The sound component defines the entity as a source of sound or audio. The sound component is positional and is thus affected by the components-position.
< a-entity id= "river" geometry= "primitive: plane" material= "color: blue" position= "-10 0 0" sound= "src: url(river.mp3); autoplay: true"> </ a-entity> |
Property | Description | Default Value |
autoplay | Whether to automatically play sound once set. | false |
on | An event for the entity to listen to before playing sound. | null |
loop | Whether to loop the sound once the sound finishes playing. | false |
src | Selector to an asset <audio> or url() -enclosed path to sound file. | null |
volume | How loud to play the sound. | 1 |
poolSize | Numbers of simultaneous instances of this sound that can be playing at the same time | 1 |
Event Name | Description |
pauseSound | Pause sound. |
playSound | Play sound. |
stopSound | Stop sound. |
Event Name | Description |
sound-ended | triggered when sound finishes playing |
Playing on an Event
The sound
component can also listen to an event before playing as well. For example, we might have a laughing sound play every time we click a monster:
< a-entity cursor position= "0 0 -5"> </ a-entity> < a-entity id= "elmo" geometry= "primitive: box" material= "src: elmo.png" sound= "src: url(ticklelaugh.mp3); on: click"> </ a-entity> |
Preloading a Sound Asset
For performance, we recommend to block the scene on the sound asset to preload and cache. We can do so through the asset management system:
< a-scene> < a-assets> < audio id= "river" src= "river.mp3" preload= "auto"> </ audio> </ a-assets> < a-entity sound= "src: #river"> </ a-entity> </ a-scene> |
Pause and Resume
To programmatically pause or resume a playing sound, we can tell the entity to pause or resume:
varentity = document.querySelector( '[sound]'); entity.components.sound.stopSound(); |
Or to pause only the sound:
entity.components.sound.pauseSound(); |
And to play the sound:
entity.components.sound.playSound(); |