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Middleware is a function, which is called before route handler. Middleware functions have access to request and response objects, so they can modify them. They can also be something like a barrier - if middleware function does not call next(), the request will never be handled by route handler.


The simplest example:


import { Middleware, NestMiddleware } from '@nestjs/common';

export class LoggingMiddleware implements NestMiddleware {
    resolve(): (req, res, next) => void {
        return (req, res, next) => {

Let's build a dummy authorization middleware (for explanation purposes - just by username). We will use X-Access-Token HTTP header to provide username (weird idea, but it doesn't matter here).

让我们构建一个虚拟授权中间件(用于解释目的——只需通过用户名)。我们将用x-access-token HTTP header提供用户名(奇怪的想法,但是这不重要)。

import { HttpException } from '@nestjs/core';
import { Middleware, NestMiddleware } from '@nestjs/common';
import { UsersService } from './users.service';

export class AuthMiddleware implements NestMiddleware {
    constructor(private usersService: UsersService) {}

    resolve(): (req, res, next) => void {
        return async (req, res, next) => {
            const userName = req.headers["x-access-token"];
            const users = await this.usersService.getAllUsers();

            const user = users.find((user) => user.name === userName);
            if (!user) {
                throw new HttpException('User not found.', 401);
            req.user = user;

Some facts about middlewares:

  • you should use @Middleware() annotation to tell Nest, that this class is a middleware,
  • you can use NestMiddleware interface, which forces on you to implement resolve() method,
  • middlewares (same as components) can inject dependencies through their constructor (dependencies have to be a part of module),
  • middlewares must have resolve() method, which must return another function (higher order function). Why? Because there is a lot of third-party, ready to use Express Middlewares (and more), which you could simply - thanks to this solution - use in Nest.

Okey, we already have prepared middleware, but we are not using it anywhere. Let's set it up:


  • 使用@Middleware()注释告诉Nest,这个类是一个中间件。
  • 可以使用NestMiddleware接口,这会迫使你执行resolve()方法。
  • 中间件(如组件一样)可以通过构造函数注入依赖(依赖必须是模块的一部分)。
  • 中间件必须有resolve()方法,该方法必须返回另一个函数(高阶函数)。这是为什么呢?因为这样的话,你可以轻松使用将要使用Express中间件的第三方插件。 中间件准备就绪,先设置好,待用。
import { Module, MiddlewaresConsumer } from '@nestjs/common';

    controllers: [ UsersController ],
    components: [ UsersService ],
    exports: [ UsersService ],
export class UsersModule {
    configure(consumer: MiddlewaresConsumer) {

As shown, Modules can have additional method - configure(). This method receives as a parameter MiddlewaresConsumer, an object, which helps us to configure middlewares.


This object has apply() method, which receives infinite count of middlewares (method uses spread operator, so it is possible to pass multiple classes separated by comma). apply() method returns object, which has two methods:

  • forRoutes() - we use this method to pass infinite count of Controllers or objects (with path and method properties) separated by comma,
  • with() - we use this method to pass custom arguments to resolve() method of middleware.


  • forRoutes()使用此方法传递无数个用逗号隔开的控制器或对象(有路径和方法属性)。
  • with()使用此方法将自定义参数传递给中间件的apply()方法。


When you pass UsersController in forRoutes method, Nest will setup middleware for each route in controller:

使用 forRoutes 方法传递 UsersController 时,Nest会为控制器中的每个路由设置中间件。

GET: users
GET: users/:id 
POST: users

But it is also possible to directly define for which path middleware should be used, just like that:


    path: '*', method: RequestMethod.ALL 


Sometimes the behaviour of the middleware depends on custom values - e.g. array of users roles. We can pass additional arguments to middleware using with() method.



const roles = ['admin', 'user'];
const options = {};
    .with(roles, options)
export class AuthMiddleware implements NestMiddleware 
    resolve(roles: string[], options: object) {
        return async (req, res, next) => {
            console.log(roles); // ['admin', 'user'] in this case

You can simply chain apply() calls:

你可以简单地调用 apply()链:

consumer.apply(AuthMiddleware, PassportMidleware)
       .forRoutes(UsersController, OrdersController, ClientController);


Middlewares are called in the same order as they are placed in array. Middlewares configured in sub-module are called after the parent module configuration.
