

create a struct

  struct [[eosio::table]] mystruct 
         uint64_t     key; 
         uint64_t     secondid;
         std::string  name; 
         std::string  account; 

         uint64_t primary_key() const { return key; } // getter for primary key
         uint64_t by_id() const {return secondid; } // getter for additional key
  1. [[eosio::table]] 被 ABI generator eosio-cpp 所需要,以识别该表并将其通过ABI暴露出去,并将其可见性扩展到合约外.
  2. struct name 要小于12个字符并全是小写.

typedef the multi index table and the define the indexes

primary key

使用mystruct定义一个multi index table,告诉它将以什么作为索引以及如何获取被索引的数据.主键会被自动创建,所以如果只想同光上面的struct创建一个只有主键的multi index table可以这样定义:

typedef eosio::multi_index<name(mystruct), mystruct> datastore;

它通过传入表名"name(mystruct)"以及struct名"mystruct"来定义multi index.name(mystruct)执行了编译转换,将struct name转换成uint64_t并将这一uint64_t用来查找属于这个multi index table的数据.

additional or secondary indexes

如果想添加额外的或次要索引,使用 indexed_by 模板作为参数,可以定义为:

typedef eosio::multi_index<name(mystruct), mystruct, indexed_by<name(secondid), const_mem_fun<mystruct, uint64_t, &mystruct::by_id>>> datastore;

indexed_by<name(secondid), const_mem_fun<mystruct, uint64_t, &mystruct::by_id>>中 parameters:

  • name(secondid)—— 字段的名称会被转换为integer
  • const_mem_fun<mystruct, uint64_t, &mystruct::by_id> —— 用户定义的 key extractor

three indexes

      struct [[eosio::table]] mystruct 
         uint64_t     key; 
         uint64_t     secondid;
         uint64_t            anotherid;
         std::string  name; 
         std::string  account; 

         uint64_t primary_key() const { return key; }
         uint64_t by_id() const {return secondid; }
         uint64_t by_anotherid() const {return anotherid; }

typedef eosio::multi_index<name(mystruct), mystruct, indexed_by<name(secondid), const_mem_fun<mystruct, uint64_t, &mystruct::by_id>>, indexed_by<name(anotherid), const_mem_fun<mystruct, uint64_t, &mystruct::by_anotherid>>> datastore;


有一个重要的事情需要注意,struct name与table name相匹配,并且命名会在ABI文件中根据规则(12个字符并全是小写)被显示.如果不这样,那么通过ABI看不到该table(你可以通过编辑ABI文件来解决这个问题).

create local variables which are of the defined type

// local instances of the multi indexes
pollstable _polls;
votes _votes;



#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>

using namespace eosio;

class youvote : public contract {
      youvote(eosio::name s):contract(s), _polls(s, s), _votes(s, s)

      // public methods exposed via the ABI
      // on pollsTable

      void version()
          print("YouVote version  0.01"); 


      void addpoll(eosio::name s, std::string pollName)

          print("Add poll ", pollName); 

          // update the table to include a new poll
          _polls.emplace(get_self(), [&](auto& p)
                                        p.key = _polls.available_primary_key();
                                        p.pollId = _polls.available_primary_key();
                                        p.pollName = pollName;
                                        p.pollStatus = 0;
                                        p.option = "";
                                        p.count = 0;

      void rmpoll(eosio::name s, std::string pollName)

          print("Remove poll ", pollName); 

          std::vector<uint64_t> keysForDeletion;
          // find items which are for the named poll
          for(auto& item : _polls)
              if (item.pollName == pollName)

          // now delete each item for that poll
          for (uint64_t key : keysForDeletion)
              print("remove from _polls ", key);
              auto itr = _polls.find(key);
              if (itr != _polls.end())

          // add remove votes ... don't need it the actions are permanently stored on the block chain

          std::vector<uint64_t> keysForDeletionFromVotes;
          // find items which are for the named poll
          for(auto& item : _votes)
              if (item.pollName == pollName)

          // now delete each item for that poll
          for (uint64_t key : keysForDeletionFromVotes)
              print("remove from _votes ", key);
              auto itr = _votes.find(key);
              if (itr != _votes.end())


      void status(std::string pollName)
          print("Change poll status ", pollName);

          std::vector<uint64_t> keysForModify;
          // find items which are for the named poll
          for(auto& item : _polls)
              if (item.pollName == pollName)

          // now get each item and modify the status
          for (uint64_t key : keysForModify)

            print("modify _polls status", key);
            auto itr = _polls.find(key);
            if (itr != _polls.end())
              _polls.modify(itr, get_self(), [&](auto& p)
                                                p.pollStatus = p.pollStatus + 1;

      void statusreset(std::string pollName)
          print("Reset poll status ", pollName); 

          std::vector<uint64_t> keysForModify;
          // find all poll items
          for(auto& item : _polls)
              if (item.pollName == pollName)

          // update the status in each poll item
          for (uint64_t key : keysForModify)
              print("modify _polls status", key);
              auto itr = _polls.find(key);
              if (itr != _polls.end())
                _polls.modify(itr, get_self(), [&](auto& p)
                                                  p.pollStatus = 0;

      void addpollopt(std::string pollName, std::string option)
          print("Add poll option ", pollName, "option ", option); 

          // find the pollId, from _polls, use this to update the _polls with a new option
          for(auto& item : _polls)
              if (item.pollName == pollName)
                    // can only add if the poll is not started or finished
                    if(item.pollStatus == 0)
                        _polls.emplace(get_self(), [&](auto& p)
                                            p.key = _polls.available_primary_key();
                                            p.pollId = item.pollId;
                                            p.pollName = item.pollName;
                                            p.pollStatus = 0;
                                            p.option = option;
                                            p.count = 0;
                        print("Can not add poll option ", pollName, "option ", option, " Poll has started or is finished.");

                    break; // so you only add it once

      void rmpollopt(std::string pollName, std::string option)
          print("Remove poll option ", pollName, "option ", option); 

          std::vector<uint64_t> keysForDeletion;
          // find and remove the named poll
          for(auto& item : _polls)
              if (item.pollName == pollName)

          for (uint64_t key : keysForDeletion)
              print("remove from _polls ", key);
              auto itr = _polls.find(key);
              if (itr != _polls.end())
                  if (itr->option == option)

      void vote(std::string pollName, std::string option, std::string accountName)
          print("vote for ", option, " in poll ", pollName, " by ", accountName); 

          // is the poll open
          for(auto& item : _polls)
              if (item.pollName == pollName)
                  if (item.pollStatus != 1)
                      print("Poll ",pollName,  " is not open");

                  break; // only need to check status once

          // has account name already voted?  
          for(auto& vote : _votes)
              if (vote.pollName == pollName && vote.account == accountName)
                  print(accountName, " has already voted in poll ", pollName);
                  //eosio_assert(true, "Already Voted");

          uint64_t pollId =99999; // get the pollId for the _votes table

          // find the poll and the option and increment the count
          for(auto& item : _polls)
              if (item.pollName == pollName && item.option == option)
                  pollId = item.pollId; // for recording vote in this poll

                  _polls.modify(item, get_self(), [&](auto& p)
                                                    p.count = p.count + 1;

          // record that accountName has voted
          _votes.emplace(get_self(), [&](auto& pv)
                                        pv.key = _votes.available_primary_key();
                                        pv.pollId = pollId;
                                        pv.pollName = pollName;
                                        pv.account = accountName;


    // create the multi index tables to store the data
      struct [[eosio::table]] poll 
        uint64_t      key; // primary key
        uint64_t      pollId; // second key, non-unique, this table will have dup rows for each poll because of option
        std::string   pollName; // name of poll
        uint8_t      pollStatus =0; // staus where 0 = closed, 1 = open, 2 = finished
        std::string  option; // the item you can vote for
        uint32_t    count =0; // the number of votes for each itme -- this to be pulled out to separte table.

        uint64_t primary_key() const { return key; }
        uint64_t by_pollId() const {return pollId; }
      typedef eosio::multi_index<N(poll), poll, indexed_by<N(pollId), const_mem_fun<poll, uint64_t, &poll::by_pollId>>> pollstable;

      struct [[eosio::table]] pollvotes 
         uint64_t     key; 
         uint64_t     pollId;
         std::string  pollName; // name of poll
         std::string  account; //this account has voted, use this to make sure noone votes > 1

         uint64_t primary_key() const { return key; }
         uint64_t by_pollId() const {return pollId; }
      typedef eosio::multi_index<name(pollvotes), pollvotes, indexed_by<name(pollId), const_mem_fun<pollvotes, uint64_t, &pollvotes::by_pollId>>> votes;

      // local instances of the multi indexes
      pollstable _polls;
      votes _votes;

EOSIO_DISPATCH( youvote, (version)(addpoll)(rmpoll)(status)(statusreset)(addpollopt)(rmpollopt)(vote))
