GUI Scripting Guide 图形用户界面脚本撰写指南


Overview 概述

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. Unity's GUI system is called UnityGUI. UnityGUI allows you to create a huge variety of GUIs complete with functionality very quickly and easily. Rather than creating a GUI object, manually positioning it, and then writing a script that handles its functionality, you do all of this at once in a small amount of code. This works by creating GUI Controls, which are instantiated, positioned, and defined all at once.

GUI是图形用户界面的英文简写。Unity的GUI系统被称作UnityGUI. UnityGUI能使你非常快捷简便的添加功能齐备且种类繁多的界面元素,通过在GUI控件的创建操作中同时包括实例化,定位和功能定义。使你只需要一次性写出很少量的代码就能同时完成创建一个GUI界面元素实例,并定位实例在屏幕的位置和描述界面元素被激活时所要执行的脚本三种工作

For example, the following code will create a fully functional button from scratch:


function OnGUI () {
	if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,10,150,100), "I am a button")) {
		print ("You clicked the button!");

This is the button created by the code above 这是通过执行以上代码创建的按钮

Although this example is very simple, there are very powerful and complex techniques available for use in UnityGUI. It is a broad subject, and the following sections will help you get up to speed as quickly as possible. This guide can be read straight through, or used as reference material.


UnityGUI Basics GUI基础

This section covers the important concepts of UnityGUI, giving you an overview as well as a bunch of working examples you can paste into your own projects. UnityGUI is very friendly to play with, so this is a good place to get started.


Controls 控件

This section lists every available Control in UnityGUI. It is complete with code examples and images.


Customization 自定义

Creating functional GUI controls would not be as useful if their appearances couldn't be customized. Thankfully, we've thought of this. All controls in UnityGUI can be customized with GUIStyles and GUISkins. This section explains how to use them.


Layout Modes 布局模式

UnityGUI features two ways to arrange your GUIs. You can manually place each control on the screen, or you can use an Automatic Layout system which works a lot like HTML tables. Using one system or the other is as simple as using a different class, and you can mix the two together. This section explains the functional differences between the two systems, including examples.


Extending UnityGUI 扩展UnityGUI

UnityGUI is very easy to extend with new Control types. This chapter shows you how to make simple compound controls - complete with integration into Unity's event system.


Extending Unity Editor 扩展Unity编辑器

The main Unity editor is written using UnityGUI. It is completely extensible using the same code as you would use for in-game GUI. In addition, there are a bunch of Editor specific GUI widgets to help you out when creating custom editor GUI.

Unity的主Editor界面是通过UnityGUI本身写成的。编写的代码形式和你制作游戏GUI时所使用的代码形式完全相同。如果你想要在Unity中制作自定义的Unity Editor GUI,Unity已为你准备好了一系列Editor 特定的GUI窗口小部件