User Guide 用户指南
This section of the Manual is focused on the features and functions of Unity. It discusses the interface, core Unity building blocks, asset workflow, and basic gameplay creation. By the time you are done reading the user guide, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Unity to put together an interactive scene and publish it.
We recommend that new users begin by reading the Unity Basics section.
我们建议新用户从Unity 基础部分开始阅读。
- Unity Basics Unity基础
- Learning the Interface 学习界面
- Customizing Your Workspace 自定义工作区
- Asset Workflow 资源工作流程
- Creating Scenes 创建场景
- Publishing Builds 编译发布
- Tutorials 教程
- Building Scenes 构建场景
- GameObjects 游戏对象
- The GameObject-Component Relationship 游戏对象和组件的关系
- Using Components 使用组件
- The Component-Script Relationship 组件和脚本之间的关系
- Using the Inspector 使用检视面板
- Editing Value Properties 编辑赋值属性
- Assigning References 指定引用
- Inspector Options 检视面板选项
- Using the Scene View 使用场景视图
- Scene View Navigation 场景视图导航
- Positioning GameObjects 放置游戏对象
- View Modes 视图模式
- Gizmos and Icons Gizmo和图标
- Searching 搜索
- Prefabs 预设
- Lights 灯光
- Cameras 摄像机
- Particle Systems 粒子系统
- Terrain Engine Guide 地形引擎指南
- GameObjects 游戏对象
- Asset Import and Creation 资源导入与创建
- Creating Gameplay