Character Controller 角色控制器


The Character Controller is mainly used for third-person or first-person player control that does not make use of Rigidbody physics.


The Character Controller 角色控制器示例

Properties 属性

  • Height
    高度 The Character's Capsule Collider height. Changing this will scale the collider along the Y axis in both positive and negative directions.
  • Radius
    半径 Length of the Capsule Collider's radius. This is essentially the width of the collider.
  • Slope Limit
    坡度限制 Limits the collider to only climb slopes that are equal to or less than the indicated value.
  • Step Offset
    台阶高度 The character will step up a stair only if it is closer to the ground than the indicated value.
  • Min Move Distance
    最小移动距离 If the character tries to move below the indicated value, it will not move at all. This can be used to reduce jitter. In most situations this value should be left at 0.
  • Skin width
    皮肤厚度 Two colliders can penetrate each other as deep as their Skin Width. Larger Skin Widths reduce jitter. Low Skin Width can cause the character to get stuck. A good setting is to make this value 10% of the Radius.
  • Center
    中心 This will offset the Capsule Collider in world space, and won't affect how the Character pivots.

Details 细节

The traditional Doom-style first person controls are not physically realistic. The character runs 90 miles per hour, comes to a halt immediately and turns on a dime. Because it is so unrealistic, use of Rigidbodies and physics to create this behavior is impractical and will feel wrong. The solution is the specialized Character Controller. It is simply a capsule shaped Collider which can be told to move in some direction from a script. The Controller will then carry out the movement but be constrained by collisions. It will slide along walls, walk up stairs (if they are lower than the Step Offset) and walk on slopes within the Slope Limit.

传统的"毁灭战士"风格的第一人称控制并未依据物理现实。角色跑到了90英里每小时,然后马上停下而且可以极快的转身。因为是这么地不真实,用刚体和物理效果来创建这种行为是不切实际的,感觉上也不对劲。解决办法就是专门的角色控制器。很简单,就是一个胶囊碰撞器附加了可以控制其移动的脚本。控制器会执行脚本传达的动作但被碰撞影响。它会沿着墙动,走上台阶(如果台阶高度低于Step Offset属性)以及走上坡度小于Slope Limit的斜坡。

The Controller does not react to forces on its own and it does not automatically push Rigidbodies away.


If you want to push Rigidbodies or objects with the Character Controller, you can apply forces to any object that it collides with via the OnControllerColliderHit() function through scripting.


On the other hand, if you want your player character to be affected by physics then you might be better off using a Rigidbody instead of the Character Controller.


Fine-tuning your character 仔细调整你的角色

You can modify the Height and Radius to fit your Character's mesh. It is recommended to always use around 2 meters for a human-like character. You can also modify the Center of the capsule in case your pivot point is not at the exact center of the Character.

你可以修改Height 和Radius的大小来使控制器和你的角色网格匹配。对于人形的角色一直推荐使用大约2米。同样可以修改胶囊的Center属性来使转动中心和角色的中心吻合。

Step Offset can affect this too, make sure that this value is between 0.1 and 0.4 for a 2 meter sized human.

Step Offset属性也会影响角色,确保对于一个两米大小的人来说该值介于0.1到0.4之间。

Slope Limit should not be too small. Often using a value of 90 degrees works best. The Character Controller will not be able to climb up walls due to the capsule shape.

Slope Limit不能设的太小,一般使用90度会比较合适。由于是胶囊体,角色控制器不会爬上墙。

Don't get stuck 不要被卡住

The Skin Width is one of the most critical properties to get right when tuning your Character Controller. If your character gets stuck it is most likely because your Skin Width is too small. The Skin Width will let objects slightly penetrate the Controller but it removes jitter and prevents it from getting stuck.

Skin Width是调整你的角色控制器时最难正确设置的边界值之一。如果你的角色被卡住了,那最有可能就是因为该值设的太小。Skin Width会让其他物体有少许穿透控制器但是能够避免震颤以及阻止被卡住。

It's good practice to keep your Skin Width at least greater than 0.01 and more than 10% of the Radius.


We recommend keeping Min Move Distance at 0.

推荐把Min Move Distance设为0.

See the Character Controller script reference here


You can download an example project showing pre-setup animated and moving character controllers from the Resources area on our website.


Hints 提示

  • Try adjusting your Skin Width if you find your character getting stuck frequently.
    如果发现你的角色频繁被卡住,尝试调整Skin Width值。
  • The Character Controller can affect objects using physics if you write your own scripts.
  • The Character Controller can not be affected by objects through physics.

页面最后更新: 2009-03-15