



Electron的 webview 标签基于 Chromium webview ,后者正在经历巨大的架构变化。 这将影响 webview 的稳定性,包括呈现、导航和事件路由。 我们目前建议不使用 webview 标签,并考虑其他替代方案,如 iframeElectron的 BrowserView 或完全避免嵌入内容的架构。


默认情况下,Electron >= 5禁用 webview 标签。 在构造 BrowserWindow 时,需要通过设置 webviewTag webPreferences选项来启用标签。 更多信息请参看 BrowserWindows 的构造器文档


在一个独立的 frame 和进程里显示外部 web 内容。

Process: Renderer 此类不从 'electron' 模块导出. 它只能作为Electron API中其他方法的返回值。

使用 webview 标签将'guest'内容 (例如网页) 嵌入到您的 Electron 应用中。 Guest 内容包含在 webview 容器内。 应用中的嵌入页面可以控制外来内容的布局和重绘。

iframe不同, webview 独立于您的应用程序运行。 它拥有和你的页面不一样的权限并且所嵌入的内容和你应用之间的交互都将是异步的。 这将保证你的应用对于嵌入的内容的安全性。 注意: 从宿主页上调用 webview 的方法大多数都需要对主进程进行同步调用。


若要在应用程序中嵌入网页, 请将 webview 标签添加到应用程序的被嵌入页面中 (这是将显示外来内容的应用程序页)。 在最简单的例子中, webview 标签包括网页的 src 和控制 webview 容器外观的 css 样式:

<webview id="foo" src="https://www.github.com/" style="display:inline-flex; width:640px; height:480px"></webview>

如果要以任何方式控制外来内容, 则可以写用于侦听 webview 事件的 JavaScript, 并使用 webview 方法响应这些事件。 下面是包含两个事件侦听器的示例代码: 一个侦听网页开始加载, 另一个用于网页停止加载, 并在加载时显示 "loading..." 消息:

  onload = () => {
    const webview = document.querySelector('webview')
    const indicator = document.querySelector('.indicator')

    const loadstart = () => {
      indicator.innerText = 'loading...'

    const loadstop = () => {
      indicator.innerText = ''

    webview.addEventListener('did-start-loading', loadstart)
    webview.addEventListener('did-stop-loading', loadstop)


在内部 webview过程外 iframes(OOPIF)一起实施。 webview 标签本质上是一个自定义元素,使用 shadow DOM 将 iframe 元素包裹在里面。

因此, webview 的行为与跨域 iframe 非常相似,例如:

  • webview 中单击时,页面焦点将从嵌入器移动到 webview
  • 您无法将键盘、鼠标和滚动事件侦听器添加到 webview
  • 嵌入器框架和 webview 之间的所有反应都是异步的。

CSS 样式说明

请注意,webview 标签的样式使用 display:flex; 来确保 iframe在传统和 flex 布局一起使用的情况下填充其 webview 容器的全部高度和宽度。 除非指定内联布局的 display:inline-flex; ,否则请不要 覆盖默认 display:flex; CSS属性。


webview 标签具有以下属性:


<webview src="https://www.github.com/"></webview>

表示可见网址的 String 。 Writing to this attribute initiates top-level navigation.

更改 src 的值将重新加载当前页面。

src 属性还可以接受数据 URL, 如 data:text/plain, Hello, world!


<webview src="http://www.google.com/" nodeintegration></webview>

一个 Boolean。 当有此属性时, webview 中的访客页(guest page)将具有Node集成, 并且可以使用像 requireprocess 这样的node APIs 去访问低层系统资源。 Node 集成在访客页中默认是禁用的。


<webview src="http://www.google.com/" nodeintegrationinsubframes></webview>

A Boolean for the experimental option for enabling NodeJS support in sub-frames such as iframes inside the webview. All your preloads will load for every iframe, you can use process.isMainFrame to determine if you are in the main frame or not. Node 集成在访客页中默认是禁用的。


<webview src="https://www.github.com/" plugins></webview>

一个 Boolean。 When this attribute is present the guest page in webview will be able to use browser plugins. Plugins are disabled by default.


<!-- from a file -->
<webview src="https://www.github.com/" preload="./test.js"></webview>
<!-- or if you want to load from an asar archive -->
<webview src="https://www.github.com/" preload="./app.asar/test.js"></webview>

A String that specifies a script that will be loaded before other scripts run in the guest page. The protocol of script's URL must be file: (even when using asar: archives) because it will be loaded by Node's require under the hood, which treats asar: archives as virtual directories.

当访客页没有 node integration ,这个脚本仍然有能力去访问所有的 Node APIs, 但是当这个脚本执行执行完成之后,通过Node 注入的全局对象(global objects)将会被删除。

Note: This option will appear as preloadURL (not preload) in the webPreferences specified to the will-attach-webview event.


<webview src="https://www.github.com/" httpreferrer="http://cheng.guru"></webview>

A String that sets the referrer URL for the guest page.


<webview src="https://www.github.com/" useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; AS; rv:11.0) like Gecko"></webview>

A String that sets the user agent for the guest page before the page is navigated to. Once the page is loaded, use the setUserAgent method to change the user agent.


<webview src="https://www.github.com/" disablewebsecurity></webview>

一个 Boolean。 When this attribute is present the guest page will have web security disabled. Web security is enabled by default.


<webview src="https://github.com" partition="persist:github"></webview>
<webview src="https://electronjs.org" partition="electron"></webview>

A String that sets the session used by the page. 如果 partitionpersist:开头, 该页面将使用持续的 session,并在所有页面生效,且使用同一个partition. 如果没有 persist: 前缀, 页面将使用 in-memory session. 通过分配相同的 partition, 多个页可以共享同一会话。 如果没有设置partition,app 将会使用默认的session。

This value can only be modified before the first navigation, since the session of an active renderer process cannot change. Subsequent attempts to modify the value will fail with a DOM exception.


<webview src="https://www.github.com/" allowpopups></webview>

一个 Boolean。 When this attribute is present the guest page will be allowed to open new windows. Popups are disabled by default.


<webview src="https://github.com" webpreferences="allowRunningInsecureContent, javascript=no"></webview>

String 是一个由逗号分割的字符串列表,其中指定了要设置在 webview 上的 Web 首选项。 支持的首选项字符串的完整列表,请查看 BrowserWindow

该字符串的格式与 window.open 中的功能字符串( the features string )相同。 只有自己名字的将被赋予 true 布尔值。 可以通过 = 来赋予其他值。 yes1 会被解析成 true,而 no0 解析为 false


<webview src="https://www.github.com/" enableblinkfeatures="PreciseMemoryInfo, CSSVariables"></webview>

A String which is a list of strings which specifies the blink features to be enabled separated by ,. The full list of supported feature strings can be found in the RuntimeEnabledFeatures.json5 file.


<webview src="https://www.github.com/" disableblinkfeatures="PreciseMemoryInfo, CSSVariables"></webview>

A String which is a list of strings which specifies the blink features to be disabled separated by ,. The full list of supported feature strings can be found in the RuntimeEnabledFeatures.json5 file.


webview 标签具有以下方法:

注意: 使用方法之前 <0>webview</0> 元素必须已被加载。


const webview = document.querySelector('webview')
webview.addEventListener('dom-ready', () => {

<webview>.loadURL(url[, options])

  • url URL
  • options Object (可选)
    • httpReferrer (String | Referrer) (可选) - 一个 HTTP Referrer url。
    • userAgent String (可选) - 发起请求的 userAgent.
    • extraHeaders String (可选) - 用 "\n" 分割的额外标题
    • postData (UploadRawData | UploadFile)[] (可选)
    • baseURLForDataURL String (可选) - 要加载的数据文件的根 url(带有路径分隔符). 只有当指定的 url是一个数据 url 并需要加载其他文件时,才需要这样做。

Returns Promise<void> - The promise will resolve when the page has finished loading (see did-finish-load), and rejects if the page fails to load (see did-fail-load).

webview 中加载目标 url,url 地址必须包含协议前缀,例如:http://file://


  • url String

Initiates a download of the resource at url without navigating.


返回 String - 访客页的URL。


返回 String - 访客页的标题。


返回 Boolean - 访客页是否仍然在加载资源。


Returns Boolean - Whether the main frame (and not just iframes or frames within it) is still loading.


返回 Boolean - 访客页面是否正在等待页面主资源的第一响应。


Stops any pending navigation.






返回 Boolean - 访客页能否后退。


返回 Boolean - 访客页能否前进。


  • offset Integer

返回 Boolean - 访客页能否前进到 offset








  • index Integer



  • offset Integer



Returns Boolean - Whether the renderer process has crashed.


  • userAgent String



返回 String - 访客页的用户代理。


  • css String

Returns Promise<String> - A promise that resolves with a key for the inserted CSS that can later be used to remove the CSS via <webview>.removeInsertedCSS(key).

Injects CSS into the current web page and returns a unique key for the inserted stylesheet.


  • key String

Returns Promise<void> - Resolves if the removal was successful.

Removes the inserted CSS from the current web page. The stylesheet is identified by its key, which is returned from <webview>.insertCSS(css).

<webview>.executeJavaScript(code[, userGesture])

  • code String
  • userGesture Boolean (可选) - 默认为 false

Returns Promise<any> - A promise that resolves with the result of the executed code or is rejected if the result of the code is a rejected promise.

在页面中执行 code。 如果设置了userGesture,它将在页面中创建用户手势上下文。 像 requestFullScreen 这样的需要用户操作的HTML API可以利用这个选项来实现自动化。


打开 guest 页面的 DevTools 窗口。


关闭 guest 页面的 DevTools 窗口。


返回 Boolean - guest 页面是否打开了 Devtools。


返回 Boolean - guest 页面的 DevTools 窗口是否聚焦。

<webview>.inspectElement(x, y)

  • x Integer
  • y Integer

Starts inspecting element at position (x, y) of guest page.


Opens the DevTools for the shared worker context present in the guest page.


Opens the DevTools for the service worker context present in the guest page.


  • muted Boolean



返回 Boolean - 访客页是否被静音。


Returns Boolean - Whether audio is currently playing.


在页面中执行编辑命令 undo


在页面中执行编辑命令 redo


在页面中执行编辑命令 cut


在页面中执行编辑命令 copy


在页面中执行编辑命令 paste


在页面中执行编辑命令 pasteAndMatchStyle


在页面中执行编辑命令 delete


在页面中执行编辑命令 selectAll


在页面中执行编辑命令 unselect


  • text String

在页面中执行编辑命令 replace


  • text String

在页面中执行编辑命令 replaceMisspelling


  • text String

返回 Promise<void>

插入text 到焦点元素

<webview>.findInPage(text[, options])

  • text String - 要搜索的内容,必须非空。
  • options Object (可选)
    • forward Boolean (可选) -向前或向后搜索,默认为 true
    • findNext Boolean (可选) - 是否使用此请求开始一个新的文本查找会话。 对于初始请求应该为 true ,对后续请求为 false 。 默认值为 false.
    • matchCase Boolean (optional) - Whether search should be case-sensitive, defaults to false.

Returns Integer - The request id used for the request.

Starts a request to find all matches for the text in the web page. The result of the request can be obtained by subscribing to found-in-page event.


  • action String - Specifies the action to take place when ending <webview>.findInPage request.
    • clearSelection - Clear the selection.
    • keepSelection - Translate the selection into a normal selection.
    • activateSelection - Focus and click the selection node.

Stops any findInPage request for the webview with the provided action.


  • options Object (可选)
    • silent Boolean (optional) - Don't ask user for print settings. 默认值为 false.
    • printBackground Boolean (optional) - Prints the background color and image of the web page. 默认值为 false.
    • deviceName String (optional) - Set the printer device name to use. Must be the system-defined name and not the 'friendly' name, e.g 'Brother_QL_820NWB' and not 'Brother QL-820NWB'.
    • color Boolean (optional) - Set whether the printed web page will be in color or grayscale. 默认值为 true
    • margins Object (可选)
      • marginType String (optional) - Can be default, none, printableArea, or custom. If custom is chosen, you will also need to specify top, bottom, left, and right.
      • top Number (optional) - The top margin of the printed web page, in pixels.
      • bottom Number (optional) - The bottom margin of the printed web page, in pixels.
      • left Number (optional) - The left margin of the printed web page, in pixels.
      • right Number (optional) - The right margin of the printed web page, in pixels.
    • landscape Boolean (optional) - Whether the web page should be printed in landscape mode. 默认值为 false.
    • scaleFactor Number (optional) - The scale factor of the web page.
    • pagesPerSheet Number (optional) - The number of pages to print per page sheet.
    • collate Boolean (optional) - Whether the web page should be collated.
    • copies Number (optional) - The number of copies of the web page to print.
    • pageRanges Object[] (optional) - The page range to print.
      • from Number - Index of the first page to print (0-based).
      • to Number - Index of the last page to print (inclusive) (0-based).
    • duplexMode String (optional) - Set the duplex mode of the printed web page. 可以是 simplexshortEdgelongEdge
    • dpi Record<string, number> (optional)
      • horizontal Number (optional) - The horizontal dpi.
      • vertical Number (optional) - The vertical dpi.
    • header String (optional) - String to be printed as page header.
    • footer String (optional) - String to be printed as page footer.
    • pageSize String | Size (optional) - Specify page size of the printed document. Can be A3, A4, A5, Legal, Letter, Tabloid or an Object containing height.

返回 Promise<void>

Prints webview's web page. 与 webContents.print([options]) 相同.


  • 选项 对象
    • headerFooter Record<string, string> (optional) - the header and footer for the PDF.
      • title String - The title for the PDF header.
      • url String - the url for the PDF footer.
    • landscape Boolean (optional) - true for landscape, false for portrait.
    • marginsType Integer (optional) - Specifies the type of margins to use. Uses 0 for default margin, 1 for no margin, and 2 for minimum margin. and width in microns.
    • scaleFactor Number (optional) - The scale factor of the web page. Can range from 0 to 100.
    • pageRanges Record<string, number> (optional) - The page range to print. 在macOS上,只有数组的第一个值被信任。
      • from Number - Index of the first page to print (0-based).
      • to Number - Index of the last page to print (inclusive) (0-based).
    • pageSize String | Size (optional) - Specify page size of the generated PDF. Can be A3, A4, A5, Legal, Letter, Tabloid or an Object containing height
    • printBackground Boolean (optional) - Whether to print CSS backgrounds.
    • printSelectionOnly Boolean (optional) - Whether to print selection only.

Returns Promise<Uint8Array> - Resolves with the generated PDF data.

Prints webview's web page as PDF, Same as webContents.printToPDF(options).


  • rect Rectangle (optional) - The area of the page to be captured.

返回 Promise<NativeImage> - 完成后返回一个NativeImage

rect内捕获页面的快照。 省略 rect 将捕获整个可见页面。

<webview>.send(channel, ...args)

  • channel String
  • ...args any[]

返回 Promise<void>

通过channel向渲染器进程发送异步消息,可以发送任意参数。 The renderer process can handle the message by listening to the channel event with the ipcRenderer module.

示例请进传送门: webContents.send

<webview>.sendToFrame(frameId, channel, ...args)

  • frameId [number, number] - [processId, frameId]
  • channel String
  • ...args any[]

返回 Promise<void>

通过channel向渲染器进程发送异步消息,可以发送任意参数。 The renderer process can handle the message by listening to the channel event with the ipcRenderer module.

See webContents.sendToFrame for examples.


返回 Promise<void>

Sends an input event to the page.

See webContents.sendInputEvent for detailed description of event object.


  • factor Number - 缩放比例

Changes the zoom factor to the specified factor. Zoom factor is zoom percent divided by 100, so 300% = 3.0.


  • level Number - 缩放等级。

更改缩放等级。 The original size is 0 and each increment above or below represents zooming 20% larger or smaller to default limits of 300% and 50% of original size, respectively. The formula for this is scale := 1.2 ^ level.

NOTE: The zoom policy at the Chromium level is same-origin, meaning that the zoom level for a specific domain propagates across all instances of windows with the same domain. Differentiating the window URLs will make zoom work per-window.


Returns Number - the current zoom factor.


Returns Number - the current zoom level.

<webview>.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(minimumLevel, maximumLevel)

  • minimumLevel Number
  • maximumLevel Number

返回 Promise<void>


<webview>.showDefinitionForSelection() macOS

Shows pop-up dictionary that searches the selected word on the page.


Returns Number - The WebContents ID of this webview.

DOM Events

webview 标签具有以下有效的 DOM 事件:

Event: 'load-commit'


  • url String
  • isMainFrame Boolean

Fired when a load has committed. This includes navigation within the current document as well as subframe document-level loads, but does not include asynchronous resource loads.

Event: 'did-finish-load'

导航完成时触发,即选项卡的旋转器将停止旋转,并指派onload事件后。(译者:网页加载的过程中,并不是所有的浏览器都是转圈圈,而且浏览器版本不同,加载效果也有可能不一样。其中 ie 和 chrome 是转圈圈,safari 是进度条,firefox是一个小点左右来回移动--20180103)

Event: 'did-fail-load'


  • errorCode Integer
  • errorDescription String
  • validatedURL String
  • isMainFrame Boolean

这个事件类似于 did-finish-load, 不过是在加载失败或取消后触发,例如调用了 window.stop()

Event: 'did-frame-finish-load'


  • isMainFrame Boolean

Fired when a frame has done navigation.

Event: 'did-start-loading'

Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab starts spinning.

Event: 'did-stop-loading'

Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab stops spinning.

Event: 'did-attach'

Fired when attached to the embedder web contents.

事件: 'dom-ready'

Fired when document in the given frame is loaded.

事件: 'page-title-updated'


  • title String
  • explicitSet Boolean

Fired when page title is set during navigation. explicitSet is false when title is synthesized from file url.

事件: 'page-favicon-updated'


  • favicons String[] - 由连接组成的数组。

Fired when page receives favicon urls.

事件: 'enter-html-full-screen'

Fired when page enters fullscreen triggered by HTML API.

事件: 'leave-html-full-screen'

Fired when page leaves fullscreen triggered by HTML API.

Event: 'console-message'


  • level Integer - The log level, from 0 to 3. 按顺序匹配 verbose, info, warningerror.
  • message String - 实际控制台消息
  • line Integer - The line number of the source that triggered this console message
  • sourceId String

Fired when the guest window logs a console message.

The following example code forwards all log messages to the embedder's console without regard for log level or other properties.

const webview = document.querySelector('webview')
webview.addEventListener('console-message', (e) => {
  console.log('Guest page logged a message:', e.message)

Event: 'found-in-page'


  • result Object
    • requestId Integer
    • activeMatchOrdinal Integer - 当前匹配位置。
    • matches Integer - 符合匹配条件的元素个数。
    • selectionArea Rectangle - Coordinates of first match region.
    • finalUpdate Boolean

Fired when a result is available for webview.findInPage request.

const webview = document.querySelector('webview')
webview.addEventListener('found-in-page', (e) => {

const requestId = webview.findInPage('test')

Event: 'new-window'


  • url String
  • frameName String
  • disposition String - 可以被设置为 default, foreground-tab, background-tab, new-window, save-to-diskother.
  • options BrowserWindowConstructorOptions - The options which should be used for creating the new BrowserWindow.

Fired when the guest page attempts to open a new browser window.

The following example code opens the new url in system's default browser.

const { shell } = require('electron')
const webview = document.querySelector('webview')

webview.addEventListener('new-window', async (e) => {
  const protocol = (new URL(e.url)).protocol
  if (protocol === 'http:' || protocol === 'https:') {
    await shell.openExternal(e.url)

Event: 'will-navigate'


  • url String

Emitted when a user or the page wants to start navigation. It can happen when the window.location object is changed or a user clicks a link in the page.

This event will not emit when the navigation is started programmatically with APIs like <webview>.loadURL and <webview>.back.

It is also not emitted during in-page navigation, such as clicking anchor links or updating the window.location.hash. Use did-navigate-in-page event for this purpose.

Calling event.preventDefault() does NOT have any effect.

Event: 'did-start-navigation'


  • url String
  • isInPlace Boolean
  • isMainFrame Boolean
  • frameProcessId Integer
  • frameRoutingId Integer

Emitted when any frame (including main) starts navigating. isInPlace will be true for in-page navigations.

Event: 'did-redirect-navigation'


  • url String
  • isInPlace Boolean
  • isMainFrame Boolean
  • frameProcessId Integer
  • frameRoutingId Integer

Emitted after a server side redirect occurs during navigation. For example a 302 redirect.

Event: 'did-navigate'


  • url String

Emitted when a navigation is done.

This event is not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links or updating the window.location.hash. Use did-navigate-in-page event for this purpose.

Event: 'did-frame-navigate'


  • url String
  • httpResponseCode Integer - -1 for non HTTP navigations
  • httpStatusText String - empty for non HTTP navigations,
  • isMainFrame Boolean
  • frameProcessId Integer
  • frameRoutingId Integer

Emitted when any frame navigation is done.

This event is not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links or updating the window.location.hash. Use did-navigate-in-page event for this purpose.

Event: 'did-navigate-in-page'


  • isMainFrame Boolean
  • url String


当发生页内导航时,虽然页面地址发生变化,但它并没有导航到其它页面。 例如,点击锚点链接,或者DOM的 hashchange事件被触发时,都会触发该事件。

事件: 'close'

Fired when the guest page attempts to close itself.

The following example code navigates the webview to about:blank when the guest attempts to close itself.

const webview = document.querySelector('webview')
webview.addEventListener('close', () => {
  webview.src = 'about:blank'

Event: 'ipc-message'


  • frameId [number, number] - pair of [processId, frameId].
  • channel String
  • args any[]

Fired when the guest page has sent an asynchronous message to embedder page.

With sendToHost method and ipc-message event you can communicate between guest page and embedder page:

// In embedder page.
const webview = document.querySelector('webview')
webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (event) => {
  // Prints "pong"
// In guest page.
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron')
ipcRenderer.on('ping', () => {

Event: 'crashed'

Fired when the renderer process is crashed.

Event: 'plugin-crashed'


  • name String
  • version String

Fired when a plugin process is crashed.

Event: 'destroyed'

Fired when the WebContents is destroyed.

Event: 'media-started-playing'


Event: 'media-paused'


Event: 'did-change-theme-color'


  • themeColor String

Emitted when a page's theme color changes. This is usually due to encountering a meta tag:

<meta name='theme-color' content='#ff0000'>

Event: 'update-target-url'


  • url String


Event: 'devtools-opened'


Event: 'devtools-closed'


Event: 'devtools-focused'


Event: 'context-menu'


  • params Object
    • x Integer - x 坐标。
    • y Integer - y 坐标。
    • linkURL String - URL of the link that encloses the node the context menu was invoked on.
    • linkText String - Text associated with the link. May be an empty string if the contents of the link are an image.
    • pageURL String - URL of the top level page that the context menu was invoked on.
    • frameURL String - URL of the subframe that the context menu was invoked on.
    • srcURL String - Source URL for the element that the context menu was invoked on. Elements with source URLs are images, audio and video.
    • mediaType String - Type of the node the context menu was invoked on. Can be none, image, audio, video, canvas, file or plugin.
    • hasImageContents Boolean - Whether the context menu was invoked on an image which has non-empty contents.
    • isEditable Boolean - Whether the context is editable.
    • selectionText String - Text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.
    • titleText String - Title text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.
    • altText String - Alt text of the selection that the context menu was invoked on.
    • suggestedFilename String - Suggested filename to be used when saving file through 'Save Link As' option of context menu.
    • selectionRect Rectangle - Rect representing the coordinates in the document space of the selection.
    • selectionStartOffset Number - Start position of the selection text.
    • referrerPolicy Referrer - The referrer policy of the frame on which the menu is invoked.
    • misspelledWord String - The misspelled word under the cursor, if any.
    • dictionarySuggestions String[] - An array of suggested words to show the user to replace the misspelledWord. Only available if there is a misspelled word and spellchecker is enabled.
    • frameCharset String - The character encoding of the frame on which the menu was invoked.
    • inputFieldType String - If the context menu was invoked on an input field, the type of that field. Possible values are none, plainText, password, other.
    • spellcheckEnabled Boolean - If the context is editable, whether or not spellchecking is enabled.
    • menuSourceType String - Input source that invoked the context menu. 可以是 nonemousekeyboardtouchtouchMenulongPresslongTaptouchHandlestylusadjustSelectionadjustSelectionReset
    • mediaFlags Object - The flags for the media element the context menu was invoked on.
      • inError Boolean - Whether the media element has crashed.
      • isPaused Boolean - Whether the media element is paused.
      • isMuted Boolean - Whether the media element is muted.
      • hasAudio Boolean - Whether the media element has audio.
      • isLooping Boolean - Whether the media element is looping.
      • isControlsVisible Boolean - Whether the media element's controls are visible.
      • canToggleControls Boolean - Whether the media element's controls are toggleable.
      • canPrint Boolean - Whether the media element can be printed.
      • canSave Boolean - Whether or not the media element can be downloaded.
      • canShowPictureInPicture Boolean - Whether the media element can show picture-in-picture.
      • isShowingPictureInPicture Boolean - Whether the media element is currently showing picture-in-picture.
      • canRotate Boolean - Whether the media element can be rotated.
      • canLoop Boolean - Whether the media element can be looped.
    • editFlags Object - These flags indicate whether the renderer believes it is able to perform the corresponding action.
      • canUndo Boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can undo.
      • canRedo Boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can redo.
      • canCut Boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can cut.
      • canCopy Boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can copy.
      • canPaste Boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can paste.
      • canDelete Boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can delete.
      • canSelectAll Boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can select all.
      • canEditRichly Boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can edit text richly.

Emitted when there is a new context menu that needs to be handled.