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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 游戏/娱乐
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 计均
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

React-2048-game | 中文



A fancy 2048 game build with react, redux best practices. Uses many awesome open source tools to improve code styles, includes eslint, stylelint, prettier, and Travis, codecov continuous integration services to be guaranteed for code quality and deploy application automatically. Show ❤️ by �� .

�� Start the game

Quick start

Require nodejs version > 6.10 as config scripts were wrote in es6+, also recommend to use yarn to manage project dependencies instead of npm. After fork the project following below commands to get started.

npm i -g yarn # Install yarn
  git clone git@github.com:<your name>/React-2048-game.git
  cd React-2048-game
  yarn # Install dependencies
  yarn start # Start local developing mode
  yarn test # Run test code
  yarn build # Build the project from source


This app has a rich development experience using the following technologies:

Tech Description Learn More
React Declarative, component based view library. Codecademy Course
Redux A predictable state container. Supports time-travel debugging. Learn Redux
Redux saga Handles side effect model for Redux apps. Async operations using redux-saga
React Router Declarative, multi-platform routing library for React Official guide
Babel Compiles ES6 to ES5. Uses the latest features of JavaScript today. Learn ES2015
Webpack Bundles npm packages and all kinds of assets, scripts into a single app. Supports hot reloading via webpack-dev-server. Learn Webpack in 15 Minutes
Jest Tests JavaScript with built-in assertions automatically, integrates with Enzyme for DOM testing in node environment. Official guide
ESLint Analyze and lint JavaScripts. Reports syntax and style issues. ESLint rules
SCSS Powerful professional grade CSS extension language with variables, mixin, functions, and more. Getting Sassy with CSS



  • 2048 Game 是一个基于浏览器的 2048 游戏。

  • 一个 1024 的小克隆,基于 Saming 的 2048(也是一个克隆)。  

  • swift-2048 是用 Swift 语言实现的 2048 游戏。

  • 2048.c Spanish Console version of the game "2048" for GNU/Linux Gameplay You can move the tiles in four directions using the arrow keys: up, down, left, and right. All numbers on the board will slide

  • 2048.cpp 是用 C ++ 编写的游戏 “2048” 的终端版本。 要求 C++11 编译器 (e.g. g++, clang++, pgc++, icpc, etc.) 任何平台: Linux MacOS Windows (通过 Cygwin 或 Windows 的 Linux 子系统) CMake 或 Meson

  • 这是一个基于 C++/Qt 开发的 2048 游戏。游戏逻辑采用 C++ 编写,界面基于 Qt 5.2.1 开发。整个界面都是用代码生成,没有用到任何 Qt Creator 的 UI 设计工具。 代码和 UI 通过观察者模式进行解耦,因此很容易将游戏的逻辑用在其他 UI 上。 界面截图: 构建方法: 下载并安装 Qt (https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/