本章介绍Bootstrap按钮的使用年限和示例。 任何给定.btn类的.btn都会继承带圆角的灰色按钮的默认外观。 但是,Bootstrap提供了样式按钮的一些选项,如下表所示 -
类 | 描述 |
btn | 默认/标准按钮。 |
btn-primary | 提供额外的视觉权重,并识别一组按钮中的主要操作。 |
btn-success | 表示成功或积极的行动。 |
btn-info | 信息警报消息的上下文按钮。 |
btn-warning | 表示此操作应谨慎。 |
btn-danger | 表示危险或潜在的负面行为。 |
btn-link | 在保持按钮行为的同时,通过使按钮看起来像链接来强调按钮。 |
以下示例演示了上述所有按钮类 -
<!-- Standard button -->
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default">Default Button</button>
<!-- Provides extra visual weight and identifies the primary action in a set of buttons -->
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary">Primary Button</button>
<!-- Indicates a successful or positive action -->
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-success">Success Button</button>
<!-- Contextual button for informational alert messages -->
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-info">Info Button</button>
<!-- Indicates caution should be taken with this action -->
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-warning">Warning Button</button>
<!-- Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action -->
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-danger">Danger Button</button>
<!-- Deemphasize a button by making it look like a link while maintaining button behavior -->
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-link">Link Button</button>
下表总结了用于获取各种尺寸按钮的类 -
类 | 描述 |
.btn-lg | 这使按钮尺寸变大。 |
.btn-sm | 这使按钮尺寸变小。 |
.btn-xs | 这使按钮尺寸变得更小。 |
.btn-block | 这将创建块级按钮 - 跨越父级的整个宽度的按钮。 |
以下示例演示了这一点 -
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg">
Large Primary button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default btn-lg">
Large button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary">
Default size Primary button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default">
Default size button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-sm">
Small Primary button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default btn-sm">
Small button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-xs">
Extra small Primary button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default btn-xs">
Extra small button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-block">
Block level Primary button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default btn-lg btn-block">
Block level button
Active State
活动时,按钮将显示为按下(背景较暗,边框较暗,内嵌阴影)。 下表总结了用于使按钮元素和锚元素处于活动状态的类 -
元件 | 类 |
Button element | 使用.active类来显示它已激活。 |
Anchor element | 将.active类用于<a>按钮以显示它已被激活。 |
以下示例演示了这一点 -
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default btn-lg ">
Default Button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default btn-lg active">
Active Button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg">
Primary button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg active">
Active Primary button
Disabled State
下表总结了用于禁用按钮元素和锚元素的类 -
元件 | 类 |
Button element | 将disabled attribute添加到<button>按钮。 |
Anchor element | 将disabled class添加到“a”按钮。 Note - 此类仅更改“a”的外观,而不是其功能。 您需要使用自定义JavaScript来禁用此处的链接。 |
以下示例演示了这一点 -
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default btn-lg">
Default Button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default btn-lg" disabled = "disabled">
Disabled Button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg">
Primary button
<button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg" disabled = "disabled">
Disabled Primary button
<a href = "#" class = "btn btn-default btn-lg" role = "button">
<a href = "#" class = "btn btn-default btn-lg disabled" role = "button">
Disabled Link
<a href = "#" class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg" role = "button">
Primary link
<a href = "#" class = "btn btn-primary btn-lg disabled" role = "button">
Disabled Primary link
您可以将按钮类与, 但建议您将其与
以下示例演示了这一点 -
<a class = "btn btn-default" href = "#" role = "button">Link</a>
<button class = "btn btn-default" type = "submit">Button</button>
<input class = "btn btn-default" type = "button" value = "Input">
<input class = "btn btn-default" type = "submit" value = "Submit">