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Nest provides TCP and Redis as a built-in transport methods. It makes prototyping incredibly fast & easy, but sometimes you might want to use another type of transport, e.g. RabbitMQ messaging. Is it possible? Yes, sure.

Nest提供TCPRedis作为内置传输方法。这些方法使得原型化特别容易,特别迅速。但是,有时候你可能想使用其他类型的传输类型,比如RabbitMQ messaging

You can port any transport strategy to Nest. You only have to create a class, which extends Server and implements CustomTransportStrategy interface.


The Server class provides getHandlers() method, which returns MessagePattern mappings (object, where key is a pattern and value is a callback), while CustomTransportStrategy forces on you to implement both listen() and close() methods.


Let's create a simple RabbitMQServer class. We will use ampqlib library.


import * as amqp from 'amqplib';
import { Server, CustomTransportStrategy } from '@nestjs/microservices';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';

export class RabbitMQServer extends Server implements CustomTransportStrategy {
    private server = null;
    private channel = null;

        private readonly host: string,
        private readonly queue: string) {

    public async listen(callback: () => void) {
        await this.init();
        this.channel.consume(`${this.queue}_sub`, this.handleMessage.bind(this), { noAck: true });

    public close() {
        this.channel && this.channel.close();
        this.server && this.server.close();

    private handleMessage(message) {
        const { content } = message;
        const msg = JSON.parse(content.toString());

        const handlers = this.getHandlers();
        const pattern = JSON.stringify(msg.pattern);
        if (!this.messageHandlers[pattern]) {

        const handler = this.messageHandlers[pattern];
        const response$ = handler(msg.data) as Observable<any>;
        response$ && this.send(response$, (data) => this.sendMessage(data));

    private sendMessage(message) {
        this.channel.sendToQueue(`${this.queue}_pub`, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(message)));

    private async init() {
        this.server = await amqp.connect(this.host);
        this.channel = await this.server.createChannel();
        this.channel.assertQueue(`${this.queue}_sub`, { durable: false });
        this.channel.assertQueue(`${this.queue}_pub`, { durable: false });

The most interesting method is handleMessage(). Its resposibility is to match pattern with appropriate handler and call it with received data. Also, notice that I used send() method inherited from Server class. You should use it too if you want to avoid e.g. sending disposed message when Observable is completed.


Last step is to set-up our RabbitMQ strategy:


const app = NestFactory.createMicroservice(ApplicationModule, {
    strategy: new RabbitMQServer('amqp://localhost', 'example'),

It's everything!


The RabbitMQ server is listening for messages. Now, we must create a client class, which should extends built-in ClientProxy. We only have to override abstract sendSingleMessage() method.


Let's create RabbitMQClient class:


import * as amqp from 'amqplib';
import { ClientProxy } from '@nestjs/microservices';

export class RabbitMQClient extends ClientProxy {
        private readonly host: string,
        private readonly queue: string) {

    protected async sendSingleMessage(msg, callback: (err, result, disposed?: boolean) => void) {
        const server = await amqp.connect(this.host);
        const channel = await server.createChannel();
        const sub = this.getSubscriberQueue();
        const pub = this.getPublisherQueue();

        channel.assertQueue(sub, { durable: false });
        channel.assertQueue(pub, { durable: false });

        channel.consume(pub, (message) => this.handleMessage(message, server, callback), { noAck: true });
        channel.sendToQueue(sub, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(msg)));

    private handleMessage(message, server, callback: (err, result, disposed?: boolean) => void) {
        const { content } = message;
        const { err, response, disposed } = JSON.parse(content.toString());
        if (disposed) {
        callback(err, response, disposed);

    private getPublisherQueue(): string {
        return `${this.queue}_pub`;

    private getSubscriberQueue(): string {
        return `${this.queue}_sub`;

How to use it? There is nothing special, just create an instance:


export class ClientController {
    private readonly client = new RabbitMQClient('amqp://localhost', 'example');

The rest work equivalently (use send() method).

剩余的跟(use send() 方法)相同。