从http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?postid=2263591 可以找到一个老外写的例子。但是它用了临时文件记录信息,不是很好用。我修改了一下。见附件。包括一个宏和一个例子。具体使用方法如下:
!include LogicLib.nsh
!include nsDialogs.nsh
!include dirrequest.nsh
;宏使用格式:${MyCreateDirRequest} "_Dirx" "_Diry" "_Dirwidth" "_Buttonx" "_Buttonwidth" "_Height" "_Dirtext" "_Buttontext" "_Title" "_Suffix"
;_Dirx是路径名显示框的x坐标,_Diry 显示框y坐标;_Dirwidth宽度;
;_Dirtext默认显示路径;_Buttontext 按钮显示文字;
;这是用nsDialogs产生目录选择框的宏。 ;使用方法: ;在脚本开头要先引用如下插件 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;!include LogicLib.nsh ;!include nsDialogs.nsh ;!include dirrequest.nsh ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;宏使用格式:${MyCreateDirRequest} "_Dirx" "_Diry" "_Dirwidth" "_Buttonx" "_Buttonwidth" "_Height" "_Dirtext" "_Buttontext" "_Title" "_Suffix" ;_Dirx是路径名显示框的x坐标,_Diry 显示框y坐标;_Dirwidth宽度; ;_Buttonx目录选择按钮x坐标,_Buttonwidth目录按钮宽度;_height目录显示框高度; ;_Dirtext默认显示路径;_Buttontext 按钮显示文字; ;_Title目录选择窗口标题;_suffix是选择目录后自动添加的后缀(子目录),后缀名可以不加,这样选择目录是什么就是什么。 ;共10个参数; ;By liangzi@ustc 200905 Function MyDirHandler # R0 button # R1 text box # R2 current path # R3 suffix # R4 title # Recover the current path Pop $R0 # Recover the DriRequest associated with this button nsDialogs::GetUserData /NOUNLOAD $R0 Pop $R1 ${NSD_GetText} $R1 $R2 # Recover the suffix ReadINIStr $R3 '$TEMP\$R1.ini' STR:$R0 'suffix' ReadINIStr $R4 '$TEMP\$R1.ini' STR:$R0 'title' # Since the suffix directory may not exists, remove it from the path to be # passed to the SelectFolderDialog StrLen $R5 $R2 ; length of all path StrLen $R6 $R3 ; length of suffix IntOp $R5 $R5 - $R6 StrCpy $R6 $R2 $R6 $R5 ; Recover the last n chars of the path, where n is strlen(suffix) ${If} $R6 == $R3 ; if the suffix is the last component of the path, remove it StrCpy $R2 $R2 $R5 0 ${EndIf} nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog /NOUNLOAD $R4 $R2 Pop $R5 ${If} $R5 != error ; When C: is selected, for example, a \ will be present at the end of the ; path. When a directory is selected this won't happen. Verify if there is ; a \ at the end of the path StrLen $R6 $R5 IntOp $R6 $R6 - 1 StrCpy $R6 $R5 1 $R6 ; Get the last char ${If} $R6 == '\' StrCpy $R5 '$R5$R3' ${Else} StrCpy $R5 '$R5\$R3' ${EndIf} ; set the path in the text box SendMessage $R1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 STR:$R5 ${EndIf} FunctionEnd ;_Dirx是路径名显示框的x坐标,_Diry 显示框y坐标;_Dirwidth宽度; ;_Buttonx目录选择按钮x坐标,_Buttonwidth目录按钮宽度;_height目录显示框高度; ;_Dirtext默认显示路径;_Buttontext 按钮显示文字;_Title目录选择窗口标题;_suffix是选择目录自动添加的后缀; !macro MyCreateDirRequest _Dirx _Diry _Dirwidth _Buttonx _Buttonwidth _Height _Dirtext _Buttontext _Title _Suffix ${NSD_CreateButton} "${_Buttonx}" "${_Diry}" "${_Buttonwidth}" "${_Height}" "${_Buttontext}" Pop $R0 ${If} "${_Dirtext}" == "" StrCpy $1 "Choose a directory" ${Else} StrCpy $1 "${_Dirtext}" ${EndIf} ${NSD_CreateDirRequest} "${_Dirx}" "${_Diry}" "${_Dirwidth}" "${_Height}" $1 Pop $R1 nsDialogs::SetUserData /NOUNLOAD $R0 $R1 Delete "$TEMP\$R1.ini" WriteINIStr '$TEMP\$R1.ini' STR:$R0 'title' '${_Title}' WriteINIStr '$TEMP\$R1.ini' STR:$R0 'suffix' '${_Suffix}' ;调用MyDirHandler函数时会返回$R0到堆栈 ${NSD_OnClick} $R0 MyDirHandler Push $R1 ; Return the DirRequest !macroend !define MyCreateDirRequest '!insertmacro MyCreateDirRequest'
!include LogicLib.nsh !include nsDialogs.nsh !include dirrequest.nsh Name nsDialogs OutFile dirrequest.exe XPStyle on Var Dialog Var MyDir Var MyDir2 Page custom nsDialogsPage nsDialogsPageLeave Page instfiles Section DetailPrint "hello world,$Mydir" SectionEnd Function nsDialogsPage nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018 Pop $Dialog ${If} $Dialog == error Abort ${EndIf} ;宏使用格式:${MyCreateDirRequest} "_Dirx" "_Diry" "_Dirwidth" "_Buttonx" "_Buttonwidth" "_Height" "_Dirtext" "_Buttontext" "_Title" "_Suffix" ;_Dirx是路径名显示框的x坐标,_Diry 显示框y坐标;_Dirwidth宽度; ;_Buttonx目录选择按钮x坐标,_Buttonwidth目录按钮宽度;_height目录显示框高度; ;_Dirtext默认显示路径;_Buttontext 按钮显示文字; ;_Title目录选择窗口标题;_suffix是选择目录后自动添加的后缀(子目录),后缀名可以不加,这样选择目录是什么就是什么。 ;共10个参数; ${MyCreateDirRequest} 0 25% 93% 95% 5% 12u "c:\test" "..." "Title test" "suffix" Pop $MyDir ${MyCreateDirRequest} 0 50% 93% 95% 5% 12u "c:\test2" "..." "Title test2" "suffix2" Pop $MyDir2 nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function nsDialogsPageLeave ${NSD_GetText} $MyDir $R2 Delete "$TEMP\$MyDir.ini" ;删除临时文件 StrCpy $MyDir "$R2" MessageBox MB_OK "MyDir1= $R2" ${NSD_GetText} $MyDir2 $R1 Delete "$TEMP\$MyDir2.ini" StrCpy $MyDir2 "$R1" MessageBox MB_OK "MyDir2= $R1" FunctionEnd