/* {{{ proto int strtotime(string time [, int now ]) Convert string representation of date and time to a timestamp */ PHP_FUNCTION(strtotime) { char *times, *initial_ts; int time_len, error1, error2; struct timelib_error_container *error; long preset_ts = 0, ts;timelib_time *t, *now; timelib_tzinfo *tzi;
tzi = get_timezone_info(TSRMLS_C);
if (zend_parse_parameters_ex(ZEND_PARSE_PARAMS_QUIET, ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, “sl”, ×, &time_len, &preset_ts) != FAILURE) { /* We have an initial timestamp */ now = timelib_time_ctor();
initial_ts = emalloc(25); snprintf(initial_ts, 24, “@%ld UTC”, preset_ts); t = timelib_strtotime(initial_ts, strlen(initial_ts), NULL, DATE_TIMEZONEDB, php_date_parse_tzfile_wrapper); /* we ignore the error here, as this should never fail */ timelib_update_ts(t, tzi); now->tz_info = tzi; now->zone_type = TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_ID; timelib_unixtime2local(now, t->sse); timelib_time_dtor(t); efree(initial_ts); } else if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, “s|l”, ×, &time_len, &preset_ts) != FAILURE) { /* We have no initial timestamp */ now = timelib_time_ctor(); now->tz_info = tzi; now->zone_type = TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_ID; timelib_unixtime2local(now, (timelib_sll) time(NULL)); } else { RETURN_FALSE; }
if (!time_len) { timelib_time_dtor(now); RETURN_FALSE; }
t = timelib_strtotime(times, time_len, &error, DATE_TIMEZONEDB, php_date_parse_tzfile_wrapper); error1 = error->error_count; timelib_error_container_dtor(error); timelib_fill_holes(t, now, TIMELIB_NO_CLONE); timelib_update_ts(t, tzi); ts = timelib_date_to_int(t, &error2);
timelib_time_dtor(now); timelib_time_dtor(t);
if (error1 || error2) { RETURN_FALSE; } else { RETURN_LONG(ts); } } /* }}} */
3).strtotime(“-1 month”)求值失败的原因
1、 strtotime(“JAN”)和strtotime(“January”)
这两个用法的效果是一样的,都是返回指定月份的今天,如果指定月份没有今天,则顺延到下一个月。 如在2011-03-31计算二月,代码:
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("feb", strtotime("2011-03-31")));
2、 first关键字
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("second sunday", strtotime("2011-01-01"))), "<br />";
switch (time->relative.first_last_day_of) { case 1: /* first */ time->d = 1; break; case 2: /* last */ time->d = 0; time->m++; break; }
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("previous sunday", strtotime("2011-02-01"))), "<br />";
4、 last关键字
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("last sunday", strtotime("2011-02-05"))), "<br />";
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("last day", strtotime("2000-02-01"))), "<br />";
5、 back和front关键字
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("back of 24", strtotime("2011-02-01"))), "<br />"; echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("front of 24", strtotime("2011-02-01"))), "<br />";
官方文档对于strtotime函数的说明是这样的:本函数预期接受一个包含美国英语日期格式的字符串并尝试将其解析为 Unix 时间戳 (自 January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT 起的秒数),其值相对于 now 参数给出的时间,如果没有提供此参数则用系统当前时间。
这是一个标准PHP内置函数,从PHP4起就已经存在。strtotime函数是以一个扩展的方式加载进来的,在ext/date目录下有其全部实现。 作为一个标准的内置函数,其定义格式也是标准的,如下:
PHP_FUNCTION(strtotime) // 处理输入,对于是否有第二个参数有没的处理// 调用相关函数,实现字符串的解析和结果计算
// 返回结果 }
strtotime函数的第一个参数是一个字符串,对于这个字符串,由于其复杂性,PHP使用了其词法解析一样的工具:re2c。在/ext/date/lib目录下,从parse_date.re文件我们可以看到其原始的re文件。 当用户以参数的形式传入一个字符串,此字符串将交给此程序处理,针对其字符串的不同,匹配不同的处理函数。 如strtotime(“yesterday”)调用,分析字符串时,将匹配yesterday字符串,此字符串对应函数如下:
typedef struct Scanner { int fd; uchar *lim, *str, *ptr, *cur, *tok, *pos; unsigned int line, len; struct timelib_error_container *errors;struct timelib_time *time; const timelib_tzdb *tzdb; } Scanner;
typedef struct timelib_time { timelib_sll y, m, d; /* Year, Month, Day */ timelib_sll h, i, s; /* Hour, mInute, Second */ double f; /* Fraction */ int z; /* GMT offset in minutes */ char *tz_abbr; /* Timezone abbreviation (display only) */ timelib_tzinfo *tz_info; /* Timezone structure */ signed int dst; /* Flag if we were parsing a DST zone */ timelib_rel_time relative;
timelib_sll sse; /* Seconds since epoch */
unsigned int have_time, have_date, have_zone, have_relative, have_weeknr_day;
unsigned int sse_uptodate; /* !0 if the sse member is up to date with the date/time members */ unsigned int tim_uptodate; /* !0 if the date/time members are up to date with the sse member */ unsigned int is_localtime; /* 1 if the current struct represents localtime, 0 if it is in GMT */ unsigned int zone_type; /* 1 time offset, * 3 TimeZone identifier, * 2 TimeZone abbreviation */ } timelib_time;
typedef struct timelib_rel_time { timelib_sll y, m, d; /* Years, Months and Days */ timelib_sll h, i, s; /* Hours, mInutes and Seconds */
int weekday; /* Stores the day in 'next monday' */ int weekday_behavior; /* 0: the current day should *not* be counted when advancing forwards; 1: the current day *should* be counted */
int first_last_day_of; int invert; /* Whether the difference should be inverted */ timelib_sll days; /* Contains the number of *days*, instead of Y-M-D differences */
timelib_special special; unsigned int have_weekday_relative, have_special_relative; } timelib_rel_time;
strtotime(“-1 month”)求值失败的原因
虽然strtotime(“-1 month”)这种方法对于后一个月比前一个月的天数的情况会求值失败,但是从其本质上来说,这并没有错。 PHP这样实现也无可厚非。只是我们的需求决定了我们不能使用这种方法,因此我们称其为求值失败。
我们来看它的实现过程,由于没有第二个参数,所以程序使用默认的当前时间。 第一个参数传入的是-1 month字符串,这个字符串所对应的re文件中的正则为:
reltextunit = (('sec'|'second'|'min'|'minute'|'hour'|'day'|'fortnight'|'forthnight'|'month'|'year') 's'?) | 'weeks' | daytext;relnumber = ([+-]*[ \t]*[0-9]+); relative = relnumber space? (reltextunit | 'week' );
case TIMELIB_MONTH: s->time->relative.m += amount * relunit->multiplier; break;
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