A repository to show off to the community methods of testing NestJS including Unit Tests, Integration Tests, E2E Tests, pipes, filters, interceptors, GraphQL, Mongo, TypeORM, and more!
Each folder is a fully functional Nest application on its own. All you need to do after cloning the repository is move into the folder, install the dependencies, and test! Or you could just, you know, look at the test on GitHub too, no big deal.
I've noticed a lot of people seem to get stuck on testing, and how to do it using the utilities given to us by Nest. Hopefully with a community driven repository of tests it will help others get a better understanding and feel for how to get tests running.
This is not necessarily the Nest canonical way to test an application, nor is it the only way in any scenario. I will do my best to show different ways to run tests, but I will more than likely miss certain ways of running the tests, whether it is mocking in a specific way or otherwise. Again, this is a community maintained project and not a part of the official documentation. If you find other ways to test applications, great, I'd love to see them, but please do not think this is the only way.
git clone https://github.com/jmcdo29/testing-nestjs.git
cd testing-nestjs/<folderName>
npm install
OR yarn add
npm run test
OR yarn test
Did I miss your favorite topic? Did I miss out on something you absolutely need tested? Well then open an issue, or better yet, a pull request! I'll be happy to look over any topics and try to help figure out how to test them or to merge any PRs that add to the value of the repository. If you do end up making a pull request, please add a screenshot of the test coverage so others can see how well the tests run. The complex-sample branch has a good example.
The change log can be found on the Releases page.
Jay McDoniel and contributors. Thanks to everyone who's helping with this effort!
MIT License, see the included License.md file.
class-validator Nestjs yarn add class-transformer class-validator main.ts import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core'; import { AppModule } from './app.module'; import { ValidationPipe } from '@nestjs/
测试 (Testing) 天有不测风云,码有祸福旦夕 (指明了测试在编程开发中的重要性)。—— Jacob Kaplan-Moss REST framework 包含一些扩展 Django 现有测试框架的辅助类,并改进对 API 请求的支持。 APIRequestFactory 扩展 Django 的现有的 RequestFactory 类。 创建测试请求 (Creating test reque
Free很多人喜欢,免费、自由。测试人员也喜欢,不用写计划、写用例,信马由缰,爱怎么做就怎么做。 探索式软件测试对这类测试进行了准确的定义,对测试方法进行了归类分析,其实很多测试人员都在做,一个无意识到有意识、无序到有序的过程。 1、也许这些测试只能证明我们已有的测试用例的漏洞,通过数据对比可以评价测试用例的质量,补充新的用例,提高测试覆盖率; 2、无论什么样的测试都应当是有方向的、有目的的。
使用 Nest 项目提供的命令行工具可以快速创建一个 Nest 项目,先在全局安装一下这个命令行工具。 打开终端,安装一下 @nestjs/cli .. 加上一个 --global .. 在全局范围安装一下这个命令行工具。 装好以后就可以使用 nest 命令了 .. 进入到想要保存项目的地方。 然后执行 nest new ,新建一个项目 .. 项目的名字是 ninghao-nestjs .. 输入
Testing in browser Testing with NPM (CLI) Testing in browser To run the Jasmine tests in your browser, go to the following pages: <YOUR_LOCALHOST_ADDRESS>/test/E2ERunner.html - Handsontable end-to-end
import "testing" testing 提供对 Go 包的自动化测试的支持。通过 `go test` 命令,能够自动执行如下形式的任何函数: func TestXxx(*testing.T) 其中 Xxx 可以是任何字母数字字符串(但第一个字母不能是 [a-z]),用于识别测试例程。 在这些函数中,使用 Error, Fail 或相关方法来发出失败信号。 要编写一个新的测试套件,需要创
为你的应用编写测试是一个参与的过程。Play为你提供了一个默认的测试框架,并提供了帮助器和应用存根使测试你的应用尽可能的简单。 概述 测试文件的位置在”test”文件夹中。这里有两个简单的测试文件其可以被用作为模板。 你可以从Play控制台运行测试。 点击test来按钮运行所有测试。 点击标注测试类名字比如:test-only my.namespace.MySpec的test-only按钮来运行一
第一章“图层树”证实了最好使用图层相关视图,而不是创建独立的图层关系。其中一个原因就是要处理额外复杂的触摸事件。 CALayer并不关心任何响应链事件,所以不能直接处理触摸事件或者手势。但是它有一系列的方法帮你处理事件:-containsPoint:和-hitTest:。 -containsPoint:接受一个在本图层坐标系下的CGPoint,如果这个点在图层frame范围内就返回YES。如清单3
每当你想要确保你的UI不会有意外的改变,快照测试是非常有用的工具。 A typical snapshot test case for a mobile app renders a UI component, takes a snapshot, then compares it to a reference snapshot file stored alongside the test. The t
在本章中,我们将测试在Hello World示例章节中创建的示例项目,以演示Spring CLI的测试功能。 按照下表中列出的步骤测试示例项目 - Sr.No 步骤和说明 1 在Test文件夹中创建FirstApplication.groovy和TestFirstApplication.groovy ,如下所述。 2 编译并运行应用程序以验证实现的逻辑的结果。 FirstApplication/F