reg2nsi 是一个能把注册表文件转换为 NSIS 脚本文件的工具,使用非常简单,只需要一个 reg2nsi.exe 即可,并自动把 \\、\" 、$ 转换为 \、$\"、$$。
reg2nsi.exe /i:输入文件 [/o:输出文件]
/o 是一个可选项
reg2nsi.exe /i:输入文件 [/o:输出文件]
/o 是一个可选项
Name "Reg2nsi" OutFile "reg2nsi.exe" BrandingText "Reg2nsi ${__DATE__}" ShowInstDetails show SetCompressor lzma InstallButtonText "$(INSTALL_BUTTON)" Caption "Reg2nsi" !addplugindir ".\" ReserveFile ".\io.ini" ReserveFile ".\InstallOptionsEx.dll" !include "MUI.nsh" !include "LogicLib.nsh" !include "Language.nsi" !define MUI_ICON icon.ico Page custom SetCustom LeaveCustom !define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT "$(INSTALLING_PAGE_TITLE)" !define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_SUBTEXT "$(INSTALLING_PAGE_SUBTITLE)" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE English !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE SimpChinese Var HWND Var IN Var OUT Var FE ;File encoding Section GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 2 ;允许取消按钮 (Enable cancel button) EnableWindow $0 1 SetAutoClose false ;$1: 文件指针 (File pointer) StrCmp $IN "" 0 +2 ReadINIStr $IN $PLUGINSDIR\io.ini "Field 1" "State" StrCmp $FE "" 0 file_chk_done Push $IN Call CheckFileEncoding StrCmp $FE "Unicode" file_chk_done StrCmp $FE "ANSI" file_chk_done HideWindow MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(FILE_CODING_ERROR1) $0 $(FILE_CODING_ERROR2)" Quit file_chk_done: StrCmp $OUT "" 0 +2 ReadINIStr $OUT $PLUGINSDIR\io.ini "Field 2" "State" StrCmp $OUT "" 0 chk_ext Push $IN Call GetFileNameNoExt Pop $0 StrCpy $OUT "$0.nsi" Goto in_out_done chk_ext: StrCpy $0 $OUT "" -4 StrCmp $0 ".nsi" in_out_done StrCpy $OUT "$OUT.nsi" in_out_done: Push $OUT Call GetParent Pop $0 IfFileExists $0 +2 CreateDirectory $0 ;Delete $OUT ReadINIStr $0 $PLUGINSDIR\io.ini "Field 5" "State" StrCmp $0 1 0 +2 StrCpy $6 "$\t" ReadINIStr $0 $PLUGINSDIR\io.ini "Field 6" "State" StrCmp $0 1 0 +2 StrCpy $6 " " StrCpy $1 0 Call Main SectionEnd Function .onInit InitPluginsDir File "/oname=$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" ".\io.ini" Call GetParameters FunctionEnd Function SetCustom StrCmp $IN "" +2 Abort WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" "Field 3" Filter "$(CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD3)" WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" "Field 4" Filter "$(CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD4)" WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" "Field 5" Text "$(CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD5)" WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" "Field 6" Text "$(CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD6)" WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" "Field 7" Text "$(CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD7)" WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" "Field 8" Text "$(CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD8)" ReadRegStr $0 HKCR .reg "" ReadRegStr $1 HKCR "$0\shell\convert" "" StrCmp $1 "" +3 WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" "Field 9" Text "$(UNREG_CONTEXT_MENU)" Goto +2 WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" "Field 9" Text "$(REG_CONTEXT_MENU)" InstallOptionsEx::initDialog /NOUNLOAD "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" Pop $HWND !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "$(CUSTOM_PAGE_TITLE)" "$(CUSTOM_PAGE_SUBTITLE)" InstallOptionsEx::show FunctionEnd Function LeaveCustom ReadINIStr $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" Settings State ${Switch} $0 ${Default} Abort ${Case} 1 ReadINIStr $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\io.ini" "Field 1" State Push $0 Call GetFileNameNoExt Pop $0 GetDlgItem $1 $HWND 1201 SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$0.nsi" Abort ${Case} 9 ReadRegStr $0 HKCR .reg "" ReadRegStr $1 HKCR "$0\shell\convert" "" StrCmp $1 "" 0 unregistry WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell\convert" "" "$(CONTEXT_MENU)" WriteRegStr HKCR "$0\shell\convert\command" "" '"$EXEDIR\reg2nsi.exe" /i:%1' GetDlgItem $0 $HWND 1208 SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$(UNREG_CONTEXT_MENU)" Abort unregistry: DeleteRegKey HKCR "$0\shell\convert" GetDlgItem $0 $HWND 1208 SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$(REG_CONTEXT_MENU)" Abort ${Case} 0 ${EndSwitch} ReadINIStr $0 $PLUGINSDIR\io.ini "Field 1" "State" StrCmp $0 "" 0 +3 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(NO_INPUT_FILE)" Abort ReadINIStr $IN $PLUGINSDIR\io.ini "Field 1" "State" Push $IN Call CheckFileEncoding StrCmp $FE "Unicode" file_chk_done StrCmp $FE "ANSI" file_chk_done MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "$(FILE_CODING_ERROR1) $0 $(FILE_CODING_ERROR2)" Abort file_chk_done: FunctionEnd Function Main Push $0 Push $1 Push $2 Push $3 Push $4 ;$9 ROOT_KEY ;$8 SUB_KEY ;$7 ENTRY ;$6 Padding ;$1 handle of input ;$3 handle of output FileOpen $1 $IN r StrCmp $FE "Unicode" 0 +2 FileSeek $1 2 ClearErrors FileOpen $3 $OUT w IfErrors 0 +3 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(WRITE_FILE_ERROR)" Quit loop: Call ReadFile Pop $0 StrCmp $0 "" loop_quit Push $0 Call TrimLine Pop $0 StrCmp $0 "" loop ;空行则跳过 (jump if empty line) loop_trim_line: ;检测是否有断行 (check if trim line) StrCpy $2 $0 1 -1 StrCmp $2 "\" 0 no_trim_line Call ReadFile Pop $2 StrCmp $2 "" loop_quit Push $2 Call TrimLine Pop $2 StrCpy $0 $0 -1 StrCpy $0 $0$2 Goto loop_trim_line no_trim_line: StrCpy $2 $0 1 ;检测是否是健 (check if is a reg key) StrCpy $4 $0 1 -1 StrCpy $2 $2$4 StrCmp $2 "[]" 0 +4 Push $0 Call GetKey Goto loop StrCpy $2 $0 1 StrCmp $2 "@" 0 not_default Push $0 Call WriteDefaultValue Goto loop not_default: Push $0 Call GetEntry Pop $7 ;项 (entry) Pop $2 ;值 (value) Push $7 Call ConvertSpecailCharacter Pop $7 Push $2 Call ConvertSpecailCharacter Pop $2 Push $2 Call WriteValue Goto loop loop_quit: FileClose $3 FileClose $1 Pop $4 Pop $3 Pop $2 Pop $1 Pop $0 FunctionEnd Function TrimLine Exch $R0 Push $R1 StrCpy $R1 $R0 1 -1 ;去除回车、换行 (Cut the Carriage Return / Line Feed) StrCmp $R1 $\r 0 +3 StrCpy $R0 $R0 -1 Goto -3 StrCmp $R1 $\n 0 +3 StrCpy $R0 $R0 -1 Goto -6 StrCpy $R1 $R0 1 -1 ;去除行尾空格 (Cut space in line end) StrCmp $R1 " " 0 +3 StrCpy $R0 $R0 -1 Goto -3 StrCpy $R1 $R0 1 ;去除行首空格 (Cut space in line header) StrCmp $R1 " " 0 +3 StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" 1 Goto -3 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 FunctionEnd Function WriteDefaultValue Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 StrCpy $R1 0 StrLen $R2 $R0 loop: StrCpy $R3 $R0 1 $R1 StrCmp $R3 "=" loop_quit IntCmp $R1 $R2 end IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 Goto loop loop_quit: IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" $R1 StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 ;去除行首空格 (cut space in line header) StrCmp $R2 " " 0 +3 StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" 1 Goto -3 StrCpy $R1 $R0 1 ;检测值是否以引号开头及结尾 (check if value begin with quote and end with quote) StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 -1 StrCpy $R1 $R1$R2 StrCmp $R1 '""' 0 end StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" 1 StrCpy $R0 $R0 -1 Push $R0 Call ConvertSpecailCharacter Pop $R0 StrCpy $R0 'WriteRegStr $9 "$8" "" "$R0"' Push $R0 Call WriteFile end: Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 FunctionEnd Function WriteValue Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 StrCpy $R1 $R0 1 StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 -1 StrCpy $R1 $R1$R2 StrCmp $R1 '""' str StrCpy $R1 $R0 6 StrCmp $R1 "dword:" dword StrCpy $R1 $R0 4 StrCmp $R1 "hex:" bin end str: StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" 1 StrCpy $R0 $R0 -1 StrCpy $R0 'WriteRegStr $9 "$8" "$7" "$R0"' Goto done dword: StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" 6 StrCmp $R0 "" 0 +3 StrCpy $R0 'WriteRegDWORD $9 "$8" "$7" ""' Goto +2 StrCpy $R0 'WriteRegDWORD $9 "$8" "$7" 0x$R0' Goto done bin: StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" 4 StrCmp $R0 "" 0 +3 StrCpy $R0 'WriteRegBin $9 "$8" "$7" ""' Goto done StrCpy $R1 0 loop: StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 $R1 StrCmp $R2 "," convert StrCmp $R2 "" loop_quit IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 Goto loop convert: StrCpy $R2 $R0 $R1 IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" $R1 StrCpy $R0 $R2$R0 Goto loop loop_quit: StrCpy $R0 'WriteRegBin $9 "$8" "$7" $R0' done: Push $R0 Call WriteFile end: Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 FunctionEnd Function GetEntry Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 StrCpy $R1 $R0 1 StrCmp $R1 '"' 0 end StrCpy $R1 1 StrLen $R2 $R0 loop: StrCpy $R3 $R0 2 $R1 StrCmp $R3 '\"' jump StrCpy $R3 $R0 1 $R1 StrCmp $R3 '"' loop_quit IntCmp $R1 $R2 end 0 end IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 Goto loop jump: IntOp $R1 $R1 + 2 Goto loop loop_quit: StrCpy $R2 $R0 $R1 StrCpy $R2 $R2 "" 1 ;项 (entry) IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 StrCpy $R1 $R0 "" $R1 StrCpy $R3 $R1 1 ;去除行首空格 (cut space in header) StrCmp $R3 " " 0 +3 StrCpy $R1 $R1 "" 1 Goto -3 StrCpy $R3 $R1 1 StrCmp $R3 "=" 0 end StrCpy $R1 $R1 "" 1 StrCpy $R3 $R1 1 ;去除行首空格 (cut space in end) StrCmp $R3 " " 0 +3 StrCpy $R1 $R1 "" 1 Goto -3 StrCpy $R0 $R2 end: Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Exch $R1 ;值 (value) Exch Exch $R0 ;项 (entry) FunctionEnd Function ConvertSpecailCharacter ;转换 \" \\ $ 为 $\" \ $$ (Convert \" \\ $ to $\" \ $$) Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 Push $R4 StrCpy $R1 0 StrLen $R2 $R0 loop: StrCpy $R3 $R0 2 $R1 StrCmp $R3 "\\" double_slash StrCmp $R3 '\"' quote StrCpy $R3 $R0 1 $R1 StrCmp $R3 $$ dollar IntCmp $R1 $R2 loop_quit IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 Goto loop double_slash: StrCpy $R3 $R0 $R1 IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 StrCpy $R4 $R0 "" $R1 StrCpy $R0 $R3$R4 StrLen $R2 $R0 Goto loop quote: StrCpy $R3 $R0 $R1 StrCpy $R4 $R0 "" $R1 StrCpy $R0 "$R3$$$R4" StrLen $R2 $R0 IntOp $R1 $R1 + 3 Goto loop dollar: StrCpy $R3 $R0 $R1 StrCpy $R4 $R0 "" $R1 StrCpy $R0 "$R3$$$R4" StrLen $R2 $R0 IntOp $R1 $R1 + 2 Goto loop loop_quit: Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 FunctionEnd Function GetKey Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" 1 StrCpy $R0 $R0 -1 StrCpy $R1 0 StrLen $R2 $R0 loop: StrCpy $R3 $R0 1 $R1 StrCmp $R3 "\" loop_quit IntCmp $R1 $R2 end IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 Goto loop loop_quit: StrCpy $R2 $R0 $R1 StrCmp $R2 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 0 +3 StrCpy $9 HKCR Goto sub_key StrCmp $R2 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 0 +3 StrCpy $9 HKLM Goto sub_key StrCmp $R2 HKEY_CURRENT_USER 0 +3 StrCpy $9 HKCU Goto sub_key StrCmp $R2 HKEY_USERS 0 +3 StrCpy $9 HKU Goto sub_key StrCmp $R2 HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG 0 +3 StrCpy $9 HKCC Goto sub_key StrCmp $R2 HKEY_DYN_DATA 0 +3 StrCpy $9 HKDD Goto sub_key StrCmp $R2 HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA 0 end StrCpy $9 HKPD sub_key: IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 StrCpy $8 $R0 "" $R1 Push $8 Call ConvertSpecailCharacter Pop $8 end: Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Pop $R0 FunctionEnd Function ReadFile Push $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 StrCmp $FE "Unicode" 0 ansi loop: FileReadByte $1 $R2 ;Read Unicode file code thanks kichik FileReadByte $1 $R1 StrCmp $R2$R1 "" end IntOp $R1 $R1 << 8 IntOp $R1 $R1 | $R2 IntFmt $R1 %lc $R1 StrCmp $R1 "$\r" loop_quit StrCmp $R1 "$\n" loop_quit StrCpy $R0 $R0$R1 Goto loop loop_quit: StrCpy $R0 "$R0$\r$\n" FileSeek $1 2 CUR Goto end ansi: FileRead $1 $R0 end: Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 FunctionEnd Function WriteFile Exch $R0 Push $R1 ClearErrors FileWrite $3 "$6$R0$\r$\n" IfErrors 0 +2 StrCpy $R0 "$(WRITE_FILE_ERROR)" DetailPrint $R0 Pop $R1 Pop $R0 FunctionEnd Function CheckFileEncoding Exch $R4 Push $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 FileOpen $R0 $R4 r FileReadByte $R0 $R1 FileSeek $R0 1 FileReadByte $R0 $R2 FileSeek $R0 2 FileReadByte $R0 $R3 FileClose $R0 StrCpy $R0 $R1$R2 StrCmp $R0 255254 0 +3 StrCpy $FE "Unicode" Goto end StrCmp $R0 254255 0 +3 StrCpy $FE "Unicode (big endian)" Goto end StrCpy $R0 $R1$R2$R3 StrCmp $R0 239187191 0 +3 StrCpy $FE "UTF-8" Goto end StrCpy $FE "ANSI" end: Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Pop $R0 Pop $R4 FunctionEnd Function GetFileNameNoExt Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 StrCpy $R1 0 StrLen $R3 $R0 loop: StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 -$R1 StrCmp $R2 . loop_quit StrCmp $R2 "\" loop_quit IntCmp $R1 $R3 end 0 end IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 Goto loop loop_quit: IntOp $R1 $R3 - $R1 StrCpy $R0 $R0 $R1 end: Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 FunctionEnd Function GetParameters Push $R0 Push $R1 ;指针 (pointer) Push $R2 ;字串长度 (string len) Push $R3 ;临时变量 (temp var) Push $R4 ;参数起始偏移 (start of parameter) Push $R5 ;参数结束偏移 (end of parameter) Push $R6 ;参数 (the parameter) StrCpy $R0 "$CMDLINE /" StrCpy $R1 0 StrCpy $R4 "" StrCpy $R5 "" StrLen $R2 $R0 loop: IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 StrCpy $R3 $R0 2 $R1 StrCmp $R3 ' /' get ;以 " /" 作为分隔符 (separate by " /") IntCmp $R1 $R2 loop_quit 0 loop_quit Goto loop get: StrCmp $R4 "" 0 +3 StrCpy $R4 $R1 Goto loop StrCmp $R5 "" 0 reset StrCpy $R5 $R1 IntOp $R4 $R4 + 2 IntOp $R3 $R5 - $R4 StrCpy $R6 $R0 $R3 $R4 ;检测参数后面是否有空格 (check if space in parameter end) StrCpy $R3 $R6 "" -1 StrCmp $R3 " " 0 +3 StrCpy $R6 $R6 -1 Goto -3 StrCmp $R6 "" loop ;检测参数是否为空值 (check if parameter is empty) reset: StrCpy $R4 $R5 ;重置 (reset) StrCpy $R5 "" ;重置 (reset) ;----------------------------------- StrCpy $R3 $R6 2 StrCmp $R3 "i:" input StrCmp $R3 "o:" output input: StrCpy $IN $R6 "" 2 Goto loop output: StrCpy $OUT $R6 "" 2 Goto loop ;----------------------------------- loop_quit: Pop $R5 Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Pop $R0 FunctionEnd Function GetParent Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 StrCpy $R1 1 StrLen $R2 $R0 loop: StrCpy $R3 $R0 1 -$R1 StrCmp $R3 "\" loop_quit IntCmp $R1 $R2 loop_quit 0 loop_quit IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 Goto loop loop_quit: IntOp $R1 $R2 - $R1 StrCpy $R0 $R0 $R1 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 FunctionEnd
!define ENG 1033 !define CHS 2052 !define CHT 1028 LangString INSTALL_BUTTON ${ENG} "Con&vert" LangString INSTALL_BUTTON ${CHS} "转换(&V)" LangString INSTALLING_PAGE_TITLE ${ENG} "Converting" LangString INSTALLING_PAGE_TITLE ${CHS} "正在转换" LangString INSTALLING_PAGE_SUBTITLE ${ENG} "$(^NameDA) is converting" LangString INSTALLING_PAGE_SUBTITLE ${CHS} "$(^NameDA) 正在转换" LangString FILE_CODING_ERROR1 ${ENG} "The file you convert encoding by" LangString FILE_CODING_ERROR1 ${CHS} "你要转换的文档使用了" LangString FILE_CODING_ERROR2 ${ENG} ", to use it, you must convert to ANSI or Unicode coding. $\r$\nYou can convert by notepad $\"Save as$\" feature" LangString FILE_CODING_ERROR2 ${CHS} "编码,你需要转换为 ANSI 或 Unicode 编码方可使用。$\r$\n你可以使用记事本的 $\"另存为$\" 功能来转换。" LangString REG_CONTEXT_MENU ${ENG} "Registry context menu" LangString REG_CONTEXT_MENU ${CHS} "注册右键菜单" LangString UNREG_CONTEXT_MENU ${ENG} "Unregistry context menu" LangString UNREG_CONTEXT_MENU ${CHS} "解注册右键菜单" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_TITLE ${ENG} "Registry converter" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_TITLE ${CHS} "注册表转换" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_SUBTITLE ${ENG} "Please enter a registry file and then press convert button" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_SUBTITLE ${CHS} "请输入要转换的注册表文件后按转换按钮" LangString CONTEXT_MENU ${ENG} "Convert to NSI file" LangString CONTEXT_MENU ${CHS} "转换为 NSI 文件" LangString NO_INPUT_FILE ${ENG} "Please open a input file" LangString NO_INPUT_FILE ${CHS} "请打开输入文件" LangString WRITE_FILE_ERROR ${ENG} "Write file error" LangString WRITE_FILE_ERROR ${CHS} "写入文件错误" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD3 ${ENG} "REG file(.reg)|*.reg|All file|*.*" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD3 ${CHS} "REG 文件(.reg)|*.reg|所有文件|*.*" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD4 ${ENG} "NSI file(.nsi)|*.nsi" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD4 ${CHS} "NSI 文件(.nsi)|*.nsi" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD5 ${ENG} "Auto and Tab in line header" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD5 ${CHS} "行首自动加 Tab" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD6 ${ENG} "Auto and Space in line header" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD6 ${CHS} "行首自动加空格" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD7 ${ENG} "Input file:" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD7 ${CHS} "输入文件:" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD8 ${ENG} "Output file:" LangString CUSTOM_PAGE_FIELD8 ${CHS} "输出文件:"
[Settings] [Field 1] Type=Text Notify=ONTEXTCHANGE Left=13 Right=267 Top=19 Bottom=32 [Field 2] Type=Text Left=14 Right=267 Top=59 Bottom=72 [Field 3] Type=Button Text=... State=1 Flags=FILEREQUEST|FILE_MUST_EXIST Filter=REG file(.reg)|*.reg|All file|*.* Notify=ONCLICK Left=270 Right=295 Top=20 Bottom=32 [Field 4] Type=Button Text=... State=2 Flags=FILEREQUEST|FILE_MUST_EXIST|REQ_SAVE Filter=NSI file(.nsi)|*.nsi Notify=ONCLICK Left=270 Right=295 Top=60 Bottom=72 [Field 5] Type=Checkbox Text=Auto and Tab in line header State=1 Left=14 Right=200 Top=86 Bottom=96 [Field 6] Type=Checkbox Text=Auto and Space in line header Left=14 Right=200 Top=104 Bottom=115 [Field 7] Type=Label Text=Input file Left=14 Right=90 Top=11 Bottom=19 [Field 8] Type=Label Text=Output file Left=14 Right=86 Top=51 Bottom=59 [Field 9] Type=Button Text= Notify=ONCLICK Left=205 Right=295 Top=100 Bottom=116