线性模型 - 逻辑回归


1 二元逻辑回归






  对于线性边界的情况,边界形式可以归纳为如下公式 (1):


  因此我们可以构造预测函数为如下公式 (2):


  该预测函数表示分类结果为1时的概率。因此对于输入点x,分类结果为类别1和类别0的概率分别为如下公式 (3)


  对于训练数据集,特征数据x={x1, x2, … , xm}和对应的分类数据y={y1, y2, … , ym}。构建逻辑回归模型f,最典型的构建方法便是应用极大似然估计。对公式 (3) 取极大似然函数,可以得到如下的公式 (4):


  再对公式 (4) 取对数,可得到公式 (5)



2 多元逻辑回归


  对于输入点x,分类结果为各类别的概率分别为如下公式 (6) ,其中k表示类别个数。


  对于k类的多分类问题,模型的权重w = (w_1, w_2, ..., w_{K-1})是一个矩阵,如果添加截距,矩阵的维度为(K-1) * (N+1),否则为(K-1) * N。单个样本的目标函数的损失函数可以写成如下公式 (7) 的形式。


  对损失函数求一阶导数,我们可以得到下面的公式 (8):


  根据上面的公式,如果某些margin的值大于709.78,multiplier以及逻辑函数的计算会出现算术溢出(arithmetic overflow)的情况。这个问题发生在有离群点远离超平面的情况下。
幸运的是,当max(margins) = maxMargin > 0时,损失函数可以重写为如下公式 (9) 的形式。


  同理,multiplier也可以重写为如下公式 (10) 的形式。


3 逻辑回归的优缺点

  • 优点:计算代价低,速度快,容易理解和实现。
  • 缺点:容易欠拟合,分类和回归的精度不高。

4 实例


  1. import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
  2. import org.apache.spark.mllib.classification.{LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS, LogisticRegressionModel}
  3. import org.apache.spark.mllib.evaluation.MulticlassMetrics
  4. import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
  5. import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
  6. import org.apache.spark.mllib.util.MLUtils
  7. // 加载训练数据
  8. val data = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc, "data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")
  9. // 切分数据,training (60%) and test (40%).
  10. val splits = data.randomSplit(Array(0.6, 0.4), seed = 11L)
  11. val training = splits(0).cache()
  12. val test = splits(1)
  13. // 训练模型
  14. val model = new LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS()
  15. .setNumClasses(10)
  16. .run(training)
  17. // Compute raw scores on the test set.
  18. val predictionAndLabels = test.map { case LabeledPoint(label, features) =>
  19. val prediction = model.predict(features)
  20. (prediction, label)
  21. }
  22. // Get evaluation metrics.
  23. val metrics = new MulticlassMetrics(predictionAndLabels)
  24. val precision = metrics.precision
  25. println("Precision = " + precision)
  26. // 保存和加载模型
  27. model.save(sc, "myModelPath")
  28. val sameModel = LogisticRegressionModel.load(sc, "myModelPath")

5 源码分析

5.1 训练模型



  1. def run(input: RDD[LabeledPoint]): M = {
  2. if (numFeatures < 0) {
  3. //计算特征数
  4. numFeatures = input.map(_.features.size).first()
  5. }
  6. val initialWeights = {
  7. if (numOfLinearPredictor == 1) {
  8. Vectors.zeros(numFeatures)
  9. } else if (addIntercept) {
  10. Vectors.zeros((numFeatures + 1) * numOfLinearPredictor)
  11. } else {
  12. Vectors.zeros(numFeatures * numOfLinearPredictor)
  13. }
  14. }
  15. run(input, initialWeights)
  16. }

我们重点看run(input, initialWeights)的实现。它的实现分四步。

5.1.1 根据提供的参数缩放特征并添加截距

  1. val scaler = if (useFeatureScaling) {
  2. new StandardScaler(withStd = true, withMean = false).fit(input.map(_.features))
  3. } else {
  4. null
  5. }
  6. val data =
  7. if (addIntercept) {
  8. if (useFeatureScaling) {
  9. input.map(lp => (lp.label, appendBias(scaler.transform(lp.features)))).cache()
  10. } else {
  11. input.map(lp => (lp.label, appendBias(lp.features))).cache()
  12. }
  13. } else {
  14. if (useFeatureScaling) {
  15. input.map(lp => (lp.label, scaler.transform(lp.features))).cache()
  16. } else {
  17. input.map(lp => (lp.label, lp.features))
  18. }
  19. }
  20. val initialWeightsWithIntercept = if (addIntercept && numOfLinearPredictor == 1) {
  21. appendBias(initialWeights)
  22. } else {
  23. /** If `numOfLinearPredictor > 1`, initialWeights already contains intercepts. */
  24. initialWeights
  25. }

  在最优化过程中,收敛速度依赖于训练数据集的条件数(condition number),缩放变量经常可以启发式地减少这些条件数,提高收敛速度。不减少条件数,一些混合有不同范围列的数据集可能不能收敛。

  1. def appendBias(vector: Vector): Vector = {
  2. vector match {
  3. case dv: DenseVector =>
  4. val inputValues = dv.values
  5. val inputLength = inputValues.length
  6. val outputValues = Array.ofDim[Double](inputLength + 1)
  7. System.arraycopy(inputValues, 0, outputValues, 0, inputLength)
  8. outputValues(inputLength) = 1.0
  9. Vectors.dense(outputValues)
  10. case sv: SparseVector =>
  11. val inputValues = sv.values
  12. val inputIndices = sv.indices
  13. val inputValuesLength = inputValues.length
  14. val dim = sv.size
  15. val outputValues = Array.ofDim[Double](inputValuesLength + 1)
  16. val outputIndices = Array.ofDim[Int](inputValuesLength + 1)
  17. System.arraycopy(inputValues, 0, outputValues, 0, inputValuesLength)
  18. System.arraycopy(inputIndices, 0, outputIndices, 0, inputValuesLength)
  19. outputValues(inputValuesLength) = 1.0
  20. outputIndices(inputValuesLength) = dim
  21. Vectors.sparse(dim + 1, outputIndices, outputValues)
  22. case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Do not support vector type ${vector.getClass}")
  23. }

5.1.2 使用最优化算法计算最终的权重值

  1. val weightsWithIntercept = optimizer.optimize(data, initialWeightsWithIntercept)

这两种算法均使用Gradient的实现类计算梯度,使用Updater的实现类更新参数。在 LogisticRegressionWithSGDLogisticRegressionWithLBFGS 中,它们均使用 LogisticGradient 实现类计算梯度,使用 SquaredL2Updater 实现类更新参数。

  1. //在GradientDescent中
  2. private val gradient = new LogisticGradient()
  3. private val updater = new SquaredL2Updater()
  4. override val optimizer = new GradientDescent(gradient, updater)
  5. .setStepSize(stepSize)
  6. .setNumIterations(numIterations)
  7. .setRegParam(regParam)
  8. .setMiniBatchFraction(miniBatchFraction)
  9. //在LBFGS中
  10. override val optimizer = new LBFGS(new LogisticGradient, new SquaredL2Updater)


  • LogisticGradient


  1. val margin = -1.0 * dot(data, weights)
  2. val multiplier = (1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(margin))) - label
  3. //y += a * x,即cumGradient += multiplier * data
  4. axpy(multiplier, data, cumGradient)
  5. if (label > 0) {
  6. // The following is equivalent to log(1 + exp(margin)) but more numerically stable.
  7. MLUtils.log1pExp(margin)
  8. } else {
  9. MLUtils.log1pExp(margin) - margin
  10. }

  这里的multiplier就是上文的公式 (2)axpy方法用于计算梯度,这里表示的意思是h(x) * x。下面是多元逻辑回归的实现方法。

  1. //权重
  2. val weightsArray = weights match {
  3. case dv: DenseVector => dv.values
  4. case _ =>
  5. throw new IllegalArgumentException
  6. }
  7. //梯度
  8. val cumGradientArray = cumGradient match {
  9. case dv: DenseVector => dv.values
  10. case _ =>
  11. throw new IllegalArgumentException
  12. }
  13. // 计算所有类别中最大的margin
  14. var marginY = 0.0
  15. var maxMargin = Double.NegativeInfinity
  16. var maxMarginIndex = 0
  17. val margins = Array.tabulate(numClasses - 1) { i =>
  18. var margin = 0.0
  19. data.foreachActive { (index, value) =>
  20. if (value != 0.0) margin += value * weightsArray((i * dataSize) + index)
  21. }
  22. if (i == label.toInt - 1) marginY = margin
  23. if (margin > maxMargin) {
  24. maxMargin = margin
  25. maxMarginIndex = i
  26. }
  27. margin
  28. }
  29. //计算sum,保证每个margin都小于0,避免出现算术溢出的情况
  30. val sum = {
  31. var temp = 0.0
  32. if (maxMargin > 0) {
  33. for (i <- 0 until numClasses - 1) {
  34. margins(i) -= maxMargin
  35. if (i == maxMarginIndex) {
  36. temp += math.exp(-maxMargin)
  37. } else {
  38. temp += math.exp(margins(i))
  39. }
  40. }
  41. } else {
  42. for (i <- 0 until numClasses - 1) {
  43. temp += math.exp(margins(i))
  44. }
  45. }
  46. temp
  47. }
  48. //计算multiplier并计算梯度
  49. for (i <- 0 until numClasses - 1) {
  50. val multiplier = math.exp(margins(i)) / (sum + 1.0) - {
  51. if (label != 0.0 && label == i + 1) 1.0 else 0.0
  52. }
  53. data.foreachActive { (index, value) =>
  54. if (value != 0.0) cumGradientArray(i * dataSize + index) += multiplier * value
  55. }
  56. }
  57. //计算损失函数,
  58. val loss = if (label > 0.0) math.log1p(sum) - marginY else math.log1p(sum)
  59. if (maxMargin > 0) {
  60. loss + maxMargin
  61. } else {
  62. loss
  63. }
  • SquaredL2Updater
  1. class SquaredL2Updater extends Updater {
  2. override def compute(
  3. weightsOld: Vector,
  4. gradient: Vector,
  5. stepSize: Double,
  6. iter: Int,
  7. regParam: Double): (Vector, Double) = {
  8. // w' = w - thisIterStepSize * (gradient + regParam * w)
  9. // w' = (1 - thisIterStepSize * regParam) * w - thisIterStepSize * gradient
  10. //表示步长,即负梯度方向的大小
  11. val thisIterStepSize = stepSize / math.sqrt(iter)
  12. val brzWeights: BV[Double] = weightsOld.toBreeze.toDenseVector
  13. //正则化,brzWeights每行数据均乘以(1.0 - thisIterStepSize * regParam)
  14. brzWeights :*= (1.0 - thisIterStepSize * regParam)
  15. //y += x * a,即brzWeights -= gradient * thisInterStepSize
  16. brzAxpy(-thisIterStepSize, gradient.toBreeze, brzWeights)
  17. //正则化||w||_2
  18. val norm = brzNorm(brzWeights, 2.0)
  19. (Vectors.fromBreeze(brzWeights), 0.5 * regParam * norm * norm)
  20. }
  21. }


  1. w' = w - thisIterStepSize * (gradient + regParam * w)
  2. w' = (1 - thisIterStepSize * regParam) * w - thisIterStepSize * gradient


5.1.3 对最终的权重值进行后处理

  1. val intercept = if (addIntercept && numOfLinearPredictor == 1) {
  2. weightsWithIntercept(weightsWithIntercept.size - 1)
  3. } else {
  4. 0.0
  5. }
  6. var weights = if (addIntercept && numOfLinearPredictor == 1) {
  7. Vectors.dense(weightsWithIntercept.toArray.slice(0, weightsWithIntercept.size - 1))
  8. } else {
  9. weightsWithIntercept
  10. }

  该段代码获得了截距(intercept)以及最终的权重值。由于截距(intercept)和权重是在收缩的空间进行训练的,所以我们需要再把它们转换到原始的空间。数学知识告诉我们,如果我们仅仅执行标准化而没有减去均值,即withStd = true, withMean = false

  1. if (useFeatureScaling) {
  2. if (numOfLinearPredictor == 1) {
  3. weights = scaler.transform(weights)
  4. } else {
  5. var i = 0
  6. val n = weights.size / numOfLinearPredictor
  7. val weightsArray = weights.toArray
  8. while (i < numOfLinearPredictor) {
  9. //排除intercept
  10. val start = i * n
  11. val end = (i + 1) * n - { if (addIntercept) 1 else 0 }
  12. val partialWeightsArray = scaler.transform(
  13. Vectors.dense(weightsArray.slice(start, end))).toArray
  14. System.arraycopy(partialWeightsArray, 0, weightsArray, start, partialWeightsArray.size)
  15. i += 1
  16. }
  17. weights = Vectors.dense(weightsArray)
  18. }
  19. }

5.1.4 创建模型

  1. createModel(weights, intercept)

5.2 预测


  • 二分类的情况
  1. val margin = dot(weightMatrix, dataMatrix) + intercept
  2. val score = 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-margin))
  3. threshold match {
  4. case Some(t) => if (score > t) 1.0 else 0.0
  5. case None => score
  6. }

  我们可以看到1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-margin))就是上文提到的逻辑函数即sigmoid函数。

  • 多分类情况
  1. var bestClass = 0
  2. var maxMargin = 0.0
  3. val withBias = dataMatrix.size + 1 == dataWithBiasSize
  4. (0 until numClasses - 1).foreach { i =>
  5. var margin = 0.0
  6. dataMatrix.foreachActive { (index, value) =>
  7. if (value != 0.0) margin += value * weightsArray((i * dataWithBiasSize) + index)
  8. }
  9. // Intercept is required to be added into margin.
  10. if (withBias) {
  11. margin += weightsArray((i * dataWithBiasSize) + dataMatrix.size)
  12. }
  13. if (margin > maxMargin) {
  14. maxMargin = margin
  15. bestClass = i + 1
  16. }
  17. }
  18. bestClass.toDouble



【1】逻辑回归模型(Logistic Regression, LR)基础
