Code Compile


1.1. Code Compile

1.1.1. Openwrt Compile

In the compiling environment for Kamino18 YodaOS, using openwrt, we can compile out the images as below table:

Image nameImage running placeImage illustrationImage generating place
mcu.binMCUThe image which run on MCU$(K18DIR)/openwrt/bin/leo-k18-universal-glibc/mcu.bin
u-boot-spl.binARMSecondary program loader, which is charge of DDR initialization and download u-boot.img into DDR to run$(K18DIR)/openwrt/bin/leo-k18-universal-glibc/uboot-leo-k18-universal/openwrt-leo-k18-universal-u-boot-spl.bin
u-boot.imgARMBootLoader download dtb, kernel image and rootfs image into DDR and jump to kernel offset to run$(K18DIR)/openwrt/bin/leo-k18-universal -glibc/uboot-leo-k18-universal /openwrt- leo-k18-universal - u-boot.img
dtbARMDevice tree blob for kernel image$(K18DIR)/openwrt/bin/leo-k18-universal -glibc/openwrt-leo-k18-universal.dtb
zImageARMLinux kernel image$(K18DIR)/openwrt/bin/leo-k18-universal -glibc/openwrt- leo-k18-universal-zImage
ubi.imgARMRootfs$(K18DIR)/openwrt/bin/leo-k18-universal -glibc/openwrt-leo-k18-universal-ubi.img

There are two ways to compile Kamino18 YodaOS images as below:

1. In K18 source code root directory, run the below command

  • ./ –p leo_k18_universal_node -n openwrt-leo-k18-universal -f leo-k18-universal -j12 -r

2. In order to get more compiling message,we can enter openwrt directory to use the below compiling commands as below:

  • cd openwrt
  • cp configs/leo_k18_universal_node_defconfig .config
  • make defconfig
  • make -j1 V=99

The compiling images are generated in $(K18DIR)/openwrt/bin directory.

Setup openwrt configuration:

  • make menuconfig

Setup kernel configuration:

  • make kernel_menuconfig

After openwrt full image compiling,use the below compiling command to compile a specific package(Referring to the document $(K18DIR)/openwrt/ for the detail):

  • make package/some_package/clean
  • make package/some_package/compile V=99

1.1.2. Kernel Compile

Developer also can compile kernel source code independently through the below commands:

  • cd openwrt
  • make kernel_menuconfig
  • make target/linux/clean
  • make target/linux/compile
  • make target/linux/install

The kernel compiling result dtb and zImage files are located in $(K18DIR)/kernel/arch/arm/boot/ directory.

1.1.3. Uboot Compile

Developer also can compile uboot source code independently through the below commands:

  • cd openwrt
  • make package/uboot-leo/clean
  • make package/uboot-leo/ compile 或 make package/uboot-leo/install

The uboot compiling result u-boot-spl.bin is located in $(K18DIR)/uboot/spl/ directory and u-boot.img is located in $(K18DIR)/uboot/ directory.

1.1.4. VSP Compile

VSP directory contains MCU and VSP driver source code, whose compiling method as below:

  • cd $(K18DIR)/hardware/nationalchip/gx8010/vsp
  • make k18_universal_defconfig
  • make

VSP compiling results are as the below table:

Image nameImage illustrationImage generating place
mcu_nand.binThe mcu image which is flashed into spi nand flash$(K18DIR)/hardware/nationalchip/gx8010/vsp/output/mcu_nand.bin
mcu_nor.binThe mcu image which is flashed into spi nor flash$(K18DIR)/hardware/nationalchip/gx8010/vsp/output/mcu_nor.bin
vsp.koThe vsp driver module which is installed into kernel$(K18DIR)/ hardware/nationalchip/gx8010/vsp/output/vsp.ko