3.4.3 Pass Params
Name | Options |
switch | *undefined, could be any valid macro name that's not defined in the shader |
priority | default(128), could be any number between max(255) and min(0) |
stage | default, could be the name of any registered stage in your runtime pipeline |
phase | default, could be the name of any registered phase in your runtime pipeline |
propertyIndex | *undefined, could be any valid pass index |
embeddedMacros | *undefined, could be an object containing any macro key-value pairs |
properties | *see the following section |
migrations | *see the following section |
primitive | point_list, line_list, line_strip, line_loop, triangle_list, triangle_strip, triangle_fan, line_list_adjacency, line_strip_adjacency, triangle_list_adjacency, triangle_strip_adjacency, triangle_patch_adjacency, quad_patch_list, iso_line_list |
dynamics | [], an array containing any of the following: viewport, scissor, line_width, depth_bias, blend_constants, depth_bounds, stencil_write_mask, stencil_compare_mask |
rasterizerState. cullMode | front, back, none |
depthStencilState. depthTest | true, false |
depthStencilState. depthWrite | true, false |
depthStencilState. depthFunc | never, less, equal, less_equal, greater, not_equal, greater_equal, always |
blendState.targets[i]. blend | true, false |
blendState.targets[i]. blendEq | add, sub, rev_sub |
blendState.targets[i]. blendSrc | one, zero, src_alpha_saturate, src_alpha, one_minus_src_alpha, dst_alpha, one_minus_dst_alpha, src_color, one_minus_src_color, dst_color, one_minus_dst_color, constant_color, one_minus_constant_color, constant_alpha, one_minus_constant_alpha |
blendState.targets[i]. blendDst | one, zero, src_alpha_saturate, src_alpha, one_minus_src_alpha, dst_alpha, one_minus_dst_alpha, src_color, one_minus_src_color, dst_color, one_minus_dst_color, constant_color, one_minus_constant_color, constant_alpha, one_minus_constant_alpha |
blendState.targets[i]. blendSrcAlpha | one, zero, src_alpha_saturate, src_alpha, one_minus_src_alpha, dst_alpha, one_minus_dst_alpha, src_color, one_minus_src_color, dst_color, one_minus_dst_color, constant_color, one_minus_constant_color, constant_alpha, one_minus_constant_alpha |
blendState.targets[i]. blendDstAlpha | one, zero, src_alpha_saturate, src_alpha, one_minus_src_alpha, dst_alpha, one_minus_dst_alpha, src_color, one_minus_src_color, dst_color, one_minus_dst_color, constant_color, one_minus_constant_color, constant_alpha, one_minus_constant_alpha |
blendState.targets[i]. blendAlphaEq | add, sub, rev_sub |
blendState.targets[i]. blendColorMask | all, none, r, g, b, a, rg, rb, ra, gb, ga, ba, rgb, rga, rba, gba |
blendState. blendColor | 0 or [0, 0, 0, 0] |
depthStencilState. stencilTest | true, false |
depthStencilState. stencilFunc | never, less, equal, less_equal, greater, not_equal, greater_equal, always |
depthStencilState. stencilReadMask | 0xffffffff or [1, 1, 1, 1] |
depthStencilState. stencilWriteMask | 0xffffffff or [1, 1, 1, 1] |
depthStencilState. stencilFailOp | keep, zero, replace, incr, incr_wrap, decr, decr_wrap, invert |
depthStencilState. stencilZFailOp | keep, zero, replace, incr, incr_wrap, decr, decr_wrap, invert |
depthStencilState. stencilPassOp | keep, zero, replace, incr, incr_wrap, decr, decr_wrap, invert |
depthStencilState. stencilRef | 1 or [0, 0, 0, 1] |
depthStencilState. stencil*Front/Back | \set above stencil properties for specific side* |
指定这个 pass 的执行依赖于哪个 define,它不应与使用到的 shader 中定义的任何 define 重名。
这个字段默认是不存在的,意味着这个 pass 是无条件执行的。
指定这个 pass 的渲染优先级,数值越小越优先渲染;default 代表默认优先级 (128),min 代表最小(0),max 代表最大(255),可结合四则运算符指定相对值。
指定这个 pass 归属于管线的哪个 stage,对默认 forward 管线,只有 default
一个 stage。
指定这个 pass 归属于管线的哪个 stage,对默认 forward 管线,可以是 default
, forward-add
, shadow-caster
指定这个 pass 的运行时 uniform 属性数据要和哪个 pass 保持一致,比如 forward add 等 pass 需要和 base pass 一致才能保证正确的渲染效果。
一旦指定了此参数,材质面板上就不再会显示这个 pass 的任何属性。
指定在这个 pass 的 shader 基础上额外定义的常量宏。在多个 pass 的 shader 只有宏定义不同时可使用此参数来复用 shader 资源。
properties 存储着这个 Pass 有哪些可定制的参数需要在 Inspector 上显示,
这些参数可以是 shader 中的某个 uniform 的完整映射,也可以是具体某个分量的映射 (使用 target 参数):
albedo: { value: [1, 1, 1, 1] } # uniform vec4 albedo
roughness: { value: 0.8, target: pbrParams.g } # uniform vec4 pbrParams
offset: { value: [0, 0], target: tilingOffset.zw } # uniform vec4 tilingOffset
# say there is another uniform, vec4 emissive, that doesn't appear here
# so it will be assigned a default value of [0, 0, 0, 0] and will not appear in the inspector
// as long as it is a real uniform
// it doesn't matter whether it is specified in the property list or not
mat.setProperty('emissive', Color.GREY); // this works
mat.setProperty('albedo', Color.RED); // directly set uniform
mat.setProperty('roughness', 0.2); // set certain component
const h = mat.passes[0].getHandle('offset'); // or just take the handle,
mat.passes[0].setUniform(h, new Vec2(0.5, 0.5)); // and use Pass.setUniform interface instead
未指定的 uniform 将由引擎在运行时根据自动分析出的数据类型给予默认初值。
为方便声明各 property 子属性,可以直接在 properties 内声明 __metadata__
项,所有 property 都会继承它声明的内容,如:
__metadata__: { editor: { visible: false } }
a: { value: [1, 1, 0, 0] }
b: { editor: { type: color } }
c: { editor: { visible: true } }
这样 uniform a 和 b 已声明的各项参数都不受影响,但全部不会显示在 inspector 上(visible 为 false),而 uniform c 还会正常显示。
一般来说使用材质资源时希望底层的 effect 接口能始终向前兼容,但依然有时面对新的需求最好的解决方案是含有一定 breaking change 的,
这时为了保持项目中已有的材质资源数据不受影响,或至少能够更平滑的升级,可以使用 effect 的迁移系统,
在 effect 导入成功后会 立即更新工程内所有 依赖于此 effect 的材质资源,
对每个材质资源,尝试寻找所有指定旧参数数据(包括 property 和宏定义两类),复制或重组到新属性名下。
这个过程不会自动删除旧数据,但是会将旧属性的 editor.deprecated 标为 true(如果新数据在 inspector 上可见的话)。
对于一个现有 effect,声明如下迁移字段:
# macros: # macros follows the same rule as properties, without the component-wise features
# USE_MIAN_TEXTURE: { formerlySerializedAs: USE_MAIN_TEXTURE }
newFloat: { formerlySerializedAs: oldVec4.w }
对于一个依赖于这个 effect,并在对应 pass 持有这样的属性的材质:
"oldVec4": {
"__type__": "cc.Vec4",
"x": 1,
"y": 1,
"z": 1,
"w": 0.5
在 effect 重新导入后,这些数据会被立即转换成:
"oldVec4": {
"__type__": "cc.Vec4",
"x": 1,
"y": 1,
"z": 1,
"w": 0.5
"newFloat": 0.5
在编辑器内重新编辑并保存这个材质资源后会变成(假设 effect 和 property 数据本身并没有改变):
"newFloat": 0.5
注意这里的通道指令只是简单的取 w
分量,事实上还可以做任意的 shuffle:
newColor: { formerlySerializedAs: someOldColor.yxx }
occlusion: { formerlySerializedAs: pbrParams.<OCCLUSION_CHANNEL|z> }
这里声明了新的 occlusion 属性会从旧的 pbrParams
中获取,而具体的分量取决于 OCCLUSION_CHANNEL 宏定义,且如材质资源中未定义此宏,默认取 z
但如果某个材质在迁移升级前就已经存着 newFloat
newFloat: { formerlySerializedAs: oldVec4.w! }
因此只是一个快速测试和调试的手段,一定不要将处于强制更新模式的 effect 提交版本控制。
Property Param List
Param | Options |
target | undefined, (any valid uniform components, no random swizzle) |
value | \see the next section* |
sampler. minFilter | none, point, linear, anisotropic |
sampler. magFilter | none, point, linear, anisotropic |
sampler. mipFilter | none, point, linear, anisotropic |
sampler. addressU | wrap, mirror, clamp, border |
sampler. addressV | wrap, mirror, clamp, border |
sampler. addressW | wrap, mirror, clamp, border |
sampler. maxAnisotropy | 16 |
sampler. cmpFunc | never, less, equal, less_equal, greater, not_equal, greater_equal, always |
sampler. borderColor | [0, 0, 0, 0] |
sampler. minLOD | 0 |
sampler. maxLOD | 0, \remember to override this when enabling mip filter* |
sampler. mipLODBias | 0 |
editor | \see the next section* |
editor. displayName | (any string), *property name |
editor. type | vector, color |
editor. visible | true, false |
editor. tooltip | (any string), *property name |
editor. range | undefined, [ min, max, [step] ] |
editor. deprecated | true, false, \for any material using this effect, delete the existing data for this property after next saving* |
Default Values
Type | Default Value / Options |
int | 0 |
ivec2 | [0, 0] |
ivec3 | [0, 0, 0] |
ivec4 | [0, 0, 0, 0] |
float | 0 |
vec2 | [0, 0] |
vec3 | [0, 0, 0] |
vec4 | [0, 0, 0, 0] |
sampler2D | black, grey, white, normal, default |
samplerCube | black-cube, white-cube, default-cube |
对于 defines:
boolean 类型默认值为 false。
number 类型默认值为 0,默认取值范围 [0, 3]。
string 类型默认值为 options 数组第一个元素。