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开发语言 Java
所属分类 大数据、 数据查询
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 蓝侯林
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知



A showcase of how to build API's (REST, gRPC, GraphQL) using C# .NET.

I chose MFlix as the name for this project because I am using one of the sample databases provided by MongoDB called MFlix. The MFlix database is composed of collections of movie related data. I provide more detail in the MongoDB section where I explain how to get a copy of the MFlix database. Therefore, because of the database name, and the fact that MFlix is a short and catchy name, I decided to go with MFlix.


If you're new to REST, gRPC, and MongoDB. I have a few more projects that I maintain on Github that may be of interest.

1. Purpose

The primary purpose of MFlix is to demonstrate how to build gRPC, REST (http), and GraphQL API's using C# and the .NET Framework. In order to do this, I have created a contrived use-case that will allow me to demonstrate how to build different API's for different needs. Each API demonstrates how to address the following requirements:

  • Error handling
  • Logging
  • Caching
  • Security
  • Dependency Injection
  • Configuration
  • How to do paging, filtering, and sorting via the API

The secondary purpose of MFlix is to demonstrate how to work with different technologies, frameworks, and libraries using the C# .NET Framework. The different topics that will be demonstrated are as follows:

  • Developing with MongoDB and C#
  • Preparing a local development environment using Docker and Docker-Compose
  • Working with MongoDB database
  • Working with SEQ as a log server

2. Description

We are going to pretend to be a fictitious company called MFlix. We are going to pretend to take on the role of the core API development team for MFlix. Our strategy is to provide secure and easy access to data to both internal and external applications. We want to abstract away all direct access to database systems and instead provide high performance API's that can be used by product development teams both internally and external to MFlix.

Based on research, it was determined that there are 3 primary groups of developers with very specific preference in terms of preferred API integration. The use-cases are listed as follows:


Therefore, at a high level, the following deductions have been made in terms of the API's that we need to develop:

  • Build gRPC API's
    • to satisfy requirement from backoffice and microservice developers
    • to abstract away direct access to databases
    • to provide highly performant access to data
  • Build HTTP API
    • to satisfy requirement from web development community
    • satisfy most of the REST guiding principles
  • Build HTTP API
    • to satisfy requirement from mobile development community

Furthermore, we can deduce a high-level architectural diagram that highlights

  • the type of API's being built
  • the way in which different API's will be accessed by different types of applications
  • the scope of API's (public or private)


3. Infrastructure

All the infrastructure that is required for the development of this project will be hosted within Docker and managed with docker-compose. The full stack has been defined in the docker-compose.yaml file in the fabric folder.


In the image above, you will notice a folder called mongo-seed that contains 2 files, namely Dockerfile and mflix.gz. These 2 files are used to seed the MFlix MongoDB database. Let's examine these 2 files in more detail in the next section.

Initially, MongoDB will be the primary database used to store data. If you are interested in how to get started with MongoDB, I have create a getting started guide that covers hosting options (local, docker, cloud), tools, and some basic commands.

We will also be using SEQ as a central logging server for all the API's being built.

3.1 Mongo Seed

The following 2 files are used as part of seeding the MFlix database:

  • mflix.gz
  • Dockerfile

3.1.1 mflix.gz

The file mflix.gz is a compressed mongodb dump of the MFlix database. The MFlix database is a sample database that is provided as part of the MongoDB Atlas. MongoDB Atlas is a Data as a Service (DaaS) offering, and is hosted in the cloud. There is no installation of MongoDB required and a free tier is available.

I decided to make it even easier to work with this project by obtaining the free MFlix sample dataset and including it as part of the Docker stack. However, if you would like to obtain the original MFlix database, you can do so by following the following steps:

  • To get started, signup for free by registering for a free tier account here. The free tier entitles you to 512MB storage. Please review the [MongoDB Atlas Documentation] for more information.

  • Once you have registered and setup your MongoDB instance on Atlas, you will be presented with a dashboard resembling the following image:


  • Select the ellipses next to the Connect button. Then select Load Sample Dataset


  • Take note of sample dataset size. Select Load Sample Dataset.


  • Open your terminal (bash/powershell) and create a dump of the MFlix database. Take note that in addition to creating the dump, I also compress the file.

    # dump the mflix database to a local file
    mongodump --uri="mongodb+srv://your_mongodb_atlas_cluster" --db=sample_mflix --username=mongo --gzip --archive=mflix.gz
  • In the same terminal window, run the following command to restore the dump to a destination of your choice. Take note that in the command below I am renaming the sample_mflix database to just mflix database as part of restore.

    # restore mflix database from file
    mongorestore --host=localhost --port=27017 --username=dbadmin --nsFrom="sample_mflix.*" --nsTo="mflix.*" --gzip --archive=mflix.gz

3.1.2 MongoDB Seed Dockerfile

This Dockerfile will be used as part of the docker-compose stack and is used to seed the MongoDB database. It runs the commands to be able to copy the mflix.gz file and restore it to the Docker hosted MongoDB database.

FROM mongo:4.4-bionic
COPY mflix.gz mflix.gz
CMD mongorestore --host=mflix-mongo --port=27017 --username=dbadmin --password=password --nsFrom="sample_mflix.*" --nsTo="mflix.*" --gzip --archive=mflix.gz

3.2 The docker-compose File

The docker-compose.yaml file defines the stack that will be used for all MFlix API development. The stack is defined as follows:

  • Define MongoDB Setup

    • The service is defined as follows:

      # MongoDB Setup
        image: mongo:4.4-bionic
        container_name: mflix-mongo
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 27017:27017
          - default
          - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=dbadmin
          - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
          - type: volume
            source: mflix-mongo-data
            target: /data/db
  • Define MongoDB Seed Setup

    • depends on MongoDB Setup to complete first

    • The service is defined as follows:

      # Container to seed MongoDB with MFlix data
        container_name: mflix-mongo-seed
        build: ./mongo-seed
          - default
          - mflix-mongo
  • Define MongoDB Express Setup

    • a Web Graphical User Interface for managing MongoDB

    • depends on MongoDB Seed setup to complete first

    • take note of the setting ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER: mflix-mongo. The value mflix-mongo must be the same value as the name of the MongoDB service defined above

    • The service is defined as follows:

      # MongoExpress Setup
        image: mongo-express
        container_name: mflix-mongo-express
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 8081:8081
          ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_SERVER: mflix-mongo
          - default
          - mflix-mongo-seed
  • Define SEQ Setup

    • SEQ is a logging server and will be used a central logging server for all API's

    • The service is defined as follows:

      # Seq Setup
        image: datalust/seq:2021.1
        container_name: mflix-seq
        restart: unless-stopped
          - 8082:80
          - 5341:5341
          - default
          - ACCEPT_EULA=Y
          - type: volume
            source: mflix-seq-data
            target: /data 

4. Getting Started

Follow the following steps to get up and running:

  • Get the code
  • Manage infrastructure
  • Start MFlix gRpc API

4.1 Get The Code

Use any of the following options to get a copy of the code:

# Download Zip File
wget https://github.com/drminnaar/mflix/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

# Clone
git clone https://github.com/drminnaar/mflix.git

4.2 Manage Infrastructure

The complete MFlix infrastructure is defined in a docker-compose.yaml stack. One could use docker-compose commands to manage that stack. However, I think the easiest way to manage the stack is to use a task runner to execute commands relating to the management of the stack. I've decided to use npm for my task runner. Although npm is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language, it happens to make a good simple task runner as well. The tasks are defined as follows:

  "name": "mflix",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "up": "docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml up --build --detach && docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml ps",
    "down": "docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml down --volumes && docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml ps",
    "status": "docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml ps",
    "describe": "docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml config --services"

4.2.1 Start Stack

To start infrastructure services,

npm run up

The above command will START the docker-compose.yaml stack and display a summary of the services afterwards. The summary should display a list of running services. The task is defined as follows:

docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml up --build --detach && docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml ps


4.2.2 Stop Stack

To stop infrastructure services,

npm run down

The above command will STOP the docker-compose.yaml stack and display a summary of the services afterwards. The summary should be empty if all services were stopped and removed successfully. The task is defined as follows:

docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml down --volumes && docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml ps


4.2.3 Describe Stack

To describe infrastructure services,

npm run describe

The above command will use the docker-compose.yaml stack to display a summary of the stack services. The summary should be empty if all services were stopped and removed successfully. The task is defined as follows:

docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml config --services


4.2.4 Get Stack Status

To get the current status of infrastructure services,

npm run status

The above command will use the docker-compose.yaml stack to display a detailed summary of the stack services with their corresponding status. The summary should be empty if all services were stopped and removed successfully. The task is defined as follows:

docker-compose -f ./fabric/docker-compose.yaml config ps


4.2.5 Manage Stack Using NPM

Alternatively, one can install an npm extension and run the your npm tasks as follows:


4.2.6 Test Stack

There are currently 3 services that will mostly be used. The services are listed as follows:

  • MongoDB

    mongo --host localhost --port 27017 --username dbadmin --password password


  • MongoDB Express

    navigate to http://localhost:8081


  • SEQ Log Server

    navigate to http://localhost:8082


4.3 Start MFlix gRpc API

Use any of the following options to start the MFlix gRpc API:

Use dotnet cli command:

dotnet watch run --project ./src/MFlix.GrpcApi/MFlix.GrpcApi.csproj

Use NPM task runner:

npm run start:grpc

See section on how to test GRPC services

4.4 Start MFlix HTTP API

Use any of the following options to start the MFlix HTTP API:

Use dotnet cli command:

dotnet watch run --project ./src/MFlix.HttpApi/MFlix.HttpApi.csproj

Use NPM task runner:

npm run start:http

Open Swagger Document in Browser:



Open Postman Collection:

Find the Movies Postman Collection here


4.5 Start MFlix GraphQL API

Use any of the following options to start the MFlix GraphQL API:

Use dotnet cli command:

dotnet watch run --project ./src/MFlix.GqlApi/MFlix.GqlApi.csproj

Use NPM task runner:

npm run start:gql

Open Banana Cake Pop to start writing queries and mutations:



Open Voyager to view API as interactive graph:



4.6 Start All MFlix API's

Use NPM task runner to start all API's:

npm run start:apis

# HTTP API: Open Swagger Document in Browser

# GraphQL API: Open Banana Cake Pop to start writing queries and mutations:

# GraphQL API: Open Voyager to view API as interactive graph:

5. Test MFlix gRPC Services

Before testing the gRPC services that are defined by the MFlix gRPC server, you will need the following:

  • All infrastructure services must be started
  • the MFlix gRPC API must be started

See the Getting Started Section to get more information.

I recommend the following tools for testing gRPC services:

5.1 gRPCurl

grpcurl is a command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers. It's basically curl for gRPC servers. Go here for more information.

You will need to have golang (go) installed before installing gRPCurl. See the install instructions at the official golang documentation.

For Linux users, you may need to add the following to your ~/.bashrc file:

# go config
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

In ddition to BASH on Linux, all the following commands have also been tested on the cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) Powershell.

5.1.1 Install gRPCurl

# install grpcurl using go
go get github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/...
go install github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/cmd/grpcurl

# after install
grpcurl -version

grpcurl.exe v1.7.0

5.1.2 Use gRPCurl

Get Help

grpcurl -h

List Available Services

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:4000 list


Describe Available Services (Detailed List)

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:4000 describe

grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection is a service:
service ServerReflection {
  rpc ServerReflectionInfo ( stream .grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflectionRequest ) returns ( stream .grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflectionResponse );
mflix.services.MovieService is a service:
service MovieService {
  rpc DeleteMovie ( .mflix.services.DeleteMovieRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.DeleteMovieResponse );
  rpc GetMovieById ( .mflix.services.GetMovieByIdRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.GetMovieByIdResponse );
  rpc GetMovieList ( .mflix.services.GetMovieListRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.GetMovieListResponse );
  rpc SaveImdbRating ( .mflix.services.SaveImdbRatingRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.SaveImdbRatingResponse );
  rpc SaveMetacriticRating ( .mflix.services.SaveMetacriticRatingRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.SaveMetacriticRatingResponse );
  rpc SaveMovie ( .mflix.services.SaveMovieRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.SaveMovieResponse );
  rpc SaveTomatoesRating ( .mflix.services.SaveTomatoesRatingRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.SaveTomatoesRatingResponse );

Describe Movie Service

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:4000 describe mflix.services.MovieService

mflix.services.MovieService is a service:
service MovieService {
  rpc DeleteMovie ( .mflix.services.DeleteMovieRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.DeleteMovieResponse );
  rpc GetMovieById ( .mflix.services.GetMovieByIdRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.GetMovieByIdResponse );
  rpc GetMovieList ( .mflix.services.GetMovieListRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.GetMovieListResponse );
  rpc SaveImdbRating ( .mflix.services.SaveImdbRatingRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.SaveImdbRatingResponse );
  rpc SaveMetacriticRating ( .mflix.services.SaveMetacriticRatingRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.SaveMetacriticRatingResponse );
  rpc SaveMovie ( .mflix.services.SaveMovieRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.SaveMovieResponse );
  rpc SaveTomatoesRating ( .mflix.services.SaveTomatoesRatingRequest ) returns ( .mflix.services.SaveTomatoesRatingResponse );

List Movie Service Methods

# INPUT: list methods for MovieService
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:4000 list mflix.services.MovieService


Describe Requests

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:4000 describe mflix.services.GetMovieListRequest

mflix.services.GetMovieListRequest is a message:
message GetMovieListRequest {
  .mflix.services.MovieOptions options = 1;

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:4000 describe mflix.services.MovieOptions

mflix.services.MovieOptions is a message:
message MovieOptions {
  int32 pageNumber = 1;
  int32 pageSize = 2;
  repeated string sortBy = 3;
  string title = 4;
  string rated = 5;
  string runtime = 6;
  string year = 7;
  string type = 8;
  repeated string cast = 9;
  repeated string genres = 10;
  repeated string directors = 11;

Get Movie By Id

$request = @'
  \"movieId\": \"573a1397f29313caabce68f6\"

grpcurl -d $request -plaintext localhost:4000 mflix.services.MovieService/GetMovieById

  "movie": {
    "id": "573a1397f29313caabce68f6",
    "title": "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope",
    "runtime": 121,
    "rated": "PG",
    "year": 1977,
    "poster": "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzVlY2MwMjktM2E4OS00Y2Y3LWE3ZjctYzhkZGM3YzA1ZWM2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzkwMjQ5NzM@._V1_SY1000_SX677_AL_.jpg",
    "imdb": {
      "rating": 8.7,
      "votes": 773938,
      "id": 76759
    "tomatoes": {
      "consensus": "A legendarily expansive and ambitious start to the sci-fi saga, George Lucas opened our eyes to the possiblites of blockbuster filmmaking and things have never been the same.",
      "critic": {
        "rating": 8.5,
        "numReviews": 82,
        "meter": 94
      "dvd": "2004-09-21T00:00:00Z",
      "fresh": 77,
      "lastUpdated": "2015-09-12T17:04:03Z",
      "production": "20th Century Fox",
      "rotten": 5,
      "viewer": {
        "rating": 4.1,
        "numReviews": 848179,
        "meter": 96
      "website": "http://www.starwars.com/episode-iv/"
    "cast": [
      "Mark Hamill",
      "Harrison Ford",
      "Carrie Fisher",
      "Peter Cushing"
    "genres": [
    "directors": [
      "George Lucas"

Get List Of Movies

$request = @'
    \"options\": {
    \"pageNumber\": 1,
    \"pageSize\": 20,
    \"sortBy\": [\"-year\"],
    \"title\": \"batman\",
    \"rated\": \"\",
    \"runtime\": \"\",
    \"year\": \"gte:2000\",
    \"type\": \"\",
    \"cast\": [],
    \"genres\": [],
    \"directors\": []

grpcurl -d $request -plaintext localhost:4000 mflix.services.MovieService/GetMovieList

  "movies": [ ... ],
  "pageInfo": {
    "currentPageNumber": 1,
    "nextPageNumber": 0,
    "previousPageNumber": 0,
    "lastPageNumber": 1,
    "itemCount": "11",
    "pageSize": 20,
    "pageCount": 1,
    "hasPrevious": false,
    "hasNext": false

Save Movie

$request = @'
    \"movie\": {
        \"id\": \"\",
        \"title\": \"API Wars\",
        \"plot\": \"One APIs great struggle against all odds to be the number one API .... in the world!\",
        \"runtime\": 120,
        \"rated\": \"PG\",
        \"year\": 2021,
        \"poster\": \"https://picsum.photos/200/300\",
        \"released\": \"2021-03-26T00:00:00Z\",
        \"genres\": [\"Action\"],
        \"cast\": [\"gRPC\",\"REST\",\"GraphQL\"],
        \"directors\": [\"Douglas Minnaar\"]

grpcurl -d $request -plaintext localhost:4000 mflix.services.MovieService/SaveMovie

  "movieId": "605d5276f164eea829cdc9a0"

Save IMDB Rating

$request = @'
    \"movieId\": \"573a1397f29313caabce68f6\",
    \"imdb\": {
        \"rating\": 5.4,
        \"votes\": 104354,
        \"id\": 10384738

grpcurl -d $request -plaintext localhost:4000 mflix.services.MovieService/SaveImdbRating

  "imdb": {
    "rating": 5.4,
    "votes": 104354,
    "id": 10384738

Save Tomatoes Rating

$request = @'
    \"movieId\": \"573a1397f29313caabce68f6\",
    \"tomatoes\": {
        \"boxOffice\": \"\",
        \"consensus\": \"A legendary movie about legends\",
        \"critic\": {
          \"rating\": 1.4,
          \"numReviews\": 10,
          \"meter\": 10
        \"dvd\": \"2021-03-26T00:00:00Z\",
        \"fresh\": 65,
        \"lastUpdated\": \"2021-03-26T00:00:00Z\",
        \"production\": \"20th Century Fox\",
        \"rotten\": 10,
        \"viewer\": {
          \"rating\": 16.4,
          \"numReviews\": 130,
          \"meter\": 1055
        \"website\": \"http://www.example.com\"

grpcurl -d $request -plaintext localhost:4000 mflix.services.MovieService/SaveTomatoesRating

  "tomatoes": {
    "consensus": "A legendary movie about legends",
    "critic": {
      "rating": 1.4,
      "numReviews": 10,
      "meter": 10
    "dvd": "2021-03-26T00:00:00Z",
    "fresh": 65,
    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-26T00:00:00Z",
    "production": "20th Century Fox",
    "rotten": 10,
    "viewer": {
      "rating": 16.4,
      "numReviews": 130,
      "meter": 1055
    "website": "http://www.example.com"

Save Metacritic Rating

$request = @'
    \"movieId\": \"573a1397f29313caabce68f6\",
    \"metacriticRating\": 89

grpcurl -d $request -plaintext localhost:4000 mflix.services.MovieService/SaveMetacriticRating

  "metacriticRating": 89

Delete Movie

$request = @'
    \"movieId\": \"573a1397f29313caabce68f6\"

grpcurl -d $request -plaintext localhost:4000 mflix.services.MovieService/DeleteMovie

  "movieId": "573a1397f29313caabce68f6"

5.2 gRPCUI

gRPCUI is a command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers via a browser.

You will need to have golang (go) installed before installing gRPCUI. See the install instructions at the official golang documentation.

For Linux users, you may need to add the following to your ~/.bashrc file:

# go config
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

In ddition to BASH on Linux, all the following commands have also been tested on the cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) Powershell.

5.2.1 Install gRPCUI

# install grpcui using go
go get github.com/fullstorydev/grpcui/...
go install github.com/fullstorydev/grpcui/cmd/grpcui

# after install
grpcui -version

5.2.2 Run gRPCUI

grpcui -plaintext localhost:4000

gRPC Web UI available at

Build Form Request


Build JSON Request




5.3 BloomRPC

BloomRPC aims to provide the simplest and most efficient developer experience for exploring and querying your GRPC services.

  • Supports all major operating systems (MacOS / Windows / Linux Deb - Arch Linux)
  • Native GRPC calls
  • Unary Calls and Server Side Streaming Support
  • Client side and Bi-directional Streaming
  • Automatic Input recognition
  • Multi tabs operations
  • Metadata support
  • Persistent Workspace
  • Request Cancellation

5.3.1 Install

Find the latest releases here

  • Mac Install

    brew install --cask bloomrpc
  • Windows Install

    # install using chocolatey
    choco install bloomrpc

5.3.2 Run BloomRPC


5.4 Insomnia

Insomnia is an Open Source API client, and collaborative API design platform for REST, SOAP, GraphQL, and GRPC.

  • Organize requests
  • Manage multiple environments
  • Supports multiple protocols (gRPC, GraphQL, REST, SOAP)
  • Theme Support

Find a list of downloads here.

For Windows, you can also install with chocolatey

choco install insomnia-rest-api-client

Get Movie By Id


Save Movie
