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开发语言 Java
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 袁永贞
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

This repository shows how you can build API with microservice architecture using nestjs

Features of this example

This example is basically an API for some task manager application. It provides a possibility to perform sign up users, confirm user's emails, manage user's tasks.

Running the example with docker-compose

Execute docker network create infrastructure && cp .env.example .env && docker-compose up -d from the root of the repository

Accessing the API itself and swagger docs for the API

  • Once you launch the API it will be accessible on port 8000.
  • Swagger docs for the API will be accessible locally via URI "http://localhost:8000/api"

Launch services for integration testing (using docker-compose)

  • Execute sudo vim /etc/hosts and add line db to it. This is a temporary step, it will not be required since new update.
  • Execute cp .env.example .env && cp .env.test.example .env.test
  • Execute docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.test.yml up -d from the root of the repository
  • Run cd ./gateway && npm install && npm run test from the root of this repo

Brief architecture overview

This API showcase consists of the following parts:

  • API gateway
  • Token service - responsible for creating, decoding, destroying JWT tokens for users
  • User service - responsible for CRUD operations on users
  • Mailer service - responsible for sending out emails (confirm sign up)
  • Permission service - responsible for verifying permissions for logged in users.
  • Tasks service - responsible for CRUD operations on users tasks records
  • The service interact via TCP sockets

This example uses a SINGLE database (MongoDB) instance for all microservices. This is not a correct point, the correct way is to use a separate DB instance for every microservice. I used one DB instance for all microservices to simplify this example.

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