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在 macOS 10.14 Mojave中, Apple 为所有 macOS 电脑引入了一个全新的 系统级黑暗模式。 If your app does have a dark mode, you can make your Electron app follow the system-wide dark mode setting.

In macOS 10.15 Catalina, Apple introduced a new "automatic" dark mode option for all macOS computers. In order for the isDarkMode and Tray APIs to work correctly in this mode on Catalina you need to either have NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance set to false in your Info.plist file or be on Electron >=7.0.0.

Mojave Dark Mode

In macOS 10.14 Mojave, Apple introduced a new system-wide dark mode for all macOS computers. If your app does have a dark mode, you can make your Electron app follow the system-wide dark mode setting.

In macOS 10.15 Catalina, Apple introduced a new "automatic" dark mode option for all macOS computers. In order for the isDarkMode and Tray APIs to work correctly in this mode on Catalina you need to either have NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance set to false in your Info.plist file or be on Electron >=7.0.0.


"Native Interfaces" include the file picker, window border, dialogs, context menus and more; basically anything where the UI comes from macOS and not your app. The default behavior as of Electron 7.0.0 is to opt in to this automatic theming from the OS. If you wish to opt out you must set the NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance key in the Info.plist file to true. Please note that once Electron starts building against the 10.14 SDK it will not be possible for you to opt out of this theming.

Automatically updating the native interfaces

"Native Interfaces" include the file picker, window border, dialogs, context menus and more; basically anything where the UI comes from macOS and not your app. The default behavior as of Electron 7.0.0 is to opt in to this automatic theming from the OS. If you wish to opt out you must set the NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance key in the Info.plist file to true. Please note that once Electron starts building against the 10.14 SDK it will not be possible for you to opt out of this theming.


如果你的应用本身就有黑暗模式,那么你需要跟系统同步他的开与关。 你可以通过监听 Electron 的 systemPreferences 模块上的主题变更事件来实现。 如下:

const { systemPreferences } = require('electron')
  function theThemeHasChanged () {

Automatically updating your own interfaces

If your app has its own dark mode you should toggle it on and off in sync with the system's dark mode setting. You can do this by listening for the theme changed event on Electron's systemPreferences module. E.g.

const { systemPreferences } = require('electron')
  function theThemeHasChanged () {