



session 模块可用于创建新的 session 对象。


const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

const win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })

const ses = win.webContents.session


session 模块具有以下方法:

session.fromPartition(partition[, options])

  • partition String
  • options Object (可选)
    • cache Boolean - 是否可以使用缓存.

Returns Session - 根据partition字符串产生的session实例。 当这里已存在一个Session具有相同的partition, 它将被返回; 否则一个新的Session实例将根据options被创建。

如果 partitionpersist:开头, 该页面将使用持续的 session,并在所有页面生效,且使用同一个partition. 如果没有 persist: 前缀, 页面将使用 in-memory session. 如果没有设置partition,app 将返回默认的session。

要根据options创建Session,你需要确保Sessionpartition在之前从未被使用。 没有办法修改一个已存在的Session对象的options


session 模块具有以下方法:



类: Session


Process: Main 此类不从 'electron' 模块导出. 它只能作为Electron API中其他方法的返回值。

你可以创建一个 Session对象在session模块中。

const { session } = require('electron')
const ses = session.fromPartition('persist:name')



Instance Events


当 Electron 刚要在webContents中下载item的时候触发。

调用event.preventDefault()方法,将会停止下载,并且在进程的next tick中,item将不再可用。

const { session } = require('electron')
session.defaultSession.on('will-download', (event, item, webContents) => {
  require('got')(item.getURL()).then((response) => {
    require('fs').writeFileSync('/somewhere', response.body)

Event: 'extension-loaded'


在扩展插件加载完成后触发。 当一个扩展插件被添加到 "enabled" 的扩展插件集合内部时, 将自动触发 这包括:

  • 扩展插件正在从 Session.loadExtension 中被加载
  • 扩展插件正在被重新加载:

Event: 'extension-unloaded'


当一个扩展插件被卸载后触发。 当 Session.removeExtension 被调用时也会触发。

Event: 'extension-ready'


当一个扩展插件加载完成,同时所有必要的浏览器状态也初始化完毕,允许启动插件背景页面时, 将触发此事件。

Event: 'preconnect'


  • event Event
  • preconnectUrl String - 渲染器为预连接请求的 URL
  • allowCredentials Boolean - True 代表着渲染器在请求一个包含 credentials 信息的链接 (详见spec)

当渲染进程已经预链接到 URL 后将触发此事件, 通常用于 资源加载 提醒

Event: 'spellcheck-dictionary-initialized'


  • event Event
  • languageCode String - 字典文件的语言代码

当一个hunspell字典初始化成功时触发。 这个事件在文件被下载之后触发。

Event: 'spellcheck-dictionary-download-begin'


  • event Event
  • languageCode String - 字典文件的语言代码

当 hunspell 字典文件开始下载时触发

Event: 'spellcheck-dictionary-download-success'


  • event Event
  • languageCode String - 字典文件的语言代码

当 hunspell 字典文件下载成功触发

Event: 'spellcheck-dictionary-download-failure'


  • event Event
  • languageCode String - 字典文件的语言代码

当hunspell字典下载失败时触发。 如果需要详细信息,你应当查看网络日志并且检查下载请求。

Event: 'select-hid-device'


  • event Event
  • details Object
  • callback Function
    • deviceId String | null (optional)

Emitted when a HID device needs to be selected when a call to navigator.hid.requestDevice is made. callback should be called with deviceId to be selected; passing no arguments to callback will cancel the request. Additionally, permissioning on navigator.hid can be further managed by using ses.setPermissionCheckHandler(handler) and ses.setDevicePermissionHandler(handler)`.

const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

let win = null

app.whenReady().then(() => {
  win = new BrowserWindow()

  win.webContents.session.setPermissionCheckHandler((webContents, permission, requestingOrigin, details) => {
    if (permission === 'hid') {
      // Add logic here to determine if permission should be given to allow HID selection
      return true
    return false

  // Optionally, retrieve previously persisted devices from a persistent store
  const grantedDevices = fetchGrantedDevices()

  win.webContents.session.setDevicePermissionHandler((details) => {
    if (new URL(details.origin).hostname === 'some-host' && details.deviceType === 'hid') {
      if (details.device.vendorId === 123 && details.device.productId === 345) {
        // Always allow this type of device (this allows skipping the call to `navigator.hid.requestDevice` first)
        return true

      // Search through the list of devices that have previously been granted permission
      return grantedDevices.some((grantedDevice) => {
        return grantedDevice.vendorId === details.device.vendorId &&
              grantedDevice.productId === details.device.productId &&
              grantedDevice.serialNumber && grantedDevice.serialNumber === details.device.serialNumber
    return false

  win.webContents.session.on('select-hid-device', (event, details, callback) => {
    const selectedDevice = details.deviceList.find((device) => {
      return device.vendorId === '9025' && device.productId === '67'

Event: 'hid-device-added'


Emitted when a new HID device becomes available. For example, when a new USB device is plugged in.

This event will only be emitted after navigator.hid.requestDevice has been called and select-hid-device has fired.

Event: 'hid-device-removed'


Emitted when a HID device has been removed. 比如, 当一个USB设备被移除时。

This event will only be emitted after navigator.hid.requestDevice has been called and select-hid-device has fired.

Event: 'select-serial-port'


调用 navigator.serial.requestPort 并选择一系列端口时触发此事件。 callback 方法将在portId 被选中后调用, 给callback 方法一个空字符串参数将取消请求。 此外, navigator.serial 的许可权可以通过使用 ses.setPermissionCheckHandler(handler) 来设置 serial 权限。

const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

let win = null

app.whenReady().then(() => {
  win = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 800,
    height: 600

  win.webContents.session.setPermissionCheckHandler((webContents, permission, requestingOrigin, details) => {
    if (permission === 'serial') {
      // Add logic here to determine if permission should be given to allow serial selection
      return true
    return false

  // Optionally, retrieve previously persisted devices from a persistent store
  const grantedDevices = fetchGrantedDevices()

  win.webContents.session.setDevicePermissionHandler((details) => {
    if (new URL(details.origin).hostname === 'some-host' && details.deviceType === 'serial') {
      if (details.device.vendorId === 123 && details.device.productId === 345) {
        // Always allow this type of device (this allows skipping the call to `navigator.serial.requestPort` first)
        return true

      // Search through the list of devices that have previously been granted permission
      return grantedDevices.some((grantedDevice) => {
        return grantedDevice.vendorId === details.device.vendorId &&
              grantedDevice.productId === details.device.productId &&
              grantedDevice.serialNumber && grantedDevice.serialNumber === details.device.serialNumber
    return false

  win.webContents.session.on('select-serial-port', (event, portList, webContents, callback) => {
    const selectedPort = portList.find((device) => {
      return device.vendorId === '9025' && device.productId === '67'
    if (!selectedPort) {
    } else {

Event: 'serial-port-added'


navigator.serial.requestPort 已经被调用时触发此事件,同时 如果新的串行端口可用则 select-serial-port 事件也将触发。 比如,当一个新的USB设备插入时将触发此事件。

Event: 'serial-port-removed'


navigator.serial.requestPort 已经被调用时触发,同时如果串行端口已经被删除则触发 select-serial-port 事件。 比如, 当一个USB设备被移除时。




Returns Promise<Integer> - 当前 session 会话缓存大小,用 byte 字节作为单位。


Returns Promise<void> - 当缓存清除操作完成时可获取



  • options Object (可选)
    • origin String - (可选项) 这个值应该按照 window.location.origin 的形式: 协议://主机名:端口方式设置。
    • storages String[] (可选项) - 要清除的存储类型,包含: appcache, cookies, filesystem, indexdb, localstorage, shadercache, websql, serviceworkers, cachestorage. 如果没有指定storages,将会清除所有的storages类型
    • quotas String[] - (可选项) 要清除的配额类型, 包含: temporary, persistent, syncable。 如果没有指定,将会清除所有的quotas。

Returns Promise<void> - 当存储的数据已经被清理时可获得




  • config Object
    • mode String (可选) - 代理模式。 可以是其中之一: direct, auto_detect, pac_script, fixed_serverssystem。 如未指定,则根据其他选项自动判断
      • direct 在直接模式下,所有连接都是直接创建的,无需任何代理。
      • auto_detect 在auto_detect模式下,代理配置由 PAC 脚本决定,该脚本 可在 http://wpad/wpad.dat 下载。
      • pac_script In pac_script mode the proxy configuration is determined by a PAC script that is retrieved from the URL specified in the pacScript. This is the default mode if pacScript is specified.
      • fixed_servers In fixed_servers mode the proxy configuration is specified in proxyRules. This is the default mode if proxyRules is specified.
      • system In system mode the proxy configuration is taken from the operating system. Note that the system mode is different from setting no proxy configuration. In the latter case, Electron falls back to the system settings only if no command-line options influence the proxy configuration.
    • pacScript String (optional) - The URL associated with the PAC file.
    • proxyRules String (optional) - Rules indicating which proxies to use.
    • proxyBypassRules String (optional) - Rules indicating which URLs should bypass the proxy settings.

Returns Promise<void> - Resolves when the proxy setting process is complete.


When mode is unspecified, pacScript and proxyRules are provided together, the proxyRules option is ignored and pacScript configuration is applied.

You may need ses.closeAllConnections to close currently in flight connections to prevent pooled sockets using previous proxy from being reused by future requests.

proxyRules 要遵循以下规则:

proxyRules = schemeProxies[";"<schemeProxies>]
schemeProxies = [<urlScheme>"="]<proxyURIList>
urlScheme = "http" | "https" | "ftp" | "socks"
proxyURIList = <proxyURL>[","<proxyURIList>]
proxyURL = [<proxyScheme>"://"]<proxyHost>[":"<proxyPort>]


  • http=foopy:80;ftp=foopy2 - Use HTTP proxy foopy:80 for http:// URLs, and HTTP proxy foopy2:80 for ftp:// URLs.
  • foopy:80 - Use HTTP proxy foopy:80 for all URLs.
  • foopy:80,bar,direct:// - Use HTTP proxy foopy:80 for all URLs, failing over to bar if foopy:80 is unavailable, and after that using no proxy.
  • socks4://foopy - Use SOCKS v4 proxy foopy:1080 for all URLs.
  • http=foopy,socks5:// - Use HTTP proxy foopy for http URLs, and fail over to the SOCKS5 proxy if foopy is unavailable.
  • http=foopy,direct:// - Use HTTP proxy foopy for http URLs, and use no proxy if foopy is unavailable.
  • http=foopy;socks=foopy2 - 对于http URL,用foopy作为HTTP协议代理,而其它所有URL则用socks4://foopy2 协议。

proxyBypassRules是一个用逗号分隔的规则列表, 如下所述:

  • [ URL_SCHEME "://" ] HOSTNAME_PATTERN [ ":" <port> ]

    与 HOSTNAME_PATTERN 模式匹配的所有主机名。

    例如: "", "", "", "", ""



    例如: "", ".com", ""

  • [ SCHEME "://" ] IP_LITERAL [ ":" PORT ]

    匹配 IP 地址文本的 url。

    例如: "127.0.1", "[0:0::1]", "[::1]", "http://[::1]:99"


    匹配任何在给定IP范围内失败的URL。 IP范围使用指定的CIDR。

    例如: "", "fefe:13::abc/33".

  • <local>

    匹配本地地址。 The meaning of <local> is whether the host matches one of: "", "::1", "localhost".


  • url URL

Returns Promise<String> - Resolves with the proxy information for url.


Returns Promise<void> - Resolves when the all internal states of proxy service is reset and the latest proxy configuration is reapplied if it's already available. The pac script will be fetched from pacScript again if the proxy mode is pac_script.


  • path String - The download location.

Sets download saving directory. By default, the download directory will be the Downloads under the respective app folder.


  • 选项 对象
    • offline Boolean (optional) - Whether to emulate network outage. Defaults to false.
    • latency Double (optional) - RTT in ms. Defaults to 0 which will disable latency throttling.
    • downloadThroughput Double (optional) - Download rate in Bps. Defaults to 0 which will disable download throttling.
    • uploadThroughput Double (optional) - Upload rate in Bps. Defaults to 0 which will disable upload throttling.

通过指定的配置为 session 模拟网络。

// To emulate a GPRS connection with 50kbps throughput and 500 ms latency.
  latency: 500,
  downloadThroughput: 6400,
  uploadThroughput: 6400

// To emulate a network outage.
window.webContents.session.enableNetworkEmulation({ offline: true })


  • 选项 对象
    • url String - URL for preconnect. Only the origin is relevant for opening the socket.
    • numSockets Number (optional) - number of sockets to preconnect. Must be between 1 and 6. Defaults to 1.

Preconnects the given number of sockets to an origin.


Returns Promise<void> - Resolves when all connections are closed.

Note: It will terminate / fail all requests currently in flight.


Disables any network emulation already active for the session. Resets to the original network configuration.


  • proc Function | null
    • request Object
      • hostname String
      • certificate 证书
      • validatedCertificate Certificate
      • verificationResult String - chromium证书验证结果
      • errorCode Integer - 错误代码
    • callback Function
      • verificationResult Integer - Value can be one of certificate error codes from here. Apart from the certificate error codes, the following special codes can be used.
        • -0 - 表示成功并禁用证书透明度验证
        • -2 - 表示失败
        • -3 - 使用chromium的验证结果

每当一个服务器证书请求验证,proc 将被这样 proc(request, callback) 调用,为 session 设置证书验证过程。 回调函数 callback(0) 接受证书,callback(-2) 驳回证书。

调用 setCertificateVerifyProc(null)将恢复为默认证书验证过程。

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow()

win.webContents.session.setCertificateVerifyProc((request, callback) => {
  const { hostname } = request
  if (hostname === '') {
  } else {

NOTE: The result of this procedure is cached by the network service.


  • handler Function | null
    • webContents WebContents - 请求权限的WebContents。 Please note that if the request comes from a subframe you should use requestingUrl to check the request origin.
    • permission String - The type of requested permission.
      • clipboard-read - Request access to read from the clipboard.
      • media - Request access to media devices such as camera, microphone and speakers.
      • display-capture - Request access to capture the screen.
      • mediaKeySystem - Request access to DRM protected content.
      • geolocation - Request access to user's current location.
      • notifications - Request notification creation and the ability to display them in the user's system tray.
      • midi - Request MIDI access in the webmidi API.
      • midiSysex - Request the use of system exclusive messages in the webmidi API.
      • pointerLock - Request to directly interpret mouse movements as an input method. Click here to know more.
      • fullscreen - Request for the app to enter fullscreen mode.
      • openExternal - Request to open links in external applications.
      • unknown - An unrecognized permission request
    • callback Function
      • permissionGranted Boolean - 允许或拒绝该权限.
    • details Object - Some properties are only available on certain permission types.
      • externalURL String (optional) - The url of the openExternal request.
      • securityOrigin String (optional) - The security origin of the media request.
      • mediaTypes String[] (optional) - The types of media access being requested, elements can be video or audio
      • requestingUrl String - The last URL the requesting frame loaded
      • isMainFrame Boolean - Whether the frame making the request is the main frame

设置可用于响应 session 的权限请求的处理程序。 调用 callback(true) 将允许该权限, 调用 callback(false) 将拒绝它。 若要清除处理程序, 请调用 setPermissionRequestHandler (null)。 Please note that you must also implement setPermissionCheckHandler to get complete permission handling. Most web APIs do a permission check and then make a permission request if the check is denied.

const { session } = require('electron')
session.fromPartition('some-partition').setPermissionRequestHandler((webContents, permission, callback) => {
  if (webContents.getURL() === 'some-host' && permission === 'notifications') {
    return callback(false) // denied.



  • handler Function\<Boolean> | null
    • webContents (WebContents | null) - WebContents checking the permission. Please note that if the request comes from a subframe you should use requestingUrl to check the request origin. 所有进行权限检查的跨源子帧将传递一个 null 的 webContents 对象给此处理程序,而某些其他权限检查(如 notifications 检查)将始终传递一个 null。 You should use embeddingOrigin and requestingOrigin to determine what origin the owning frame and the requesting frame are on respectively.
    • permission String - Type of permission check. Valid values are midiSysex, notifications, geolocation, media,mediaKeySystem,midi, pointerLock, fullscreen, openExternal, hid, or serial.
    • requestingOrigin String - The origin URL of the permission check
    • details Object - Some properties are only available on certain permission types.
      • embeddingOrigin String (optional) - The origin of the frame embedding the frame that made the permission check. Only set for cross-origin sub frames making permission checks.
      • securityOrigin String (optional) - The security origin of the media check.
      • mediaType String (optional) - The type of media access being requested, can be video, audio or unknown
      • requestingUrl String (optional) - The last URL the requesting frame loaded. This is not provided for cross-origin sub frames making permission checks.
      • isMainFrame Boolean - Whether the frame making the request is the main frame

Sets the handler which can be used to respond to permission checks for the session. Returning true will allow the permission and false will reject it. Please note that you must also implement setPermissionRequestHandler to get complete permission handling. Most web APIs do a permission check and then make a permission request if the check is denied. To clear the handler, call setPermissionCheckHandler(null).

const { session } = require('electron')
const url = require('url')
session.fromPartition('some-partition').setPermissionCheckHandler((webContents, permission, requestingOrigin) => {
  if (new URL(requestingOrigin).hostname === 'some-host' && permission === 'notifications') {
    return true // granted

  return false // denied


  • handler Function\<Boolean> | null
    • details Object
      • deviceType String - The type of device that permission is being requested on, can be hid or serial.
      • origin String - The origin URL of the device permission check.
      • device HIDDevice | SerialPort- the device that permission is being requested for.
      • frame WebFrameMain - WebFrameMain checking the device permission.

Sets the handler which can be used to respond to device permission checks for the session. Returning true will allow the device to be permitted and false will reject it. To clear the handler, call setDevicePermissionHandler(null). This handler can be used to provide default permissioning to devices without first calling for permission to devices (eg via navigator.hid.requestDevice). If this handler is not defined, the default device permissions as granted through device selection (eg via navigator.hid.requestDevice) will be used. Additionally, the default behavior of Electron is to store granted device permision through the lifetime of the corresponding WebContents. If longer term storage is needed, a developer can store granted device permissions (eg when handling the select-hid-device event) and then read from that storage with setDevicePermissionHandler.

const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')

let win = null

app.whenReady().then(() => {
  win = new BrowserWindow()

  win.webContents.session.setPermissionCheckHandler((webContents, permission, requestingOrigin, details) => {
    if (permission === 'hid') {
      // Add logic here to determine if permission should be given to allow HID selection
      return true
    } else if (permission === 'serial') {
      // Add logic here to determine if permission should be given to allow serial port selection
    return false

  // Optionally, retrieve previously persisted devices from a persistent store
  const grantedDevices = fetchGrantedDevices()

  win.webContents.session.setDevicePermissionHandler((details) => {
    if (new URL(details.origin).hostname === 'some-host' && details.deviceType === 'hid') {
      if (details.device.vendorId === 123 && details.device.productId === 345) {
        // Always allow this type of device (this allows skipping the call to `navigator.hid.requestDevice` first)
        return true

      // Search through the list of devices that have previously been granted permission
      return grantedDevices.some((grantedDevice) => {
        return grantedDevice.vendorId === details.device.vendorId &&
              grantedDevice.productId === details.device.productId &&
              grantedDevice.serialNumber && grantedDevice.serialNumber === details.device.serialNumber
    } else if (details.deviceType === 'serial') {
      if (details.device.vendorId === 123 && details.device.productId === 345) {
        // Always allow this type of device (this allows skipping the call to `navigator.hid.requestDevice` first)
        return true
    return false

  win.webContents.session.on('select-hid-device', (event, details, callback) => {
    const selectedDevice = details.deviceList.find((device) => {
      return device.vendorId === '9025' && device.productId === '67'


Returns Promise<void> - Resolves when the operation is complete.



  • domains String - 一个逗号分隔的服务器列表, 用于收集已经启用身份验证的服务器。

动态设置是否始终为 HTTP NTLM 发送凭据或协商身份验证。

const { session } = require('electron')
// 以 ""、""、"baz" 结尾的 url 用于身份验证。
session.defaultSession.allowNTLMCredentialsForDomains('*, *, *baz')

// 所有的 url 都可以用作身份验证

ses.setUserAgent(userAgent[, acceptLanguages])

  • userAgent String
  • acceptLanguages String (可选)

覆盖当前会话的 userAgentacceptLanguages.

acceptLanguages 必须是用逗号分隔的语言代码列表,例如 "en-US,fr,de,ko,zh-CN,ja".

这不会影响现有的WebContents, 并且每个WebContents都可以使用 webContents.setUserAgent重写会话范围的user agent。


Returns Boolean - Whether or not this session is a persistent one. The default webContents session of a BrowserWindow is persistent. When creating a session from a partition, session prefixed with persist: will be persistent, while others will be temporary.


返回 String - 当前会话的 user agent.


  • config Object
    • minVersion String (可选) - 值可以是 tls1tls1.1tls1.2tls1.3。 The minimum SSL version to allow when connecting to remote servers. 默认为tls1
    • maxVersion String (可选) - 可以是 tls1.2tls1.3。 The maximum SSL version to allow when connecting to remote servers. 默认值为 tls1.3
    • disabledCipherSuites Integer[] (optional) - List of cipher suites which should be explicitly prevented from being used in addition to those disabled by the net built-in policy. Supported literal forms: 0xAABB, where AA is cipher_suite[0] and BB is cipher_suite[1], as defined in RFC 2246, Section Unrecognized but parsable cipher suites in this form will not return an error. Ex: To disable TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5, specify 0x0004, while to disable TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA, specify 0xC002. Note that TLSv1.3 ciphers cannot be disabled using this mechanism.

Sets the SSL configuration for the session. All subsequent network requests will use the new configuration. Existing network connections (such as WebSocket connections) will not be terminated, but old sockets in the pool will not be reused for new connections.


  • identifier String - 有效的 UUID.

Returns Promise<Buffer> - resolves with blob data.


  • url String

Initiates a download of the resource at url. The API will generate a DownloadItem that can be accessed with the will-download event.

Note: This does not perform any security checks that relate to a page's origin, unlike webContents.downloadURL.


  • 选项 对象
    • path String - 下载的绝对路径.
    • urlChain String[] - 完整的 url 下载地址.
    • mimeType String (可选)
    • offset Integer - 下载的开始范围.
    • length Integer - 下载的总长度。
    • lastModified String (optional) - Last-Modified header value.
    • eTag String (optional) - ETag header value.
    • startTime Double (optional) - 下载的时间是从 UNIX 时代以来的秒数开始的。

允许从上一个 Session 恢复 cancelledinterrupted 下载。 该 API 将生成一个 DownloadItem , 可使用 will-download 事件进行访问。 DownloadItem 将不具有与之关联的任何 WebContents, 并且初始状态将为 interrupted。 只有在 DownloadItem 上调用 resume API 时, 才会启动下载。


Returns Promise<void> - resolves when the session’s HTTP authentication cache has been cleared.


  • preloads String[] - 数组,该数组由所有需要进行预加载的脚本的绝对路径组成。

Adds scripts that will be executed on ALL web contents that are associated with this session just before normal preload scripts run.


返回 String[] 返回一个数组,这个数组由已经注册过的预加载脚本的路径组成。


  • enable Boolean

Sets whether to enable the builtin spell checker.


Returns Boolean - Whether the builtin spell checker is enabled.


  • languages String[] - An array of language codes to enable the spellchecker for.

The built in spellchecker does not automatically detect what language a user is typing in. In order for the spell checker to correctly check their words you must call this API with an array of language codes. You can get the list of supported language codes with the ses.availableSpellCheckerLanguages property.

Note: On macOS the OS spellchecker is used and will detect your language automatically. This API is a no-op on macOS.


Returns String[] - An array of language codes the spellchecker is enabled for. If this list is empty the spellchecker will fallback to using en-US. By default on launch if this setting is an empty list Electron will try to populate this setting with the current OS locale. This setting is persisted across restarts.

Note: On macOS the OS spellchecker is used and has its own list of languages. This API is a no-op on macOS.


  • url String - A base URL for Electron to download hunspell dictionaries from.

By default Electron will download hunspell dictionaries from the Chromium CDN. If you want to override this behavior you can use this API to point the dictionary downloader at your own hosted version of the hunspell dictionaries. We publish a file with each release which contains the files you need to host here, the file server must be case insensitive you must upload each file twice, once with the case it has in the ZIP file and once with the filename as all lower case.

If the files present in are available at then you should call this api with ses.setSpellCheckerDictionaryDownloadURL(''). Please note the trailing slash. The URL to the dictionaries is formed as ${url}${filename}.

Note: On macOS the OS spellchecker is used and therefore we do not download any dictionary files. This API is a no-op on macOS.


Returns Promise<String[]> - An array of all words in app's custom dictionary. Resolves when the full dictionary is loaded from disk.


  • word String - The word you want to add to the dictionary

Returns Boolean - Whether the word was successfully written to the custom dictionary. This API will not work on non-persistent (in-memory) sessions.

Note: On macOS and Windows 10 this word will be written to the OS custom dictionary as well


  • word String - The word you want to remove from the dictionary

Returns Boolean - Whether the word was successfully removed from the custom dictionary. This API will not work on non-persistent (in-memory) sessions.

Note: On macOS and Windows 10 this word will be removed from the OS custom dictionary as well

ses.loadExtension(path[, options])

  • path String - Path to a directory containing an unpacked Chrome extension
  • options Object (可选)
    • allowFileAccess Boolean - Whether to allow the extension to read local files over file:// protocol and inject content scripts into file:// pages. This is required e.g. for loading devtools extensions on file:// URLs. 默认值为 false.

Returns Promise<Extension> - resolves when the extension is loaded.

This method will raise an exception if the extension could not be loaded. If there are warnings when installing the extension (e.g. if the extension requests an API that Electron does not support) then they will be logged to the console.

Note that Electron does not support the full range of Chrome extensions APIs. See Supported Extensions APIs for more details on what is supported.

Note that in previous versions of Electron, extensions that were loaded would be remembered for future runs of the application. This is no longer the case: loadExtension must be called on every boot of your app if you want the extension to be loaded.

const { app, session } = require('electron')
const path = require('path')

app.on('ready', async () => {
  await session.defaultSession.loadExtension(
    path.join(__dirname, 'react-devtools'),
    // allowFileAccess is required to load the devtools extension on file:// URLs.
    { allowFileAccess: true }
  // Note that in order to use the React DevTools extension, you'll need to
  // download and unzip a copy of the extension.

This API does not support loading packed (.crx) extensions.

注意: 该 API 不能在 app 模块的 ready 事件之前调用.

Note: Loading extensions into in-memory (non-persistent) sessions is not supported and will throw an error.


  • extensionId String - ID of extension to remove

Unloads an extension.

注意: 该 API 不能在 app 模块的 ready 事件之前调用.


  • extensionId String - ID of extension to query

Returns Extension | null - The loaded extension with the given ID.

注意: 该 API 不能在 app 模块的 ready 事件之前调用.


Returns Extension[] - A list of all loaded extensions.

注意: 该 API 不能在 app 模块的 ready 事件之前调用.


A String | null indicating the absolute file system path where data for this session is persisted on disk. For in memory sessions this returns null.



ses.availableSpellCheckerLanguages 只读

A String[] array which consists of all the known available spell checker languages. Providing a language code to the setSpellCheckerLanguages API that isn't in this array will result in an error.


A Boolean indicating whether builtin spell checker is enabled.

ses.storagePath 只读

A String | null indicating the absolute file system path where data for this session is persisted on disk. For in memory sessions this returns null.

ses.cookies 只读


ses.serviceWorkers 只读


ses.webRequest 只读


ses.protocol 只读


const { app, session } = require('electron')
const path = require('path')

app.whenReady().then(() => {
  const protocol = session.fromPartition('some-partition').protocol
  if (!protocol.registerFileProtocol('atom', (request, callback) => {
    const url = request.url.substr(7)
    callback({ path: path.normalize(`${__dirname}/${url}`) })
  })) {
    console.error('Failed to register protocol')

ses.netLog 只读


const { app, session } = require('electron')

app.whenReady().then(async () => {
  const netLog = session.fromPartition('some-partition').netLog
  // After some network events
  const path = await netLog.stopLogging()
  console.log('Net-logs written to', path)