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Debugging/Logging - ULog文件格式


translated_page: https://github.com/PX4/Devguide/blob/master/en/log/ulog_file_format.md

translated_sha: cd45f94f39aae63536cde77a0a8b959392d23d9e

ULog File Format






TypeSize in Bytes
int8_t, uint8_t1
int16_t, uint16_t2
int32_t, uint32_t4
int64_t, uint64_t8
bool, char1

此外所有类型都可以使用数组,比如float[5]。一般而言所有的字符串(char[length])结尾都不包含 '\0'。字符串大小写敏感。



  1. ----------------------
  2. | Header |
  3. ----------------------
  4. | Definitions |
  5. ----------------------
  6. | Data |
  7. ----------------------


头部大小固定,格式如下(16 bytes):

  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. | 0x55 0x4c 0x6f 0x67 0x01 0x12 0x35 | 0x00 | uint64_t |
  3. | File magic (7B) | Version (1B) | Timestamp (8B) |
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------


定义部分(Definitions Section)

长度可变,包含版本信息,格式定义以及(初始) 参数值。


  1. struct message_header_s {
  2. uint16_t msg_size;
  3. uint8_t msg_type
  4. };

msg_size 消息去掉头部的字节数
(hdr_size= 3 bytes). msg_type定义了内容,是下面可能的情况之一:

  • ‘F’: format definition for a single (composite) type that can be logged or
    used in another definition as a nested type.

  • ‘F’: 单一(混合)类型的格式定义,用于日志记录或者作为嵌套类型用在其他的定义中。

  1. struct message_format_s {
  2. struct message_header_s header;
  3. char format[header.msg_size-hdr_size];
  4. };

format: 纯文本字符串,格式如下: message_name:field0;field1;可以有任意数量的field
(至少 1), 用 ;隔开。
field 的格式: type field_name 或者数组形式 type[array_length] field_name(只支持固定尺寸的数组).
type 可以是基本的数据类型,也可以是另一种格式定义的message_name (嵌套用法).


  • timestamp: 每个日志消息 (message_add_logged_s) 必须包含一个
    timestamp field (不必是第一个). 他的type可以是:

    1. `uint64_t` \(当前唯一被用到的\), `uint32_t`, `uint16_t` or
    2. `uint8_t`. 除了 `uint8_t` 的单位是毫秒,其他单位都是微秒 。
    3. 日志写入器必须确保记录日志消息足够频繁,能够检测环绕,一个日志读取器必须处理环绕
    4. \(并且考虑到数据丢失\). 拥有相同`msg_id`的消息序列的timestamp必须单调增加.
  • Padding: 以_padding 开头的field名称,不应该被显示,并且读取器应该忽略他们的数据should not be displayed and
    their data must be ignored by a reader. 写入器插入这些 fields 用来确保正确的对齐。

    如果 padding field 是最后一个field, 那么这个field不会被记录,这样就避免了写入不必要的数据
    这使message_data_s.data 得以缩短 。然而当消息用于嵌套定义的时候依然需要padding

  • ‘I’: information message.

  1. struct message_info_s {
  2. struct message_header_s header;
  3. uint8_t key_len;
  4. char key[key_len];
  5. char value[header.msg_size-hdr_size-1-key_len]
  6. };

key 是一个纯文本字符串, 只包含一个field,没有;结尾,例如
float[3] myvalues. value 含有用key描述的数据。

预定义的 information messages :

keyDescriptionExample for value
char[value_len] sys_nameName of the system“PX4”
char[value_len] ver_hwHardware version“PX4FMU_V4”
char[value_len] ver_swSoftware version (git tag)“7f65e01”
uint32_t ver_sw_releaseSoftware version (see below)0x010401ff
char[value_len] sys_os_nameOperating System Name“Linux”
char[value_len] sys_os_verOS version (git tag)“9f82919”
uint32_t ver_os_releaseOS version (see below)0x010401ff
char[value_len] sys_toolchainToolchain Name“GNU GCC”
char[value_len] sys_toolchain_verToolchain Version“6.2.1”
char[value_len] sys_mcuChip name and revision“STM32F42x, rev A”
char[value_len] sys_uuidUnique identifier for vehicle (eg. MCU ID)“392a93e32fa3”…
char[value_len] replayFile name of replayed log if in replay mode“log001.ulg”
int32_t time_ref_utcUTC Time offset in seconds-3600

ver_sw_releasever_os_release的格式是: 0xAABBCCTT, AA
是 major(主版本号), BB 是 minor(次版本号), CC 是 patch(补丁版本) and TT 是类型. 类型
定义如下: >= 0: development, >= 64: alpha version, >= 128: beta
version, >= 192: RC version, == 255: release version.
例如 0x010402ff 转换成版本为 v1.4.2.

This message can also be used in the Data section (this is however the preferred section).

  • ‘P’: 参数消息. 和message_info_s格式一样.
    如果一个参数在运行时实时改变, 那这个消息也可以用在数据部分(Data section).
    1. 数据类型限制为: `int32_t`, `float`.

This section ends before the start of the first message_add_logged_s or message_logging_s message, whichever comes first.

数据部分(Data Section)


  • ‘A’: 订阅一个message,并且赋予它一个用于message_data_s的id.
    This must come before the first corresponding
  1. struct message_add_logged_s {
  2. struct message_header_s header;
  3. uint8_t multi_id;
  4. uint16_t msg_id;
  5. char message_name[header.msg_size-hdr_size-3];
  6. };

multi_id: 相同的消息格式可以通过multi_id赋予多个实例。默认的第一个实例为0。
msg_id: 唯一的 id 用来匹配 message_data_s 数据.第一次用必须置0,然后增加(The first use must set
this to 0, then increase it.) 不同的订阅必须使用不同的id,甚至在取消订阅之后也不能使用相同的id
message_name: 要订阅的消息名称. 必须与message_format_s 中的一个定义相匹配.

  • ‘R’: 取消订阅一个message,标记这个消息不再被记录 (当前没有使用).
  1. struct message_remove_logged_s {
  2. struct message_header_s header;
  3. uint16_t msg_id;
  4. };
  • ‘D’: 包含记录的数据.
  1. struct message_data_s {
  2. struct message_header_s header;
  3. uint16_t msg_id;
  4. uint8_t data[header.msg_size-hdr_size];
  5. };

msg_id: 被message_add_logged_s定义的 message. data 包含被 message_format_s定义的
二进制消息. 关于padding特殊的处理机制查看上面.

  • ‘L’: 记录的字符串消息, i.e. printf output.
  1. struct message_logging_s {
  2. struct message_header_s header;
  3. uint8_t log_level;
  4. uint64_t timestamp;
  5. char message[header.msg_size-hdr_size-9]
  6. };

timestamp:微秒为单位, log_level: 与 Linux kernel 一样:

NameLevel valueMeaning
EMERG‘0’System is unusable
ALERT‘1’Action must be taken immediately
CRIT‘2’Critical conditions
ERR‘3’Error conditions
WARNING‘4’Warning conditions
NOTICE‘5’Normal but significant condition
DEBUG‘7’Debug-level messages
  • synchronization message so that a reader can recover from a corrupt
    message by search for the next sync message (not used currently).
    ‘S’: 同步消息,消息阅读器通过搜索下一个同步消息的方式从一个损坏的消息恢复。(当前未使用)
    1. struct message_sync_s {
    2. struct message_header_s header;
    3. uint8_t sync_magic[8];
    4. };

sync_magic: 待定义(to be defined).

  • ‘O’: 标记一个在以ms给定的时间段内的数据丢失 (丢失日志消息)。
  1. struct message_dropout_s {
  2. struct message_header_s header;
  3. uint16_t duration;
  4. };
  • ‘I’: information message. See above.
  • ‘P’: parameter message. See above.

Requirements for Parsers

A valid ULog parser must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Must ignore unknown messages (but it can print a warning).
  • Parse future/unknown file format versions as well (but it can print a warning).
  • Must refuse to parse a log which contains unknown incompatibility bits set
    (incompat_flags of ulog_message_flag_bits_s message), meaning the log
    contains breaking changes that the parser cannot handle.
  • A parser must be able to correctly handle logs that end abruptly, in the
    middle of a message. The unfinished message should just be discarged.
  • For appended data: a parser can assume the Data section exists, i.e. the
    offset points to a place after the Definitions section.

    Appended data must be treated as if it was part of the regular Data section.

Known Implementations

File Format Version History

Changes in version 2

Addition of ulog_message_info_multiple_header_s and ulog_message_flag_bits_s
messages and the ability to append data to a log. This is used to add crash data
to an existing log. If data is appended to a log that is cut in the middle of a
message, it cannot be parsed with version 1 parsers. Other than that forward and
backward compatibility is given if parsers ignore unknown messages.