图算法实现 - 单源最短路径
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
* Computes shortest paths to the given set of landmark vertices, returning a graph where each
* vertex attribute is a map containing the shortest-path distance to each reachable landmark.
object ShortestPaths {
/** Stores a map from the vertex id of a landmark to the distance to that landmark. */
type SPMap = Map[VertexId, Int]
private def makeMap(x: (VertexId, Int)*) = Map(x: _*)
private def incrementMap(spmap: SPMap): SPMap = spmap.map { case (v, d) => v -> (d + 1) }
private def addMaps(spmap1: SPMap, spmap2: SPMap): SPMap =
(spmap1.keySet ++ spmap2.keySet).map {
k => k -> math.min(spmap1.getOrElse(k, Int.MaxValue), spmap2.getOrElse(k, Int.MaxValue))
* Computes shortest paths to the given set of landmark vertices.
* @tparam ED the edge attribute type (not used in the computation)
* @param graph the graph for which to compute the shortest paths
* @param landmarks the list of landmark vertex ids. Shortest paths will be computed to each
* landmark.
* @return a graph where each vertex attribute is a map containing the shortest-path distance to
* each reachable landmark vertex.
def run[VD, ED: ClassTag](graph: Graph[VD, ED], landmarks: Seq[VertexId]): Graph[SPMap, ED] = {
val spGraph = graph.mapVertices { (vid, attr) =>
if (landmarks.contains(vid)) makeMap(vid -> 0) else makeMap()
val initialMessage = makeMap()
def vertexProgram(id: VertexId, attr: SPMap, msg: SPMap): SPMap = {
addMaps(attr, msg)
def sendMessage(edge: EdgeTriplet[SPMap, _]): Iterator[(VertexId, SPMap)] = {
val newAttr = incrementMap(edge.dstAttr)
if (edge.srcAttr != addMaps(newAttr, edge.srcAttr)) Iterator((edge.srcId, newAttr))
else Iterator.empty
Pregel(spGraph, initialMessage)(vertexProgram, sendMessage, addMaps)