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第16章 Selenium WebDriver


Selenium is a browser automation tool, commonly used for writing end-to-end tests of web applications. A browser automation tool does exactly what you would expect: automate the control of a browser so that repetitive tasks can be automated. It sounds like a simple problem to solve, but as we will see, a lot has to happen behind the scenes to make it work.

selenium是一个浏览器自动化测试工具,他被经常用于编写端到端的web应用程序测试脚本。就像你对“自动化”这词的期待一样:自动的控制浏览器以让他可以完成重复的任务。噢!这看起来是件很容易的事情,不过正如我们将会看到的, 在让他跑起来的背后,还会发生很多事情。

Before describing the architecture of Selenium it helps to understand how the various related pieces of the project fit together. At a very high level, Selenium is a suite of three tools. The first of these tools, Selenium IDE, is an extension for Firefox that allows users to record and playback tests. The record/playback paradigm can be limiting and isn't suitable for many users, so the second tool in the suite, Selenium WebDriver, provides APIs in a variety of languages to allow for more control and the application of standard software development practices. The final tool, Selenium Grid, makes it possible to use the Selenium APIs to control browser instances distributed over a grid of machines, allowing more tests to run in parallel. Within the project, they are referred to as "IDE", "WebDriver" and "Grid". This chapter explores the architecture of Selenium WebDriver.


This chapter was written during the betas of Selenium 2.0 in late 2010. If you're reading the book after then, then things will have moved forward, and you'll be able to see how the architectural choices described here have unfolded. If you're reading before that date: Congratulations! You have a time machine. Can I have some winning lottery numbers?


16.1. History Jason Huggins started the Selenium project in 2004 while working at ThoughtWorks on their in-house Time and Expenses (T&E) system, which made extensive use of Javascript. Although Internet Explorer was the dominant browser at the time, ThoughtWorks used a number of alternative browsers (in particular Mozilla variants) and would file bug reports when the T&E app wouldn't work on their browser of choice. Open Source testing tools at the time were either focused on a single browser (typically IE) or were simulations of a browser (like HttpUnit). The cost of a license for a commercial tool would have exhausted the limited budget for a small in-house project, so they weren't even considered as viable testing choices.

Jason Huggins 在thoughtworks工作期间于2004年开始selenium项目。尽管IE当时还是主流浏览器,thoughtworks还是会使用一些其他的浏览器(尤其是mozilla),并且在当这些浏览器不能使用T&E时,会提交Bug报告。开源测试工具在当时要么专注于单个浏览器(比如IE),或者仅仅是浏览器的仿真(比如HttpUnit)。商业工具的许可证对一些小的项目来说成本实在太高了,因此在当时并没有多少可用的测试工具。

Where automation is difficult, it's common to rely on manual testing. This approach doesn't scale when the team is very small or when releases are extremely frequent. It's also a waste of humanity to ask people to step through a script that could be automated. More prosaically, people are slower and more error prone than a machine for dull repetitive tasks. Manual testing wasn't an option.


Fortunately, all the browsers being tested supported Javascript. It made sense to Jason and the team he was working with to write a testing tool in that language which could be used to verify the behavior of the application. Inspired by work being done on FIT1, a table-based syntax was placed over the raw Javascript and this allowed tests to be written by people with limited programming experience using a keyword-driven approach in HTML files. This tool, originally called "Selenium" but later referred to as "Selenium Core", was released under the Apache 2 license in 2004.
