插件:用于闪屏和播放WAV MP3音乐的LauncherSplash

LauncherSplash.dll - plug-in that lets you throw
up a splash screen in NSIS installers with
fading effects (win2k/xp) and transparency.
Designed specially for application launchers,
when the launched application creates it's main window,
the splash screen fades out.
At the same time can play wav-mp3 sound file.


1) launchersplash::show [/NOUNLOAD] ClassName DelayMin DelayMax FadeIn FadeOut KeyColor [/BANNER] [/PASSIVE] [/NOCANCEL] FileName

ClassName - When launched later program creates a window of this class, image will be hidden
DelayMin - minimal time (milliseconds) to show image
DelayMax - maximal time (milliseconds) to show image
FadeIn - time to show the fadein scene
FadeOut - time to show the fadeout scene
KeyColor - color used for transparency, could be any RGB value
(for ex. R=255 G=100 B=16 -> KeyColor=0xFF6410),
use KeyColor=-1 if there is no transparent color at your image.
If KeyColor=-2 and image type is gif, plug-in attempts to extract
transparency color value from the file header. For gif images
transparency on the static background works even if KeyColor=-1.
/BANNER - returns control to installer immediatelly after plug-in
activation. Not depends on installer page - parent window NULL.
/NOCANCEL - disables 'exit on user click' default behaviour.
/PASSIVE - not forces splash window to foreground.
FileName - splash image filename (with extension!). Bmp, gif and jpg
image types are supported.

For example:

launchersplash::show TTOTAL_CMD 200 3000 0 0 -2 "$PLUGINSDIR\catch.gif"
launchersplash::show /NOUNLOAD TTOTAL_CMD 0 1000 600 400 0xFF6410 /BANNER "$TEMP\spltmp.bmp"

Use /NOUNLOAD with /BANNER key - this case plug-in not waits for
the end of 'show' and returns control to installer. If used in .onInit
function, /BANNER key requires 'ShowWindow $HWNDPARENT 2' in .onGUIInit

2) launchersplash::wait

Waits for the end of performance :). If 'show' already finished -
exits immediately

3) launchersplash::stop

Terminates banner.

4) launchersplash::play /NOUNLOAD [/LOOP] FileName

FileName - sound filename to play (with extension, wav, mp3 ...).
Empty Filename string "" stops sound.
For example:

newadvsplash::play /NOUNLOAD /LOOP "$PLUGINSDIR\snd.mp3"
newadvsplash::show 2000 1000 500 -1 "$PLUGINSDIR\iamfat.jpg"

4) launchersplash::hwnd /NOUNLOAD

Gets splash window handle.
For example:

launchersplash::hwnd /NOUNLOAD
Pop $0 ; $0 is window handle now

Basic - Win95 and later.
Fadein/fadeout - win2k/winxp.

Original code - Justin
Converted to a plugin DLL by Amir Szekely (kichik)
Fading and transparency by Nik Medved (brainsucker)
Gif and jpeg support, /BANNER and /CANCEL, mp3 support - Takhir Bedertdinov
Accelerated disparition by Maciej Adamczyk
