

Extra examples


Masonry supports RequireJS.

You can require masonry.pkgd.js.

requirejs( [
], function( Masonry ) {
  new Masonry( '.grid', {...});

To use Masonry as a jQuery plugin with RequireJS and masonry.pkgd.js, you need to use jQuery Bridget.

// require the require function
requirejs( [ 'require', 'jquery', 'path/to/masonry.pkgd.js' ],
  function( require, $, Masonry ) {
    // require jquery-bridget, it's included in masonry.pkgd.js
    require( [ 'jquery-bridget/jquery-bridget' ],
    function( jQueryBridget ) {
      // make Masonry a jQuery plugin
      jQueryBridget( 'masonry', Masonry, $ );
      // now you can use $().masonry()

Or, you can manage dependencies with Bower. Set baseUrl to bower_components and set a path config for all your application code.

  baseUrl: 'bower_components/',
  paths: {
    app: '../'

requirejs( [
], function( Masonry, myComp ) {
  new Masonry( '.grid', {...});

You can require Bower dependencies and use Masonry as a jQuery plugin with jQuery Bridget.

  baseUrl: '../bower_components',
  paths: {
    jquery: 'jquery/jquery'

requirejs( [
  function( $, Masonry, jQueryBridget ) {
    // make Masonry a jQuery plugin
    jQueryBridget( 'masonry', Masonry, $ );
    // now you can use $().masonry()


Masonry works with Browserify. Install Masonry with npm.

npm install masonry-layout
var Masonry = require('masonry-layout');

var msnry = new Masonry( '.grid', {
  // options...

To use Masonry as a jQuery plugin with Browserify, you need to use jQuery Bridget

npm install jquery
npm install jquery-bridget
var $ = require('jquery');
var jQueryBridget = require('jquery-bridget');
var Masonry = require('masonry-layout');
// make Masonry a jQuery plugin
jQueryBridget( 'masonry', Masonry, $ );
// now you can use $().masonry()
  columnWidth: 80


Install Masonry with npm.

npm install masonry-layout

You can then require('masonry-layout').

// main.js
var Masonry = require('masonry-layout');

var msnry = new Masonry( '.grid', {
  // options...

Run webpack.

webpack main.js bundle.js

jQuery plugin functionality needs to be installed separately, similar to using Browserify.

npm install jquery-bridget
var $ = require('jquery');
var jQueryBridget = require('jquery-bridget');
var Masonry = require('masonry-layout');
// make Masonry a jQuery plugin
jQueryBridget( 'masonry', Masonry, $ );
// now you can use $().masonry()
  columnWidth: 80


You can use Masonry layouts with Bootstrap grid system. This example will display a fluid grid of 3 columns, using col-xs-4 as columnWidth.

<div class="container-fluid">
  <!-- add extra container element for Masonry -->
  <div class="grid">
    <!-- add sizing element for columnWidth -->
    <div class="grid-sizer col-xs-4"></div>
    <!-- items use Bootstrap .col- classes -->
    <div class="grid-item col-xs-8">
      <!-- wrap item content in its own element -->
      <div class="grid-item-content">...</div>
    <div class="grid-item col-xs-4">
      <div class="grid-item-content">...</div>
  itemSelector: '.grid-item', // use a separate class for itemSelector, other than .col-
  columnWidth: '.grid-sizer',
  percentPosition: true

Use multiple .col- classes on item elements to use Bootstrap’s grid media queries to responsively change column sizes. This example will use 2, then 3, then 4 columns at different screen sizes.

<div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="grid">
    <!-- 2 col grid @ xs, 3 col grid @ sm, 4 col grid @ md -->
    <div class="grid-sizer col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3"></div>
    <!-- 1 col @ xs, 2 col @ sm, 2 col @ md -->
    <div class="grid-item col-xs-6 col-sm-8 col-md-6">
      <div class="grid-item-content">...</div>
    <!-- 1 col @ xs, 1 col @ sm, 1 col @ md -->
    <div class="grid-item col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3">
      <div class="grid-item-content">...</div>

Animating item size

You cannot transition or animate the size of an item element and properly lay out. But there is a trick — you can animate a child element of the item element.

<div class="grid">
  <!-- items have grid-item-content child elements -->
  <div class="grid-item">
    <div class="grid-item-content"></div>
/* item is invisible, but used for layout
item-content is visible, and transitions size */
.grid-item-content {
  width: 60px;
  height: 60px;
.grid-item-content {
  background: #09D;
  transition: width 0.4s, height 0.4s;

/* both item and item content change size */
.grid-item.is-expanded .grid-item-content {
  width: 180px;
  height: 120px;

Click to item to toggle size

Edit this demo or vanilla JS demo on CodePen

This technique works on items with responsive, percentage widths. Although, it does require a bit more JS. Check out the example on CodePen to see how it’s done.

.grid-item {
  width: 20%;
  height: 60px;

.grid-item-content {
  width:  100%;
  height: 100%;
  background: #09D;
  transition: width 0.4s, height 0.4s;
/* item has expanded size */
.grid-item.is-expanded {
  width: 60%;
  height: 120px;

Web fonts

Like images, unloaded web fonts can throw off Masonry. To resolve this, trigger layout after fonts have been loaded. Both Typekit and Google WebFont Loader provide font events to control scripts based on how fonts are loaded.


Try the script below when using Masonry on a page with Typekit. This will trigger Masonry when the document is ready and again when fonts have loaded. Be sure to remove Typekit’s default script, try{Typekit.load();}catch(e){}.

var msnry;

function triggerMasonry() {
  // don't proceed if masonry has not been initialized
  if ( !msnry ) {
// initialize masonry on document ready
docReady( function() {
  var container = document.querySelector('.grid');
  msnry = new Masonry( container, {
    // options...
// trigger masonry when fonts have loaded
  active: triggerMasonry,
  inactive: triggerMasonry
// or with jQuery
var $grid;

function triggerMasonry() {
  // don't proceed if $grid has not been selected
  if ( !$grid ) {
  // init Masonry
    // options...
// trigger masonry on document ready
  $grid = $('.grid');
// trigger masonry when fonts have loaded
  active: triggerMasonry,
  inactive: triggerMasonry


Reduced test cases

Creating a reduced test case is the best way to debug problems and report issues. Read CSS Tricks on why they’re so great.

Create a reduced test case for Masonry by forking any one of the CodePen demos from these docs.

  • A reduced test case clearly demonstrates the bug or issue.
  • It contains the bare minimum HTML, CSS, and JavaScript required to demonstrate the bug.
  • A link to your production site is not a reduced test case.

Creating a reduced test case is the best way to get your issue addressed. They help you point out the problem. They help us debug the problem. They help others understand the problem.

Submitting issues

Report issues on GitHub. Make sure to include a reduced test case. Without a reduced test case, your issue may be closed.

Browser support

Masonry v4 supports IE10+, Android 4+, Safari for iOS 5+, Firefox 16+, and Chrome 12+.

For IE8+ and Android 2.3 support, try Masonry v3.

Upgrading from v3

Masonry v4 dropped browser support for IE8, IE9, and Android 2.3. All options, methods, and code for Masonry v3 is backwards compatibile with Masonry v4.

Additional resources