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Angular Module for displaying a feed of items in a masonry layout using https://github.com/desandro/masonry

This package was originally a fork from https://github.com/jelgblad/angular2-masonry to allow it to work with newer versions of Angular.

This updated version is also compatible with Angular Universal server side rendering (SSR)


npm install ngx-masonry masonry-layout --save


Import NgxMasonryModule into your app's modules:

import { NgxMasonryModule } from 'ngx-masonry';

  imports: [NgxMasonryModule]
  selector: 'my-component',
  template: `
       <div ngxMasonryItem class="masonry-item" *ngFor="let item of masonryItems">
  styles: [
      .masonry-item { width: 200px; }
class MyComponent {
  masonryItems = [
    { title: 'item 1' },
    { title: 'item 2' },
    { title: 'item 3' },



Append new items synchronously. The order of the items will be preserved, but one image in the middle will block the reset of the images.

<ngx-masonry [options]="masonryOptions" [ordered]="true">


Read about Masonry options here: Masonry Options

The options-attribute takes an object with the following properties:

  • itemSelector: string;
  • columnWidth: number | string;
  • gutter: number;
  • percentPosition: boolean;
  • stamp: string;
  • fitWidth: boolean;
  • originLeft: boolean;
  • originTop: boolean;
  • containerStyle: string;
  • resize: boolean;
  • initLayout: boolean;
  • horizontalOrder: boolean;
  • animations: NgxMasonryAnimations;


Inline object:

<ngx-masonry [options]="{ gutter: 10 }"></ngx-masonry>

From parent component:

import { NgxMasonryOptions } from 'ngx-masonry';

public myOptions: MasonryOptions = {
  gutter: 10
<ngx-masonry [options]="myOptions"></ngx-masonry>


ngx-masonry has an input property, updateLayout, which accepts a boolean and will call masonry's layout() method on a change. It ignores the first change when the component loads.

<ngx-masonry [updateLayout]="updateMasonryLayout"></ngx-masonry>

When updateMasonryLayout is updated, the layout() method will be called.


You can create and set customized animations with this option.

animations = {
    show: [
      style({opacity: 0}),
      animate('400ms ease-in', style({opacity: 1})),
    hide: [
      style({opacity: '*'}),
      animate('400ms ease-in', style({opacity: 0})),

  // To disable animation
  animations = {}

Note that due to https://github.com/wynfred/ngx-masonry/issues/8 ngx-masonry comes without builtin animations of moving masonry items (when they change size or screen changes size). You can implement them using a css transition. Just add item css class let's say "masonry-item" and add this css code.

.masonry-item {
  transition: top 0.4s ease-in-out, left 0.4s ease-in-out;

Image Lazyload

When using any lazyload methods layout, you can add masonryLazy attribute to the images.

Note: When using masonryLazy, the layout would have an overlapping issue. If you have this issue, you would need a custom method to maintain the layout, such as adding the fixed width/height to each image. For using the image lazyload method, you can have fallback image and loading indicator is recommended.


<img masonryLazy loading="lazy" width="500px" height="300px"/>


layoutComplete: EventEmitter<any[]>

Triggered after a layout and all positioning transitions have completed.


removeComplete: EventEmitter<any[]>

Triggered after an item element has been removed.


itemsLoaded: EventEmitter<number>

Should only be used with ordered mode. Triggered after the last item is loaded.


<ngx-masonry (layoutComplete)="doStuff($event)" (removeComplete)="doOtherStuff($event)"></ngx-masonry>


  • How to maintain the order of items if there are images?

    • Set [ordered] to true.

    • To insert item at the beginning: prepend the item to the array and set prepend to true.

      <div ngxMasonryItem [prepend]="image.prepend" *ngFor="let image of masonryImages">
    • If item is inserted or the list is shuffled, use reloadItems()

      // get reference
      @ViewChild(NgxMasonryComponent) masonry: NgxMasonryComponent;
      // after the order of items has changed
  • Why is the transitionDuration option not supported?

    The builtin animation of masonry-layout doesn't work with angular well.

    For more information refer to this issue:


  • How to setup if I use SystemJS?

    If you're using SystemJS add ngx-masonry and masonry-layout to your configuration:

    packages: {
      "ngx-masonry": { "defaultExtension": "js", "main": "index" }
    map: {
      "ngx-masonry": "node_modules/ngx-masonry",
      "masonry-layout": "node_modules/masonry-layout/dist/masonry.pkgd.js"
  • Where is imagesLoaded?

    imagesLoaded is removed in V9. masonry item will support image by default


This repository contains a working app using ngx-masonry as a child module, not as an npm package. You can go to the demo respository to view an app that uses it as an npm package.

View a live demo here

  • 报错: src/core/ngx_murmurhash.c: In function ‘ngx_murmur_hash2’: src/core/ngx_murmurhash.c:37:11: error: this statement may fall through [-Werror=implicit-fallthrough=] h ^= data[2] << 16;

  • ngx_stream_core_module 示例配置 指令 listen preread_buffer_size preread_timeout proxy_protocol_timeout resolver resolver_timeout server stream tcp_nodelay variables_hash_bucket_size variables_hash_max_size

  • ngx_http_memcached_module 指令 memcached_bind memcached_buffer_size memcached_connect_timeout memcached_force_ranges memcached_gzip_flag memcached_next_upstream memcached_next_upstream_timeout memcached

  •   在计算机语言中,变量是用来存储和表示数据的,但不同的语言表示变量的方式不同,像java语言会把变量抽象成各种类型,并且每种类型都会用一个特殊的符号表示,比如表示一个整数需要这样:      int age= 25; 用int去声明age是一个变量,并且是一个表示整数的变量。   另外一种语言比如lua,在使用的时候并不需要预先声明其类型,他可以在程序运行的时候确定变量的类型,甚至在变量前面都不

  • ngx_stream_log_module 示例配置 指令 access_log log_format open_log_file_cache ngx_stream_log_module 模块(1.11.4)按指定的格式写入会话日志。 示例配置 log_format basic '$remote_addr [$time_local] ' '$protocol $s

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