第 16 章 图形算法
16.1. Introduction
Neo4j graph algorithms is a component that contains Neo4j implementations of some common algorithms for graphs. It includes algorithms like:
- Shortest paths,
- all paths,
- all simple paths,
- Dijkstra and
- A*.
16.1. Introduction
The graph algorithms are found in the neo4j-graph-algocomponent, which is included in the standard Neo4j download.
- Javadocs
- Download
For information on how to use neo4j-graph-algo as a dependency with Maven and other dependency management tools, see org.neo4j:neo4j-graph-algoNote that it should be used with the same version of org.neo4j:neo4j-kernel. Different versions of the graph-algo and kernel components are not compatible in the general case. Both components are included transitively by the org.neo4j:neo4jartifact which makes it simple to keep the versions in sync.
The starting point to find and use graph algorithms is GraphAlgoFactory.
For examples, see 第 4.7 节 “图算法范例”(embedded database) and 第 18.14 节 “Built-in Graph Algorithms”(REST API).