Rax v0.5 建立服务体系
本数据截止 2017 年 12 月初,Rax 的建设方向重点逐渐转向阿里内部体系,github 上的增长数据如下
- 1669 commits
- 257 pull requests
- 85 issues
- 3751 stars
Rax 机器人
钉钉大群新添了一个答疑小能手,也许未来他就是 Rax 的百科全书
汇总各团队的 Rax 组件体系
不同 BU 建设的组件体系,大放异彩
核心库 changelog
- slider
- fix: rax-slider loop not work on web
- fix: add loop in slider weex
- scrollview
- fix: scrollview scrollTo width animation in web
- unit-style
- fix: rem unit in style only one global val
- weex framework
- fix: set default value with forceReload param(reload 默认值)
- fix: 为weex下增加w3c标准的onerror API
- feat: remove updateFinish in framework
- feat: weex_module_supports and weex_tag_supports
- feat: add https for url & reset require.weex.js
- feat: reset weex jsfrm code
- fix: rename weex.requireModule
- feat: fireEvent params
- feat: add weex_config for js service
- feat: add window.close
- feat: pass weex options to native
- driver-browser
- fix: webkitFlexWrap for android
- feat: add eventRegistry
- fix: some node property is readonly when in strict mode
- feat: export deviceWidth and viewportWidth option in render
- jsonp
- fix: solve the 'Uncaught ReferenceError: callback_ is not defined'…
- server-renderer
- fix: server-renderer context is incorrect
- feat: export hydrate for server-side render
- refactor: server-side render
- perf: revert memoize createOpenTagMarkup
- switch
- fix: delete onTintColor for chrome error
- web framework
- feat: add Number.isNaN polyfill in web framework
- chore: performance optimization
- feat: add IntersectionObserver
- fix: remove the last arg when has weex options
- waterfall
- fix: waterfall render header both conditions
- listview
- fix: Refresh in Listview
- tabheader
- feat: add selectInternal for tabheader
- picker
- fix: set picker date by change api
- script
- chore: dist compile globalName
- checkbox
- fix: IntersectionObserverEntry has not isIntersecting in a lower vers… …
- fix: internalChecked value error in checkbox
- rax
- fix: children api
- feat: memoized node to html
- fix: fix-rax-packagejson
- fix: throw error when options is null
- feat: make unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer parent param work
- fix: addEventListener
- feat: add addEvent params
- fix: export default rax and rax.Children
- refactor: find error boundary
- fix: spelling error
- refactor: componentDidCatch
- fix: sync renderedChildren state when at init not at end
- stylesheet-loader
- refactor: rename some method and val name
- countdown
- fix: show number in countdown
- rax-dom
- fix: only string should throw error in rax-dom
- feat: findDOMNode in rax-dom not accept string
- fix: render twice throw driver not found error
- feat: rax-dom simple shim unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer
- weex-driver
- feat: Spelling errorparams
- babel-preset-rax
- feat: add BABEL_NO_ADD_MODULE_EXPORTS env config
- appstate
- feat: add universal-appstate
- multirow
- fix: multirow render bug
- picture
- fix: optimized picture loading performance in h5
- charts
- refactor: pie color accept arrays
- feat(rax-charts): 修复rax-charts的color属性不支持多参数的问题
- textinput
- feat: textinput export propTypes
- feat: add defaultValue for TextInput
- transition
- rem单位处理,callback不执行bugfix
- recyclerview
- fix: children is null in recyclerview bug
- fix: add scroll animated in list
- fix: firstNodePlaceholder place in recyclerview
- fix: refresh in recyclerview for andorid
- fix: recylerview not rewrite ref
- fix: first child can be null
- fix: scrollTo not work when cell0 is RefreshControl in Android
- scrollview
- fix: remove transform style in scrollview
- fix: scrollview defaultStyle for root View in h5
- barcode
- fix: add barWidth to props
- link
- fix: only text style for in Link component
- counter
- fix: num 0 error in weex & add onchange api
- gotop
- fix: appear cant work in Android Weex 0px height view
现在 Rax 已经应用的越来越广泛,Rax 的建设也更需要更多人的力量,欢迎贡献您的想法到 这里 ~