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10.12 专业术语


abstract base class 抽象基类
offset into vtable vtable偏移量
abstract class 抽象类
override a pure virtual function 重定义纯虚函数
base-class virtual function 基类虚函数
override a viltual function 重定义虚函数
class hieratchy 类层次
pointer to a base class 基类指针
concrete class 具体类
pointer to a derivedclass 派生类指针
convert derived-class pointer to base-class spointer pointer to an abstract class抽象类指针
polymorphism 多态
derived class 派生类
programming“in the general” 常规编程
derived-class constructor 派生类构造函数
programming "in the specific" 特定编程
direct base class 直接基类
pure virtual function(=0) 纯虚函数(=O)
displacement into vtable vtable位移
reference to a base class 基类引用
dynamic binding 动态关联
reference to a derived class 派生类引用
early binding 提前关联
reference to an abstract class 抽象类引用
eliminating switch statements 消除switch语句
software reusability 软件复用性
explicit pointer conversion 显式指针转换
static binding 静态关联
extensibility 可扩展性
switch logic switch逻辑
implementation inheritance 实现继承
virtual destructor 虚析构函数
independent software vebdor(ISV) 独立软件供应商
viltnalfunction 虚函数
indirect base class 间接基类
virtual function table 虚函数表
inheritance 继承
interface inheritance 接口继承
vtable pointer vtable指针
late binding 滞后关联