最优化算法 - 迭代再加权最小二乘


1 原理


arg min{\beta} \sum{i=1}^{n}|y{i} - f{i}(\beta)|^{p}


\beta ^{t+1} = argmin{\beta} \sum{i=1}^{n} w{i}(\beta^{(t)}))|y{i} - f_{i}(\beta)|^{2} = (X^{T}W^{(t)}X)^{-1}X^{T}W^{(t)}y


W{i}^{(t)} = |y{i} - X_{i}\beta^{(t)}|^{p-2}

2 源码分析

  在spark ml中,迭代再加权最小二乘主要解决广义线性回归问题。下面看看实现代码。

2.1 更新权重

  1. // Update offsets and weights using reweightFunc
  2. val newInstances = instances.map { instance =>
  3. val (newOffset, newWeight) = reweightFunc(instance, oldModel)
  4. Instance(newOffset, newWeight, instance.features)
  5. }


  1. /**
  2. * The reweight function used to update offsets and weights
  3. * at each iteration of [[IterativelyReweightedLeastSquares]].
  4. */
  5. val reweightFunc: (Instance, WeightedLeastSquaresModel) => (Double, Double) = {
  6. (instance: Instance, model: WeightedLeastSquaresModel) => {
  7. val eta = model.predict(instance.features)
  8. val mu = fitted(eta)
  9. val offset = eta + (instance.label - mu) * link.deriv(mu)
  10. val weight = instance.weight / (math.pow(this.link.deriv(mu), 2.0) * family.variance(mu))
  11. (offset, weight)
  12. }
  13. }
  14. def fitted(eta: Double): Double = family.project(link.unlink(eta))



2.2 训练新的模型

  1. // 使用更新过的样本训练新的模型
  2. model = new WeightedLeastSquares(fitIntercept, regParam, elasticNetParam = 0.0,
  3. standardizeFeatures = false, standardizeLabel = false).fit(newInstances)
  4. // 检查是否收敛
  5. val oldCoefficients = oldModel.coefficients
  6. val coefficients = model.coefficients
  7. BLAS.axpy(-1.0, coefficients, oldCoefficients)
  8. val maxTolOfCoefficients = oldCoefficients.toArray.reduce { (x, y) =>
  9. math.max(math.abs(x), math.abs(y))
  10. }
  11. val maxTol = math.max(maxTolOfCoefficients, math.abs(oldModel.intercept - model.intercept))
  12. if (maxTol < tol) {
  13. converged = true
  14. }


3 参考文献

【1】Iteratively reweighted least squares