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Disque 源码分析


本文将对 Disque 的核心数据结构进行介绍, 并在最后通过分析 ADDJOB 命令的实现来帮助大家了解 Disque 的运作原理。

因为时间关系, 本章只介绍了 Disque 源码中最重点的部分, 并且只对集群和命令的运作原理进行了最基本的介绍, 但对于有兴趣深入了解 Disque 源码的读者来说, 应该是一个还不错的入门向导。


Disque 重用了大量 Redis 的底层代码, 比如数据结构部分、事件部分、网络通信部分、服务器主循环部分等等。

这不是 antirez 第一次做这种事 —— 更早出现的 Redis Sentinel 也大量地重用了 Redis 的代码, 并在这个基础上, 提供了一集不同的命令, 用于监视 Redis 服务器。 但从代码的角度来说, Redis Sentinel 实际上就是一个修改版的 Redis 。

可以说, Disque 和 Redis Sentinel 都把 Redis 中的一些子系统当做一个框架来使用, 特别是 Redis 中的网络通信部分, 尤为如此。

因为以上原因, 熟悉 Redis 代码的人阅读 Disque 的代码应该会比较容易上手。

对于熟悉 Redis 的人来说, 阅读 Disque 代码主要应该关注以下几个文件:

  • disque.h & disque.c ,Disque 的队列实现。
  • job.h & job.c ,Disque 的任务实现。
  • disque.h & disque.c ,Disque 的服务器进程,相当于 Redis 中的 redis.hredis.c ,但进行了相应的修改。
  • cluster.h & cluster.c ,Disque 集群在 Redis 集群的基础上进行了一些修改,但基本的运作方式是相同的。


Disque 的服务器状态由 disque.h/disqueServer 结构表示, 其中的 jobs 属性和 queues 属性分别记录了储存在服务器里面的所有任务和所有队列:

struct disqueServer {

    // 其他属性……

    /* Jobs & Queues */

    // jobs 是一个字典,它包含了服务器储存的所有任务
    // 其中字典的键为任务 ID ,而键对应的值则是一个 job.h/job 结构
    dict *jobs;                 /* Main jobs hash table, by job ID. */

    // queues 也是一个字典,它包含了服务器储存的所有队列
    // 其中字典的键为队列的名字,而键对应的则是一个 queue.h/queue 结构
    dict *queues;               /* Main queues hash table, by queue name. */

    // 其他属性……

接下来, 就让我们来看看 job 结构的定义和 queue 结构的定义。


Disque 中的每个队列都由一个 queue.h/queue 结构定义:

typedef struct queue {

    // 队列的名字
    robj *name;      /* Queue name as a string object. */

    // 一个跳跃表,储存了所有被放进队列里面的任务
    // 各个任务按照任务 ID 从小到大有序地进行排列
    skiplist *sl;    /* The skiplist with the queued jobs. */

    // 其他属性……

} queue;

在了解了队列结构之后, 接下来让我们看看 Disque 是怎样表示每个任务的。


Disque 中的每个任务都由一个 job.h/job.h 结构定义:

typedef struct job {

    // 任务 ID
    char id[JOB_ID_LEN];    /* Job ID. */

    // 其他属性……

    // 所属的队列
    robj *queue;            /* Job queue name. */

    // 任务的内容
    sds body;               /* Body, or NULL if job is just an ACK. */

    // 其他属性……

} job;


Disque 集群的工作方式和 Redis 集群的工作方式非常相似, 但是不同于 Redis 能够自由选择单机模式(standalone mode)或者集群模式(cluster mode), Disque 总是运行在集群模式之下 —— 当一个 Disque 服务器启动时, 它就是一个 Disque 集群的节点(node)了。

Disque 集群部分的代码记录在 cluster.hcluster.c 里面, 运作机制和 Redis 的集群模式并无太大区别。 Disque 的主要作用就是在多个节点之间传播和复制任务, 当一个节点执行用户的 ADDJOB 命令, 将一个新任务添加到自己内部的队列里面的同时, 它会将这个新任务以同步或者异步的方式(默认同步,可以通过 ASYNC 选择异步), 传播给集群中的其他节点, 而这种传播是通过发送集群消息(cluster message)来完成的。

以下是 Disque 集群用于传播任务、任务 ID 以及任务请求的集群消息数据结构:

// 传播任务及其内容
/* This data section is used in different message types where we need to
 * transmit one or multiple full jobs.
 * Used by: ADDJOB, YOURJOBS. */
typedef struct {
    uint32_t numjobs;   /* Number of jobs stored here. */
    uint32_t datasize;  /* Number of bytes following to describe jobs. */
    /* The variable data section here is composed of 4 bytes little endian
     * prefixed length + serialized job data for each job:
     * [4 bytes len] + [serialized job] + [4 bytes len] + [serialized job] ...
     * For a total of exactly 'datasize' bytes. */
     unsigned char jobs_data[8]; /* Defined as 8 bytes just for alignment. */
} clusterMsgDataJob;

// 传播任务 ID
/* This data section is used when we need to send just a job ID.
 * Used by: GOTJOB, SETACK, and many more. */
typedef struct {
    char id[JOB_ID_LEN];
    uint32_t aux; /* Optional field:
                     For SETACK: Number of nodes that may have this message.
                     For QUEUEJOB: Delay starting from msg reception. */
} clusterMsgDataJobID;

// 向其他节点请求传播某个队列的任务
/* This data section is used by NEEDJOBS to specify in what queue we need
 * a job, and how many jobs we request. */
typedef struct {
    uint32_t count;     /* How many jobs we request. */
    uint32_t qnamelen;  /* Queue name total length. */
    char qname[8];      /* Defined as 8 bytes just for alignment. */
} clusterMsgDataNeedJobs;


在简单地了解了 Disque 的各个主要数据结构之后, 让我们对 ADDJOB 命令的实现代码进行分析, 并通过追踪这个命令的执行流程来了解 Disque 是怎样创建、储存并向其他节点传播一个任务的:

void addjobCommand(client *c) {

    // 变量声明
    long long replicate = server.cluster->size > 3 ? 3 : server.cluster->size;
    long long ttl = 3600*24;
    long long retry = -1;
    long long delay = 0;
    long long maxlen = 0; /* Max queue length for job to be accepted. */
    mstime_t timeout;
    int j, retval;
    int async = 0;  /* Asynchronous request? */
    int extrepl = getMemoryWarningLevel() > 0; /* Replicate externally? */
    static uint64_t prev_ctime = 0;

    // 参数分析
    /* Parse args. */
    for (j = 4; j < c->argc; j++) {
        char *opt = c->argv[j]->ptr;
        int lastarg = j == c->argc-1;
        if (!strcasecmp(opt,"replicate") && !lastarg) {
            retval = getLongLongFromObject(c->argv[j+1],&replicate);
            if (retval != DISQUE_OK || replicate <= 0 || replicate > 65535) {
                addReplyError(c,"REPLICATE must be between 1 and 65535");
        } else if (!strcasecmp(opt,"ttl") && !lastarg) {
            retval = getLongLongFromObject(c->argv[j+1],&ttl);
            if (retval != DISQUE_OK || ttl <= 0) {
                addReplyError(c,"TTL must be a number > 0");
        } else if (!strcasecmp(opt,"retry") && !lastarg) {
            retval = getLongLongFromObject(c->argv[j+1],&retry);
            if (retval != DISQUE_OK || retry < 0) {
                addReplyError(c,"RETRY time must be a non negative number");
        } else if (!strcasecmp(opt,"delay") && !lastarg) {
            retval = getLongLongFromObject(c->argv[j+1],&delay);
            if (retval != DISQUE_OK || delay < 0) {
                addReplyError(c,"DELAY time must be a non negative number");
        } else if (!strcasecmp(opt,"maxlen") && !lastarg) {
            retval = getLongLongFromObject(c->argv[j+1],&maxlen);
            if (retval != DISQUE_OK || maxlen <= 0) {
                addReplyError(c,"MAXLEN must be a positive number");
        } else if (!strcasecmp(opt,"async")) {
            async = 1;
        } else {

    /* Parse the timeout argument. */
    if (getTimeoutFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[3],&timeout,UNIT_MILLISECONDS)
        != DISQUE_OK) return;

    /* REPLICATE > 1 and RETRY set to 0 does not make sense, why to replicate
     * the job if it will never try to be re-queued if case the job processing
     * is not acknowledged? */
    if (replicate > 1 && retry == 0) {
        addReplyError(c,"With RETRY set to 0 please explicitly set  "
                        "REPLICATE to 1 (at-most-once delivery)");

    /* DELAY greater or equal to TTL is silly. */
    if (delay >= ttl) {
        addReplyError(c,"The specified DELAY is greater than TTL. Job refused "
                        "since would never be delivered");

    /* When retry is not specified, it defaults to 1/10 of the TTL. */
    if (retry == -1) {
        retry = ttl/10;
        if (retry == 0) retry = 1;

    /* Check if REPLICATE can't be honoured at all. */
    int additional_nodes = extrepl ? replicate : replicate-1;

    if (additional_nodes > server.cluster->reachable_nodes_count) {
        if (extrepl &&
            additional_nodes-1 == server.cluster->reachable_nodes_count)
                sdsnew("-NOREPL Not enough reachable nodes "
                       "for the requested replication level, since I'm unable "
                       "to hold a copy of the message for memory usage "
        } else {
                sdsnew("-NOREPL Not enough reachable nodes "
                       "for the requested replication level\r\n"));

    // 检查队列是否已经达到最大长度
    /* If maxlen was specified, check that the local queue len is
     * within the requested limits. */
    if (maxlen && queueNameLength(c->argv[1]) > (unsigned long) maxlen) {
            sdsnew("-MAXLEN Queue is already longer than "
                   "the specified MAXLEN count\r\n"));

    // 创建一个新任务
    /* Create a new job. */
    job *job = createJob(NULL,JOB_STATE_WAIT_REPL,ttl); // 创建任务
    job->queue = c->argv[1];                            // 记录任务所在队列的名字
    job->repl = replicate;

    /* If no external replication is used, add myself to the list of nodes
     * that have a copy of the job. */
    if (!extrepl)

    // 设置任务的各项属性
    /* Job ctime is milliseconds * 1000000. Jobs created in the same
     * millisecond gets an incremental ctime. The ctime is used to sort
     * queues, so we have some weak sorting semantics for jobs: non-requeued
     * jobs are delivered roughly in the order they are added into a given
     * node. */
    job->ctime = mstime()*1000000;
    if (job->ctime <= prev_ctime) job->ctime = prev_ctime+1;
    prev_ctime = job->ctime;

    job->etime = server.unixtime + ttl;
    job->delay = delay;
    job->retry = retry;
    job->body = sdsdup(c->argv[2]->ptr);

    /* Set the next time the job will be queued. Note that once we call
     * enqueueJob() the first time, this will be set to 0 (never queue
     * again) for jobs that have a zero retry value (at most once jobs). */
    if (delay) {
        job->qtime = server.mstime + delay*1000;
    } else {
        /* This will be updated anyway by enqueueJob(). */
        job->qtime = server.mstime + retry*1000;

    /* Register the job locally in all the cases but when the job
     * is externally replicated and asynchronous replicated at the same
     * time: in this case we don't want to take a local copy at all. */
    if (!(async && extrepl) && registerJob(job) == DISQUE_ERR) {
        /* A job ID with the same name? Practically impossible but
         * let's handle it to trap possible bugs in a cleaner way. */
        serverLog(DISQUE_WARNING,"ID already existing in ADDJOB command!");
        addReplyError(c,"Internal error creating the job, check server logs");

    /* For replicated messages where ASYNC option was not asked, block
     * the client, and wait for acks. Otherwise if no synchronous replication
     * is used, or ASYNC option was enabled, we just queue the job and
     * return to the client ASAP.
     * Note that for REPLICATE > 1 and ASYNC the replication process is
     * best effort. */
    if (replicate > 1 && !async) {

        // 决定以同步方式向其他节点传播这个任务

        c->bpop.timeout = timeout;
        c->bpop.job = job;
        c->bpop.added_node_time = server.mstime;
        /* Create the nodes_confirmed dictionary only if we actually need
         * it for synchronous replication. It will be released later
         * when we move away from JOB_STATE_WAIT_REPL. */
        job->nodes_confirmed = dictCreate(&clusterNodesDictType,NULL);
        /* Confirm itself as an acknowledged receiver if this node will
         * retain a copy of the job. */
        if (!extrepl) dictAdd(job->nodes_confirmed,myself->name,myself);
    } else {

        // 决定以异步方式传递这个任务

        if (job->delay == 0) {
            if (!extrepl) enqueueJob(job); /* Will change the job state. */
        } else {
            /* Delayed jobs that don't wait for replication can move
             * forward to ACTIVE state ASAP, and get scheduled for
             * queueing. */
            job->state = JOB_STATE_ACTIVE;

    // 向其他节点传播这个任务……

    /* If the replication factor is > 1, send REPLJOB messages to REPLICATE-1
     * nodes. */
    if (additional_nodes > 0)
        clusterReplicateJob(job, additional_nodes, async);

    /* If the job is asynchronously and externally replicated at the same time,
     * send a QUEUE message ASAP to one random node, and delete the job from
     * this node right now. */
    if (async && extrepl) {
        dictEntry *de = dictGetRandomKey(job->nodes_delivered);
        if (de) {
            clusterNode *n = dictGetVal(de);
        /* We don't have to unregister the job since we did not registered
         * it if it's async + extrepl. */

总的来说, ADDJOB 命令要做的就是以下几件事情:

  1. 创建一个新的 job 结构,并将用户给定的任务信息记录起来。
  2. 查找用户指定的队列,如果找到就检查它是否超出了最大长度,如果未超长,那么就将任务添加到队列中;如果队列未创建,那么创建队列。
  3. 以同步或者异步的方式,通过集群消息将这个任务传播给集群中的其他节点。


总的来说, Disque 对于 Redis 的变动并不大, 而且新添加的内容也不难读懂, 如果你也想要一窥 Disque 这个新的分布式任务队列实现, 那么不要犹豫, 赶紧去读读 Disque 的代码吧!