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9.17 专业术语


abstraction 抽象
inheritance 继承
ambiguity in multiple inheritance 多重继承的歧
is a relationship 是关系
knows a relationship 知道关系
associaion 关联
member access control 成员访问控制
base class 基类
member class 成员类
base class default constructor 基类默认构造函数
member object 成员对象
base-class constructor 基类构造函数
multiple inheritance 多重继承
base-class desttructor 基类析构函数
obiect-oriemed programming(OOP) 面向对象
base-class initializer 基类初始化值
base-class pointer 基类指针
override a base-c1ass member function 重定义基
class hieratchy 类层次
class libraries 类库
pointer to a base-class object 基类对象指针
client of a class 类客户
pointer to derived-class object 派生类对象指针
composition 复合
private base class private 基类
customize software 定制的软件
private inheritance protected 继承
derived class 派生类
protected baseclass protected 基类
derived -c1ass constructor 派生类构造函数
protected inheritance protected 继承
derived-class destructor 派生类析构函数
protected key word protected 关键字
derived-class pointer 派生类指针
protected member of a class 类的protected成员
direct base class 直接基类
public base class public基类
friend of a base class 基类友元
public inheritance public继承
friend of a derived class 派生类友元
single inheritance 单一继承
function overriding 函数重定义
software reusability 软件复用性
has a relation ship 是关系
standardized software components 标准化软件组件
hierarchical relationship 层次关系
subclass 子类
indirect base class 间接基类
superclass 超类
infinite recursion error 无穷递归错误
uses a relationship 使用 关系