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7.3 复合:把对象作为类成员


AlarmClock 类的对象需要知道何时响钤,因此可以将一个 Time 对象作为类成员,这种功能称为复合(composition)。类可以将其他类对象作为自己的成员。

软件工程视点 7.7

生成对象时,自动调用其构造函数,因此要指定参数如何传递给成员对象的构造函数。成员对象按声明的顺序(而不是在构造函数的成虽初始化值列表中列出的顺序)并在建立所包含的类对象(也称为宿主对象,host object)之前建立。

图 7.4 用 Employee 类和 Date 类演示一个类作为其他类对象的成员。Employee 类包含private数据成员 firstName、lastName、birthDate 和 hireDate。成员 birthDate 和 hireDate 是 Date 类的 const 类型的对象,该 Data 类包含 private 数据成员 month、day和year。程序实例化一个 Employee 对象,并初始化和显示其数据成员。注意 Employee 构造函数定义中函数首部的语法:

Employee::Employee( char *fname, char *lname,
int bmonth, int bday, int byear,
int hmonth, int hday, int hyear )
:birthDate (bmonth, bday, byear),
hireDate (hmonth, hday, hyear )

该构造函数有八个参数(fname、lname、bmonth、bday、byear、hmonth、hday和hyear)。首部中的冒号(:)将成员初始化值与参数表分开。成员初始化值指定 Employee 的参数传递给成员对象的构造函数。参数 bmonth、bday 和 byear 传递给 birthDate 构造函数。参数 hmonth、hday 和 hyear 传递给 hireDate 构造函数。多个成员的初始化值用逗号分开。

1 // Fig. 7.4: datel.h
2 // Declaration of the Date class.
3 // Member functions defined in datel.cpp
4 #ifndef DATE1_H
5 #define DATE1_H
7 class Date {
8 public:
9 Date( int = 1, int = 1, int = 1900 ); // default constructor
10 void print() const; // print date in month/day/year format
11 ~Date(); // provided to confirm destruction order
12 private:
13 int month; // 1-12
14 int day;
15 int year; // any year
17 // utility function to test proper day for month and year
18 int checkDay( int );
19 };
21 #endif
22 // Fig. 7.4: date.cpp
23 // Member function definitions for Date class.
24 #include <iostream.h>
25 #include "date1.h"
27 // Constructor: Confirm proper value for month;
28 // call utility function checkDay to confirm proper
29 // value for day.
30 Date::Date( int mn, int dy, int yr )
31 {
32 if ( mn > 0 && mn <= 12 ) // validate the month
33 month = mn;
34 else {
35 month = 1;
36 cout << "Month "<< mn <<" invalid. Set to month 1.\n";
37 }
39 year = yr; // should validate yr
40 day = checkDay( dy ); // validate the day
42 cout << "Date object constructor for date ";
43 print(); // interesting: a print with no arguments
44 cout << endl;
45 }
47 // Print Date object in form month/day/year
48 void Date::print() const
49 { cout << month << '/' << day << '/' << year; }
51 // Destructor: provided to confirm destruction order
52 Date::~Date()
53 {
54 cout << "Date object destructor for date ";
55 print();
56 cout << endl;
57 }
59 // Utility function to confirm proper day value
60 // based on month and year.
61 // Is the year 2000 a leap year?
62 int Date::checkDay( int testDay )
63 {
64 static const int daysPerMonth[ 13 ] =
65 {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
67 if ( testDay > 0 && testDay <= daysPerMonth[ month ] )
68 return testDay;
70 if ( month == 2 &&
71 testDay == 29 &&
72 ( year % 400 == 0 || // year 2000?
73 ( year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 ) ) ) // year 2000?
74 return testDay;
76 cout << "Day" << testDay << "invalid. Set to day 1.\n";
78 return 1; // leave object in consistent state if bad value
79 }
80 // Fig.7.4:emply1.h
81 // Declaration of the Employee class.
82 // Member functions defined in emplyl.cpp
83 #ifndef EMPLY1_H
84 #define EMPLY1_H
86 #include "date1.h"
88 class Employee {
89 public:
90 Employee( char *, char *, int, int, int, int, int, int );
91 void print() const;
92 ~Employee(); // provided to confirm destruction order
93 private:
94 char firstName[ 25 ];
95 char lastName[ 25 ];
96 const Date birthDate;
97 const Date hireDate;
98 };
100 #endif
101 // Fig. 7.4: emplyl.cpp
105 #include "emplyl.h"
108 Employee::Employee( char *fname, char *lname,
109 int bmonth, int bday, int byear,
110 int hmonth, int hday, int hyear )
111 : birthDate( bmonth, bday, byear ),
112 hireDate( hmonth, hday, hyear )
113 {
114 // copy fname into firstName and be sure that it fits
115 int length = strlen( fname );
116 length = ( length < 25 ? length : 24 );
117 strncpy( firstName, fname, length );
118 firstName[ length ] = '\0';
120 // copy lname into lastName and be sure that it fits
121 length = strlen( lname );
122 length = ( length < 25 ? length : 24 );
123 strncpy( lastName, lname, length );
124 lastName[ length ] = '\0';
126 cout << "Employee object constructor:"
127 << firstName << ' ' << lastName << endl;
128 }
130 void Employee::print() const
131 {
132 cout << lastName << ", "<< firstName << "\nHired: ";
133 hireDate.print();
134 cout <<" Birth date: ";
135 birthDate.print();
136 cout << endl;
137 }
139 // Destructor: provided to confirm destruction order
140 Employee::~Employee()
141 {
142 cout << "Employee object destructor:"
143 << lastName << ", "<< firstName << endl;
144 }
145 // Fig. 7.4: figO7_O4.cpp
147 #include <iostream.h>
148 #include "emply1.h"
150 int main()
151 {
152 Employee e( "Bob", "Jones", 7, 24, 1949, 3, 12, 1988 );
154 cout << '\n';
155 e.print();
157 cout << "\nTest Date constructor with invalid values:\n";
158 Date d( 14, 35, 1994 ); // invalid Date values
159 cout << endl;
160 return O;
161 }


Date object constructor for date 7/24/1949
Date object Constructor for date 3/12/1988
Employee object constructor Bob Jones

Jones, Bob
Hired: 3/12/1988 Birth date 7/24/1949
Test Date constructor with invalid values:
Month 14 invalid. Set to month 1.
Day 35 invalid. Set to day 1.
Date object constructor for date 1/1/1994

Date object destructor for date 1/1/1994
Employee object destructor: Jones, Bob
Date object destructor for date 3/12/1988
Date object destructor for date 7/24/1949

图 7.4 使用成员对象的初始化值

记住,const 成员和引用也在成员初始化值列表中初始化(第9章会讲到,派生类的基类部分也是这样初始化的)。Date 类和 Employee 类各有一个析构函数,分别在删除 Date 和 EmpLoyee 对象时打印一个消息。这样就可以从程序输出中确认对象由内向外建立,由外向内删除(即先删除 Employee 对象,再删除其中包含的 Date 对象)。


常见编程错误 7.6

性能提示 7.2

软件工程视点 7.8
如果一个类用其他类对象作为成员,则将这个成员对象定为 public 不分破坏该成员对象 private 成员的封装与隐藏。

注意第43行调用 Date 成员函数 print。C++ 中许多类的成员函数不需要参数。这是因为每个成员函数包含所操作对象的隐式句柄(指针形式)。7.5节将介绍隐式指针this。
在第一版的 Employee 类中(为了便于编程),我们用两个25字符数组表示 EmpLoyee 的姓和名。这些数组如果存储短名称可能浪费内存空间(记往每个数组中有一个字符是字符串的 null 终止符 '\0' ),超过24个字符的姓名要截尾之后才能放得下。本章稍后将介绍另一种形式的Employee类,动态生成适合姓和名的数组长度,还可以用两个string对象表示姓名。第19章详细介绍 string 标准库类。