类: TouchBarSegmentedControl


类: TouchBarSegmentedControl


Process: Main 此类不从 'electron' 模块导出. 它只能作为Electron API中其他方法的返回值。

new TouchBarSegmentedControl(options)

  • 选项 对象
    • segmentStyle String (optional) - Style of the segments:
      • automatic - Default. The appearance of the segmented control is automatically determined based on the type of window in which the control is displayed and the position within the window. Maps to NSSegmentStyleAutomatic.
      • rounded - 控件的呈现使用圆形风格。 Maps to NSSegmentStyleRounded.
      • textured-rounded - 控件的呈现使用纹理圆形风格。 Maps to NSSegmentStyleTexturedRounded.
      • round-rect - 以圆角矩形样式显示控件。 Maps to NSSegmentStyleRoundRect.
      • round-rect - 以带纹理的矩形样式显示控件。 Maps to NSSegmentStyleTexturedSquare.
      • capsule - 以胶囊样式的风格显示控件 Maps to NSSegmentStyleCapsule.
      • small-square - 以小尺寸的矩形样式显示控件 Maps to NSSegmentStyleSmallSquare.
      • 表示控件的当前段样式。更新此值会立即更新触摸栏中的控件。 Maps to NSSegmentStyleSeparated.
    • mode String (optional) - The selection mode of the control:
      • single - Default. One item selected at a time, selecting one deselects the previously selected item. Maps to NSSegmentSwitchTrackingSelectOne.
      • multiple - 可以选多个项。 Maps to NSSegmentSwitchTrackingSelectAny.
      • buttons - 将段作为按钮使用, 每一段都可以被按下和释放但是不会被标记为激活状态 Maps to NSSegmentSwitchTrackingMomentary.
    • segments SegmentedControlSegment[] - 被放到控件中的段的集合
    • selectedIndex Integer (optional) - 当前选中的段的下标, 这个值会在用户交互时自动更改 When the mode is multiple it will be the last selected item.
    • change Function (optional) - Called when the user selects a new segment.
      • selectedIndex Integer - 用户选中的段的下标。
      • isSelected Boolean - 当前段的选中状态


以下为 TouchBarSegmentedControl 实例的可用属性:


A String representing the controls current segment style. Updating this value immediately updates the control in the touch bar.


SegmentedControlSegment[]类型表示的控件中段的集合 改变这个值会立刻刷新touch bar内的控件。 然而改变数组某元素内的嵌套属性不会刷新touch bar


Integer类型表示的当前选中段 改变这个值会立即触发更新当前段 用户对触摸条的操作会自动更新这个值


A String representing the current selection mode of the control. Can be single, multiple or buttons.