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  • transactionIdentifier String - 成功加入队列的事务的唯一标识
  • transactionDate String - 事务被加入队列的时间
  • originalTransactionIdentifier String - App Store恢复的事务的标识符
  • transactionState String - 事务状态, 可以是 purchasing, purchased, failed, restoreddeferred.
  • errorCode Integer - 处理事务时发生错误时的错误代码。
  • errorMessage String - 处理事务时发生错误时的错误消息。
  • payment Object

    • productIdentifier String - 购买产品的标识符。
    • quantity Integer - 购买数量。

Transaction Object

  • transactionIdentifier String - A string that uniquely identifies a successful payment transaction.
  • transactionDate String - The date the transaction was added to the App Store’s payment queue.
  • originalTransactionIdentifier String - The identifier of the restored transaction by the App Store.
  • transactionState String - The transaction state, can be purchasing, purchased, failed, restored or deferred.
  • errorCode Integer - The error code if an error occurred while processing the transaction.
  • errorMessage String - The error message if an error occurred while processing the transaction.
  • payment Object

    • productIdentifier String - The identifier of the purchased product.
    • quantity Integer - The quantity purchased.