noLink to true.
    • normalizeAccessKeys Boolean (optional) - Normalize the keyboard access keys across platforms. Default is false. Enabling this assumes & is used in the button labels for the placement of the keyboard shortcut access key and labels will be converted so they work correctly on each platform, & characters are removed on macOS, converted to _ on Linux, and left untouched on Windows. For example, a button label of Vie&w will be converted to Vie_w on Linux and View on macOS and can be selected via Alt-W on Windows and Linux.

Returns Integer - the index of the clicked button.

Shows a message box, it will block the process until the message box is closed. It returns the index of the clicked button.

The browserWindow argument allows the dialog to attach itself to a parent window, making it modal.

dialog.showMessageBox([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (可选)
  • options Object

    • type String (可选) - 可以为 "none", "info", "error", "question" 或者 "warning". 在 Windows 上, "question""info"显示相同的图标, 除非你使用了 "icon" 选项设置图标。 在 macOS 上, "warning""error" 显示相同的警告图标
    • buttons String - 按钮的文本数组。在 Windows 上, 空数组在按钮上会显示 "OK".
    • defaultId Integer (可选) - 在 message box 对话框打开的时候,设置默认选中的按钮,值为在 buttons 数组中的索引.
    • title String (可选) - message box 的标题,一些平台不显示.
    • message String - message box 的内容.
    • detail String (可选) - 额外信息.
    • checkboxLabel String (可选) - 如果提供了If provided, 消息框将包含带有给定标签的复选框。 只有使用 callback 时,才能检查复选框的状态。
    • checkboxChecked Boolean (可选) - checkbox 的初始值,默认值为 false.
    • icon NativeImage (可选)
    • cancelId Integer (可选) - 用于取消对话框的按钮的索引,例如 Esc 键. By default this is assigned to the first button with "cancel" or "no" as the label. 默认情况下,它被分配给第一个按钮,文字为 “cancel” 或 “no”。 如果不存在这样的标记按钮,并且该选项没有设置,那么 0 将用作返回值或回调响应。
    • noLink Boolean (可选) - 在Windows上,应用将尝试找出哪个 buttons 是常用按钮(例如 "Cancel" 或 "Yes"),然后在对话框中以链接命令的方式展现其它的按钮。 这可以使对话框以现代Windows应用程序的风格显示。 如果你不喜欢这个行为, 你可以设置 noLinktrue.
    • normalizeAccessKeys Boolean (可选) -规范跨平台的键盘访问键。 默认值为 false. 用 & 连接和转换键盘访问键, 以便它们在每个平台上正常工作.& 字符会在macOS上被删除,在 Linux 上会被转换为 _,在 Windows 上保持不变。 例如 Vie&w 的按钮标签在 Linux 上会被转换为 Vie_w,在 macOS 转换为 View 并且可以被选择。而Windows和Linux上表示 Alt-W

Returns Promise<Object> - resolves with a promise containing the following properties:

* `response` Number - The index of the clicked button.
* `checkboxChecked` Boolean - The checked state of the checkbox if
`checkboxLabel` was set. Otherwise `false`.

Shows a message box, it will block the process until the message box is closed.

browserWindow 参数允许该对话框将自身附加到父窗口, 作为父窗口的模态框。

dialog.showMessageBox([browserWindow, ]options)

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (optional)
  • options Object

    • type String (optional) - Can be "none", "info", "error", "question" or "warning". On Windows, "question" displays the same icon as "info", unless you set an icon using the "icon" option. On macOS, both "warning" and "error" display the same warning icon.
    • buttons String - Array of texts for buttons. On Windows, an empty array will result in one button labeled "OK".
    • defaultId Integer (optional) - Index of the button in the buttons array which will be selected by default when the message box opens.
    • title String (optional) - Title of the message box, some platforms will not show it.
    • message String - Content of the message box.
    • detail String (optional) - Extra information of the message.
    • checkboxLabel String (optional) - If provided, the message box will include a checkbox with the given label. The checkbox state can be inspected only when using callback.
    • checkboxChecked Boolean (optional) - Initial checked state of the checkbox. false by default.
    • icon NativeImage (optional)
    • cancelId Integer (optional) - The index of the button to be used to cancel the dialog, via the Esc key. By default this is assigned to the first button with "cancel" or "no" as the label. If no such labeled buttons exist and this option is not set, 0 will be used as the return value or callback response.
    • noLink Boolean (optional) - On Windows Electron will try to figure out which one of the buttons are common buttons (like "Cancel" or "Yes"), and show the others as command links in the dialog. This can make the dialog appear in the style of modern Windows apps. If you don't like this behavior, you can set noLink to true.
    • normalizeAccessKeys Boolean (optional) - Normalize the keyboard access keys across platforms. Default is false. Enabling this assumes & is used in the button labels for the placement of the keyboard shortcut access key and labels will be converted so they work correctly on each platform, & characters are removed on macOS, converted to _ on Linux, and left untouched on Windows. For example, a button label of Vie&w will be converted to Vie_w on Linux and View on macOS and can be selected via Alt-W on Windows and Linux.

Returns Promise<Object> - resolves with a promise containing the following properties:

  • response Number - The index of the clicked button.
  • checkboxChecked Boolean - The checked state of the checkbox if checkboxLabel was set. Otherwise false.

Shows a message box, it will block the process until the message box is closed.

The browserWindow argument allows the dialog to attach itself to a parent window, making it modal.

dialog.showErrorBox(title, content)

  • title String - 显示在错误框中的标题.
  • content String - 显示在错误框中的文本内容.


这个API可以在 app 模块触发 ready 事件之前被安全地调用,它通常用在启动时报告错误。 在 Linux 上, ready 事件之前调用这个API, 消息将被发送到stderr, 并且不会出现GUI对话框。

dialog.showErrorBox(title, content)

  • title String - The title to display in the error box.
  • content String - The text content to display in the error box.

Displays a modal dialog that shows an error message.

This API can be called safely before the ready event the app module emits, it is usually used to report errors in early stage of startup. If called before the app readyevent on Linux, the message will be emitted to stderr, and no GUI dialog will appear.

dialog.showCertificateTrustDialog([browserWindow, ]options, callback) macOS Windows

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (可选)
  • options Object

    • certificate Certificate - 信任/导入的证书
    • message String - 要向用户显示的消息
  • callback Function

在macOS中, 将弹出一个用于展示消息与证书信息并向用户提供信任/导入证书的选项的模态对话框。 如果提供 browserWindow 参数, 则该对话框将附加到父窗口, 使其成模态框。

在Windows中, 受限于Win32 API,可选项变得更为有限:

  • message 参数无效,因为操作系统提供了自身的确认对话框。
  • browserWindow 参数被忽略,因此无法成为模态对话框。


dialog.showCertificateTrustDialog([browserWindow, ]options, callback) macOS Windows

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (optional)
  • options Object

    • certificate Certificate - The certificate to trust/import.
    • message String - The message to display to the user.
  • callback Function

On macOS, this displays a modal dialog that shows a message and certificate information, and gives the user the option of trusting/importing the certificate. If you provide a browserWindow argument the dialog will be attached to the parent window, making it modal.

On Windows the options are more limited, due to the Win32 APIs used:

  • The message argument is not used, as the OS provides its own confirmation dialog.
  • The browserWindow argument is ignored since it is not possible to make this confirmation dialog modal.

Deprecated Soon

dialog.showCertificateTrustDialog([browserWindow, ]options) macOS Windows

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (可选)
  • options Object

    • certificate Certificate - 信任/导入的证书
    • message String - 要向用户显示的消息

Returns Promise<void> - resolves when the certificate trust dialog is shown.

在macOS中, 将弹出一个用于展示消息与证书信息并向用户提供信任/导入证书的选项的模态对话框。 如果提供 browserWindow 参数, 则该对话框将附加到父窗口, 使其成模态框。

在Windows中, 受限于Win32 API,可选项变得更为有限:

  • message 参数无效,因为操作系统提供了自身的确认对话框。
  • browserWindow 参数被忽略,因此无法成为模态对话框。

dialog.showCertificateTrustDialog([browserWindow, ]options) macOS Windows

  • browserWindow BrowserWindow (optional)
  • options Object

    • certificate Certificate - The certificate to trust/import.
    • message String - The message to display to the user.

Returns Promise<void> - resolves when the certificate trust dialog is shown.

On macOS, this displays a modal dialog that shows a message and certificate information, and gives the user the option of trusting/importing the certificate. If you provide a browserWindow argument the dialog will be attached to the parent window, making it modal.

On Windows the options are more limited, due to the Win32 APIs used:

  • The message argument is not used, as the OS provides its own confirmation dialog.
  • The browserWindow argument is ignored since it is not possible to make this confirmation dialog modal.



您可以调用 BrowserWindow.getCurrentWindow().setSheetOffset(offset) 来更改附加工作表的窗口框架的偏移量。


On macOS, dialogs are presented as sheets attached to a window if you provide a BrowserWindow reference in the browserWindow parameter, or modals if no window is provided.

You can call BrowserWindow.getCurrentWindow().setSheetOffset(offset) to change the offset from the window frame where sheets are attached.